You ever get an idea that is so wrong, but also super funny, so you have to inflict it on other people?
That's the only explanation I have for what I'm about to show you.
Well, that and John and I sometimes have to leave the house and get in elevators, or type in security codes at drive-up gates, and I figured we needed a better solution than using our elbows - which is especially tricky at drive-up gates.
In fact, it was when John was fishing an old McDonald's receipt off the car floor to use to tap in another code that I first mused, "We should really make some kind of pokey stick for pushing buttons. Like a sacrificial finger. Yup. A spare sacrificial finger." ::snerk::
John, clearly stunned by my brilliance, said nothing.
"But with a cap on it so it doesn't spread the germs around," I continued. "And it'd have to be purse-sized, and kinda spy-gadgety to make it fun. But also super disturbing to freak out any people nearby, because that would be hee-larious. Hmm."
More silence.
And now, a few weeks and far too many attempts later, here it is. Move over, ChapStick, here comes... TapStick.
(We also debated calling it "TipStick", but that sounds more like a wang than a finger - and wang lipsticks already exist, because of course they do.)
(We also debated calling it "TipStick", but that sounds more like a wang than a finger - and wang lipsticks already exist, because of course they do.)
The retractable finger sensation that's squicking out the nation!
Just imagine pulling out one of these bad boys the next time you're in an elevator. Or at an ATM. Or when you just want to give someone the finger.
Available in 5 awesome colors that are sure to be real nail-biters:
Choose from:
"Frost Bit Elsa"
"Poke 'Er Face Purple"
"Pinkie Pink"
"Zombie Jamboree"
"Digital Goth"
I originally planned to make all the fingers flesh-tones, but my molds aren't perfect, so painting them solid colors helps hide the problems. Plus I like that the fun colors require a double or triple take.
I'm not happy with my Zombie paint job - it needs more aging to bring out the nail detail -
but to be honest I've sunk way too much time into this ridiculousness and I'm
forcing myself to move on. :D
The matte black looks the coolest, but it's so hard to photograph. Here's my best shot:
The reason this took so much longer than I expected is that it turns out lipsticks are really skinny, and my Hobbit fingers are a bit too pudgy to fit in the tubes.
So naturally, I texted my tiny elf friend Julianne, and with zero explanation, asked if I could come over and mold both her and her 10-year-old son's fingers.
It's a testament to our friendship that her only response was a photo of 2 hands and, "Ok, whose finger do you want?"
In the end all 3 of Julianne's children demanded to have their fingers molded, and when we brought back the resin copies the next week they pretty much lost their minds with glee. It was like the Christmas morning scene in Nightmare Before Christmas, only with more giggling. They immediately invented a game called "Am I poking you with my REAL finger or my FAKE finger?" and spent the next half hour chasing each other around the house screeching.
Fake fingers. Who knew?
Anyway, if you're also the kind of person who likes to worry your friends in a kooky sort of way, and would like to make your own TapStick, then I'm happy to report it's super simple, although it does require some not-so-cheap materials:
You Will Need:
(links go to the products I used on Amazon):
- The skinniest finger you can find, preferably still attached to a person (less messy that way)
(there are slightly cheaper options; I just splurged the extra $2 for fancy ones)
- Craft paint & Mod Podge (or any kind of clear coat)
I don't have process photos because John did all the tedious parts, but basically you squish the mold putty around your finger:
Like this, but use your pinkie, since it's the smallest.
Let the mold set up for 20 minutes, then pour in casting resin. Let THAT set up, pop it out of the mold, file off any bumps, trim the end so it fits inside your lipstick tube, and paint.
Boom bada boom. Now you have Halloween favors for all your friends!
I ended up with a bunch of spares, so you can bet I'll be hanging on to these for future use:
Really I just want to carry one around in my pocket, because some day - SOME DAY - my moment will come. I will face a large group of people somewhere in public, and say, "You know, something about this bugs me, but I just can't put my finger on it." And then I'll take out my fake finger and try to balance it on whatever's in front of me, and we'll all laugh and laugh and really I don't see why I don't have more friends.
I hope this made you laugh, or at least give an approving sort of snort-chuckle, 'cuz hey, I'll take those, too. Also if you want your own TapStick but don't feel like making one, then allow me to give you a few pointers. (Eh? Get it? EH?)
