Hiya. I'm Jen. You might know me from my other blog, Cake Wrecks.
In the past I've been a Jungle Cruise skipper, a cash office accountant, a children's book inventory expediter, a house painter, and a clown - not necessarily in that order. Today I'm a blogger, which is kind of like "clown" and "expediter" mashed together. And from the beginning, I've always been a geek.
Epbot is where I share the things I like, the things that make me laugh, and the things that I'm working on. If it's sci-fi, steampunk, Harry Potter, clever, crafty, or cute, I probably love it.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in 2015, and I struggle with both a panic disorder and agoraphobia,
which I talk about sometimes. But hopefully not TOO much.
The rest of the time I post about cosplay (both my own and others'), Disney, Universal, crafts, art, inspiring geek things, silly life things, and whatever else catches my eye.
I also quote The Princess Bride and Ghostbusters a lot. Sorry.
Hope you like it.
- Jen
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300 x 600 Supplemental
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300 x 250 Supplemental 3
- Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT
- DIY Hobbit Party Games! The White Oliphaunt, Tiny ...
- WDW's Dapper Day 2022: Fun With Kevin At Animal Ki...
- Hobbit Party Aftermath: Invaded By Hobbits & The S...
- We Made A Punny "Mines Of Moria" Bathroom, And We'...
- Hobbit Party Progress: Our DIY Doors Of Durin & Mo...