Friday, August 5, 2016

This Clapping Baby Mole Is The Cutest Thing I Have Ever Seen

I know, I know; we've all seen a lotta cute, peeps. (THANX INTERNET.) (No, really, thank you.)

However, there's cute, and then there's me-and-John-screeching-in-the-car-at-a-stoplight cute. There's the losing-my-mind, could-watch-on-a-loop-forever except for the cheek-cramps-from-grinning-so-hard cute.


[supersonic squeeing]

Katrina of Kicking Cones found this little guy in her backyard (luckily before her dogs did) and I trust relocated him somewhere safe. LIKE HER LIVING ROOM? Ok, probably not. But I can dream. And at least we have this video of Gwaka Molee (YES I NAMED IT) applauding its own rescue. Clap on, lil' buddy. Clap on.

PS: Katrina, does this mean we get lil' Gwaka art now? Because that would be awesome.

Now I'm off to Google "moles as pets" because WHAT. 

(New project idea, John: Giant Plexiglas Mole Wall Habitat. Eh? EH???)


  1. I had to highlight to see what that would be. What would it be? What?? WHAT???

    Ahhh. Awesome. Yes.

    (Though I admit I'm confused as to why it was written in the old BB spoiler secret white font color code LOL)

    1. Now *I'M* confused; is something showing up in white font here? HALP.

    2. I can see it just fine on my phone...

    3. Mine did that, too. I clicked on the link and then it showed up here, too. Jen, in case you're trying to figure it out and it helps, I'm on a MacBook Pro using Chrome. ~TAL

  2. I dunno, it's hard to beat the otters chasing a moth I saw the other day ... incidentally, you'd probably enjoy the Reddit forum called "eyebleach", which is full of this stuff. Unless you think you'd never get anything else done, which is a valid concern.

  3. My hands are too big! My HANDS are TOO BIG! MY HANDS ARE TOO BIG!

  4. Gwaka molee?? Really, Jen? Sigh.

  5. Gwaka molee. It took me a second, but then I snort-choked so badly that everyone came running. I really should know better than to eat while reading Epbot.

  6. Heh, Gwaka Molee!

    When I was nine or ten my bestie, at the time, found a mole in her backyard. She tried keeping it in her family's screened-in porch. I don't remember whatever happened to it, though. I suppose her mom or dad found out about it and made her let it go.

  7. Gwaka molee, having had his life saved, followed through on his promise to the Great Mole In The Dirt, and joined the clergy. Where he thrived, and descended to the lowest post possible for a clerical mole.

    He became the Holy Gwaka Molee.

  8. Wow, Jen. You and John are 100% meant for each other, because that thing is NOT cute. I wish I could see it through your eyes though. Oh, EYES!!! That's why I'm not finding it cute. I think eyes are pretty much a necessity for cuteness. You're supersonic squeeeing, and I'm not even cracking a smile over here. I'm gonna check out previous commenter Deb's recommendation of Reddit's "Eyebleach." I have a need to see something legitimately cute now. ;-)


  9. Carmiehead, the Un-StalkerAugust 5, 2016 at 7:34 PM

    My first reaction was "Holy crap, did she find a baby mole in a bag of topsoil?!?!?! 'Cause, DAMN, I'm heading to LOWES RIGHT NOW."
    And, yes, now we need Gwaka Molee t-shirts. Make it happen, Interwebs. Make it happen.

  10. Have you seen the video of a snoring hummingbird? Clapping mole is cute, I'll give you that--but I nearly combusted over this:

  11. Why are his feet bigger than his entire head?!

  12. Put me down for a Gwaka Molee tee-shirt!

  13. You are welcome to come to my yard and take all the moles you like back to Florida with you. They leave these trials through the yard, then the dog goes crazy and digs them all up making an even bigger mess (don't worry, she hasn't caught one in years) and the whole thing starts all over again. He is rather sweet though...

  14. Lil Gwaka sounds like a street name! Like he needs a giant clock on a chain and a gold and diamond grill hahaha.


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