Just tell me which color you like (but not pink; I'm keeping that one) and I'll pick 4 winners at random to ship the rest to. If anyone picks Zombie Jamboree, then I promise I'll try to fix the paint job before I send it out, since that really is bugging me, ha.
UPDATE: The give-away has ended!
The winner of the Frost Bit Elsa TapStick is Mica Hendricks
The winner of Poke 'Er Face Purple is Kara Davies
The winner of Zombie Jamboree is Cowgirl68
And the winner of Digital Gothic is Polandra
Congrats, you four, and please e-mail me your mailing address!
P.S. If you want more ridiculous DIYs, be sure to check out my Crafts page!
I ended up with a bunch of spares, so you can bet I'll be hanging on to these for future use:
Really I just want to carry one around in my pocket, because some day - SOME DAY - my moment will come. I will face a large group of people somewhere in public, and say, "You know, something about this bugs me, but I just can't put my finger on it." And then I'll take out my fake finger and try to balance it on whatever's in front of me, and we'll all laugh and laugh and really I don't see why I don't have more friends.
I hope this made you laugh, or at least give an approving sort of snort-chuckle, 'cuz hey, I'll take those, too. Also if you want your own TapStick but don't feel like making one, then allow me to give you a few pointers. (Eh? Get it? EH?)
UPDATE: The give-away has ended!
The winner of the Frost Bit Elsa TapStick is Mica Hendricks
The winner of Poke 'Er Face Purple is Kara Davies
The winner of Zombie Jamboree is Cowgirl68
And the winner of Digital Gothic is Polandra
Congrats, you four, and please e-mail me your mailing address!
P.S. If you want more ridiculous DIYs, be sure to check out my Crafts page!

I don't usually try for your giveaways, but you KNOW my goofy Goth ass needs that black one, because it is giving me (UN)LIFE! Purple is also good, as always with anything.
ReplyDeleteYour Pal,
Storm the Klingon
These are *fabulous* - so funny! I love the Zombie Green, and would definitely use it in public :-D
ReplyDeleteClaire x
In Denmark some students made this
(text is in Danish, but scroll down for pics, it's obvious how it works)
It will push buttons and the hook opens doors. I think they were planning to sell them, but haven't heard more in a while
Also: I'm shouting with laughter.
Black! These are absolutely amazing!
ReplyDeleteFreaking awesome!
ReplyDeleteThese seems like exactly the right combination of awesome, useful and hilarious that we need right now. I'm crazy busy with trying to figure out how to run a youth STEM/robotics team completely virtually (stupid pandemic) and buy a new car and work and not let my house become a complete shambles so I have no extra time to make my own. But I'd love to have the blue one.
ReplyDeleteThis is possibly the best thing I've seen in awhile. Your DIY is unmatched.
ReplyDeleteYou are brilliant and I would love the zombie Jamboree!
ReplyDeleteMy husband wandered past while I was reading this and was adorably confused. He thought they were actually lipsticks shaped like fingers!
ReplyDeleteOut of curiosity, how do these work on touch capacitive things like phones?
I like the purple one, if your offering to give them away.
Unfortunately, they don't work on touch screens. I floated the idea of painting them with a conductive paint but I don't know if that would work since the lipstick body is plastic. I might play with the idea some more, though. :) -john
DeleteI wondered about that too, but you can get lovely vintage lipstick tubes made of metal through Etsy or eBay. I love this idea so much!
DeleteI would totally use Frost Bit Elsa. These are the coolest things ever.
ReplyDeleteOmg any color please. This would take me forever; I don’t have your skills. They made me use a finger condom to vote in the runoff last month. I can’t. I just....please.
ReplyDeleteSell these on your website, you could make some money from this!
ReplyDeleteThose are genius, I love the blue! 😍
ReplyDeleteThis. This is amazing, and it is definitely the best thing I'll see on the internet this week. I almost shot coffee out my nose reading your brilliance, and I would like to thank you for that. :D I would love the blue or purple one!
ReplyDeleteAny of the colors are amazing, but purple would rock.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis gave me the biggest laugh this morning. I was not expecting those fingers to be chapstick. OMG. I would love to be there when you finally get the chance to pull one out and put your finger on something. 😂 I definitely want to be in on this. Throw my name in for the matte black. It’s wonderfully Addam’s Family. Thank you for putting a smile on my face this morning!
