I think I missed the Adulting class where they explained "networking," you guys.
Not the computer one - I remember missing THAT class - but the quasi-social one you're supposed to do with other quasi-professional types "in your field." The one that's becoming more and more frequent at cons these days. I just... don't get it?
Like, I came home from MegaCon with dozens and dozens of business cards, and now I'm staring at them on my desktop trying to remember when John and I met a professional llama wrangler or a podcaster who specializes in cow sounds. (OK, I made those up. I'd totally remember those peeps. It's the more legit stuff that's worrying.)
My point is, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do from here.
My inner 6-year-old wants to believe "networking" is basically how adults make playdates for themselves. Because that would be awesome. Just think, all our business cards could list stuff like "collects spores, molds, & Ghostbuster references," "likes Disney fireworks," and "reacts adversely to tequila." All information one can actually USE. You know, socially. For the adult playdate thing. But not in a kinky way. THIS IS NOT A KINKY THING OK.
But truth is, I've been burned too many times with Cake Wrecks to believe the ritual giving-of-the-card has anything to do with a person liking me. I've gone to lunches and park outings thinking I was meeting a a new friend, only to be grilled about my SEO strategy (I have none), how my blog went viral (uhhhh luck?), and how they, too, can make millions by sitting at home in their jammies (they can't, & I don't.)
Even now, when we do 3-4 meetups per month, if the very first question is something businessy about CW I kind of... deflate... inside. Nothing major. I mean, I don't mind talking about my day job. It's just an "Oh. right. THIS is why I'm interesting," kind of moment. (Which, for the record, rarely happens anymore. Most of you guys would rather talk geek. Which is why I like you.)
Then there's this weird, Hollywood-esque vocabulary people fall into when they're trying to network and/or impress you, in which they all have "projects" in the works they can only talk about in veiled, confusing terms, but they have "top-level" "connections" and maybe want your "creative input" and some outright say they want to "network," and I have no idea what any of that means but I still smile and nod and generally try to act like I don't write poo puns for a living. Can we get a Babel Fish over here? 'Cuz it's a minefield, I tell you. A MINEFIELD.
You know what it is? It's me, on my very first book tour, being handed out of a fancy car into an even fancier hotel - doormen in spotless white gloves, chandeliers the size of my living room, nary an unplucked eyebrow in sight - and I'm in a Teeange Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt. Or it's me as a pre-teen accidentally wandering into Fredericks of Hollywood: confusing, eye-opening, and a bit embarrassing for everyone involved.
See, I feel like I should ask you guys for advice here, but all I really want to know is what would be on your Adult Playdate business cards. Which, again - I can not stress this enough - is not a kinky thing. (You have the whole rest of the internet, kinky playdate peeps. DON'T JUDGE.) So yeah, while you're at it, maybe give me a better name for that, too?
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- Make These Warrior Belle Leather Bracers... From F...
- These New Disney Windows Are Pure Magic
- We Should Make Adult Playdates A Thing (But Not In...
- Quick Craft: Make A POP Figure Display Shelf From ...
- One Of My Cosplay Pics Is A Book Cover!
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- You Need These Happy Feelz: Princess Hot Dog & The...
- MegaCon 2016, The Best Cosplay, Pt 2
- MegaCon 2016: The Best Cosplay, Pt 1
Hi, I'm Jessica.
ReplyDeleteI'm into Star Wars, Dr. Who, Marvel Universe, and other sci-fi, but not fanatically. I like dark humorous drama. I love art museums. Call me if you are interested in just getting together to stare silently at modern art and not have to explain why you like it. I have cats. You must like cats. And cake. And pie. OMG pie.
Sounds good to me. Live in Missouri? I like Star Trek, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, and dark humor. I would love to get together to watch movies while eating cake. I have a big screen TV, surround sound, all the marvel movies, LOTRO extended on bluray and a decent library of scifi/fantasy books. I also have two cats. One is a shy female you'll likely never meet, the other is a bold tom cat who loves people and hops like a bunny when he walks (he was born with crippled hips).
DeletePie is my favorite food in the world. I was once asked "If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?" My answer. "Pie!" hands down.
DeleteI like everything Jessica wrote. And cats. And cake. And pie. All the pie!
DeleteAnd frankly, as another moderate geek adrift in Orlando, I would LOVE an adult playdate!! I will not discuss optimizing your SEO. I will likely discuss everything else besides that. While eating cake.
