Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July Art Roundup: Dinosaur Swings, "Wicked" Witches, & Little Pony Hugs!

Time for my favorite geeky art finds of the month!

Joey Quintin first caught my eye with his portrait of one of my favorite characters in Disney's Festival of Fantasy parade:

He even made her look like a Disney cartoon!

Here's a parade reference, so you can compare:

(You can see all my parade pics here, btw, if you missed them way back when.)

 Joey's sketch cards are also soooo good, though:

Then he's got this fabulous Wicked/Harry Potter mashup:

(Hey, they ARE witches, right? Now I want this to be canon.)

Right now Joey is only selling buttons of his artwork in his online shop, but they're only $3, and the Harley one is pretty fab. Fingers crossed he adds prints soon, too! 'Til then, follow him on FB or Instagram for his appearance schedule.

Sara Olson won me over with her warrior Crystal Gems, "The Rose Knights":

Especially Pearl! 

Looks like Sara only sells at conventions, not online, but hit that link up there to check her appearance schedule.

Bryan Fyffe has vivid, gritty designs with a huge graphic punch:


Most of Brian's prints are $30, except the butterflies which are $10. Head to his shop to see the rest!

My friend Charlie had this genius idea for sketchbook commissions: he draws small decorative frames - in all shapes and sizes - on the blank pages, then asks artists to pick a frame and fill it. He was showing me his book at MegaCon, and that's how I discovered Erica Feld's art:

Pretty sweet, right? Here's some more of her work:

Even better, her prints range from just $6-$10. Check out Erica's Etsy shop for more!

Sukesha Ray calls herself "the wizard of color" - and it's easy to see why:

This Discord & Fluttershy print stopped John and I in our tracks back at MegaCon.


You can buy Sukesha's art on full wrap-around shirts and pillows and stuff here (which looks freaking amazing - that Pinkie Pie sweatshirt! Ah!) or go see all of her work on DeviantArt.  I think she only sells prints in person, though, so follow her on FB for her con schedule.

And last but not least, check out the gorgeous pencil-and-watercolor illustrations of Gillian Newland:

 I know at least three people personally who are going to need this print. I bet you do, too. :D

And the one I had to scour Gillian's site and Facebook page to find, because I love it so much:

These prints look incredible in person, too, since the have a lovely matte texture. They start at just $12 in Gillian's online shop, but I recommend the larger 11X17 sizes for $22, if you can swing it, to really capture all that detail. (The struggle for wall space is real, my friends.)

K, that does it for this month, so now... GIVE AWAY TIME! 

Comment below to enter for a chance to win your choice of free art from my Pinterest Art Give-Away Board, which has a dozen new pieces I just added this week!

I'll be picking one random wild card winner in a few days, plus two MORE winners for these:

So if you like either/both of those prints, be sure to tell me in your comment so I can enter you in those drawings, too! Internationals welcome; I'll ship anywhere. (By which I mean I make John go to the post office, and he takes care of it. :D)

 UPDATE: The give-away has ended!

The winner of the Mario print is: Kari Selph
The winner of the Maleficent print is: Jessy Southard Strohmeyer
And my wild card winner is: Amy from Williamsburg
Congrats, you three, and please e-mail me your mailing addresses!


  1. I love both of those pictures of Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon! Such a nice style.

  2. Dragons and dinosaurs and Disney, oh my!!! Any and all art would be great for me!

  3. Leah in WilliamsburgJuly 19, 2016 at 1:30 PM

    Please enter me for the wild card drawing. Thanks!

  4. It's my birthday! Please pick me!!! Haha!!!

    I love both of the extra giveaways as well. And those last pencil and watercolor pieces are gorgeous!!!

  5. Yes, I do know multiple people who need a copy of the t-rex helping the little girl swing, including my niece I'm not related to (daughter of friends). It's going to look awesome in her room!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yes, yes, please, please! I would give anything for the Anna and Elsa silhouettes on the board; they are some of the most perfect things that this autistic, Frozen-obsessed girl has ever seen. :) <3 ☀️❄️ Thank you for doing the giveaway!

  8. Ah, my favorite blog post every month. Although they seem to come so fast! Thanks for the new shopping links as always.

  9. Your Pinterest board is full of ALL THE THINGS I love. There is a Labyrinth print that would be amazing for a friend of mine.

  10. Please enter me for the wild card!

  11. Stunning, as always. Love the Bryan Fyffe- those and the Tyrannosaurus swingset speaks to my darker nature!

  12. Beaker and Honeydew is so cute!

  13. I love the butterfly! So vivid! :D

    I'd love to be entered in the wild card and Maleficent drawings, please.

