Saturday, October 27, 2018

October Art Roundup: Halloween Creeps, Cats, & Cuties!

It's time for more awesome art! And in the spirit of the season, LET'S GET OUR CREEP ON.

But not like that. Ew.

Dennis Hansbury makes spooky art year-round, but he's really amped it up this month:

It's not all scary, though; look at his adorable enamel bat pin!

I love it!

 Dennis' cat skull magnet is also just the right amount of spooky for me:

He has this as a die-cut sticker, too!

Dennis hand cuts all his wood pieces himself, then shades with thin ink washes, so his originals are silky smooth - no brush strokes. John and I own a handful of his originals, and I can tell you they are SUPER cool in person.

Last one: Dennis drew this right after we got Eva, and admits she helped inspire it:


 Head over to Dennis' Etsy shop to see the rest, and follow him on Instagram to see new works and all the stuff that's already sold! (I can't wait for him to finish his new "bats in costumes" set - SO CUTE.)


One of the best things about October is Inktober, the month-long celebration where artists make a new ink drawing every day. There are SO much great artists over on Instagram, and one of my new favorites is Artemii Myasnikov:

His mostly black-and-white inks with bright pops of red are just incredible this month.


Oh, and you may have seen these: Artemii is the one who gave the Disney princesses a warrior make-over that's to die for:

This is honestly the first time I've been tempted to make cosplay armor. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL.

Rapunzel is rockin', too:

From what I can see Artemii doesn't sell any prints [sob], but go follow him on Instagram to see more of his work!


My friend Bianca Roman-Stumpff just finished my favorite yet in her "Body and Soul" series:

I should also show you my newest Bianca addition to the steampunk room, since it fits this month's theme  - and also I really like the frame we found for it. :)

Ghost pirate!


Loish always knocks it out of the park, here's my fav so far from her Inktober pieces:
It's amazing what she does with just three colors. Wow.


Another new artist find: Lynn Chen and her ADORABLE creatures:


And a Corgi Harry Potter, of course:

From what I can see on her website Lynn doesn't sell prints, so you'll have to follow her on Instagram or Facebook to see more of her fabulous work.


David Everett, aka Chicken Lips, is a paper mache artist who also makes delightfully spooky stuff year-round. I never knew I could love a grumpy skeleton this much, gang:

 The one in jammies! Ha!

And look at these:
 SO FUN. Now I want all my candles to have silly faces.

This one made me laugh:

His originals are sold at galleries and occasionally online through his pages, but David also has printed wood plaques and mugs of some of his sculpts over on Etsy. I think you DizGeeks will appreciate these:

 Check out his Etsy shop to see the rest, and be sure to follow him on Instagram to see David's new work.


Heather Sketcheroos has been doing a whole series about little witchy kitties and owls and their spooky shenanigans, and it's seriously too sweet for words:

And some undead fawns, just because:

Sadly Heather's shop is closed until mid-November, but at least she HAS a shop! So for now go follow her on Instagram to see more; I'm sure she'll remind us when the shop's back up and running.


I know Joey Chou's work from the Disney galleries, but he does a lot more than just Disney! Here's his new tribute piece for the Addams Family:

And he somehow managed to make Stephen King's IT... cute?!

The girl from The Ring, too:

Go check out Joey's online shop for more, and give him a follow on IG for more amazing art.


K, that does it for this month - so now let's give away some art! As always, comment below to enter to win your choice of free art from my Pinterest Art Give-Away board. In addition to one wildcard winner, this month I'm also giving away these two ORIGINAL pieces from my personal collection:

Edward is a smaller 4X6 and comes in a 5X7 cream mat, ready for framing. Beaker & Honeydew are just over 8X10. Both are original marker drawings by Michael "Locoduck" Duran, and were framed in my office for years. I have to rotate things out to make room for new art, though, so if you'd like either of these, be sure to tell me in your comment!

I'll announce all three winners in my very next post, so remember to check back. Unclaimed art will go to the fastest commenter over on Facebook, so you may want to follow me there, too. :)

Happy Saturday, and happy commenting!

UPDATE: The give-away has ended!

