Sunday, July 21, 2019

MetroCon 2019: My Favorite Cosplays - Plus A "Good Omens" Give-Away!

It's always so hard to narrow down my favorite cosplay photos, but here comes a mix I think you guys will love, starting with everyone's most recent Netflix binge:

Stranger Things 3! I spotted several Scoops Ahoy outfits over the weekend, but I think this was the only Eleven. (El's clothes this season were fantastic, right?)

And the show we binged before THAT, featuring the cosplay season's most popular power couple:

Good Omens!

These two are awesome, love their props: Crowley with the baby, and Aziraphale has the "Nice and Accurate Prophecies" book!

For years I avoided anime conventions because I felt like I wasn't enough of a fan, but the truth is every geek is going to find awesome stuff at Metro. There are still plenty of Disney, pop culture, & gaming cosplays, and if you're looking for new anime to watch, it's the perfect place to find out what's popular.

Case in point: after photographing SO MANY My Hero Acadamia cosplayers, I finally started watching it... and I really like it! (That's Froppy from MHA.)

I chase any cosplay that catches my eye, of course, so I trust you guys will help me with the names/shows I don't know:

This outfit was amazing, so many colors!

And I'm crushing on this poofy skirt:

Here comes some Disney: recognize this villain?
That's Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame. I love the way the light turned out around him, almost like high cathedral windows.

Then later I found a perfect Esmerelda:


John and I are re-playing Borderlands 2 right now to get hyped for Borderlands 3, which is coming out in September. These two went even further, and made cosplays from the new game!

I'm not sure if this killer clown is from a specific IP, but this is such a great costume:

Plus flash is so perfect for horror cosplays. Horror and beauty, ironically, both look amazing in this light.

Speaking of beauty, check out my friend Emma as Raven from Teen Titans:

Look at the blue/purple color shift in her cloak! So pretty!

And here's her guy Grant as Beast Boy:

Here come some more video game cosplays, starting with a classic Princess Peach in a not-so-classic holographic metallic racing suit:

Remember her from my last post? I took both a cellphone pic and a flash - and as I hoped, the rainbows really popped with flash! SO SO COOL.

Another classic, a Little Sister from BioShock:

Her finishing and makeup are incredible. Love the pink around her yellow eyes.

One more video game heroine, Alloy from Horizon Zero Dawn:

Remember binging Umbrella Academy back in February? Such a good show! Well, here's Vanya in her original comic book form as the White Violin:

I like how dramatic this is with the black-out flash.

Not sure of the character, but WOW:

(That will be unintentionally hilarious if she's actually from World of Warcraft.)

Last year at MetroCon some of my cosplayer friends convinced me to try this D&D show Critical Role. Now one year later I'm completely caught up on Campaign 2 - which is about 250 hours of content -  and nearly halfway through Campaign 1, which is another 150 hours.

Wow, I never looked at those numbers before. That's over an hour of Critical Role per day for the last year! Daaang.

All of which to say: here comes an awesome Nott and a rare Twiggy sighting!!

This is the Nott who gave John and me little buttons! I love all the colorful things hanging off her belt. Twiggy was a guest star on a single episode of CR (or was it two episodes?), and she's carrying both her pet squirrel AND the gold Puzzle Ball.

Now back to someone everyone will recognize: She-Rah!

I've got two versions of Wonderland's Alice for you: first the video game Alice from The Madness Returns:

Check out her Hobby Horse staff. INCREDIBLE.

And here's a fresh take on the traditional Alice, with a sweet hand-stitched heart apron and fun Hatter's hat:

I really love this style, it feels more like the book version, right? And look closely: She has a giant butterfly on her hand!

Here comes "Boosette" from Mario Brothers; essentially a princess version of the classic King Boo:

The pointed teeth! The pink eyes! So adorable.

I know I keep coming back to Netflix shows, but have you guys watched The Dragon Prince? It's good! And here's a spell-binding Claudia:

She looks like she stepped right out of the show! Right down to the purple tips of her long hair.

Skull Kid from the Legend of Zelda games:

This character always makes for great photos; so many bright, gorgeous colors!

I showed her twirling in my last video, but here's my friend Emily again as Jude from The Cruel Prince, a book by Holly Black:


I haven't read the book yet, but I'm already in awe of this dress, which Em made herself! There are tiny beads sewn all throughout the trees at the bottom.

And here's Cardan & Nicasia from the same book:

I don't know the character, but this is one of my favorite photos from the weekend:

Sometimes the combination of our black-out flash and a costume makes real magic for me. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.

Ahh, and here come my favorite outfits from the new Mary Poppins movie!

Look at all that detail! Right down to the shoes!

Another character I don't know:

I really like the outfit and braided wig, so sweet.