  14. I love the little sketch cards, so simple but so well done. :)

  15. I love your art roundup posts! So much awesomeness!

  16. The Wizard of Color is a genius!

  17. I love that little girl with the kestrel!

  18. I would like to be entered for the wild card and the Mario print. My boys both love Super Mario Galaxy. It's a great "2 player" game for a 9yo and 5yo, since player 2 mostly can just watch. I'm glad you do multiple give-a-ways in a month now.

  19. I'd love just to be chosen, it is so hard to choose though. I guess my favs would be any DW themed one, Bioshock Elizabeth or the steampunk octopus dance. I've never played bioshock, but the print is gorgeous. I am a huge DW fan and that octopus is too cute for words.

  20. Oooooo! I'm loving Gillian Newland's style! Thanks, Jen!

  21. Wow..love them all but my favorites are by Erica Feld. And how can you NOT LOVE the Dino pushing the little girl on the swing!? Yup, wall space at my home is at a premium right now. Every room has gallery walls so I feel ya my friend, I feel ya!!

  22. OMG, so much greatness! I LOVE that Dead Cosmonaut so much! And I immediately went over to Rageon to procure the Rainbow Dash t-shirt for my daughter.

  23. That dinosaur/swing/playground one is amazing - so realistic and simultaneously dreamy.

  24. Would love to have any of these. Thank you for showing us new artist. I love your blog.

  25. Ooh Ooh Ooh! Enter me in the wild card and super mario! I love basically all of these things.

  26. Woo hoo, art time! Please add me to the wild card drawig too for the Super Mario piece.

  27. You find the best art! They're all so lovely!

  28. Yes, please, for the giveaway board drawing!

  29. The Portal picture is so pretty! And I love the Rainbow Dash one! And please enter me into the drawing for the Mario one!

  30. another nice round-up! Put me in for all drawings please!

  31. Ooh! I love the daleks and TARDIS print!

  32. Wow, I have so much wall space available. Unfortunately, it really isn't practical to fill it right now.

  33. Paperman!!!! Astrid!!!!!!! LUV LUV LUV!!!

  34. I am buying that T-rex swingset print as we speak. And I *love* the Super Mario print!

  35. I would love a chance to pick from the pintrest board!

  36. Okay, Bryan Fyffe has won my heart. These are gorgeous. I'm going to send him a FARD, so we can be friends and he can make things for me.

    The dino-swing cracked me up and now I need a pet T-REX. I'll name him Kenobi.

    I've been secretly stalking your Pinterest art board. You find artistic GOLD, Jen. Gold.

    --Piper P from Washington State

  37. Oooo...pick me! The Epcot Flower & Garden trio remind me SO much of watching the Disney channel when I was a kid. I love them.

  38. I think I just found my Christmas present for my best friend-though I'm not sure how I'm going to decide between the BioShock and Portal prints. One for me, one for her...

  39. Oh, I need that dinosaur print! And the Mario wild card? YES PLZ!

  40. Loving Bryan Fyffe and Gillian Newland.

  41. That butterfly is gorgeous!

  42. OMGosh!!!! SO much awesome art!! Must.Have.

  43. LOVE the daleks with the TARDIS piece you shared. ::squee!::

    Hoping for a piece this month (and add me to the Mario print drawing, please! My girls would love it)

  44. I love your art round ups. I am finding so many artists to buy from to decorate my house.

  45. Dinosauuuuurrrr! .... Okay, maybe I have a problem....

  46. I really love the Brian Fyffe astro-skeleton print. I've already named him Major Tom. :D

  47. Admittedly I am nervous of the prospect of dinosaurs in this age of genetics and cloning...that being said that dinosaur holding the swing is so adorable!

  48. Ooh that butterfly is soo pretty! And the sketchbook idea is awesome. I wish I went to more cons!

    Please enter me for the regular and the Mario print!

  49. I love discovering new artists through your blog, Jen. You make a difference in so many lives through your writing.

  50. You always have such cool artists - and I love the Mario print!

  51. So, so pretty. Art roundups make my life better. GLaDOS! Dinosaurs!

    Thank you. :D

  52. always love the monthly art round up!! So many pretties, so few walls left... :D

  53. I'm closing on my first house on Monday. I would love some artwork for my first home.

  54. I saw the hedgehog you posted today and I'm in ALL THE LOVES.

  55. Geeky dragon is still there?????? please ohpleease oh please pick me, i NEED IT!!!!

  56. Love them all, as usual. And definitely sending out the love to Leslie. If I could sketch people, I totally would. The movie was AWESOME. And they all deserve all the love!

