Look at that face. This is a girl who dances to the beat of her own trash can lids, and I am HERE FOR IT.
Yep, nothing makes me happy the way kids-being-their-best-weird-selves makes me happy. It's just so pure. You see a kid dressed as a trash can for Halloween, you know that was ALL the kid's idea.
Ditto for Hulk Fairy:
I don't know about you, but this is exactly what I need today - so of course I went looking for more.
[movie announcer voice]: "In a world full of fairies and butterflies, one little girl dared to be a snail... with her own slime trail."
And she is MAGICAL.
Do you think the desire to dress as a washing machine is something we just grow out of? Because if so that's a shame.
Plus this one makes it easy to keep track of your child... unless you're in a construction zone:
(via CostumeWorks)
I genuinely thought the parents cut up a real traffic cone for this, but nope, that's all homemade from EVA foam! I was also tickled to learn that's a little girl. Go, Ellie!
YASSS. There was a time when John and I were hopelessly addicted to playing the claw machine at our local Wal-Mart, mostly because it was easy to win. We'd roll up on a Friday night with a roll of quarters, and waltz out later with a giant bag of cheap plush toys.
Hey, wouldn't it be fun if you could rig this costume to distribute candy? Not this year, of course, since that's too close, but it'd be fun to dress as a candy machine that actually gives out candy.
Speaking of, I've seen a LOT of vending machine costumes - so many I couldn't decide on one to feature, but go google it if you're curious.
Amelia's niece was nicknamed "Peanut," so...
(via CostumeWorks)
This may be the most brilliant use of eggcrate foam ever.
Imagine all the fun poses you could do with this one:
(via CostumeWorks)
I wonder if it's possible to do a Ministry Of Silly Walks sign? If nothing else, that's an easy group costume: one person hold the sign, and leads a small parade of people walking funny. Ha!
I don't have kids myself, but I've heard enough from parents to know that when a kid learns about something new and fascinating, like, say, horseshoe crabs, they tend to go ALL IN.
Like so:
(via Bored Panda)
I'm not sure who to applaud more: the kid who chose this, or the brilliant crafter who made it happen. That shell is amazing - and the little feet sticking out crack me up, lol.
Another illusion costume that made my jaw DROP:
(via CostumeWorks)
I would LOVE to see her trick-or-treat in this. Can you imagine that reveal when she turns around?? Eeeee!
More brilliant weirdos - who I assume live here in Florida, since our Halloweens tend to be a sweaty affair:

These flip-flops are easy to make, too: you only need cardboard and a sliced pool noodle for the strap. Love it.
Someone please do this and send me a picture. I would do it myself, but all those wiggly balloons wouldn't last 5 minutes with the cats, ha.
Technically those are all the costumes I found that would fit my "wonderfully weird" theme, but of course while I was searching I found a few more I still want to show you. So consider this bonus cuteness:
So get the tiara. Make the ruffled boa. Save that giant cardboard box and turn yourself into a washing machine. Do something for no other reason than it's different and it feeds your soul, because the world needs you here. We need you here. We need you rested and recharged, inspired and determined. Fill yourself up, so you can fill up the people around you.
Also it's scary to go alone, take this:
UPDATE: Now there's a Part 2! Go check out even MORE wonderfully weird costumes.
P.S. We're having Epbot Move Night every week for the month of October, and this week we're watching Hocus Pocus! Come join us and your fellow Bots on Discord this Friday night *or* Sunday afternoon, details here.

thanks for making me smile!!
ReplyDeleteBest post every! I really needed this! Thank you for all your great content!
ReplyDeleteI usually dress up with a pun of my name. Last year I put times on my t-shirt (using my family's birthdays) and went as the Dawn of Time.
ReplyDelete😂 If you had a friend also named Dawn you could make a Dawn Chorus...
DeleteA friend of mine, Dawn, began years ago going as "Dawn of the Dead" each year she evolves a bit, becoming more decayed or on occasion she will dedicate a year to something specific as Dawn of the Dead in Santa Clarita, where she dressed up resembling Drew Barrymore on her "diet".