I don't see as much Overwatch cosplay these days, but I did spot a fantastic Mercy and Junk Rat:

And finally, I'll end with my favorite illusion costume of the con - which works so much better thanks to our flash:

The floating rocks are held in place with black wire and two thin black poles, which are practically invisible in this light. Isn't it a gorgeous effect?

I originally thought this was a character from Steven Universe, but after Googling I think I must be wrong. Help?

As always, I have LOTS more amazing photos from Metro; just head to my Flicker gallery to see the rest! (I'll be adding more in the next day or two, since I'm still not quite done editing!) Cosplayers, as always, feel free to download and share my photos of you. I do this for fun and I do it for free, so a link/credit back is always appreciated!

Ahh, but wait, before you go: I have a fun give-away! 

UPDATE: The give-away has ended, and my winner is Sarah Lcsnano! Congrats, Sarah, please e-mail me your mailing address so I can ship that out to you.

 Yep, I forgot to mention it with my last post, but I bought one of Shani Grim's Good Omens charms to give to one of YOU. (It was her last one at the con, I couldn't resist!) Sooo... want it? Then comment below and tell me something you love about your best friend. (Yes, I'm a sap. WHAT.) I'll announce my randomly selected winner in my very next post - and I'll ship anywhere, so internationals are welcome!


If you like my convention photos and want to help me keep offering them for free, you can shop through my Amazon links (USAUK, Canada), or toss a few dollars my way through Paypal! Or, best of all: tell a friend about this blog! Believe me, I'd much rather have readers than money. So please, BRING ME YOUR FRIENDS. Mwuahahahahaaaaaa. [evil eyebrow waggle]


  1. I love getting to cosplay with my best friend! She has helped me learn so much and come out of my introverted shell. Before we started cosplaying I never would have imagined that I would be happy to pose for photos for complete strangers!

    Also, all of those pics look so amazing!

  2. My best friend has been my best friend for 21 years. I'm her kids' unofficial godmother, she and her husband (whom I met when she met him, and SPARKS!!!) are my son's official godparents. We live just blocks from each other, and weirdly, because of work, don't see each other in the flesh sometimes for ages, but are on the phone and text EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I'm taking her to Disney in October for F&W to celebrate her (MUMBLEMUMBLE)th birthday (it has a ZERO in it!), and she's thrilled to be going on a vacation and not have to do ANY of the planning (she does it all for her fam). She's the one I call whenever there's anything good or bad to report, or when there's nothing at all. She's also the one I called while watching the excellent Mr. Sheen and Mr. Tennant, nearly screaming "YOU HAVE TO BINGE THIS NOW!!!!" I heart her muchly. :-)

    LOVE these pics so much. The floating rocks are INSANE.

    PS To all, was it just me or was Mr Tennant's Crowley just INSANELY hot??? Maybe I'm weird, but he made my aging heart go pitty pitty pat...

  3. The person in green face paint with the awesome ruby on forehead is Gannon from Legend of Zelda if I'm not wrong. Looks to be based on the one from Hyrule Warriors. I'm so glad you'r liking My Hero, it's a great show so far. I'm looking forward to the next season.
    Best friend huh, I married mine so he's a goof that loves far too many "geeky" things, his ear for music slays me regularly, his ability to talk to anyone keeps us alive at parties, and I couldn't live without him. He's my laughter and my aggravation. Who's bestie isn't!

    1. Oh! and that floating stone illusion is spectacular!!!! I'm dying over here over it.

  4. My best friend is my sister and she loves me unconditionally.

  5. My best friend is all around handy and is an amazing cook! We binge watched Good Omens together, too (and are now on to Stranger Things). 8-)

  6. My best friend has gone to countless concerts with me and never complained, even when we had to sit through at least two or three horrible acts to hear the band wanted to hear. Not only that, but she often provided the transportation there and back, and she puts up with me waiting around. the merch table afterward.

  7. I have never entered one of your giveaways before, but the allure of a Good Omens charm is impossible to pass up! The thing I like about my best friend is that we've both been able to grow as people and still stay friends. Growing up I always found it difficult to hold onto best friends... either we just slowly drifted apart, or circumstances forced us to separate. I'm really grateful that I've finally found someone who is willing and able to grow old and change with me. We've grown to trust each other a lot, and even when we have arguments we always know that we have each other's backs.

    Funnily enough, she's the one that got me into Good Omens! She kept talking about it and I got curious and took a look for myself... now it's become one of my new fixations ha ha! I'm currently in the middle of trying to make Aziraphale's flaming sword for myself.

  8. One thing I love about my best friend, Ann, is that we are on the same wavelength of weird. Which means something could happen, and we will look at each other and instantly have the SAME THOUGHT about it and start jumping up and down and squealing! Or finish each others sentences. I love her!