OKAY- so, Central Florida Geeks Unite for a Playdate! Let's make this happen!
What if they were pastime playdates or maybe we call them leisure cards instead of business cards?? When did 'adult' become such a dirty word?! It's tough to think of how to limit yourself to just one card's worth of info...I might include gems like: "Collects craft supplies that sometimes get used, but look really pretty on the shelf" "Whispers along to every line of Mulan" "Hums the A-Team theme song to my kiddo when he tries to walk/crawl/climb" "Might as well be a pirate given my disposition toward rum"
ReplyDeleteAbout the "adult" stigma: when my sweet little mother asked if I liked adult coloring books(I'd never heard of them) I about fell over laughing hard. Now I know it totally would be something for a play date, but seriously wish we could call them something else...
DeleteActually, I do have 'leisure cards', only I call them 'contact cards' or 'introductions' so nobody has to go digging for a gum wrapper and a pen. As for 'play dates', I have those with friends where we actually do go play (Ingress), or do something crafty.
DeleteMy business card would (or really should) say:
ReplyDeleteMeet me at the batting cages (or museum, or just outdoors, or on the couch under a blanket... not in a kinky way) with...BOOKS! The best weapons in the world! ALLONS Y, ALONZO!!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds so much creepier when i think about but...The Bloggess put out some fake cards to hand out at play dates and this was my favorite. "Be nice...or I will stab you"
ReplyDeleteMurder-y but identifiable as #TribeBloggess to other members.
I concur, if you want to attract people who'd rather talk about ectoplasm than business models, you need to make your business cards as Bloggess Weird as possible.
DeleteI'm into Muppets and musicals; and if you recommend a good book to me, I will love you forever (in a non-kinky way).
ReplyDeleteMy "Leisure Card:
ReplyDeleteExtreme Introvert, horrible at parties and not likely to talk much unless you start talking about one of the following interests: Dr Who, collecting fabric and occasionally making quilts or clothing from it, David Tenant, JoCo music/cruise, wire work crowns, Tim Minchin, Weird Al, obscene cross-stitch, baking, lowered house cleaning standards, spending inordinate amounts of time playing specific computer games, and sporadically attempting to learn how to incorporate leds into current crafting project.
We'd get on like a house on fire... and I'll even keep my extreme extrovert tendencies. >.<
Deletei'd have pretty much what it says on my Pinterest header, with a few add-ons:
ReplyDelete"wildlife watcher, sci-fi & fantasy nerd, real-ale drinker, extreme book-reader, occasional wielder of paint & pencil. I believe in Duct Tape - it has a Dark Side, a Light Side, & it holds the Universe together."
It is so hard these days to make friends and have play dates with adults. It feels strange. If you were in Portland Or though I would never ask those questions and I think we would get along famoulsy and have a wonderful time.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Francisco. I love comics, tabletop games, rpg, books and movies. I'm much more high fantasy and scifi. If we ever meet in person, I promise to say "I love your site and everything you do" only for the first minute.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I did craft shows for 5 years, and in that time we met a bunch of cool people we'd like to hang out with. I'm very proud to say we are having our second get together with a couple this weekend. I'm less proud to say we met them over a year ago and this is only the second time we're having dinner together. As for my card, it would say, "I'm a leaf on the wind." While that doesn't cover the entire range of my interests, if you know what that means, we can hang out. If not, well, we probably won't mesh.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I tried to come up with a cool name other than playdate, but everything sounds too adult (as in "the guy in the back of the video store in a trench coat" adult)
Watch How I Soar. I make decals and that's on my car :D
Delete*cries* Stay shiny. X
DeleteI have one of those ribbon magnets on my minivan (yup, I'm a geek mom) that's brown and says "Browncoat".
Delete*cries* Stay shiny. X
DeleteWe are ALL Big Damn Heroes!
DeleteWe've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty!
Delete"MSTie, will eat cake for food, sewed own wedding dress, wonders what the heck is going on. Do you have any Cheetos?"
ReplyDeleteMSTies forever.
DeleteMine would read: Dollhouse miniatures, crafts,fantasy & steampunk, video games, table tops games, books, MCU, ren fairs, cosplay, and other various geekery.
ReplyDeleteCommunity theatre glutton for punishment - No matter how many times I go through the crazy of the non-professional performance world I can't give up that addiction...
