Saturday, May 6, 2017

Jen's Gems: The Star Wars Bedroom Of Your Dreams Belongs To A 10-Year-Old Girl

Some of my favorite internet finds this week:

First, Emmie's incredible Star Wars bedroom:

The glowing Death Star! The art! The Tie Fighter desk!

My friend Amy did a great write-up on all the details over at - go see!


Lumecluster's 3D printed armor debuted last year, I think, but this week it's been making the internet rounds again. And since I'm always up for sharing (or re-sharing) something this glowy and gorgeous, behold!

Melissa (the creator) started with a simpler - but equally beautiful - set of armor first modeled by Felicia Day. Both sets are completely 3D printed, and have an incredible flexibility and range of motion.

Lately Melissa's been focusing on smaller 3D printed pieces you can purchase - or could, since many are sold out now. Check them out in Melissa's gallery; the masks are especially stunning.


Here's my favorite craft find this week: this "Sustainable Geometry" lamp by Engl212 on Instructables.

It's made almost entirely of cardboard, and all the templates are included at the link, with super clear instructions. AMAZING. Especially with a color-shifting LED tucked inside!


Thanks to Star Wars Day one of my friends posted this, and you guys, I had never seen it before. How? HOW?? I don't know. But just in case you've never heard an insanely catchy song where Yoda complains about seagulls, turn on the sound and watch this:

I sense an iTunes download in my future.

And finally, John's contribution this week just might make the room a little dusty.

This is 7-year-old Anu, showing her schoolmates her new Sports Blade prosthetic:

via BBC Midlands Today

Let's be more like Anu's class this week, everyone.

Now go forth, and be awesome.

Happy weekend!


  1. I love children- so innocent and inclusive! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Aww, look at those sweet babies! *melts*

  3. Hoow had you bot een seagulls?! Lol my littlest yells peck you in the knees, and stop all that bangin on a regular basis. :) loving all the finds!

  4. Errr....Bad Lip Reading has 3 Star Wars favorite is "Not the Future". They're fantastic!

  5. More fun stuff - thanks for sharing!

  6. I had never seen those star wars bad lip reading videos before your post. Those were great and completely brightened my day. I'm going to have some weird songs going through my head for the next several days now.

  7. Well, have you seen (and heard) "Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans"?

    A must-see for any Beatles fan!

  8. Mwhahaha how have I not seen the seagull bad lip reading before??

  9. OMG, that was the best nearly 4 minutes of my year so far! I'm going to go look for the others...thanks!

  10. Got another one for you- Luke Skywalker singing You're Welcome to Rey:

  11. I have not seen one of those lip sync videos before, and it was AWESOME. AWESOME. My husband and I are going to sit down tonight to watch more, and I am so excited. Thank you for linking!!!

  12. Gah, kids are so great and upfront. I met my daughter for lunch one day in her early days of 1st grade, and all the kids told me about themselves. One kid said, "Hi I'm Billy and I have a fake eye!" All the kids pointed to it, and said, "look, it's cool!" He said, "you know what the best part is? I always win staring contests, because I just close my other eye!" I dread the age he becomes self-conscious about it, but at this age, it was so fun to see everyone be so upfront and inclusive. :)

  13. That is my favorite lip reading video! I go around saying "That log had a child" all the time. :)

  14. That last one had me crying earlier this week. I love kids.

  15. H.H.BandersnatchMay 9, 2017 at 9:36 PM

    I love the Bad Lip Reading Star Wars songs. I listen to them all the time. XD

  16. Chests of drawers should be your next purchase if you have a relatively good sized bedroom. Chests of drawers are ideal for storage.


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