Friday, May 18, 2018

Queen Of The Night, (Not) So Still, So Bright

It's a lot of pressure finding the perfect name for a cat, you guys. And while I'm not saying it's perfect, John and I do finally have a name for Kitten.

But first, look at this cuteness:

She's almost comically hard to photograph, between blending in with our dark floors and always being in motion.

Not to mention she thinks my phone is perfect for pouncing.

Here she is enjoying my birthday red panda from readers Pinkie & Anni:

That pretty kitten collar is *still* too big, so after a few pictures I had to take it off again. Maybe once she hits 3 pounds? (She's about 2.4 right now.)

And in case you missed her featurette on Instagram:

A post shared by Jen Yates (@epbot) on

(That's one of those insanely soft baby blankets, a gift from the neighbor who found her. Needless to say, she's a big fan.)

Oh, right, her name.  :D

We tried out several - Nox, Lirael, Tenebrus*, and Elphaba were all top contenders - but then one night I remembered this scene from Princess and the Frog:

It stuck in my heart, and I couldn't shake it loose.

So here she is, gang: our North Star; our light through a long, sad night; our belle, Evangeline:

That's a big name for a little kitty, of course, so we call her Eva for short. It's cute and fun to say, though I still alternate with Evangeline.

And as I'm sure you've guessed by now, yes, Eva is staying. We got as far as calling around to find her a new home a few weeks ago, because the fear of another big commitment so soon got to me. I didn't think my heart was ready. Then I slept on it, and realized I was waking up every morning looking forward to seeing her. I smile and laugh a hundred times more with her around, John, too. And we need that - we need her - more than ever.

She's actually balanced on the window sill here, but I'm tempted to tell people she climbed in one afternoon and decided to stay. :D

Eva's collar came in a few days ago, and as John and I put it on her I said, "This is it, Eva, now you're officially someone's cat!"

"She's OUR cat," corrected John.

And dang if it didn't get a little dusty in here.

Welcome to the Epbot family, Evangeline.

I think you're gonna like it here.

(*Tenebrus is the only named Thestral in the Potter 'verse, and we planned to call her 'Tenni' for short. It didn't fit, though, so please, someone name their black cat/dog Tenebrus!)


  1. I think a lot us knew/hoped/guessed this was going to happen. :) Sometimes, the perfect cat just finds you. Congratulations on your evening star! What a perfect name.

  2. Aw. the light in the darkness reminded me of this...which you're probably way too young to remember...but give a little listen if you've time.

    1. Amy in Williamsburg, VAMay 22, 2018 at 5:10 PM

      I love this song! Pete's Dragon (the original) is still one of my favorite movies and I am almost 50 years old.

  3. I knew you'd keep her. ❤ Black cats are very hard to photograph but they are the best! Perfect name for a lovely little house panther.

    1. I'm looking forward to photography lessons from Jen as she figures out how to photograph a black cat :-) sounds like a perfect Epbot project. <3

    2. Ha, yes! We have a small black panther living with us, and he's sooooo hard to photograph well. A prime lens helps.

    3. Gosh, yes. I have a little house panther, too, and she's a nightmare to photograph! My little Ruth Bader Ginspurr with her white ascot of dissent.

  4. Adorable. I'm so curious to see if her coloring changes as she grows!! Looks like there are some possible stripeys in there.... :-)

  5. Ah kittens are adorable....until they terrify you out of your wits by jumping out of your closet some dark night when you're half asleep and all you see is gleaming demon eyes.... �� Not that I'm saying that happened to me or anything!

  6. So cute! This really made me smile today and damn if it didn't get dusty in my office!

  7. I’m so happy for the three of you!
    Now, when are you getting her a sister?

  8. I hate it when it gets dusty in here. Congrats.

  9. Do you watch RuPaul's Drag Race? All I can think of when I see a need to shorten Evangeline is "VAAAAANJIE!" (it's a good thing. I think.)

  10. Of course we knew she was staying! Love the name and my Walle loving daughter is gonna love her nickname.

  11. What an absolutely perfect name. Brought tears to my eyes, I adore Ray. Congratulations on the new addition!

  12. Back in my World of Warcraft days, I named my hunter's cat (a black and grey striped kitty) Tenebrous.

    But I love this name too! Congratulations, and I'm glad that your heart is feeling a little more whole.

  13. Hello there, little namesake!
    I am glad you guys found each other.

  14. My daughter is named Evangeline Hope mostly for that exact scene in Princess and the Frog! Beautiful name, and I know she'll bring you hope and joy in the future. :D

  15. Aww, Evangeline is such perfect choice! A light in the darkness, and it literally means "Bringer of Good News".

    Try your Con lighting setup on her. Black cats (and dogs) need lighting. There is nothing as beautiful a silky, shiny black fur, when lit nicely. You'll find what works :)

  16. OH YAY! I love her name and I love that she's helping you heal :) She's quite the ray of light <3

  17. Dangit, it just got super dusty in here.

    Congrats, you guys.