The winner of Edward Scissorhands is Allyson Wajda
The winner of Beaker & Honeydew is Crystal Pauley
And my wild card winner is Piper P.!

Congrats, you three, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!


  1. Those undead fauns are the cutest thing ever! Adorbs! And there are so many great artists in here. You find some great work. :)
    Also, I'd love to be entered for a give away.

  2. I seem to be liking everything purple this month. Enter me for the wild card and the Muppets.

  3. Love the owl and the mouse! And that bat pin is fantastic. Beaker and Honeydew are darling, so enter me in that as well as wildcard. Thanks for the great selection of artists, as always!

  4. I'd love to win the wild card, please!

  5. I love your art roundups :) I would also love to be entered into the art board giveaway-- thank you!
    ~Natalie (QSOgirl)

  6. Thanks for having a giveaway - love the Edward Scissorshands :)

  7. I love the Joey Chous! Enter me in all the giveaways. I love both of the extras. Thank you

  8. The papier mache skeletons are amazing! I'd love to be entered for the wildcard and the Beaker and Bunson drawing too!

  9. Dang, I never knew I needed Halloween art until this post!! Please put me in the wild card and Edward Scissor hands drawing. 😊

  10. That skelly on the wheel of doom is both adorable and hilarious! And I'm loving the owl and mouse, too...and the undead fawns. Thank you for introducing me to such wonderful art! And please enter me into the wildcard drawing and the Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker drawing.

  11. So very cute, love the 3D skeletons and the bats. AND then I get to the the Beaker and Honeydew so, so much!

  12. I love spoopy! Enter me for Beaker and Bunsen, though. They were always my faves in the show

  13. So much cool stuff! I absolutely love the corgi Harry Potter and Catwoman with the cat!

    You can enter me for the wildcard and Beaker/Honeydew.

  14. OMG I love this month's art! So adorable! And Edward is SO CUTE!

  15. Love art roundup! Bunsen and Beaker or wild card please!

  16. Love art roundup! Bunsen and Beaker or wild card please! Sending comment again....silly phone

  17. I want ALL the kitties!
    You find some really awesome stuff, Jen! :D

  18. Great art round-up as always! The Beaker piece really spoke to me. My older brother's nick-name was Beaker as he had a more than passing resemblance to the lanky scientist. The title title : An Experiment in Caring, really defined his life as well. ::fingers-crossed::

  19. Love the kitties! Adorable as usual

  20. OMG I am going to buy several of those adorable bat pins. Thanks? and yes I love the Beaker work.

  21. I loved this art roundup (as usual lol). Enter me into the wildcard drawing please.

  22. The owls! And corgi Harry! And Beaker and Honeydew! *sigh* Cuteness overload!!

  23. Well I need all of these, like now.

  24. Cute, creepy and creepy-cute - nice Fall finds. Liking Addams Family artwork, and the princesses in armor. And Beaker! and Honeydew! Mad Muppet scientists. Please enter me into the giveaway for them, or the wildcard.

  25. omg, I LOVE the owl! So precious! Please enter me in the Edward Scissorhands as well, I love it!

  26. Leah in WilliamsburgOctober 27, 2018 at 11:35 PM

    Kitty art!

    Could you enter me in the wildcard drawing? Please and thank you.

  27. What can I say? The art you find is awe-inspiring. And Bunsen and Honeydew need to be MINE...can I play the cancer card here?

  28. Usually too shy to comment, but I love Edward Scissorhands, so I'm in!

  29. Pick me, Pick me!
    It's my birthday on Wednesday.
    I like both pieces.

  30. Holy cow so much gorgeous art, but those armored Disney princesses are especially so cool! And I'd love to be entered in the Edward, Honeydew+Beaker and wildcard please! :)

  31. I love ALL of this, especially the Dennis Hansbury pieces! My house has "spooky" decor all year. I would love to enter for "Loki" by Michael "Locoduck" Duran from the Pinterest board, and the Edward Scissorhands (by the same artist! Woot!).