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't believe people aren't more upfront about wanting to pick your brain when they ask for meetups. To me that's extremely lame - If you want some sort of goal out of meeting with someone other than thinking they seem like a cool person then you should tell them that in my opinion - you guys seem way too cool for that though and if/when we ever make it to Orlando my crazy magician and I expect to try to meet up for a blogger/reader chat with no hidden agendas!
I would have that I love to read mostly sci fi and fantasy but am not locked to those genera. I love watching sci fi on tv. I enjoy video games and that my preferred platform is PC. I have a massive geeky t-shirt collection and am always looking to add to it. I also like hiking and hanging out on the beach. I don't like crowds.
ReplyDeleteOk so looking at that it is a bit much for a card, maybe I should hand our resumes instead.
I feel like we should be friends. :-)
DeleteI'm Susanna--not Sue, Susan, Susie, Suzanne, etc...--I edit, read, write, swoon over Doctor Who and Johnny Depp, suffer from anxiety disorders out the yin yang, and am not often let out in public without heavy adult supervision.
ReplyDeleteOoooooo, I like you! I am Shawna, please never call me Shawn. Shawn is a boy. Doctor Who! Johnny Depp! How about Bon Jovi? Yes to anxiety with a bonus track of chronic pain. Popcorn is my Kryptonite, I could eat it every day and never ever get tired of it. If you like popcorn we should play, lol!
DeleteMy fard says:
ReplyDeleteInterpretations in Floral, Jewelery, and Tarot.
I think tbat says it all. Cause uf we run out of things to talk about in Flowers, or Jewelry, I can read your cards. LOL.
Also I pmay a mean game of Train Domininos, with a SciFi movie in the background.
DeleteMy CARD. LOL
DeleteI like calling it a "fard" for fun card. I also love Train Dominos!
DeleteOr Fard for Friend card. :)
DeleteYes! I would love to have fards!
DeleteI like Fards. :) Good work, Moonflwr!
DeleteI, too, admire the coinage "Fard". I'd suggest that one might need to be careful about diction when requesting one from anybody else, but then any miscommunication might actually lead to equally delightful interactions if the person being thus 'propositioned' has as ridiculously juvenile a sense of humor as I do. As long as I'm able to dodge the fallout, IYKWIM. :D
DeleteA. This is genious. I will now write on the back of my professional business cards and include all of the things I would do on an adult non-kinky-play-date.
ReplyDeleteB. "Singer of showtunes, purveyor of puns, and admirer of alliteration. Come over for movies, munchies, and mojitos."
I agree! I need to order new business cards, but I'm thinking I need two sets. One for the people I'm interested in working with (or who are interested in working with me) and one with all of NKPD (non-kinky-play-date) info on the back for the people I just want to hang out with.
DeletePuns and singing and mojitos AND ALLITERATION? Friended.
DeleteMe too! Me too!
DeleteMy fard says:
ReplyDeleteInterpretations in Floral, Jewelery, and Tarot.
I think tbat says it all. Cause uf we run out of things to talk about in Flowers, or Jewelry, I can read your cards. LOL.
Also I pmay a mean game of Train Domininos, with a SciFi movie in the background.
Networking creeps me out, too - I've found that most of the best connections happen spontaneously, at events where people share an interest (adult nights at museums, book clubs, fan gatherings) - you at least already know you have that one thing in common, so there's a starting point. Meeting people just for the purpose of swapping cards and saying you've met holds no appeal to me - people would mace you if you did that randomly walking down the street, so why is it different if we give it a name?
ReplyDeleteMy version of an adult play date consists of getting together with other adults at someone's home, having pizza, while spending 7 hours simultaneously watching Doctor Who and playing table games! We try to do that once a month but we call it Adult Time Out.
ReplyDeleteWhat to do with the business cards: Add them to your mailing list for CakeWrecks (if you have one) or send them a link to one/both blogs. Yes I am in marketing. Yes I have likes and dislikes but mostly I'm feeling really boring right now. I come here to get inspired, and maybe find a little creative nerve.
ReplyDeleteArtist & geek... loves smashing things and sometimes putting them back together (mosaic artist), likes to play in the mud (pottery) has 3 studios and not enough time to play in all of them. Open to lots of creative adventures, generally of the messy kind. Must love dogs, puppies are people too ya know.