  57. Amazing art like always! Love all of it!

  58. Jessy Southard StrohmeyerJuly 19, 2016 at 3:11 PM

    I totally hear you on the struggle for wall space. I seriously need to find some 8x8 or smaller art to fill in between all my 11x17s and 11x14s. That Maleficent is magnificent! (See what I did there? ;). )

  59. I would love to win! It would be so awesome!

  60. Wonderful to discover new artists every month!

  61. Ahh i need to build extra walls in my house to have room for more artwork! (that doesn't mean I don't want one of everything)

  62. So many beautiful things on that Pinterest board!! And I'm in *love* with the Super Mario print!

  63. Ahh! Such good art this month! I love it all! <3 <3 <3

  64. How can you ask us to pick just one? Really, Jenn!
    (But that T-rex swing, tho! So...so...*sigh* I want them all!)

  65. I love Joey's work, and the Festival of Fantasy Parade is one of my favorite things at Disney. I will never get tired of seeing it (and singing along)!

    I think the butterfly is my other favorite from this set, but everything is awesome, as usual! ^_^

  66. so much new yay! i haven't checked out the board in a while and didn't realize how much new stuff there was! pick me please!

  67. My wishlist just got a lot longer.

  68. Amy from WilliamsburgJuly 19, 2016 at 3:26 PM

    I look forward to your artist round up each month! Thanks for introducing me to so many cool artists.

  69. Oh my goodness, I love the Brian Fyffe boat print and the Gillian Newland T-rex swingset!

  70. Someday I'll make it to a con and I fully intend on checking out artists alley.

  71. Those sketch cards are incredible! Such a cool style. :)

  72. Love seeing your art round up.

  73. I need the one of Astrid with the bird, because she's holding a Kestrel, and that's my daughter's name! I also like the wild card choices, too!

  74. Oh my goodness! That Super Hero Hedgehog! EEEEEEE!!

  75. oh man!! I'm going to need all of these artists to be at Dragon Con this year!!

  76. My Mario Kart loving eldest daughter would Adore the Mario Bros. print!

  77. I would love to win, either from the Pinterest or from the extra giveaways! So fun. :)

  78. As always you manage to find the most gorgeous art. Love it all!

  79. Decorating my son's new room. I would love something geeky to put in there.

  80. That Cute as a Button makes my heart ache!!

  81. Beaker and Honeydew for the pinterest board and Maleficent for the extra giveaway.

  82. Thaaaaat's it, my skulking days are over. I'd love any of those, including the Super Mario Galaxy print in the bonus drawing.
    PS, I'm sure the praise you're showered with just becomes background noise to your life by now, but let me add my voice to the noise: Jen and John, you're good folk and a powerful force for good in this world.

  83. A wonderful roundup as usual. I actually decided to make my hallway a new space to put up art when I discovered that there are Discworld postcards and luggage stickers. Yep. Planning a Discworld art wall.

  84. I will always love the Wookie and the Chew (set C)! It's adorable!!!!

  85. Once again and awesome round up and I'd be happy to have any of them in my home

  86. Once again and awesome round up and I'd be happy to have any of them in my home

  87. "Wizard of color" indeed! Love them! Also the T-rex swing print is amazing! Great round up!

  88. More related to your parade photos since I went back to oggle them all, have you seen this awesome article by the designer behind the raven masks? So fantastic to see how the newest technology is used to make such beautiful costumes!

    1. She goes into great detail about making the shell crown/wig too!

  89. Now I'm singing, "We are the Crystal Gems..." So cool. Please add me to the drawing for all three.

  90. I love those bright colors!

    I would love to be entered into all the giveaways, those prints are awesome!

  91. Now I'm singing, "We are the Crystal Gems..." So cool. Please add me to the drawing for all three.

  92. How are people so talented? It blows my mind that actual human beings can create such amazing things!

    1. I agree completely. I am always amazed at the amount of detail these artists get onto the paper.

  93. Ooh, loving the Rainbow Dash one! May have to get that one for myself.

    And I'd love to have the Mario print.

  94. I definitely need that portal print from gillian, and now to go stalk through Erica's work cause those are amazing and cute

  95. Oh my goodness that Astrid! Heart eyes emoji times three! Love them all! Thanks for showing us!

  96. Love, love, love! I always love your art finds! And it helps me keep an open eye for new things at my next con!

  97. I'm pretty sure that anything robots or princesses would be welcome in my house!

  98. OMG - I have ALL of Bryan's butterflies, they are fabulous. And I LOVE the Wicked/Harry Potter mashup. Lovely stuff as usual.

