Happy Friday, you delightful dapper dish, you. Mrow.
I'm back with my favorite looks from last weekend at WDW's Hollywood Studios, and once again all of today's photos are courtesy of my sweet friend and volunteer photographer, Traci:
Hi, Traci!
Her outfit for the day was a bound of Keyleth from Critical Role.
Traci was attending solo this year, and she reports having a mission (find and photograph EVERY DAPPER) made the day more fun, if also more draining. It takes a ton of social energy to do this, so huge thanks to her for pushing out of her comfort zone to bring us these sweet pics. (She sent me batches straight off her phone throughout the day, then I did all the editing.)
A lot of dappers match their outfits to the parks, so Sunday is when the Star Wars looks came out to play:
Can you ID them all? First two from the left are easy with those purses. After that I believe we have C3PO, possibly Chewie?, and Ahsoka on the right.
Gorgeous Padme - love the dress and headband! - and Anakin.
Chewbacca and Rey:
I'm impressed Chewie is still grinning despite wearing fur in this heat!
Ohh now this one made me squeal:
First, dapper Salacious Crumb on her shoulder. YES.
Second, Jabba the Hutt's never looked so good, love that dress!
And the cherry on top, dapper Boba Fett with arm garters. Amazing.
So many lovely looks - and did you catch the subtle Vice Admiral Holdo on the end?
Speaking of subtle, I love this interpretation of Queen Amidala's famous red gown:
The bottom pattern, the fur trim, her tiny slash of lipstick - even the belt pattern is reminiscent of the gold embroidery:

So good! This is why I geek out every Dapper Day, y'all.
This next photo is from Instagram, not one Traci took, but I didn't want you to miss it:
(Maddie LaBorde)
How perfect is Maddie's Ahsoka bound? The wrap, the Mickey ears, her makeup!
I'm completely crushing on this dapper Ewok's orange head scarf:
I also want to steal the BB8 bound in its entirety for John to wear.
K, let's move on from Star Wars bounds, because there's so much more.
I have a new fashion icon, and she carries a vintage children's umbrella:
The wide pants, the short tie, those COLORS. Eeee! I hope she started with the umbrella and worked from there, because this whole look is fire. I'm making a note here, huge success. Also, start shopping for wide-legged pants.
Sweet blues and a sparkly purse:
Dapper young Carl and Ellie from Up!
D'awww. Ellie has the house and pom-pom balloons stitched on her skirt, too!
Here's the same family that bounded as Atlantis characters from my last post:
These ombre dresses and vest are the stuff that dreams are made of - and y'all, mom Brandi on the right there made them all herself! She even made the straw hats from place mats. PLACE MATS.
Another top favorite from the day:
T'Challa & a Dora Milage warrior from Black Panther! Once again this dress interpretation is fantastic, the texture is especially good. And the headwrap! Loooove.
After Star Wars we all know what the other big attraction is at Hollywood Studios:
To the lady in the black top bounding as Pepe the Prawn: VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE. Then there's Camilla the chicken (YES), Floyd Pepper (From Electric Mayhem), and of course Kermit and Piggy up front.
Autumn and Richard (the Hemilich & Francis from my last post) also went with Muppets: specifically, Kermit & Piggy from Muppets 3D:
Autumn even has Bean in her basket with his butterfly!
This Cruella, swoon:
And a dapper Wanda/Scarlet Witch with a purse bringing the feelz:
It says, "What is grief, if not love persevering?"
Dapper Flappers Loki & Sylvie:
An adorable Roger Rabbit:
(@RozysMagicalWorld)I suspect the Pizza Planet slides were a later addition at the parks, but dang,
they cute.
And here's an entire Roger Rabbit group!

Benny the cab, Eddie Valient, Judge Doom(!!), and two sets of Roger & Jessicas!
Tower of Terror Bellhops:
And Traci caught the perfect backdrop for these coordinating cuties:
You know I love it when couples match!
One more:
It's nice seeing Cindy's pink dress getting some love:
Ohh, and look at this stellar Buzz Lightyear and Jessie!