  18. Look how she lights up the night... ma belle Evangeline ❤ Congrats Jen & John on the littlest night terror ��

  19. She came in through the bathroom window
    Protected by a silver spoon
    But now she sucks her thumb and wanders
    By the banks of her own lagoon

  20. Tearing up. Dang if the choice of name didn't poke me right in the heart. Congratulations!

  21. Awwww, yay! Welcome, officially, to the community, Eva!

  22. This is exactly why Sakura came into our home 2 days after Savannah went to the Rainbow Bridge. When I start to get down, she does something silly or climbs up in my lap for a nap.
    Welcome Little Eva! You've picked a darn fine family to join.

  23. Yay! Yay! Yay! So happy for all three of you.

  24. Yay! I have too many allergies to have a furry pet of my own (just one spoiled betta fish) so it's fun to virtually follow one! What a pretty poudre!

  25. This is all so. . . I don't have my words today. But it makes me happy. I think the best part is that none of it was expected. It wasn't supposed to happen. But it did. Because, somehow, it was meant to. There's a line from the story of Esther, that my best friend and I use all the time to remind each other that we are not together in this time of our lives by accident--
    "for such a time as this." That is exactly what Eva seems to be for you both. I'm so sorry for the loss of your two kitties, but am so thankful for this unexpected but perfectly timed blessing.

  26. Oh, I am so happy you all found each other at the very right time. I wish you many, many years of joy with that beautiful and spunky kitten.

  27. Yay! I was hoping that you would keep her. She clearly fits right in!

  28. I love the name! It suits her. :)
    (Also, I totally knew you were going to keep her. She's just too perfect for you to belong anywhere else.)

  29. The most PERFECT name. Welcome to the Epbot family, sweet girl!!!

  30. It IS dusty up in here! That last pic with John melted my heart. ❤️❤️❤️

  31. I got chills when I read the name. It is utterly perfect for her, and I'm so glad that you found each other.

    Welcome, Evangeline!!!

  32. So. Much. Dust.
    I'm so happy for you guys!

  33. Is the name Lirael from the Garth Nix book series? I think Evangeline is perfect :)

  34. So many tearsssssss. That name is so frickin’ perfect!!! 😻

  35. Aww, she is perfect and she found you. It's amazing the nooks and crannies in our hearts that we didn't know we had until someone stops in and says, yes, this space is for me to fill. Congratulations to you both!!!

  36. Knew it. KNEW IT! I read her nickname and hear WALL-E saying it: "EeeEEE-vah!" Glad you and John have caught up to the rest of us (who knew you'd have a new kitteh in your lives), and have given this bundle of love and contentment her Forever Home.

  37. Your very own mini panther! Congratulations!

  38. Welcome, Eva! You've found not only a real home but a virtual home. I'm not crying; you are.

  39. Black were her eyes as the berry that grows by the thorn in the wayside...from the poem Evangeline

  40. Such a prefect name for a perfect kitten! I'm so glad you get to keep each other :]

  41. I have a black kitty named Eva as well!! Though we kinda say it like WallE does. "Eeeeeeeeeeva!" Black cats are the best.

  42. OMG the name is absolutely perfect. I totally teared up. Welcome to the EPBOT family, Eva!

  43. My reaction when reading the post title
    and then.... My reaction to seeing the panda picture
    and finally, My reaction to reading about Kitten's new name.

    I love her name, and the reasons behind it! She's gorgeous, and is perfect for you.

    Pinkie Welborne, 17

  44. Yeeeeessss...I knew she’d wind up staying. Glad you finally figured it out!

    She is adorable. She makes me want another kitten.

  45. Yay! I am happy that she's staying and so looking forward to more squeeee videos/pics of her. My sister's cat used to lay in windowsills all the time too until she moved to a new place with sliding windows. It always looked so uncomfortable to me, but he loved it. Maybe you'll end up with a windowsill-lovin' cat too!

  46. YAY! I'm so happy that she gets to stay!

  47. Awww, Evangeline, you beautiful girl! We're all gonna love you forever!

    Many, many thanks to Rebecca for saving her life and, without even knowing it, saving you and John, too.

    You chose a perfect name for a perfect kitten!


  48. I was hoping and I'm so glad it's true! Congratulations to the three of you! Animals have a way of finding us when we need them the most, even when we don't know it. <3

  49. Snow in August!

    Evangeline: I still haven't got to the end of that story.
    Nanny McPhee: No need. You are the end of the story.

  50. We have sort of twiner cats now! Ours is a black rescue cat found on the freeway too! Our poor little guy got hit though, so now he is a tripawd. Hooray for black kitties full of love!

  51. Congratulations to all three of you! <3

  52. I'm so happy for you, for all of you! She couldn't have found better humans. Black cats have their own sort of magic, and my house panther, Mystique, certainly has her own way of helping me with my depression. May Eva bring you many smiles and joy for years to come!

  53. There's a great song by a 1980's British band The Icicle Works called "Evangeline"

  54. Thanks for this update . . . I've been wondering how it turned out. Sounds as though it is splendid all the way around!