ReplyDeleteI'm not good at people, but if you want to talk quietly about Fantasy/Sci-Fi, YA lit, sewing/crafting, or kitties, over a cup of tea, then I'm your girl (except when I can't people, then I'll be the girl in bed with a kitty and a book). Please don't take it personally if I don't call/text/email you back for a while, some days I can't people.
ReplyDeleteI'm Jenn (with 2 N's) and I am a nerd: book nerd, Harry Potter nerd, kitty cat nerd.
ReplyDeleteI would love to hang out with you, without networky talk. Come to Texas, you'll already be used to the weather, sort of lol.
Yes! I'm a Jenn (with 2 Ns too) :)
DeleteOMG I forgot toy nerd! Big toy nerd. My Little Pony, Blythe dolls, Strawberry Shortcake, Funkos, etc etc etc...
DeleteWhere in TX? I'm in Dallas, and have similar interests.
DeleteI'm in Irving! :) Most of my social medias are under SeeJennRead if you want to snoop around lol.
DeleteI love things. But not people.
ReplyDeleteIt's not personal. But go away now, please.
I don't get out much :o
Hi, I'm Kirsten. I love Star Wars, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, dragons, pinups, steampunk, Muppets, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, and cats. I love 1950s clothes, painting my toes with sparkly nail polish, sewing things, drawing, crafty painting, watching Netflix, and baking. I'm happy to go out for sushi or appetizers and dessert. I dislike drunken parties and at a gathering, I will find one or two people to talk to or I'll sit quietly. I'm into tech, I love talking about teaching, and I'm stoked for my next tattoo.
ReplyDeleteI am, just barely, able to network at professional events. Sort of. But that is an event where the intent is to talk shop. Even then, I'm also going to want to talk about the rest of life too. I think it's tough when your professional life is so mixed in with your hobbies and fun things. My professional life is pretty clearly separate. If you are at a convention and talking about a Learning Management System, we will probably get along (because why on earth are you talking about that at a con?! oh, right, because it's a great rant subject!) but I'm also going to want to go to that panel with John Barrowman and squee over him. When your job is so tied in with fandoms and you can't tell fans from people who want to professionally network and those things are different, then it's hard. Hubby is an artist so when he goes to cons, he can talk shop with people there and it's totally normal and fun and nobody feels uncomfortable because that is part of why those people are there. I guess it's about expectations kinda. People have figured out that your meet-ups aren't a chance for people who want to get into the world of blogging professionally to chat you up. But professional blogging is actually one of those worlds that attracts the weird. I used to work for a blog "empire" and seriously, the stories my boss told about the weird people who would contact her. Heck, the weird people who would contact me! People assume that bloggers are available for just about anything and it's gross because bloggers too often aren't treated as professionals by people who want to approach them because of their profession. I think it has to do with how personal a lot of bloggers are with their blogs, so some people assume they can act like acquaintances and then really be there for professional advice.
I would love to have an adult play date with you! Seriously, I read your blog and think how much fun it would be to hang with you (my hubby has serious social anxiety so no pressure). Unfortunately I live in Canada so not much chance to hit a meet-up. But if I ever do, I promise to be there solely to hang out and geek out!
You are not alone, fellow Canadian! I'm a geek, but not hardcore. I'd love to trade fabrics and discuss sewing projects. Let's draw/paint together and have some ice cream while watching something awesome (like Firefly).
DeleteThis sounds like a brilliant idea! :) Which really makes me think I need to have a more personal presence on the web other than Facebook. Most of my internet stuff is kinda professional (the curse of having a job that includes studying social media). But now how do I tell awesome new fun people where to find me?
DeleteOooh, this is an excellent question - I think mine would say "Willing to sample all sorts of cocktails, sing show tunes at the drop of a hat, gossip madly, makes excellent popcorn, always up for ice cream. Note: will not drink anything blue, play video games or join gatherings of more than 6 people unless absolutely necessary."
ReplyDeleteI think my card would say something like...sarcastic to a fault, not as scary as she looks (promise), loves people of passion and the conversations that follow.