  9. Your flash photos are always so beautiful, they make me wish I cosplayed <3

    One of the many things I love about my best friend is that she is always there to listen when I need her to; when I'm happy she cheers me on and when I'm down she cheers me up and I know she will be on my side and in my corner when it counts.

  10. My husband, son, and daughter are my best friends. My kids have grown up to be amazing adults and my husband helped that happen.

  11. Been reading both your blogs for years now, but the combo of GO merch and what you want us to do for it finally got me commenting.

    I like my best friend because she's one of the only people to stick by me through years of depression even though she lives in another country. She's never confirmed it but I'm pretty sure she read up on it and made every effort, even when I didn't always make it easy. On a lighter note, I love that we can rant about fandoms to each other even when we don't share them. We talk about work and work crushes, she helped teach me how to drink coffee (an important life skill!) and is the only person I can stand to go shopping with.

  12. Your con photos are always amazing! One thing I love about my best friend is that we can go for a couple months without talking (she lives about 3 hours away, and we are both very busy people), but when we get on the phone or get together, it is as if no time has gone by. We can talk for hours about anything, and always 'get' each other. She's been my best friend for over 25 years! My daughter and I just got home from a trip to visit their family. All the way home I was basking in the joy of yet another wonderful visit, so the timing of this topic couldn't be more perfect!

  13. Crowley and Aziraphale is my best friend and me (ironically the Crowley like one is in Seminary ;) ) but I love how much she is willing to fight for what she believes in and how she is not shy about that fight.

  14. My best friend is the best because we can always reconnect, no matter how long between calls, how far we live from each other, or how much our kids interrupt our calls.

  15. My best friend is also my fiancee, and she's always there for me through everything, the good and the bad times, and supports me through everything - but also isn't afraid to tell me when I'm being an idjit. XD

  16. My best friend has turned out to be my boyfriend. I've unintentionally drifted away from a lot of my friends lately and he's been there for me. I think my favorite thing is how supportive he is of both my creative side (I'm an aspiring writer) and just when I need help with practical life stuff.

  17. My best friend would have to be my boyfriend, since I don't really have any friends I'd call my best friend. My favorite thing about him would probably be his handlebar mustache, and the fact that he's so creative.

  18. I'm fairly certain the girl in pink is a lolita Wooloo - a new Pokemon from the latest game!

    1. Seconded! Definitely a Wooloo. They're cute and kind of exploded the internet for a week or two.

  19. I have 2 best friends, & the thing I love most about them is that they are strong, forthright women who aren't afraid to say what they want or need. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Oh, the choosing! My boyfriend-best friend is smart and geeky and is the Spock to my Counselor Troi (and lets me do things like take him to the Franklin Institute Marvel Comics special exhibit for his birthday). My other best friend since college is the Slytherin to my Hufflepuff, the fierce to my soft, the dry to my soppy; she has more hidden warmth and strength within her than anyone would guess.

  21. My best friend is super supportive of all my geeky fandoms, there whenever I need her, and will always help me hide the bodies of my enemies...I may have said too much.

  22. My best friend has never not been there for me, for anything I need. To grabbing me clothes when my mom was in the hospital, to texting me through anxious episodes. She's my rock.

  23. I am not great at photography, but I sure can appreciate the talent of others. Your pictures always amaze me.

    I adore Crowley and Aziraphale. My best friend now lives hundreds of miles away, but he is still the only person I know that I could actually spend hours on the phone with. This is saying a lot because I hate talking on the phone.

  24. What do I love about my best friend? She gets me. She may not always understand the things I love or do, but she supports everything. No matter what.

  25. The best thing about my best friend is that he’s my hubby. He’s definitely made me more geeky over the last 14 years. So much so that 2008 SDCC was our honeymoon! Lol. He’s my DM and ST, got me into Critical Role about 16 months ago and now I’m a huge critter. I’m lucky to have someone that laughs at my nerdy jokes and who makes me laugh all the time.

    The pictures look amazing!!! This technique is so cool!!

  26. Your photography is always so amazing!

    What I love about my best friend is that no matter how long it's been, we can still talk about anything and everything.

  27. The best thing about my best friend is that we can always reconnect, no matter how long it's been or how far apart we are (I tend to live anywhere but my.home country right now) Even if I sometimes suck at keeping in touch, he will always be there at the other end of a message or video call. Which is pretty awesome.

  28. Okay so my best friend is my boyfriend who introduced me to Good Omens. The best thing about him is how kind he is to everyone and how he respects everyone's needs etc. I'm so thankful I have someone like him who is willing to be there for me through everything. Plus we're both bi and both crushing HARD on Crowley

  29. Even though we live in different countries, my best friend of the past several decades and I feel like no time has passed each time we talk.

  30. Hey, hey! You have some weird niche geeks in your audience too, you know! I didn't recognize She-Rah at all!

    That aside, these are some great pictures of great cosplays. I especially liked that last one with the floating rocks.