DeleteThis is just what I needed today, thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe little kid who was obsessed with smoke alarms and wanted to be one for Halloween. Cuz why not?? They made one out of felt.
ReplyDeleteI have 11 grandkids, and every year they come up with the coolest ideas for costumes. A few years back this little guy wanted to be "an angler fish, but a nice one, not a scary one." So I came up with this https://www.instagram.com/p/u0pTcKhERE/. https://www.instagram.com/p/u0od8ZBEft/. The fins and the lure lit up after dark, which earned him a lot of candy! A few years before that he wanted to be an octopus, and a few years after that he wanted to be a Humboldt 'red devil' squid -he had about a five year run with Marine life. Being from Florida, you might like one of my first costumes, this one a different grandkid requested, again, "not scary Gramma" https://www.instagram.com/p/sSj3HFBETw/.https://www.instagram.com/p/sSkHk0hEUG/.
ReplyDeleteLOL the golf ball is the perfect touch! Brava, Gramma!
Those are AMAZING! Best Gramma ever!
DeleteThank you both! They just tell me what they want and I try to work it out!
DeleteThose are so cool! I love doing the same for my 4 kids now. Maybe one day I will get to do grandbabies too! O.o (My oldest is 7, so I have a while for that day I guess)
DeleteAs a kid who used to dress as things like a banana, a Dr. Pepper can, or a bookworm, I love these! So creative and so much fun. Kudos to all the kids and their parents for pulling it off!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the smiles!
Totally needed this today. These are all fabulous!
ReplyDeleteMy coworker's kid requested and dressed up as an air conditioner one year. I think they are about 3 years old. They tried to put a fan in it so it looked like the air conditioner was actually working, but he was scared of it so they went with no fan. It's that "funniest", sweetest thing? I remember one year my friend and I were milk and cookies. I wore all white (I'm pretty sure I wore inside out PJ bottoms) and I think my shirt said "got milk". My friend wore a brown shirt with those little cookies safety pinned to it. At least that's what I remember. We were preteens so her mom came out with us and the dog and the dog kept wanting to eat the cookies. Wow, fun memories.
ReplyDeleteSo many happy memories of going trick for treating with the daughter product. One of my favorites was when I had to work and join her immediately after. She had a wonderful Amy Pond character with black hash-marks all over her skin, while I showed up for work very respectably, as Harriet Jones, M.P.
ReplyDeleteAnd that gumball machine could be entirely set up on an apron - you know, the sort with a pinafore? Hmmm...
oh my gosh. I was coerced into being so many weird things as a child, and the costumes were just so UNMANAGEABLE that I eventually rebelled and started dressing as things like "cat" and "witch." The final straw was the year I was a fried egg, made from several large pieces of foam core fastened over a frame made of 2x4s, with a hole cut in it and my face painted yellow. I couldn't fit through doorways except sideways, but what was worse is I couldn't fit between porch columns to approach doorbells without turning sideways, either! So a word of caution to all parents who accommodate the weird: just keep it a manageable scale or you might end up with cowgirls, princesses and pirates for the rest of childhood!
Those are fabulous. I had a girl show up TOTing one year as a toilet. She got so much candy from me. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was ten or eleven I decided I wanted to dress up as chaos for Halloween. As in the concept of "chaos". So I "borrowed" a hideous yellow patterned table cloth from a friend's unsuspecting mum and collected a bunch of random objects to sew to it in a chaotic pattern. Unfortunately when I asked my mum to sew all the weird things onto the tablecloth she did it in a very logical, evenly spaced pattern so it wasn't nearly as chaotic as I'd planned but I wore it anyway and enjoyed confusing the heck out of all the houses we stopped at. Mostly success!
ReplyDeleteThat teen must be one who was recently forced to watch Karate Kid by a parent (don't you remember that?)