ReplyDeleteI've only been able to keep 2 close friends. I'm too "intimidating" or something. But I keep trying : )
You don't have an SEO strategy??? *gasps in horror* but for serious, I've been feeling something eerily similar lately. It just feels like everyone on the Internet is out to sell you "something" and by something I mean a "top level networking SEO strategy" from their "consulting" business. it all seems so fake. I don't want to consult! I want to be friends! I don't want to network! I want to connect with people (in my "industry" and out) that I share common interests with, or at least someone to laugh at bad puns with me. Yet. Somehow Instagram and Facebook and Google Adwords have us all acting like shiny versions of ourselves, and not the good kind of shiny. maybe I just want to be goofy and quote will Ferrell movies all day, ya know? (That's be on my business card, by the way. If my play date doesn't involve a viewing of Elf or Talledega Nights, then is it really even a play date?) I definitely can't write as eloquently as you, Jen, and I'll stop rambling very soon, but I'm really glad that you wrote this post and I'm not the only one feeling a little out of the loop. I'll continue to lurk on your blog now and hope that one day I show up on your other blog but only if it's on a Sunday! ;)
ReplyDeletePlease don't snort these Lucky Charms.
DeleteHi! I'm Steph. I love Doctor Who, Firefly, crochet and making jam. MMMMmmmm jam. I like bugs and dinosaurs too. If you get me going on a topic I like, I may share too much. I try to share the odd facts or the bits you wouldn't have known on your own and make it interesting enough to not bore you. For example, I can explain honey bee reproduction and equate it to cake decorating.
ReplyDeleteMy leisure fard says, "Sarah has been adulting for almost 20 years now, and would like to stop. Reading, architecture, handicrafts, home remodeling, imaginary traveling, and silly teen drama TV shows are her passion. Also following awesome bloggers. Also food. Oh, and her four kids and husband are pretty nice, too."
ReplyDeleteLOVE that first line!
DeleteI was just about to say the same thing, Kerisa! I've been adulting for 30 years and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. ;)
DeleteHere's to the adults who keep adulting! Remember when we were kids and we couldn't wait to be adults ;) Ha!
DeleteSarah I love your first line too. I have been adulting for about the same amount of time and seem to be continuously trying to stop. The adulting keeps sucking me back in though! Cursed responsibilites. They get in the way of pie eating and reading fun cake blogs.
DeleteI love your opening line.
DeleteI have 3, I guess, tag lines I use regularly that would very much go on my playdate card.
ReplyDelete"I love God, I love geekery, and I love the Doctor."
"Cats, coffee, and crochet."
"I make like awkward. You're welcome."
So if I start ranting about how you order your coffee wrong and it's getting awkward, just remember that you were warned.
Let's see...my favorite movies/series are Star Wars, The Princess Bride, Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean. I like to play video games but prefer indie titles because they're shorter and I can generally finish them before I lose interest and anything that's in first person perspective is out because it makes me motion sick. I also can't ride in the back seats of cars or on trains for the same reason. I'd probably enjoy table top gaming but I live in a super rural area and would have to drive to the city to find people to play with and with a 16 year old, 4 year old, 9 month old and a husband who works nights it's simply out of the question (my 16 year old likes board games but my husband does not, alas).
ReplyDeleteI've also recently discovered Cutthroat Kitchen. I don't really like to cook but I like to eat and watching someone try to make food with a potato masher duct taped to their hand is hilarious.
I also make jewelry and love making brass turn pretty colors by playing with chemicals.
I'm a 32 year old mom of 2 who loves geology, knitting, sewing, camping, geeking out in Fantasy and Sci-Fi, and playing board games. I won't hang out with anti-vaxxers, and I need people who understand what celiac is.
ReplyDeleteLoves Doctor Who, OUAT, the Librarians, Critical Role (and D&D!!!), and Pokemon.
ReplyDeleteWatches entirely too much Mythbusters and Food Network with the little ones.
Loves Jesus and also nerdy things. and TEA. talk to me about tea. Let's have a terrible movie marathon sometime.
Librarians! YES! So much squee!
DeleteI'm in the SCA. We essentially have 'playdates' all the time - archery practice, Cook's guild meeting, scribal workshop, weekend events in garb.
ReplyDeleteMe, I like science fiction stuff, history, learning, startrek,Dr who, making stuff..... And I have no clue about the whole networking thing either. No ability to read people. No idea what's expected in group situations...like work. Just xclueless. ~Lisa
Do you live in Colorado, by chance?
DeleteHmmm...my card.
ReplyDeleteExtrovert on the outside, introvert on the inside.
Prone to talking loudly when excited about making something. WARNING: Almost always thinking about making something.