ReplyDeleteThis made my morning. At first I thought you were pulling my finger, but then I realized this was legit! I am constantly rummaging for a tissue or napkin to use on the number pads and half the time I've forgotten something. This would be super helpful!
ReplyDeleteAs my DIY skills aren't the greatest I'd love to apply for the Zombie Jamboree! :D
My oldest daughter and I like the blue and my youngest daughter likes the black. These are so great! If we don't win one, I might try to make these. And you totally got real laughs from us with this.
ReplyDeleteThese are so cool! My husband and I have been using our knuckles to poke elevator buttons or the touch pads at the self-checkouts and we both have bruises on those knuckles. I'd love either "Frost Bit Elsa" or "Digital Goth" but any of them would do the trick.
ReplyDeleteThat is hilarious!! The purple one is my favorite, I think. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteWill these resin fingers work on point-of-sale/credit card machines where you are supposed to tap the screen?
ReplyDeleteThat black one is amazing!
ReplyDeleteThat black one is amazing and I love this so much! Brilliant 😂
ReplyDeleteThat black one is amazing and I wish I had a brilliant reason for a bowl of fingers 😂
ReplyDeleteThey're so awesome! I have to pick just one color? OK....the dark blue/purple.
ReplyDeleteSeriously brilliant idea!
Gimme the Zombie as is - LOVE that shade of green. And LOVE this idea. You are brillently creative.
ReplyDeleteOMG. They're amazing, and I wish I could buy one! If I had to take only one, it would be purple, because the black, while absolutely perfect, might not be obviously a finger when folks look at it. And please please please put these up for sale somewhere. It's so kooky and creepy I need one. :)
ReplyDeleteI love the blue one. In These Uncertain Times, this could be your "Shark Tank" idea!
ReplyDeleteI like the purple. I would love to freak my kids out with it!
ReplyDeleteOh, wow, these are SO COOL, and useful, yeah, but SO COOL... I love the black one, but yeah, all of them look awesome.
ReplyDeleteThese are amazing!!! I would love to have the purple one, but if you don't choose me, I will definitely be making some for myself and friends.
ReplyDeleteOhh those are so cool!! I love both the Frost Bit Elsa and
ReplyDeletePoke 'Er Face Purple.
Just wow. Kinda partial to the blue one for some reason. Can't put my finger on why.
ReplyDeleteIs there something you could put in the resin to make it work on a touch screen, like a credit card reader?
ReplyDeleteI need the black one in my life!
ReplyDeletethese are awesome! You are awesome! and you should totally trademark this. Please send me one :) Purple is my fave, but I'm not picky.
ReplyDeletePurple, or teal, I can't decide...Part of my job is literally cutting up dead things so I have a high tolerance for cutting edge humor like this. HEHE
ReplyDeleteThese are hilarious! I would enjoy any color.
ReplyDeleteI'd love any one of them. Amazing.
ReplyDeleteDevilishly silly. Classy cases. My mind is running down a rabbit hole of possibilities.
ReplyDeleteThat is freaking HILARIOUS! The zombie one is my favorite, touched up paint job or not. :)
ReplyDeleteI feel like the zombie one might be improved by a contrasting fingernail - a bruised purple/black?
ReplyDeleteThis is wrong on so many levels. Just when I think you couldn't get any weirder, you do something like this and TOTALLY redeem yourself! (purple plz)
ReplyDeleteThirding, fourthing, or fifthing the idea of selling these, because I would totally buy one.
ReplyDeleteAny color would be awesome.
Thanks for the morning lol Jen! So fabulous! I'd love any of them but the zombie one rocks! - Gramma Bubbie
ReplyDeleteThese are FANTASTIC. I for one want to use it in the hospital elevator, preferably on the way to see my husband, who works in the morgue. The purple is by far my favorite, although they are ALL delightful.
ReplyDeleteI love the zombie colors. I was just telling my husband that we need masked elevator attendants or something because I don't want to touch the buttons at the doctors' offices.