  31. I love that my best friend doesn't judge - we are honest and call each other out when we need to but it's all about supporting each other to do our best! Just like Crowley and Aziraphale!

  32. I'm not sure if I have an "official" best friend, but I have an amazing husband and he makes my laugh every single day :D <3.

  33. My best friend is the one who convinced me that I am the hero of my story, with all the power and responsibility that entails. She is also an amazing unpublished fantasy writer, and I can't wait for the world to get to read her.

  34. Hey, i've followed you from Sweden for years but never commented, so i have to make a small recap: first of all i love the love you have for your blog and followers. Second, you are as beautiful as all girls and i hope you will come to s better understanding of that as you get older, i know i did recently. Thirdly and to answer your question, my best friend is the same as yours i think- my husband (well of course your answer wouldn't be MY husband) for the apparent reasons i'm too tired of to write about since it is midnight here now. Anyway, all the best to you!

  35. I went through law school with my best friend. She came out the other side with a mind brighter than a supernova, the power to change people's lives in major ways, and the compassion to wield that power fairly and ethically. It's easy to fall into the evil lawyer role, but she never has and never will. She uses the law to heal litigants, to calm wild emotions, to de-escalate a spiraling situation. She is the best kind of attorney in a world that rarely rewards that. I love her courage and refusal to do anything but the right thing.

  36. The thing I love about my best friend is that we can be apart for ages and when we get back together it’s like no time has passed. We just drop right back into it.

    Krystine M

  37. Oh my gosh... so many things I love about my best friend. We’ve only know each other for about five years. We met in college and started the equestrian team at our university which was incredibly difficult but it was definitely a labor of love. We’ve gone through so much in the last few years and she’s always there whenever I need her. Even when she lived 14 hours away at a camp with very limited communication to the outside world for a few years, she was still there when I needed her. To be totally candid, one of the biggest things was the day I got to work and found my horse in horrible condition. He was dying right in front of me and it took awhile for the emergency vet to be able to get there. I called her sobbing because I didn’t want to be alone and she and her husband dropped everything and raced to the barn and sat with me through the whole thing, waited with me for the ambulance to transport him after the fact, and went with me to my dads farm an hour away to lay him to rest. There have been so many other things but that’s the biggest. She’s also my adventure partner. We go on epic hikes together that often end after dark but I know that there’s nothing I can’t do with her by my side. She also totally supports my nerdy side and is completely on board board when I drag her to things like HP trivia nights and commiserated when I do something dumb like sing to myself about a baby unicorn before realizing that my car windows are down and I’m in a parking lot sill of people (thanks wizards unite ��) We’ve supported each other’s through struggles with mental illness. When my anxiety is out of control and I feel dumb for being worried she’s right there to tell me she understands and that we’ll get through this. She’s also an incredible chef and I’m pretty sure she’s physically incapable of making anything that’s not absolutely delicious (which is a skill I absolutely do not possess and seems like a super power). This is getting stupid long but I just love her and I absolutely don’t know what I would do without her.

  38. I love that I'm the personal librarian for my sister/best friend and I made her read good omens!


  39. I love my best friend's warped sense of humor. She's hilariously surreal.

  40. I love my best friend because she’s always there for me. She lives in Texas and I’m in Florida, but no matter how long it’s been since we’ve talked, we are always able to pick right up where we left off. We text and talk as often as we can, and we share the same sense of humor. I’ve known her since we were in 5th grade.... so almost 30yrs!

  41. trigger warning but my ex-best friend would keep me from suicide by sending me cute videos and staying up with me until like 3AM keeping me calm. I did the same for them, but no one had ever done that for me before.

    No trigger warnings for this, though, my current best friend and I love to share stories (we both write) and we cheer each other on and help each other with plots and writing style and she is so wholesome and sweet I love her

  42. My best friend and I are about to see each other for the first time in 7 years. We met in high school. Her birthday is the day before mine, the year before I was born. We've had long spells where we didn't keep in touch, but when her marriage fell apart we started talking again and it was like no time had passed. Now she has a great new relationship and I am married and pregnant. They are going to be vacationing on the resort island near my house and we are going to get together and meet each others SO and I am so excited.

  43. My husband is my best friend. I know I know, sounds cheesy to oh so true. We work and play together (no seriously, we work together at work), and He is my biggest cheerleader and the go-alonger of all my shenannigans, of which there is many. He is definitely the Aziraphale to my Crowley, all thinking things through while I figure nothing that bad could happen.. Thank you fo the opportunity towin and as always Jen, Fantastic pics!

  44. Dying over the photos, Jen. Magical and beautiful. I never comment for the givaways, but LOVE the Good Omens charm. My high school best friend just moved to Florida, so maybe you'll cross paths one day. I dearly love her despite our nearly polar opposite political views.