  99. Wizard of color, indeed! And yes, I DO need that t-rex print! So much fun stuff, I don't know how to pick my favorite!

  100. The t-rex print is great, and so are the wildcard pics, especially the Super Mario one.

  101. OMG that BioShock one.... loooooooove!

  102. The Unicorn Cameo is adorable!

  103. Ahh! Gillian Newland is my favourite! Boyfriend and I have three drawings between us, and her husband does incredible mock fight posters too- I have a hulk vs Wolverine and love it. She's at the Calgary Comic Expo most years if you ever feel like coming up to Canada for a con :)

  104. Love all the art. Please enter me in the drawing.

    My favorite hands down are the pencil and watercolor drawings. I need to get that Portal one...

  105. I love Mr spaceman above! Reminds me of something I have on my wall from a con a few years ago. Malificent and Mario? Who could choose!?!

  106. So, this round I like: Epcot's 2016 Flower & Garden Art Trio, by Don Williams, "Staypuft" by Dennis Hansbury, "Oswald in the Rain" by Dave Quiggle.

  107. Oooh ... love love love!

    I also really like the mario print at the end ~ <3

  108. I want the Sea Creatures!!! by Stanley Morrison. Or the Hearts Afloat or the Love Takes Flight by Jerrod Maruyama. Everything Disney! AHHHHHH!

  109. Always love your roundups and getting to discover new artists!! Fun stuff!

  110. Maleficent is wonderful. And anything else!

  111. I dig the Mario print! I'll also take something from your random art board too!

  112. OMG, I always LOVE your art round-up. Absolutely incredible! And I can't decide between Aimee Stewart's Treasure Hunt and Stanley Morrison's Sea Creatures. They are sooo lovely.

  113. I'd like to be entered for the wild card and Mario drawings!

  114. Oh wonderful Jen, you find the most awesome stuff. I needed some smiles today and this hit the spot. Please enter me in the drawing for your pinterest board. We aren't big Mario or Maleficent fans around here. So save those for someone who loves them :-)

  115. Love finding new artists every month, so glad you do this! That dinosaur is amazing!

  116. I'd be happy to win anything! :D

  117. I am loving all of the Disney and dinosaur prints!!! I just want them all.

  118. The Wizard of Color is right! Seriously stunning use of color. Love it!

  119. Please enter me in all drawings! Thanks!
    ~Emily A

  120. I'm always super impressed by an artist who can really use watercolors well, it's such a tricky medium!

  121. I would LOVE to win art off the board!!

  122. "Iron Giant" by Kallie LeFave - My oldest son and I have watched that movie countless times. We both cry at the end every time.

  123. Oh man, another great selection! I adore those warrior Gems, especially Garnet! And that skeletal spaceman is pretty cool too. Good job Jen!

  124. Love it all, but especially the MLP stuff!!

  125. Sea Creatures or Tiki Birds are my favs and the 2 wild card drawings are awesome too!

  126. Drooling over the Big Daddy & Little Sister print! I hope to have a BioShock "nook" someday!

  127. I'd still love to win the Doctor Who Silhouette, or the Wedge on the Ledge book! :)

  128. Wow, Erica Feld's work is really striking!!
    Please enter me for the wildcard

  129. I look forward to your roundups every month. Put me in the hat for the Pinterest board - can't believe Art Nouveau Wonder Woman is still there!!!

  130. Thank you again for sharing so many wonderful artists with us!!

  131. Would love to be a winner!

    Di, North Yorkshire, UK

  132. I got such a chuckle out of the put-out looking t-rex with a swing in his mouth. I would def hang that up on my wall

  133. I love these roundups. I'd be thrilled to own any of themv

  134. I love the my little pony prints. They look like 3d lisa frank art. I love all of these and always look forward every month to the art roundup. You are totally right though, the struggle for wall space is real.

  135. Mario! Why you no want Mario anymore? He's so cute!!

  136. I doubt I'll ever be able to choose of I win this month! Please just put my name in for the wildcard though. And I might have to snag one of those buttons...

  137. I love the Dalek one! I never knew Daleks could be so pretty!

  138. I basically live for these art roundups!

  139. All the arts are so amazing! I can't decide which I love more; the Unicorn Cameo for my "Unicorner" of unicorn prints or the Tardis "Believe" print for my daughter's room. And both of your choices (Maleficent and Mario) would go so well in our nerd art collection, as well!