  32. Thanks for the giveaways! I'd like to be entered in all of them.

  33. Excellent selection this spookiest of months! Thank you!!!

  34. Awesome art as always! I'd love to be entered for all 3 draws, please 🙂

  35. Ah, Inktober, I've really enjoyed it!

  36. So much good artwork!

  37. You always find such great stuff! I'd like to enter the wildcard and muppets please. Thank you!

  38. I probably haven't mentioned how much I love your art roundups. I love this kind of art (the house is covered in it!), so please enter me for all the drawings! Should I win, I'll make room :)

  39. So many new people to follow! Love your art roundups.

    If I won, it would have to be Harley and Deadpool :)

  40. I love your art posts! And Beaker & Honeydew, OMG

  41. Ah those prints are both so adorable! Either would be fantastic! All your art tastes are so fantastic ^^

  42. I never thought creepy art could be so cute!

  43. i don't have ANY art on my walls right now, so I'd love to enter the giveaway! :)

  44. Love the artwork from Lynn Chen. The bat us so adorable!

  45. So many new artists to follow now! Yay!

  46. I would love the AT-AT Walk print!


  47. So cute! I’d love to win anything.

  48. I have never entered your giveaways, but that Edward Scissorhands is the cutest ever!

  49. Ah! Dr. Bunsen and Beaker! How cute are these?

  50. I'm always in awe of artists! I'd love to win!

  51. Please enter me in for three giveaway board drawing- these are all great finds!

  52. So creepy cute! I’d love the beaker and hondeydew. :)

  53. Lots of fun spookiness - that is cute and not overly spooky! I would love the chance to win the Beaker & Honeydew piece as well - saw their cute science "show" at Epcot in July & it reminded me how much I like them!

  54. Wild Card or Beaker/Honeydew please!

  55. Please enter me in every drawing. I want to win it all! ***Grabby Hands***

  56. You always find the cutest/coolest art!

  57. They are all so cute! But Beale and Honeydew are the sweetest! Muppet toddlers!

  58. I look forward to this every month. Also, I'd love the Muppets extra!

  59. I need to start writing down the name of these artists. So much awesome.

    Please enter me in the wild card and a chance for the muppet duo!

  60. All of this is just the right amount of creepy and cute!

  61. I’d love to be entered in the wildcard drawing!

  62. The Eva and catwoman! So cute!

  63. I dearly love your art roundups. Thank you!

  64. Beaker and Honeydew!!!! ❤️❤️ I would love to be entered for that!

  65. Oh my god Beaker and Bunsen! So cute!

  66. The cuteness is killing me! I absolutely love Beaker and Honeydew! They are part of the reason I went into science!

  67. These made my day! I love your artist picks everytime but this week I especially loved Lynn Chen and David Everett. I want all his Ravens! As for your drawing, I would be thrilled with anything.

  68. Love your art round ups! Great stuff this month!

  69. Wild card and Beaker/Bunsen please! The skeleton sculptures are awesome.

  70. So much lovely stuff! I love the Bunsen and Beaker, and Strawberry Gryphon, and Cute as a Button, and and and :)

  71. I'd be thrilled if you drew my name. My pick is the two sea creatures prints since they match my initials!

  72. Thank you so much for sharing more beautiful art by amazing artists!

  73. I'm with you- spooky-cute I can do, but forget the truly scary. **shudder*

  74. So many great finds as usual. Sign me up for all art draws.

  75. I love everything in this post!! AMAZING!! ��
    Thank you for bringing so much awesome art into our lives every month. ❤️
    I would love to be entered in all three drawings. Thank you!

  76. Beaker and Honeydew are too cute!!! Love these art roundups!

  77. I love how many excellent pieces of art have been collected! And I would love to win one! - CMZS

  78. I love the Adams family one! Please sign me up for the give-away board drawing!

  79. I had to send a friend the corgi harry potter picture. he has corgis and I knew he'd love it. The Honeydew and beaker picture is adorable.

  80. OOOh I love the little Edward! So cute and sad. My friend is participating in Inktober too: silosson on Instagram

  81. Art Roundups make me wish had more time to make my art! I have been a Muppets fan since I was a kid. I would not blink until the commercials came on. I still have my plush Kermit on display in my house. - Darnie P

  82. Thank you as always for this months smashing round up and for doing the giveaways. Love the ink drawings. Still hoping to win something Dr who.
    Sue L in the UK

  83. Oh I have always loved those two prints from your office! I know my husband would just be thrilled over Beaker and Bunsen, and I'd have to give Edward a place in the hall. ^_^ I have more new instas to follow and one of those I'd seen and lost in the shuffle so hooray! So much fun art.