  55. That picture of John and Eva is the sweetest thing, ever. Glad all three of you got a happy ending!

  56. Welcome Little One! You are a very lucky kitty. Enjoy your new family Evangeline!

  57. Narrator Voice: "And everyone was very surprised."

  58. Love the Kitten Side Winder prancing. Good for you to recognize that the Cosmic Cat Welcome Mat was out and Eva came in. Sometimes the world tells us when we need a new feline to live with us. Congrats!

  59. When cats just show up like that, they're usually meant to stay. Glad y'all decided to adopt each other.

  60. Oh yay, I was hoping this would happen. So much love!

  61. Congrats, guys! We all know Evangeline has found the perfect kitty home with lots of love. And looks like she knows it too! :)

  62. So awesome! You'll have to give tips and tricks on kitten care, 'cuz I just recently got my own little claw machine and have NO IDEA what I'm doing.

    Oh, and I named her "Doug". :)

    --Piper P from Washington State

  63. She is practically perfect in EVAry way!!! <3

    I'm so glad she will remain yours.

  64. Oh my goodness! My dogs both passed away in the past month, and as I've been planning the possibility of a new dog in the future, the top contender for a name has been Evangeline, nicknamed Evie. welcome to the Epbot family, Eva!

  65. OMG how CUTE!!! Black cats are the very best, and the ones who find you are the best of the best. Most of our rescues that ended up staying with us for their whole lives have been black. Tardy (always late for dinner) Karma, Kesmet, Luna, were all black kitties who came and told us they needed to be part of our family. It's a wonderful name, CUTE pics, and we send our CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING OWNED BY A BLACK CAT!!

  66. I'M NOT CRYING. IT'S JUST THE HIGH POLLEN COUNT THAT'S BOTHERING MY EYES RIGHT NOW, OKAY?! All that aside to say that I'm so happy for you guys and that Eva found her forever home. Also speaking as the proud slave to one nearly solid black beastie named Malcolm Reynolds, black cats are both the best and ridiculously hard to photograph.

  67. So I was at the dealership waiting for my car to be serviced, read this and started tearing up. It's a perfect name for that little kitty!! The guy in the waiting room started looking at me weird so I wandered away and pretended I was handling some important text, but it was just so sweet to read this after everything you and John have been through. Welcome to the Epbot family Evangeline!!

  68. Congratulations on the new addition! She is a lucky kitty to have such great owners.

  69. Such a pretty little girl. May she continue to be a joy and comfort to you.

  70. I’m a bit late with this and I don’t know if it will help, but here it goes. Losing 2 cats close together is tough on humans, but better for cats. We lost Calvin 2 years after losing Hobbes, and honestly Calvin never really recovered. They had been together since they were kittens. Calvin mourned. You can, through your pain, at least know that your kitties are in Kitty Heaven together and do not mourn. Hope that helps a little.

  71. such a beautiful kitten. i'm glad you found each other! <3

  72. So wonderful to be owned by a little black kittah. I'm so sorry about the loss of your two cats. We've all been there and understand. There are lots of fun times ahead. luv, MaryO1230

  73. Beautiful name <3.

  74. Wonderful name for your little kitty - from one who has chosen MANY names for cats over the years. Congrats, and enjoy her!

  75. and now I'm cuddling my baby & crying with happiness

  76. So adorable! She looks like she still had that new kitten smell. It’s the best. I was just in Orlando for a few days. I didn’t have your contact info (I am technologically inept), so I waved in your general direction. That’s normal, right?

  77. I named my black cat, Vashta Nerada. Congratulations on your new addition!

  78. When she gets past her soft baby fur and developed her glossy grown-up fur, she will be a stunner.

  79. So glad you are her forever humans! :) It's dusty here, too, BTW! Love black cats, always have.

  80. OMG ! She is adorable. We have a rescue kitty too, and she thinks my son is her mother, he is thrilled with the responsibility of caring for her ( he is mentally challenged)

  81. We lost our two kitties, Pinball and Sweetie, last year within a two-month period. They were adopted together in 2001, so I understand completely the horrible blow you suffered losing Lily and Tonks. We have adopted two new kitties, Ansel and Rayna. So glad Eva has entered your lives! -Nobodee Home

  82. Welcome to the family, Eva! You're going to be much loved and much indulged and much documented. I'm so glad she brought your smiles back and warmed your hearts. Kitties find their ways to us when we need them most - especially black kitties. My little one (and her big sister) has helped me heal from losing her big brother a month ago. How can you not laugh at a tiny black kitten being super silly and falling all over themselves? My little RBG (Ruth Bader Ginspurr) says hello and keep up the good work to Eva, her sister from another mother.

  83. My black cats name is Tenny, does that count?
    I don't think it's after Tenebrus, she was named when we got her from the shelter.
    She's a sweet adorable 9yr old cat who has hip displasia and can't jump higher than a chair.

  84. It took us months to settle on Isabella (Izzy) for our black kitty. It took us 3+ months to suddenly discover that our adopted Rottweiler's true name was ALVIN!!! on Christmas Eve as we sat down to dinner and the Chipmunks came on. Long may Evangeline prosper, and purr, and all that good stuff.


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