  140. Any...all?! Love that you always have the best buyable art finds!

  141. I was lucky enough to get Joey Quintin's original Suicide Squad Harley Quinn drawing at Megacon this year!!! Favorite piece of art I own!! ❤️❤️❤️

  142. Your art roundups always make my day more colorful!!! I love that Mario print, too!

  143. Middle school library aide here, so I am now obsessed with the Treasure Hunt by Aimee Stewart print. Oh My Booger, it's fantastic!!! I want it painted on an entire wall.

    As always, anything Star Wars is always admired and appreciated. Big Star Wars geek over here. ;-)

    And, YES, for either of the bonus prints. I could not possibly choose - they're both fantastic!

  144. I love these giveaways! And please enter me for the Mario print as well!

  145. I just love that Rainbow Dash - so colour saturated! Please enter me for a pic from the Pinterest wall!

  146. Consider this my entry into all the drawings!

    I'm not usually a pastel/rainbow color person, but Sukesha Ray's stuff is amazing.

    I absolutely need that T-Rex on a T-shirt.

    You always find all the good stuff! I love it all.

    -Just Andrea

  147. The Pinto Rocketeer is amazing! I love that you give away gorgeous geeky goodness!

  148. I really love the butterfly. I will paint a room around the colors in that print.

  149. Tardis! Tardis! Tardis!

  150. Hi Jen: I love your art rounds ups. Thank you and thank you for the giveaway. I would like to be put down for the "Adventure Awaits..." poster.

  151. Monthly round-up time already :0) Pinterest board is full of awesome art. Thanks for sharing the love.

  152. I saw a couple of pins on your giveaway board, New shopping list!

    1. And now it's weirding out every time I try to log in, can you tell that I'm a distinct person?

  153. All of these are fantastic! *crosses fingers*

  154. I am totally in love with all fariy tale pictures. I want them all. Thank you for sharing such wonderful art with us all. <3 <3

  155. The Wicked/Harry Potter mashup is very clever - my daughter, who loves both of these fandoms would adore them!

  156. Butterfly!! I am a butterfly fanatic. :D Love the art round up, as usual. <3

  157. I have a desperate need for the Boo print by Christie Cox!!

  158. I really like the Disney prints and the Crystal Gems! I would love to win a piece from your Pinterest board! I would also like to win the Maleficent print!

  159. I'd love to win anything. So much of the art would be amazing in my child therapy room and my new technique I'm being trained in soon (real life heroes).

  160. So much fun art! I'd like to be considered for Mario or Maleficent (or the wild card).

  161. That sketch commission idea is Genius!! I love all of the art, but especially the Daleks. Would be chuffed to win anything, honestly.

  162. Love this month's art!
    Joey Quintin does have art on Society6.

  163. Please enter me in the regular drawing and for Maleficent, pretty please!

  164. There's so much great stuff on the board, how do you choose?!

  165. Yep, definitely need that T. Rex print.

    As far as your giveaways, I'd love to be entered for the general one and for the Mario print :)

  166. Wow...you've brought such great artists to my attention. I just bought 3 of Joey's buttons! I love the butterfly...the color is amazing! I also really like Astrid with the Kestrel. The Epbot art give-away board had so many choices so I'll only say that the Avengers print by Alex Asfour or the Captain America War Bonds are only topped by the Rocketeer (the Wookie the Chew series is pretty awesome too, though, since I'm a huge Star Wars fan and love the classic Winnie the Pooh).

  167. The superhero hedgehog is so cute!

  168. All these are so wonderful! Love the Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash ones!

  169. So many comments! I love the Butterflies! <3

  170. Wildcard, please. And amazing picks for this month's round up.

  171. I adore "Belle" by Bri Pi Art!!! Love love your blog and the community you've created!

  172. The colors on that butterfly are just stunning!! The Wicked/Harry Potter mashup is so adorable, and I love the t-rex swing :) I feel like that one has such a cute story...a girl and her t-rex. Thanks for another wonderful round up (side note: I always get an earworm of the theme to Woody's Round Up when this post comes around each month) :)

  173. That butterfly is incredible! I thought it was a photo! And can I just say, those Elsa and Anna silhouettes on the Pinterest board are perfect! Reminiscent of old turn of the century (last century that is) art, with a fun Disney twist. My daughter would freak! If only the artist still had some on his site!

  174. I love the fancy frames for commissions! Also I'm always relieved to check out the giveaway board and see some of my favorites still there waiting for me to win :-p

  175. I love all the art you introduce to me.
    I also love that mario print

  176. Oh my more goodness again! The dinosaur! The butterfly!

  177. I just fell in love with Joey Quintin! His work is gorgeous!


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