  84. I love the kitty art, especially the spells on the chalkboard (nyansio mewshious!). I would love to be entered into either the Edward or Beaker & Bunsen prints. Thank you again for sharing!

  85. I especially like Lynn Chen's pieces--so cute! I'd love the Beaker and Honeydew piece!

  86. Such cool stuff!!! And I'd love to win any of the art!! I love that Bunsen/Beaker and little Edward looks so sad and lonely...

  87. Beaker! Honeydew! Edward! Love both of these!

  88. I love edward and the muppets suprise me

  89. Whelp looks like I just got like 5 new instas to follow

    I have been lovinggggg heather's inktober series! So much adorable spoopyness

    There seems to be so many great sets this year, makes me so happy!

  90. I would love the Beaker and Honeydew for my house!

  91. Please add me to those hoping for Beaker and Honeydew! - Anna M

    (Sorry to submit this under anonymous, but my attempts to create a new google acct just to submit here seems to have gone astray. -Anna M)

  92. I would love to be added to the Beaker / Honeydew as well as the Edward. They are both SO cute! I'm also in love with the Artemii Myasnikov black and whites! Thank you, as always, for the roundup!

  93. Please enter me for your giveaway! Love your posts, a bright spot in a garbagefire world right now. I'm trying to stay off social media for my mental health, so when I need an internet break, I always check out cakewrecks and epbot.

  94. Thanks as always for the artists to follow! Please enter me in the board giveaway!

  95. Ohhh, I love when you have these posts! I always find new artists to follow. That Scissorhands is ADORABLE! I would love to be entered for that or the ones on the board. So many to love. Thanks so much for the chance!!!

  96. Beaker and Honeydew for the win!!! Thanks again for sharing all the wonderful artwork. It's always amazing.

  97. great finds as always! Please enter me for Beaker as well!

  98. The Beaker and Honeydew is so cute! Please enter me.

  99. I would love to be the wildcard winner :-)

  100. As a scientist I am particularly found of beaker and honeydew. They are so cute! Please enter me into all 3 drawings.

  101. I would love any of the three winner options. The Edward Scissorhands is fantastic!

    I love your art round ups, you remind me that I need more walls for all the art I want :P

  102. Please enter me in for the Beaker & Professor Honeydew drawing. I work in a lab and have also taken on the responsibility of teaching laboratory safety to all the students and staff. Beaker and Professor Honeydew have made it into multiple safety presentations, and it would be so neat to have their picture in my office!

  103. Thanks for spreading the love to so many great artists. I would love to be entered into all 3 drawings, please. ESH is the cutest!!

  104. I would love to be entered for the Beaker & Bunsen print, as well as for the wildcard drawing. You always find the best art and make me want to add to my already plentiful collection.

  105. I love the Edward Scissorhands. :) And this artwork is so inspiring -- I might need to get back into art myself one of these days. Please enter me! :) And thanks for sharing all these great creative folks!

  106. The Beaker and Honeydew is so adorable. I love it. I would love to entered into a drawing for that. You are such an inspiration.

  107. Those kitties in witchy hats are adorable!

    Just the wildcard draw, please and thank you!

  108. Cute scary stuff is the best!! I love your monthly art round ups. I'd love to be entered for all three drawings. Thanks!

  109. Am I too late? Would love something cat related for our foster kitty room. And today is National Cat DAY!!!!!!!!!!

  110. Such a wonderful round-up, as always. Love that little Edward!!

  111. OMG, so much cuteness! Would love to be entered into all the drawings!

  112. Loish's piece is stunning, and I really love David Everett's work as well!!

  113. I love the Beaker & Bunsen print!!! And anything Toothless related is OK in my book :)

  114. As always, thanks for hooking me up with artists I wouldn't find on my own! (Everything except my bank account thanks you!). I would love to get any of these! Enter me for EVERYTHING!