ReplyDeleteI always make my kids' costumes, so I love it when they pick something that stretches the ol' creative muscles a bit! My favorite was when my 4-year-old daughter (at the time, she's 13 now!) wanted to go as the CN Tower (the tallest building in Toronto, where we live.) It was so much fun to put together, and she looked amazing.
ReplyDeleteThis was adorable; thank you! And I'm digging the idea of a dapper gumball machine. I can almost see the fascinator 'lid' and a little metallic purse as the coin slot/gumball shoot. Some shiny HTV gumballs and a chunky necklace...I mean comfortable and cute (and cool in that Florida sun)!
ReplyDeleteWe don't halloween here but have a local costumes holiday. My kids usually choose their own, the most original was probably the shampoo ad. My teen daughter has perfect hair so she went around with a TV frame and a bottle of shampoo shaking her hair out etc. The others haven't been quite as unusual though (although geeky - we've had disney Ariel, Bilbo Baggins, Asterix and the cookie monster). I'm quite proud of the Mr. Tickle I made, and the book (she could turn her own pages)
ReplyDeleteThese are wonderful - thank you for sharing them.
ReplyDeleteWe don't get trick or treaters, but I'm trying to imagine good ways to pass out goodies while social distancing!
That was just so much smiling!
ReplyDeleteOne year I was a bag of jelly beans - clear garbage bag filled with balloons and a ribbon around my neck.
My dog's first halloween she was Harry Pupper, the second she was a Pupkin Spice Latte.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was 10-12, I dressed up as a refrigerator. The door opened. I had a shelf around my waist with a carton of milk and eggs on it, Tupperware in my hand for candy, flashlight in my other hand for the light, A+ test and a "Remember to call Jenny, 867-5309" on the front. I had a doily around my neck and a cord out the back. It was great; my most favorite costume ever!
ReplyDeleteIf I were doing it again, I'd be more careful about the width--I had to go in doors sideways--and I'd make sure the box ended above my knees as I had a little trouble walking with my usual long strides.
Thanks for the memory jog!
Oh my word! This sounds so dang cute! I love all the details!...and frankly, a real fridge does have to go through the door sideways, soooo, lol!
DeleteI love seeing kids' costumes! They're so fun, and the kids are so happy. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHad that costume been made from an actual traffic cone, I venture to suggest they would never have made it out of the driveway or even the house. Those bad boys are pretty heavy for a child that size.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in 5th grade my beat friend and I decided we were wanted to be car keys for Halloween. It was a totally weird inspiration and pretty much no one knew what we were, but we made our own costumes and we had a lot of fun with it which is what really matters :D
ReplyDeleteLove how happy the little horseshoe crab girl is! I love her little feet sticking out too. Thanks for the smiles!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post, Jen. So many great ideas! =)
ReplyDeleteOne year I went as Mother Earth. I had a gauzy robe thing (from dress up) and we got a bunch of animal decorations from a craft store. Things like birds, snails, insects and leaves and we attached those to my costume and then I had a flower garland head wreath.
ReplyDeleteOne year I went as a space shuttle. What a couple we would have made, me orbiting you! :D
DeleteIn 5th grade I convinced my mom to make me a snail costume out of the most insane, neon-tie-dye spanex fabric I have ever seen. I don't know if we managed to get a picture of it, but it was something else.
ReplyDeleteThe Starbucks Dapper Day idea reminded me of this YOuTube video of Rachel Maksy (she does a lot of fun cosplay and a good amount of Dapper Day appropriate stuff) doing Starbucks but a 1700s dress: https://youtu.be/pKDzK3TWMtA
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, how dreamy and pretty is the snail costume? I love it!
ReplyDeleteMy sister and I made a Pepsi vending machine costume in the mid-80's-- It was so much fun painting that logo! Several people (strangers!) even wanted to take her picture, which of course was a pretty big deal in the days before digital cameras. Thanks for inspiring my little walk down memory lane!
ReplyDeleteI went as a gumball machine last year at work (I work in a child care center). That's the exact picture I copied for my costume!