ReplyDeleteI'm particularly fond of the teal one. But all of them are awesome :D
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI was so hoping these were available to order. I need the purple one. If I’m going back into the office I at least need to take this with me so people have something good to talk about. I figure the purple is much more business appropriate than green or black. Don’t you agree?
ReplyDeleteThank you for offering this awesome giveaway Jen! My personal faves are "Frost Bit Elsa" and
ReplyDelete"Poke 'Er Face Purple". I love this so much!! I've tried using Q-Tips a few times for anything that needs "poking" but they aren't strong enough for some tasks & I can't stand being wasteful by using something that is not earth-friendly. Thanks again :)
I certainly wasn't expecting this when I saw your post on IG of the bowl of fingers! I love the purple one, but will take any random color if my name is chosen.
ReplyDeletesuch an awesome and fun idea! i like the purple one!
ReplyDeleteOMG I LOVE THIS! I totally need to make these and distribute to all my equally-warped friends. MWAHAHA. (Also, I love the zombie ones, but any color is awesome!)
ReplyDeleteOo! I like poke 'er face purple
ReplyDeleteThrow my name in too, please, for the zombie green. And, like Rachel Graves, I love it as-is!
ReplyDeleteThese are amazing and I love them! Purple is indeed my favorite color.
ReplyDeleteDon't bother retouching that zombie finger, it is perfect as is! And I need it!
ReplyDeleteGreat minds?
I love them all! But the black one is my favorite. So chic!
ReplyDeleteI love them all! But the black one is my favorite. So chic!
ReplyDeleteOMG. Those are THE BEST!!! I'd totally use the blue one! :)
ReplyDeleteHa! I'd love any of them! Much better than trying to poke the keypad with my knuckle!
ReplyDeleteFrost Bit Elsa is giving me giggles right now :-)
Zombie is so so good! Love the purple too. Honestly this is so great I would take any color. It's on "point!"
ReplyDeleteThese are AMAZING. I was wondering what you were making!
ReplyDeleteI think the zombie one is my fave (with the goth black a close second!).
This is amazing and terrifying and I'd love the purple one but I might make my own!
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome! The zombie green is my favorite, but they're all fantastic.
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome! The zombie green is my favorite, but they're all fantastic.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE these!! And while I'd be happy with any color, I'd especially love the Zombie one. It looks like it has already absorbed all the ick out there!
ReplyDeleteOh, my goodness, these are great! I love them all, but I'd say my favorites have to be Poke 'Er Face Purple and Frost Bit Elsa.
ReplyDeleteI've seen tools on Amazon for pressing buttons touchless, etc, but these I would actually use! :D
OMG, these are amazing. My favorites are Poke 'Er Face Purple and Frost Bit Elsa. (And I originally had a lot longer comment, but I've retyped it six times now because of various login/posting issues, so brevity is winning.)
ReplyDeleteThese are AMAZING! Fost Bit Elsa is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI'd *really* love one of the flesh-colored ones, but I'd settle for *any* of them! They're amazingly fun, and thank you so much for all the laughs I got reading this! And I love that your friends just don't question your need for fingers! X'-D
ReplyDeleteOMG those are hysterical and awesome and that blue one has my name written all over it :D
ReplyDeleteThe purple one!!
ReplyDeleteI would take a poke at *any* of them! My favourite colour is actually Zombie Jamboree Green, so hey, if you have one and I'm the lucky winner - WAHOO! Thanks, this post made my day!
ReplyDeleteBAHAHA oh boy I love these. You guys are wonderful. I would happily use any if them, but I'd probably go for Zombie because it seems to have the potential to really weird people out the most :D
ReplyDeleteThese are amazing - just the right mix of useful and creepy! I love Frost Bit Elsa.
ReplyDeleteI like Frost-bitten Elsa or Zombie Jamboree! gotta keep it interesting!
ReplyDeleteI love these--it's such an awesome idea!!! I really like the black one, but they're all pretty cool!
ReplyDeleteThese made me laugh so loud I spooked the dog! Any color would be amazing!
ReplyDeleteDigital goth rocks! Throw my name in, please! flseel
ReplyDeleteA zombie finger in a lipstick case? Yes and yes please!! Genius, but that's no surprise. You two must be the most creative people on the planet.
ReplyDeleteFrost Bit Elsa!
