Tuesday, July 26, 2022

All Good Things

Halloooo, friends!



And I have all good things to share.

First and foremost, after nearly 3 weeks of waiting, my mammogram results came back clear. Woot woot!

Second, this break has been exactly what I needed: time to rest, recover, see a bunch of doctors, and all around focus on my health. I'm back in regular therapy, I've had some extra cronchy chiropractic adjustments, I saw a new hormone specialist, and I'm currently adjusting to a bunch of new pills and potions.

It's been a little rocky, but despite this week-long migraine and some continuing night-time panic, I'm feeling more like myself every day. John and I even went to MetroCon the weekend before last to do some filming, which was a blast, so I hope to have that video up for y'all soon. Thank you for being patient and sending all the good thoughts while I've been away. I'm still not 100%, so I can't guarantee regular posts again just yet, but please do watch this space. John and I've been working on some nifty projects and crafty builds that I can't wait to share with you, once I get back to writing-fit.

In fact I'd hoped to have something more exciting to share with this first post back, but since I've been struggling for nearly a week with these medication adjustments (sweet Stay Puft, migraines are exhausting), I hope this quick assurance that all is well is enough for now. I'm still here, I'm doing mostly OK, the cats and John are all good, and I'm looking forward to hanging with y'all again real soon.

Now, you go take care of yourselves, too, k? Meet ya back here later.


P.S. Here's a video of me trying to ignore social media so I can get my mental health chill on:



  1. Hooray for good test results! This anonymous person from the internet has been checking back regularly hoping you were okay, and it made my day to see that you are! Fingers crossed for banishment of the migraines soon, those suckers are horrible. Keep taking the time you need for you, and know that whenever and whatever you post is most definitely enough.

  2. I am so sorry that they made you wait so long to get your results back. I've never heard of it ever taken that long. I am very glad that everything is clear. Hugs. I know that must have been very upsetting having to wait like that.

  3. So glad things are better...was worried about you ❤

  4. Aaahhh I was afraid the title was a reference to “…must come to an end” and the site would be over. I’m so relieved it’s just good news! Glad to hear it all.

  5. Hooray! I got the all clear this year too after a scare in the last scan. *fist bump of solidarity*

  6. Glad to have you back! Such good news.

  7. Super glad to hear your test was clear and you're on the mend in other ways. I had migraines when I first started certain meds too - I hope they resolve soon and don't come back! Super not fun

  8. So glad you’re feeling more light. I hope this is not an intrusive question, but as you and John have amazing but “unconventional” jobs, how do you navigate health insurance? It’s currently on my mind while considering a career change.

    1. Right now we buy our own health insurance through HealthCare.gov, and let me tell you, it's saved us SO much money over our last independent policy. Literally hundreds less per month! So yeah, big fan.

    2. I should add that our current insurance doesn't cover therapy, chiropractic, or hormone specialists, though. Heh. Even paying for those out of pocket it's still less than our old policy, though!

  9. Jen, I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. We love you and will be here whenever you are ready to return. *mwah* right back atcha!

  10. Jen, have you heard of Aimovig? It's a monthly injection that helps with preventing migraines. I went from 8 days of migraines a month, to 1 or 2. Life changing!

  11. I'm glad you are doing ok! Take your time and take care of yourselves.

  12. I am very relieved to hear you are in the clear with your mammogram results! I agree with Risforrose's comments.

  13. Nice to see you again :) I had a mammogram 10 days ago and they told me I needed a follow up and possible ultrasound for more images :( I'm not super worried but also ... boobs, man. They're turning on me in my 40s. Solidarity.

    Keep taking care of yourself <3

  14. It's so wonderful to hear from you, and with good news! Except for the migraine and panic, hope that gets sorted soon. The interwebs have felt lonely without your posts, so I will try to be patient while awaiting more :-). Do take care of yourself!

  15. So glad to hear about the mammogram and that you’re taking care of yourself! Really mad though that it took three weeks to find out—that was the case with my first weird mammogram. My second was at a different place where they immediately took me to another room for an ultrasound and cleared me that day—everywhere should be like this! Sending you good thoughts for more healing, and thanks for the update

  16. Sounds like you are doing a great job taking care of yourself. You know we are all happy to wait on content because a healthy, happy Jen is more important to us, no matter how interesting/funny/awesome a post may be.

  17. Yay yay yay! Internet strangers love you <3

  18. Glad you got good news! As a long time migraineur keep pushing your caregivers to help you get control of them- there are a LOT of options both via Rx and supplements and it can take a while to find the combination that works best for you. But it can get better! I've had the week long, or even 3-4 days per week migraines and now I'm down to ~1 per 4-6 weeks. Don't give up! I know it's hard when you are juggling a lot of other health concerns too but don't feel like this has to just "be" the way things are. *hugs*

  19. Glad to hear the update Jen. We have missed you and John and Eva and Suki. I'm so sorry that the changes to your meds are triggering migranes. I hope your medical specialists are on top of this. Counseling is just medical care for your Inner Self. It's important to make sure that is healthy too! I love a good back cracking!! I hope that is making you feel better too! If you need more time we will carry on quietly in the background and continue to send you all the Love, Good thoughts, Prayers, Happy vibes till you are ready to return!

  20. Great news on the update. So glad to have you back with us.

  21. I have no expectations on how often you share. And whether good, bad, goofy, indifferent, it's always a bright spot in my day. Glad to know that you are prioritizing your health and happy to hear that it's improving. And of course, any photos of your adorable kitties is a great bonus.

    1. merfner said it so well! We are just happy you got good news and that you are taking care of yourself. And kitties are always a plus. :)

  22. All the love! You’ve been missed, but we understand.

  23. Welcome back! I’m glad the break was helpful. Please keep giving yourself grace, fighting for your health and peace IS exhausting. Lots of love to you, John and the unofficial emotional support kitties

  24. Missing you. See you soon.

  25. Sending you lots of hugs! With this heat wave I think virtual hugs are best! Take care!

  26. It's great to hear you're doing better! Don't rush, you do you. <3

  27. Oh yay! So thrilled you got good results :) It’s lovely to hear from you, any and every time you wish to share with us: no pressure :)


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