  115. I love Edward and Beaker!!! All the drawings!!

  116. loving those deer! what a creepy cute combination

  117. Yay! More artists to add to my Instagram! I had to share the Corgi Harry with my sister who has corgis. It's adorable.

    I would love to be entered for the Bunsen and Beaker and the wild card. <3 Thank you!!

  118. Spoopy lovely art! That bat. I can just hear him saying, "What, me? I didn't do it!"

  119. So I ADORE the grim grinning... skeletons that you posted. I think I might be gearing up for an art splurge! That being said, I would love to be entered in any of the three drawings! That Beaker and Bunsen is super cute!

  120. Beautiful as always! Beaker and Honeydew are the ticket for me, and the wildcard one as well! I love the art posts :)

  121. Please enter me in the wildcard drawing. Thank you! :)

  122. I love love the Bunsen and Beaker print!!

  123. How you find such wonderful stuff is beyond me! Please enter me in drawing for Beaker & Bunsen as well as wildcard!

  124. I'm generally not a fan of spooky things, but the fawns are so adorable! I'd love to have the Beaker & Honeydew art to grace my office walls! Nothing else says mad scientist in quite the same way. :)

  125. I adore beautiful/creepy art so I'm loving this entire post! I especially adore that Addam's Family one! Love the Beaker and Bunsen print, and wildcard drawing always!

  126. How fun!! Not super spooky, and cute enough to leave up year round! :)
    Thanks for sharing! I've been looking for new artists.

    I would like to be entered into the wildcard drawing and entered to win "Ed Cuts", please.

    --Piper P from Washington State

  127. Yay! Art Roundup posts always make me happy :)

  128. Those skeletons are seriously adorable... if I could afford them, and had a place for them, I would buy all of them! Thank you for sharing such amazing artists with us!

  129. As a long time lover of the Muppets and a science teacher I'd love to win the Beaker and Honeydew art piece

  130. Love it all! I'd love to win something from your Pinterest board!

  131. Those fawns! Who ever thought deer skeletons could be so stinking cute?! I’d love to be entered for the Beaker and Honeydew and the wildcard!

  132. Love that bat! And the owl below is adorable as well.

  133. That It picture is TOTALLY cute. I would love to be entered for the drawing AND for the drawing for Beaker & Bunsen. It would make a most excellent gift for someone I love very much!

  134. It would be so fun to win some fantastic art!

  135. Ooh, enter me in all the drawings! Hard to go wrong with Muppets

  136. You always find the best stuff!

  137. I'm in !! And that bat pin, sooo cute!

  138. I love them both! Also this month's art is too good. My pocket book isn't healthy enough.

  139. Love the reimagined disney princesses! Would love to win the Beaker and Bunsen print as well :)

  140. I'd love the TARDIS LISTEN print!

  141. I'd love to be entered for your giveaway! As always you've found some amazing artwork. ❤️

  142. The Disney princesses are awesome! Please enter me in the wildcard and the Beaker & Honeydew drawings, please.

  143. The Disney princesses are awesome! Please enter me for the wildcard and the Healer & Honeydew drawing.

    (I apologize if this posted twice - I tried to log in with my Google acct)

  144. So much awesome! Enter me in the wildcard drawing, please :).

  145. ALL the heart eyes! I love both the Edward print and Bunsen and Beaker!

  146. Thank you for all you do to promote the art community! I love your taste!

  147. That Edward scissorhands is adorable. I love the angst on his face over not being able to eat his candy!

  148. grumpy skeletons for the win! Fingers crossed to win the giveaway from your pinterest board.

  149. Either of the Stitch prints, Baymax holding balloon or Beaker/Honeydew would be fantastic!

  150. Any of them, really. The ones above are great, but so are the ones on Pinterest. Thank you for sharing the amazing artwork, as always.

  151. It was just my birthday (the 26th) -- would love this as a bday gift!

  152. This is one of my favorite regular features of yours, I love going on IG and following all of these artists you uncover! THANK YOU.

    Also I would love to be entered for the Edward Scissorhands print. LOVE. And the regular drawing too please. <3

  153. I love it all - thank you for offering as always!!!


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