ReplyDeleteFrost Bit Elsa!! Love it :)
ReplyDeleteOh my, this is the best. The Spy Who Dumped Me has this same thing, not the best movie, but still funny. I love any of the colors, but the matte black is the best.
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking that I needed something like this as I was at the gas station having to push the icky buttons. Blue or purple are fantastic
ReplyDeleteThose are fantastic! I would love the Matte black finger, and would likely try to get a photo of it sort of like the photo of the artist tweets between Stuart Semple and Anish Kapoor, dipped in hot pink
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing! I love the purple one! I'd love to have one to freak out my middle school students.
ReplyDeleteLove these! I'd love to win either the blue or purple. I should try this--I want neon ones!
ReplyDeleteI love them all!
ReplyDeleteDonna W.
These are the best thing I've seen for poking so far, I love the blue and purple. May well have to give this a try
ReplyDeleteThat zombie one makes me giggle. I would use it all the time just to mess with people
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming I'm the oldest one here since no one has mentioned this toy gadget from the sixties.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have the bright green TapStick (I think that's the 'Zombie Jamboree'? No need to fix the paint job. This was fun to read and it would be great to have a spare finger. it could come in handy.
ReplyDeleteThe purple one. Definitely the purple one. It matches some actual lipstick I have (which looks way less purple on the lips!).
ReplyDeleteOh. Em. Gee. I love them! The black has to be my favorite 🤣
ReplyDeleteOh my gawd!! I would love the purple or the black, but let's be honest... I would be happy to have any one of them!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the blue! I would love to whip this out at the grocery store and freak out the cashier, haha. They're really all fantastic, and I don't think the zombie green needs changing at all! Theyw also make a perfect Halloween decoration ;)
ReplyDeleteThese are horrendous. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.
ReplyDeleteI would love the purple one! They are all fantastic and the perfect amount of creepy 😂
ReplyDeleteYou’re a crafting and comedy genius. And I love this idea and hope to attempt it. *fingers crossed* AAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA *sigh*
ReplyDeletePoke 'er face purple!
ReplyDeleteI love these! You guys are incredible.
This is hilarious and awesome! And I would love to have the purple one
ReplyDeletePoke 'er face purple!
ReplyDeleteI love these! You guys are incredible.
These are freaking hilarious. Not gonna lie, I might would also use them to "pick" my nose too. Lol. I LLLOOOOOVVVVEEE the purple one!
ReplyDeleteThat shade of blue on the Elsa one is lovely, and so is this idea. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious and awesome! And I would love to have the purple one!
ReplyDeleteOmg - that purple finger is calling my name!!!
ReplyDeleteLove this so much! All of them are such fun colors...I wouldn't even care about the color if I won as these are AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteSo fabulous! I love the purple. Just too precious! Wheeee!
ReplyDeleteBlue would be lovely, then I could prove to people how cold it is. "See? My fingers are turning blue."
ReplyDeleteHoooooly crap I want one! Any would be great, but I love the purple one.
ReplyDeleteThese are amazing!! I love all the colours but purple is my favourite.
ReplyDeletePlease oh please oh please! Could you possibly bless me with the Elsa blue finger? I'm quitting my job in three weeks and this would be a beautiful way to end it LOL!
ReplyDeleteYes yes yes! I will love and cherish and absolutely use in public any color that isn't already taken, I'm not picky (nose picking pun intended). Crossing my REAL fingers for a fake one...
ReplyDeleteThe purple speaks to my soul!
ReplyDeleteOh gracious me. You two. These are PERFECTION. And I just HAVE to throw my hat in the ring for the black or blue one. I've, ahem. Imprinted on them.
ReplyDeletePoke ‘er face purple would be amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteI’m I CLEARLY need zombie jamboree and you don’t even need to fix it! Actually, I kind of need them all, these are brilliant!! You deserve all the friends considering you are our genius.
ReplyDeleteDigital Goth was made for me XD it looks perfect with that fancy tube!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome!!
ReplyDeleteWould LOVE the Zombie Jamboree one!
Throwing my hat in for purple or light blue.
ReplyDeleteOh my Good Golly these are amazing!!!! I don’t usually mess about with reading but for this I just might! I love the black one but the purple is lovely too!
ReplyDeleteThere is a MIGHTY NEED in this house for the Zombie Jamboree, and it is loved just as it is.