  45. My best friend and I have been friends for over 20 years. We've experienced so much, I can't imagine my life without her.

  46. My best friend is amazing!!! She's a nurse and single mom. She's helped me clean up blood after a foster child did some self-harm (he was ok physically, very broken otherwise :-( ), buys me little things she knows I'd like, cleans her boyfriend's house every once in a while just to show him that she cares, took in her brother after some mental/emotional problems, watches our kids for us, loves Elvis' music and black & white movies. She's just incredible!!!

  47. I love the way we can be together quietly doing our things then just look up at the same time and smile. We're going to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary soon.

  48. I met my BFF when i was 2 months old and she was 5 months old.
    48 years later we are still best friends and she is still a full head taller than me.

  49. My sisters are my best friends. I love that we can spend time together doing anything and it's always a blast! On Friday night one sister and I ate snacks and watched HGTV. It was awesome!

  50. When I was getting a divorce, I called my BFF right after I kicked my ex out of my house. She commiserated with me over the phone, and asked if I wanted to come stay with her. I said I couldn't, I had too much to do, and it wasn't Spring Break yet (I was teaching in Florida, she lives in the DC area). We hung up the phone and she called me back 10 minutes later to tell me when her flight got in. She stayed with me for 2 weeks, and completely cleaned all his stuff out of my house, stayed with me when he came to pick it up, helped me with divorce and annulment proceedings, cleaned my house from top to bottom, and bought me all new bedding so I wouldn't have bad memories. She's always there for me, and has been since we met over 30 years ago.

  51. I would love the good omens charm!
    I love how my bestie and I scrapbook together and how she appreciated what goes into my scrapbook.

  52. I love traveling around the world with my best friend. Sweden, China, Florida, the Bahamas, Italy...nowhere is off limits. She’s the best friend & travel companion a person could ask for. “To the world” indeed.

  53. My best friend and I say that we would carry each other up the slopes of Mount Doom when the other needs some confidence. She nearly had to when I made stupid choices at a Disney 10k run!

  54. I love doing anything with my best friend (who happens to be my hubby), traveling, sitting on the couch, going to a museum, anything is more fun with him.

  55. Yes please! I love that my best friend listens. Even though we live far apart right now, we always keep in touch. We’re always here for each other, and we both know that we’re just a phone call away.

  56. Love all your pictures!! Seeing all these awesome cosplayers makes me want to take up the craft!!

    The one thing I love most about my best friend.... They know who I am, even when there is a thick layer of self loathing, bitterness and anger... They know it's not my true self so they keep loving me.

  57. My best friend is my boyfriend who is my kind of perfect. Our relationship as friends and partners is incredibly wholesome and energizing. It’s so nice to have someone who doesn’t deplete my spoons supply. And we’ve been obsessing over Good Omens a lot lately.

  58. My best friend has always been there for me and I for her. We've known each other since I was 4 and she was 6 and it doesn't matter how much time had passed, or how many miles are between us, we can pick up like nothing has happened. We went to separate elementary schools, high schools and universities (in diff. states no less) but we have always been close. She is the godmother to my kidbot and a great sounding board and advocate for taking care of yourself. <3

  59. My best friend (my girlfriend) is the only person I can share my love of all the many different things I love with, from geeky TV, to ballet and theatre, and making things.

  60. my best friend is super smart and funny and she has given me some constructive criticism when I needed it!

  61. my best friend was there with advice and support thru my breast cancer. which was easy for her as she's a victor over the nastiness herself! so she showed me the path thru the darkness. she was also there with Ice cream. as I was there for her with brownies.

  62. I met my best friend the 1st year I started teaching in 1991. I had a rough year and she was there for me every step of the way. Even though I teach at a different school now we still find time to get together and when we do, it is as if we have never been a part.

  63. My best friend is very selfless and giving, even though she doesn’t have much herself. She “borrows” my kid for hours on end to spend time with her daughter. She’s the type of person who will drop everything to help someone out. She donates so much of her time to help out at our school, and with various organizations in town. I have never met a kinder, more generous person. Ever.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. My best friend is always there for me, and she's seen me through some pretty rough times in the last few months. When I lost a load of groceries due to a multi-day power outage right after moving out on my own (separating from my husband), she loaded me up from supplies from her own fridge and pantry. Any time I need a helping hand or a lift in spirits, she's *always* there for me. I love her kids as if they were my own. She's framily for sure.

  67. I think the Bo Peep girl looks like part sheep (look at her nose and the braids mimicking ears hanging down). It's a nightmare to google "bo peep/sheep hybrid/cross/mix" so idk. Good luck! And her costume and makeup is really fantastic.

  68. Thanks for doing these posts - all these cool cosplays are really inspiring.

    I love that I get to live with my best friend and that she helps to look for me and makes sure I'm looking out for myself.