A penchant for steampunk, books, sarcasm, brightly-colored objects, and potatoes.
I'm about 2 week away from getting my first job plus massive payrise through networking, except in this case networking means drinking with a friend who simultaneously can employ you and knows how much you hate your job, so doesn't really feel like networking at all
ReplyDelete36/F, into art shows/galleries, books of all genres, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Downton (sigh), superhero movies, other kinds of movies, and thinking of interesting things to check out and not checking them out becuase I love my pajamas. If any of y'all are in the Minneapolis area, we should meet up.
ReplyDeleteThis whole adult playdate thing must've gotten to my head, because I had to re-read your post twice to figure out that 36/F meant 36-year-old female and not your bust size.
DeleteName: Whitney
ReplyDeleteLikes: netflix-a-tons, Star Trek, Supernatural, Studio Ghibli stuff, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Magic: The Gathering etc.
Collects (and sleeps with) stuffies. Would rather read than actually speak to anyone. If you have food, I'm your friend. Reading in hammocks is my normal outside adventure. My dog will always, ALWAYS, rank above you so, you know... don't come over if you're not prepared to handle that. Awkward silences must be welcomed.
Dislikes: alcohol, drugs, smoking, talking, people touching me.
There needs to be a section of the social card to check off the reason for handing over the card: o let's be friends; o would like to discuss _______ (write in things like cosplay, Cake Wrecks, fandoms; o would like to assist with/participate in _________ (ongoing projects, etc); o would like to start a charmingly awkward email penpalship; o please follow my blog/site/etc!; o other _____________. Personalized based on your social card items.
ReplyDeleteLove the checklist!
DeleteI like to think up alternative versions of well known fairy tales. Also wonder about a lot of things, like how dinosaurs probably had the same spectrum of character that birds nowadays have. I'd love to talk about the possible lives of chicken-saurus or blue tit-saurus (don't do kinky associations either, I'm too naive).
ReplyDeleteOnce lost a friend because she couldn't believe I could imagine life as a leaf of salad, growing towards the light, having fluids flow through my green veins. If you can let me be we can wonder about these things together.
Can you believe our luck to have a pet that loves to be petted and looks so beautiful while we humans particular love with our eyes and our hands? I bet your cat has learned to not shy away from your gaze. That's magical, that a cat can learn something so counter-intuitive. And that we have learned to close our eyes to break the gaze every now and then, just to make our cats feel more comfortable. That's love and magic.
You have a lovely imagination! Cats ARE magical; I am gobsmacked every single day that they exist and deign to share their lives with us.
DeleteHi, I'm Susan and I have two cats. I love reading, sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crafts. I also love to sing. I love Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Star Wars, and other geeky stuff. I also love all things Disney. I have no idea how to network.
ReplyDeleteI want to learn to knit. Also, I realized I haven't updated my Blogger profile in like 8 years. I should probably do that...
DeleteWoohoo for the reading, sewing, embroidery, knitting and crafts. :) And, you know, pretty much everything else you mentioned. :)
DeleteYes, John, you must learn to knit. It is fun!
ReplyDeleteAsk me about education, circus or roller derby.
Tell me about your favorite non-fiction book, design feature or work of art.
I can't believe "leisure cards" aren't a thing already! I've heard about a small resurgence in the popularity of calling cards, but I think those usually just have your name and contact info. Adding "personality highlights" seems like a fantastic idea!
ReplyDeleteMine would probably say something like, "Nerdy mom. Loves books (especially fantasy), cooking and eating good food, and creating things. Awkward at small talk, but would love to hear about the things you love, too!"
I'm hoping to meet you at Disney some day, and walk around and take pictures and talk geeky and crafty.... I promise I won't try to network you....
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome idea. So far, I would definitely want to at least briefly chat to all of you above.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone else finding it slightly stressful to think of something witty/awesome to say on theirs though? I feel like a list might be easier, though way less entertaining.
"Doctor Who, Bread making obsessor, Tom Hiddleston, The Princess Bride, Making hilarious in jokes with hubby, Terry Pratchett fanatic/collector/obsessive quoter, happy hooker (the yarn variety), random crafter..."
Grown-up playdates for me would probably involve books, reading books, discussing books, trading books. Also most likely cats, things about cats, maybe actual cats roaming around us. Photography, geeking about about photo gear, travel ideas, and so on. Also, there should be cake. Or cupcakes. Really, just frosting, and I'll be there. Maybe wine...