ReplyDeleteOMG I would LOVE the purple or blue one- or the black one! When I saw your post, I was like, i hope she is selling these, I really need one!!! Oh I hope against hope you pick me!!!
ReplyDeletefrost bite elsa.... of course, probably just fell off due to being frozen and Im all about recycling :) great job by the way!
ReplyDeleteI would use all of these! But if I had to chose, I would go for purple. Because giving someone the finger of royalty would be so cool.
ReplyDeleteI’d love the purple one. So awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis is *way* better than those brass gadgets that you see advertised everywhere now!
ReplyDeleteI'd love the purple one!!!
You are brilliant! I need the blue one!
ReplyDeleteLove this and I would love the purple one!
ReplyDeleteHaha, these remind me of the Spy Who Dumped me! You should watch it if you haven't, it's on prime. Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon! There's a point where Mila's character has one but um..not fake. I'd take the purple one myself
ReplyDeleteHonestly, all the colors are great. Love the puns, as usual! You two are truly creative beyond measure.
ReplyDeleteFrom the purpose to the puns to the end result, I love EVERY BIT of this!
ReplyDeleteThe black does look amazing, and I like Frost Bit Elsa too, but I have to give the edge to Zombia Jamboree because I think the paint job is great and it reminds me of the Possum Party Jamboree in A Goofy Movie. :D
Zombie jamboree would be a huge hit in my house!
ReplyDeleteThat black one is awesome! As always, the way your brain works is incredible. Please keep up with the Plague DIYs
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant!! Best thing I've seen in a while! I want to make my own but I'll be honest, yours would be way better than mine. So should I be lucky enough to win I would love the purple one.
ReplyDeleteThe purple and black are both amazing, I would love something like that...
ReplyDeleteI love all of them but the zombie is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI love them all, but especially the blue one!
ReplyDeleteJen!!!! These are AMAZING!!!!! I don't care which one I get and I'd happily pay you if you decided to make a small batch of these to sell!!! (you know since you now have the technique mastered and you found the right finger... (Or was it a left...) If I have to choose, Zombie or purple would be my first choices. Please, Please, PLEASE let us know if you decide to sell these!! They are truly Awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteomg, that purple is AMAZING. Love.
ReplyDeleteI NEED THE ZOMBIE JAMBOREE! Also, this is amazing and made me laugh with joy!
ReplyDeleteOkay, amazing!!
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for a hospital elevator last week and poking the up button with my elbow, which made a kid also waiting giggle behind his mask. I’m not sure what THIS would have done!
I love the purple!
The are fantastic! I would love the black one....but on the other hand (finger?) I would be thrilled with any of them!
ReplyDeleteHave you seen "The Spy Who Dumped Me"?? They have a lipstick thumb that reminded me of this, but theirs is a real thumb, so eww!!
ReplyDeleteI like the Zombie green!
This is awesome! Purple is my favorite color, but the black is awesome too!
ReplyDeleteI'd be happy with any of the colors! Zombie and frostbitten blue might be my faves though.
ReplyDeleteI adore the turquoise Elsa! I’d love to make my own but I KNOW how expensive that stuff is!! Ps you’re awesome
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing and clever and what a great solution. Zombie Jamboree would be the perfect color for freaking out all my students!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh they are AWESOME! And I’d love to have any of them, but my favorite color is purple - I have purple everything including hair and my car, so I’d LOVE a purple TapStick to carry with me!! 😂💜
ReplyDeleteI would literally take any of them!! This is amazing.
ReplyDeleteOh these are five fingers up fantastic! I’d totally whip out the Frost Bit Elsa at a moment’s notice & with glee. Blue is my signature color yet all are amazing. These are exactly what The Bloggess needs to offer in her Nowhere Bookshop wares! ✨❄️☝✨
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this so much! I immediately started looking for a link so I could buy some!! The purple is my favorite. I'm still laughing and my family is wondering what is up...have a great one Jen and John!
ReplyDeleteI think I need the black one so that when it's cold outside, I can make frostbite jokes with all my friends (or maybe just friend after a certain point).
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing! I love Zombie Jamboree because green AND sparkles? Yes please!
ReplyDeleteLove the black and zombie!