  69. My BFF and I met in 7th grade and have been forever friends and kindred spirits ever since. Here we are 40 years later and even though we don't speak every day, I can call or message and we begin talking as if no time has elapsed. I am one lucky girl to have such a wonderful BFF!

  70. As sappy as it sounds, my BFF is my hubs. This year will be our 30th anniversary together. He is the one who encourages me to be my best when I feel like giving up. He is the one who always has my back. He is the one I can trust to help me get rid of any bodies, too ;) Definitely meant to be.

  71. It may be cheesy but my husband is my best friend. We've been married over a decade and still never get tired of doing stuff together or just talking. We have super different interests and hobbies, and people always ask how that doesn't cause distance, but we find it gives us tons of things to talk about, it never gets boring!

  72. My best friend lives in Canada just now; we almost never get to talk but when we do, it's like it's been no time at all. We were each other's maid of honor and she's one of the two people I trust book suggestions from. :)

  73. My best friend wanted to be a baker, and spent years perfecting her skills, then found out she was celiac. It was so bad she had to get a liver transplant. She can't even be in the same room as flour now. Instead of giving up on her baking, she now experiments with gluten free flours to make things I never thought possible. We even made GF potstickers! She recently had to have a kidney transplant as well, and after she came home we made GF chocolate chip cookies (she hadn't had chocolate for the whole of her time on dialysis prior to the transplant). Her focus is always on "I get to" rather than "I can't". My best friend is amazing.

  74. My husband is my best friend, and is the one who introduced me to Neil Gaiman and Good Omens and tons of other geeky stuff we're into now. I was a geek before meeting him, but he really amplified it. I support him in his D&D and MTG hobbies, and he supports me in my fangirling and collecting. Never thought I'd meet someone who could complete me like that. So sappy and cheesey, like all the rest! ;)

  75. My best friend and I met in 7th grade art class and knew immediately that we were destined to be friends when we each noticed that the other was drawing a unicorn. We also discovered our mutual love of Star Wars and all things fantasy. It's been almost 40 years and she and I are still geeky besties!

  76. My best friend gives me all the best feelings in the world. He can also make chocolate peanut butter cheese cake. Love you, Fave!

  77. My very best friend is an amazing woman who never, ever lets me doubt myself. She promises to tell me if what I am doing is below par and yet she says that she looks forward to reading what I write and considers it a treat. She and I are just on the same wavelength and she brightens my world.

  78. I met my bestie on a Star Trek Livejournal community back in the day. She liked my hilarious We Are the Canadian Borg icon and we bonded over the Star Wars XWing novels and a beautiful nerdy friendship was born. We text/talk every day and always manage to pull each other up when we need it. She is my geeky rock and I love her to bits. Now we just need someone to actually build us a transporter so living across the country from each other isn't so hard!

  79. My husband is my best friend. I know that sounds super sappy, but it's true! A few of my favorite things about him are his love of adventure and his fierce desire to help people be their best possible selves. He is also a terrible enabler, giving me such advice as: buy the dress, the party will come. Why yes, he is a Gryffindor, funny you should ask ;)

  80. My best friend is the one I can count on to call me on my BS, and to always have my back. We've known each other for 33 years, and I don't know how I will function without her. She's just been diagnosed with recurrent, and terminal, stage 4 cancer, and the world will never be the same.

  81. My best friend is like a sister to me. We met in college and I can't imagine my life without her in it. She would drop anything to be there for me if I need her, and vice versa. She also got me into Supernatural so I think she's a keeper. ;)

  82. Even though my best friend lives on the other side of the world from me, it always feels as though she’s by my side. I don’t know how I would have gotten through this past year and a half (thereabouts!) without her, and I love how it was a chance comment on of my fan fictions that brought us together. We’ve been there for each other through every victory and heartbreak, through identity crises and the sometimes icky parts of life. Even if we’ve only talked to each other through a video screen, we’ve still seen all the sides to each other, and I can’t wait until I can finally meet her in person.

  83. My best friend is amazing and does a lot for our little small town community in addition to having game nights, trivia nights, and fun fan events like a Harry Potter day at her coffee shop. She’s responsible for me loving Good Omens and d&d and indirectly responsible for my critical role obsession. I was invited to play d&d with her family when I was first getting to know them and not wanting to look dumb for knowing nothing about it I googled d&d videos and stumbled on to Critical Role and quickly became obsessed. I’m still trying to get my friend to watch but she’s a busy lady and like you pointed out, there’s so many hours of content!

  84. These photos are fantastic! I love how my best friend is always helping others!

  85. My best friend is my husband. I deal with real nasty anxiety and a pretty crappy self-image and he is always there telling me to breathe, or do some self-care, or tell me he thinks I'm pretty. He is a very slow reader, and when we were dating I read Good Omens to him over the course of a few weekends.