I spotted these two later in my public
Dapper Days group, and I have 2 fun facts for you:
1) Her name really is Jessie!
2) The next day they GOT MARRIED in Galaxy's Edge:
(@Jessie Keenan)
She was bounding Leia while he was in a dapper Boba Fett suit?? Y'all. Geek weddings really are the best.
Last time I showed you a dapper Indiana Jones and Marion, are you ready to see his dad, Dr. Jones?
::Sean Connery voice:: SCHMASHING.
This husband/wife duo is great fun; in their Stories they had Benny here re-enacting the famous umbrella beach scene, ha. Plus the shorts are a smart - and hilarious - choice.
I'm not sure I've seen a dapper version of Snow White's rag dress before, and look how sweet!
It took me a moment to spot the dove on her finger. The perfect princess accessory.
More Panda power from Turning Red:
And because there is still good in this world, ANOTHER dapper matching couple:
Y'all. The matching purple shoes. ::supersonic squees::
How do you bound as the Pixar ball and lamp?
Like this:
His cane has a mini lamp shade on it!
K, I need help ID'ing these next two:
My first thought was Pippi Longstocking on the left - and maybe a paint palette on the right?
UPDATE: The Dapper on the left has been ID'd as Giulia from Luca! Still no word on the paint palette bound, though.
Rapunzel and Flynn Rider
Isabela & Mirabel from Encanto:
A bunch of friends from our local Slug Club co-ordinated their outfits to a Barbie theme, which was incredible:
Click through to see everyone's IG tags, they're such a great group of cosplayers and park fans.
In fact they matched each other both days! Here's some of the same group on Saturday at Epcot:
K, last smile today is from the wonderful Haki Coats again, this time as Captain Hook with a Tick-Tock... cling-on:
Even better, Haki played something called "Prom Roulette" both Dapper Days, where he asked friends to re-enact awkward prom pictures with him. Y'all. He has 7 slideshows of these on his Instagram, and they are GOLD:
I hope you enjoyed your virtual visit to Dapper Day with me! Here's hoping next time I can be back snapping the photos myself, because our
Fall Dapper Day is in December this year, and
holiday-themed. Potentially cooler weather AND all the Christmas/Yule/Hanukah looks? YES PLEASE.
If you like the silly stuff I do and feature here on Epbot, and want
to help fund the fun, you can support me through Paypal! Whether it's a one time tip or a monthly donation, every little bit helps me and John keep pouring our time and hearts into this little corner of the internet, so thank you!
Thank you and your Photog friends for sharing all the Dapper Day looks! One of these years I'll get there!!! Everyone looks so FAB!
ReplyDeleteI THINK the two you have labeled as Rapunzel and Flynn are actually Isabela and Mirabel from Encanto. And I also think that the person in the red and white striped shirt is Giulia from Luca, though I don't know who their companion is.
Luv Raki's Capt Hook bound with Tick Tock and the Peter Pan minifig on the brim of his hat!
ReplyDeleteI think it is Isabela & Mirabel, not Rapunzel & Flynn... I love that you are still able to share without attending.
ReplyDeleteI agree! Thank you Traci! And I 2nd the vote for Isabela & Mirabel, and also Giuila. But the paint palate is hard to place!
DeleteFor the mystery pair, could the left hand person be Where's Wanda? The hat is wrong, though!
ReplyDeleteI think she's actually Giulia from Luca! The other seems familiar too but I can't place her.
DeleteWhen filming the dirigible scenes for The Last Crusade, it was so hot on the set that Sean Connery took off his pants. So you see him wearing his button-down shirt and tweed coat, but he's not wearing any pants!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for including me in both days of your post! Me and my hubby are the ones in the tower bellhops bounds, our IG is Foolishmorgans And the large group of Muppets were put together by Princess_and_the_bear!
ReplyDeleteI feel super nerdy that I saw at least two of these on TikTok this week!
ReplyDeleteThe Star Wars group at the top actually had a few more members:
Yes Guilia from Luca! :D Love these!!
ReplyDeleteLove it!! Love it all!! Thanks again to you and the indefatiguable Traci!
ReplyDelete"UPDATE: The Dapper on the left has been ID'd as Giulia from Luca! Still no word on the paint palette bound, though."
ReplyDeleteI feel the the "Paint Palette" Lady is Giulia's mother. You see brief looks of her during the credits. (Luca Clean Credit Art)