ReplyDeleteThese are STUPENDOUS. I must have one. I would take any color, but I admit my heart is drawn to that gothy black.
ReplyDeleteI’ll take whichever colour is left 😍
ReplyDeleteOmigosh I love this! I would take any color if I won!Perhaps a purple or blue 😍😍
ReplyDeleteFrost bite Elsa is sooooo purdy! I’m surprised you didn’t make a bloody finger with Halloween right around the corner!
This is wonderful. That blue one is calling my name, but I’d take any color!
ReplyDeleteThat blue is calling my name, but I’d take any color! This is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOTH!!!! And to think, I just have that stupid Safety Grabber thing. :(
ReplyDeleteI love these and would 100% use any of them. But the real is *chef’s kiss* perfection.
ReplyDeleteThis is five fingers up fantastic! I'd whip out the Frost Bit Elsa at a moment's notice & with utter glee. Although all colors are amazing, blue is my signature color (nod to Steel Magnolias). These are just what I can see The Bloggess carrying in her Nowhere Bookshop as oddities you must have in your life. Fabulous job!
ReplyDeleteI would love the purple one, it's so pretty! For a disembodied finger, I mean...
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely pick matte black because it matches everything!
ReplyDeleteThose are so cool! I'd love any color :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE THESE!!! PLEASE sell them! Would buy several but if you're giving them away, I'd love the Zombie finger!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure which I enjoyed more: the craft itself, the level of effort you went to just for the laughs (from yourself and us), or the puns littered throughout this post. I'm very glad to see this digital post (see what I did there) go viral, because this is the kind of laugh we all need right now. And if I were lucky enough to get one, any color but the zombie one :)
ReplyDeleteIf I dont win (loving zombie jamboree over there) i am SO making one. I already have the resin! I think. Somewhere. *LOL*
ReplyDeleteOh, I do hope the fickle finger of fate points at me!!!! I would love any of those! Zombie is probably my favorite, but seriously, any!!
ReplyDeleteI'd love the Elsa one!
ReplyDeletePurple is my favorite, with blue the runner up!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing! I'm in awe of the creativity here! I think you could sell them! I love them all and could use this for years to come to frqak out my students (I'm a Jr high science teacher) gotta love the zombie and the frost br Elsa!
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome!! I'd take any color!
ReplyDeleteI really kinda want one
ReplyDeleteI LOVE THESE!!! I had no idea what your bowl of fingers was going to become, and this is completely awesome! I would be thrilled with any of them, but the zombie is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteI have never liked to touch elevator buttons even before the pandemic. You got this right on the nose, or finger in this case. Hmmm, if you were to make one of a nose, what would you store it in? I love the purple and blue ones.
ReplyDeleteSo cool, would love the blue or purple. :)
ReplyDeleteGRABBY HANDS! I want them allllllll! Thanks for the laugh, I really needed this. I love you guys. <3
ReplyDeleteThis is so clever! I just use gallons of sanitizer after touching all the things. The goth looks so awesome!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. I teach K-8 students and I am picturing the reactions from my students if they saw me crank up that TapStick in the classroom. I can’t decide who would be grossed out more, the 8th graders or the Kinders. I would love to win a zombie one, or an Elsa one, I’m crossing my REAL fingers!!
ReplyDeleteLove tbis!! Poke 'er Face Purple is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteHilarious!!! I'd love the blue one!
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome! I love them all, but I think the black and the purple are my favorites!
ReplyDeleteThis is an incredible idea. And bizarre. But in a good way! I love all the colours, but the blue is probably my favourite. It would match my hair!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely adore these, especially the goth one! Black, like my soul.
ReplyDeleteJen & John, these are fabulous! You two are the best.
ReplyDeleteI love them all but if I had to choose I'd go with blue or purple.
Also...I had to click on the link for the wang lipsticks and snickered when I saw that they're calling them mushrooms. :p
These are awesome! I love the matte black.
ReplyDeletePo po poke poker face purple for sure!!
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome! I love the matte black.
ReplyDeleteOh man, I NEEED one of those! 😄 I love the purple, myself. Any chance of you making & selling these?
ReplyDeleteOmigosh I love these! Especially the blue or purple ones. Even the zombie one. How awesome would that be to show off?!?