ReplyDeleteProbably my Instagram profile: Mama, wife, artist, creator, dancer, player-with-paper, butterfly taxi. = )
ReplyDeleteI love this! I want to start carrying both types of cards, or double-siding the ones I have. Plus, I just made this shirt the other day, with the same idea in mind.
ReplyDeleteI'm Jordan, I'm currently really into making those ^^^ nerdy t-shirts, I just finished my fourth cosplay (Death Eaters), I will talk food at you forever and also Harry Potter, I love puns and other wordplay, and I'm working on pulling myself out of my social cocoon and trying to get more comfortable calling myself an artist/poet (both are hard). When I find people I like, I tend to latch on and simultaneously worry I'm annoying them. If you wanted to go to anything art related, or cosplay, or just hangout with me while I'm baking, I would be psyched.
Can we really make this happen? Start organizing local Epbot/geek-girl meetups or something? Where my fellow Ohioans at? :)
Central Ohio/Columbus area?
DeleteI'm a 44-year old nerdy geek, who loves Dr. Who, Star Trek, Firefly and Outlander, but not necessarily in that order. My likes include, coffee, knitting and beer, board games, camping and 80s music.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Louise. I love Dr. Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, board games (what we used to play before video games were invented) and fantasy novels (real books with pages and a cover). I had to look up the term SEO.
ReplyDeleteI saw a meme that said something about nerd shirts. (of which I have a ton and make on my own when I can't find one I like.) It was along the lines of "I'm too awkward to talk to you. So if you see my nerd shirt and you like that too, that is an invitation to talk to me about it." I wish more people thought this way and knew about this. We would be wearing our Friend cards (Fards) all the time. :)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, yes! Adult playdates should so be a thing! I was bad enough at making friends as a kid (did the imaginary ones count?) and I don't even know where to START as an adult (write some self-insert fanfiction and pretend your friends with Hermione Granger?). I actually decided to take some a course at my local community college for fun just to meet people. I started having what I thought was a great conversation with this one girl who was telling me about some party she went to in some stranger's barn and she was talking about how hard it was to take shots with the horses. I'm a photography nut and started excitedly going on about pet photography, until I realized she'd meant jello shots. I feel like that story sums up my social life.
ReplyDeleteIf I had playdate cards I think they'd say: "Caution: easily startled. If hiding, lure out with My Little Pony music and kittens. Enjoys Sci-Fi, MMOs, and cooking. Allergic to large crowds and lengthy political debates."
THIS POST. ALL OF IT. *waves hands in big circles* Forced networking is one of the main reasons why I sidled out of the corporate world.
ReplyDeleteI like my things equal parts geeky, spooky and sparkly. I like iced coffee, making lame jokes and using excessive emojis. Known to dance at random, even without music. I will always watch sitcom re-runs on TV, even if I’ve seen them a zillion times before :D
I'm super lucky to have a close group of friends who all love each other and hang out weekly to play board games. :)
ReplyDeleteAs for my fard... I'm a geeky, curse like a sailor, sarcastic teddy bear. I'm the mom of my friend group and the person that everyone comes to for advice and hugs. I am a proud Pagan and try my best not to judge anyone. I try to see the good in everyone, even when they can't see it themselves.
Fun :) I love swears.
DeleteInterests include scrapbooking, British tv, sci-fi, mystery novels, cats, crafting all the things, cooking/eating, and cursing like a sailor. Plus most of the above with my three kids.
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm Valinda and I tend to babble and share way too much information with passing acquaintances. I blame my mother who used to talk the poor cashiers at the store until they would cringe and tell her to have a nice day 14 times. I have kids and a husband, and he has a dog, who likes me best. I try to deal with it. I'm a self proclaimed sewing machine magician (costumer) and a small business owner. I barely stay legal with all those papers to fill out and my website floats on the Internet and does it's thing, without any help from me. I love to talk fabric and trims and sewing techniques and I love to learn about other people's process. Your posts about your cosplay costumes are my favorite and I would die to collaborate with you sometime. You are safe though I live on the other side of the country. Disney, Doctor Who, S.H.E.I.L.D, Avengers, Hunger Games, The Selection, Shannon Hale, Downton Abbey, Gilmore Girls, so many things... so little time to just geek out.
ReplyDeleteCome to Canada!