  86. Oh my gosh, I could go on forever about all the things I love about my best friend. I think my favourite thing though is that she makes me feel understood in a way that no one else does. She always listens to me when I'm upset and knows exactly what to say to make me feel better, and I try to do the same for her. She doesn't get weirded out when I fangirl and pitch her crazy writing or photoshoot ideas, because she loves all those things just a much as me. We always call each other platonic soulmates, because we're honestly perfect together. Like I said, I could go on forever :)

  87. My best friend is my husband. I can't even explain what I love about him most. We have been married over 15 years and everyone who meets us asks if we are newlyweds. He is just my person, my match in every way.

  88. My favorite thing about my best friend is that he's just as weird and geeky as I am, maybe even more so lol. If I see a weird meme that no one else finds as hilarious as I do, I know i can send it to him and he'll appreciate it as much as I do. He's particularly fond of Star Wars, and he sends me some of his favourite, offbeat games as presents. One of the most awesome and sweetest person I've ever met.

    :) love the picks by the way, amazing job. The flash rig makes everything look so cool!

  89. Hard to narrow it down - her amazing selflessness as a nurse, her sense of humor, her heart - but I love how one of my besties/my "seester" (aka our term for sister-in-law and the person I'd give this to), almost always fall in synch with our latest pop culture loves (including GO!) and celebrity crushes without ever discussing it; we just find/start things at the same time no matter where she's been in the country and discover we got into them within days of each other - Hamilton, CXG, a million other things, lol. We're a pop culture hive mind!

  90. My best friend is always up for an adventure, even one as mundane as going out for ice cream.

  91. I love that she and I have the EXACT SAME birthday, that she is a fellow FoE, that she always gets my movie & TV quotes, and that we met in a TV chat room like true good geek girls.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. My best friend is my mom. She’s always there for us. But she’s also just cool. Unending support, and unending fun. What’s not to like?

  94. He's one of the few people in the world who always gets my quirky, obscure humor. He makes me laugh in return. Hanging out with him is always fun. He's also an amazing musician and song writer. We celebrated 26 years together last week. Yeah, I married my best friend. :)

  95. My bestie is perpetually and unapologetically nice. Even when I think she should be just a little mean, she won't. It is both endearing and annoying ;)

  96. You have soooo many talents. You are so good and so smart. I like this site and I don't even know what you are talking about most of the time. The first I dunno I think is Wanda (?) the good witch from wiz of oz, but I can only use memory from the first movie. Have not watched any others. I think it is a combination of costume though. Her hat, and simple skirt are from the original and all the goodies attached to both are from?????? Thank you for all you do. You are an inspiration to us all.

  97. My favorite thing about my best friends is that they don’t just put up with the “We never know what you’re going to say next” -ness that is me, they enjoy it as one of their favorite things about me. Finding people that meet you where you are and love you there are the best. 💜

  98. I love that my best friend is half japanese and is completely fluent in japanese. She is constantly telling me about her culture and what life was like when she lived in japan. I love learning about how awesome her life is. BONUS: She is hufflepuff and I am slytherin, I will kill for her, and she will verbally throw down for me.

    1. On the slim chance I win, my fake name that you can refer to me as is: Lily

  99. I love my best friend's sarcastic sense of humor!

  100. I love that my best friend is her sense of adventure and the memories that we have made together.

  101. I love how my best friend can go for months without being able to chat, but then can pick right back up again where we left off.
    Also that last cosplay (the green one) is a spot-on rendition of Cetrion from the latest Mortal Kombat.

  102. My best friend showed me that I am worth something and gave me the strength to leave an emotionally abusive relationship several years ago. Just last fall, we got married ourselves and continue to encourage each other's goofy, creative, and adventurous spirits.

  103. My best friend and I watched Dawson's Creek together back in the day when you couldn't ask forward or binge TV :) We loved Pacey and always made fun of Dawson (Television Without Pity recaps were amazeballs). For one birthday I bought her the DVDs and wrapped them in plain brown paper as if they were something naughty. To this day, we both still love Joshua Jackson and James Van Der Beek and will send each other gifs of them for bdays, reactions, and other random reasons!

  104. I met my best friend when I was four and they were five, and over 25 years later we're still best friend! We're going to get best friend tattoos based on this super awesome poem (Desiderata by Max Ehrmann) and we're finally living together as roommates!

  105. Hi!!! Theres pictures look amazing!!! Thank you for getting a shot of my Twiggy!!!

  106. The best thing about my best friend is that although our lives often take different paths, no matter how long it's been it only takes a few minutes for us to catch up and be cutting jokes and singing songs and being as nutty together as we always are.

  107. The cosplay with the floating rocks is Cetrion from Mortal Kombat 11.

    My H is my best friend. He's the first person I want to share all the things I find on the internet, like the Cetrion cosplay, he is going to love it.

  108. I'm always so blown away by your blackout photos! They just keep getting better!

  109. I love that no matter how long we are physically apart, we can pick up right where we left off the next time we do see each other. That she is the most caring and loving person I have met and keeps giving even when other people around her take advantage of her and leave her. Andi is the best person ever.

  110. My best friend and I have known each other for 22 years now. She got married and moved to Canada, but every time we get together, it's like no time has passed between us. She really is my sister from another mister!

  111. I LOVE THAT KEYCHAIN! Also as always, love the con photos.

  112. "Remember when we binged Umbrella Academy." I still have an episode to go, with Stranger Things, Good Omens, and Queer Eye still on my to-binge list. Grad school gets in the way every time.

    That said, I'm a huge Good Omens book fan and that keychain is beautiful. I love my best friend because she can always find something to smile at in EVERY situation. It's a superpower, I swear, and it's something I greatly aspire to.

    Wonderful job with the photos as always, Jen. I love living through your experiences!

  113. How have I fallen behind on your posts?? That’s a big whoopsie.
    Anyway, WOWIE. Everyone looks aaaaaaaaaamazing! And I really wanna make a cosplay so I can go to a con and meet you!

  114. My best friend and I were actually hired singers for the promo tour of "Good Omens." While traveling, we met a lot of celebs, and at one of the big events we did, I spotted Crispin Glover! I was too shy to ask for his autograph, but my bestie grabbed a pen and paper - when she found me later, she showed me the signature. She's asked him to make it out to both of us!! She's selfless, brave, outgoing, fun-loving, and the kind of person everyone needs in their life. I'm so glad she's in mine! <3

  115. OMG, that She-Ra makes me SO happy!!

  116. My best friends get me and my husband like no one else. We spend so much time together playing board games and escape rooms. We love geeky stuff and sports and are able to keep growing together as a group. I wouldn't trade my besties for anything.

  117. My favorite thing about my best friend is that we can talk about literally anything - I know that seems simple, but it's really everything and means so much.

  118. My best friend will always laugh at our jokes from 6th grade, even though we're in our mid-30's now and we should have grown out of that humor long ago. We can still sit together and just veg out and not talk comfortably for hours, or tackle huge crafty months-long projects together with equal ease. She's my daughters' favorite auntie and the most dependable person I know!

  119. My favorite thing about myself and my best friend is how we support each other. I've been job hunting recently and she texts me before each interview to say good luck- she never forgets. She's an athlete and I cheer for her at every event I can, even traveling around the country.

  120. Long time reader, first time caller! (I...think... your posts are all so fabulous I forget all else but your amazing pics and designs).

    My best friend is my Aziraphale to my Crowley (literally- she's agreed to cosplay as pair, with her boyfriend being Gabriel). She often worries she's too soft, but believes in the greater good, often pointing out to me what great things I've managed to do when all I see is failure. We are each other's rocks; often talking each through those evil brain times when all we can see are the faults in our actions. She loves to try and see the best in any situation (at least for anyone else). She's found me an old first edition of my favorite book, after the author passed. She'll often make sure that I take care of myself, when I've spent so much time taking care of others. We'll often ply each other with a trip to our favorite restaurant after a particularly bad day/week. And yes, she loves books and sushi. I grow plants. I'd say someone stole our lives if the book didn't come 30 years earlier.

    As for the pictures, as mentioned by someone else, the Green lady is Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors, and the person with the heart shaped pointy mask is the Skull Kid from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Again, I love your pictures and techniques so much. I'd love to see what you could do with the crazy costumes at say, MagFest, and always look forward to your convention pictures. Several friends are going to DragonCon, and I've linked your posts to them to give them ideas. :D

  121. Boarderlands!!! My hubby and I tried to play them all again, but then my old computer didn't have space for them. 😭 But, we are super excited!

  122. The best thing about my best friend is that he's stuck with me forever because we're married :-)

  123. My bestest friend and I have known each other for over 30 years. She is married to an Army man and through all her relocations, we have always kept in touch. Even with many miles between us, and not being able to actually see each other, ,with just a phone call it’s like no time has passed, and there no distance between us. I love that, good or bad, we can share news and always be ourselves with each other. She is the sister I got to choose. I feel I am a better person having her in my life.

  124. My best friend gets my snark _and_ my sap. She's both my angel and my demon. ;) Amazing costumes in this post... you may someday tempt this diehard introvert to attend a con....

  125. Sooo I am to late for the contest but my best friend and I are also gamers. We have been playing Borderlands 2 for years and have gone back to is periodically (when we get bulls%@t at Destiny 2) and just finished up the new DLC in prep for B3!!! Already pre-ordered. He is the one that got me into gaming. At his home we have two TV set up with two PS4's so we can play together...


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