ReplyDeleteToronto has some great resources for upcycling (lots of little vintage shops), and some great fabric and craft stores.
Plus fan expo is always great :)
I'm Erin Kristine, and I'm a huge nerd. I ♡ costuming, beadwork, wirework, and pretty much anything that allows me to be creative and destructive at the same time ;)
Dying to come vacation when you're doing one of your Disney meet ups!
I love this idea, because I am terrible at making friends and finding out shared interests! Mine would say, "Interests include reading all day every day, singing, eating, watching Doctor Who, and acting like a total goofball."
ReplyDeleteCome to Canada!
ReplyDeleteToronto has some great resources for upcycling (lots of little vintage shops), and some great fabric and craft stores.
Plus fan expo is always great :)
I'm Erin Kristine, and I'm a huge nerd. I ♡ costuming, beadwork, wirework, and pretty much anything that allows me to be creative and destructive at the same time ;)
Dying to come vacation when you're doing one of your Disney meet ups!
Jen, I had to stop laughing before I could read the comments and respond. I'm not laughing AT you, I'm laughing at your usual droll way of 'splaining things.
ReplyDeleteNetworking is for people looking for jobs or for wanting to extend their, well, network of contacts. Generally speaking, people network for job searching purposes, but also for sales and/or if they are looking to hire people.
You and John should totally design your own cards. CakeWrecks on one side, Epbot on the other.
As for your other problem, running into people who really do want to network with you and do the network-speak..... I suggest a "Um... I just wanted to hang out and talk Geek and Disney." If they can switch gears and do that - great. If not, then just stick to your guns and don't feel like you have to be drawn in (or sucked in) to learning a new shorthand language or talking about ROI or ISP. Or whatever.
Hello I'm Maureen. I'm a Christian tech geek Trekker from way back who enjoys the outdoors, gardening, dogs and cats, SciFi, embroidery, and other crafty things. Do you like puns and jokes with dumb punch lines? Do you live in the SF Bay Area? We could be friends!
Maureen S
Hi, I'm Lisamarie,
ReplyDeleteI'm onto star wars, steampunk, fantasy/sci fi fiction and television, other than that I hate television. I have social anxiety issues so please don't think I am being a snob, or judging you, just because I am quiet. Eventually you will wish I would shut up. Please talk about whatever interests you until that happens, I'm listening and learning.
Oh yeah, and European history , in particular the British Monarchy (Queens) from Eleanor to Elizabeth I.
Delete1) Call it a GROWN-UP playdaye instead of Adult. :)
ReplyDelete2) I play Ingress, and recently won the ability to get a set of Agent Cards based on myself. Pic and userbame on front, who knows what on back. They are more trading-card size than business-card size, but they fit in perfectly with this idea!
3) I love the idea of having checkboxes! [] work-related ___ . [] geek-related ___ . [] craft-related ___ . [] food-related ___ . Or whatever works for you. Maybe with a spam email so you can filter out creepy people?
I'm getting totally hooked on Ingress. Only half way through level 4. How did you get the agent card ability?
DeleteI love playing Ingress! Level 11 frog in Baltimore here! Ingress helps me be able to get out and talk to people when I would normally hide in my house and play Final Fantasy 14 or watch geeky shows or movies!
Deletemarcyw, you can order the cards online. ingresscards.com I've seen some cards that people in my AO (area of operation) have had made. They are pretty snazzy! (and one of our local players is one of the featured cards on the scrolling banner at the top of that website!
Courtney M.
ReplyDeletePlan-Canceller, Snack-Eater, and Mess-Maker
PhD in Odd Historical Medical Facts You Can't (or shouldn't) Discuss at Dinner
Special Emphasis in Stupid Horror Movies You Thought Would Be Good
Connect w/me for weird conversations, misused vocabulary words, and uneaten cracker crumbs.
My "business card" (yes, I really have these) lists my title as "Princess of All I Survey."
ReplyDeleteI just got contact cards made for myself. It's got some of my photography on them, and describe me as a Photographer, gamer, crafter, and data ninja.
ReplyDeleteLook at all these wonderful people in the world! I'm moving to a new city soon, and wish I could hand out and collect cards to meet people there. Mine would have all the other f-words (family, faith, food, friends, fun), plus quilting, costumes, crafting, books, cooking,binge-watching anything fun, teaching kids to read, swimming, hiking, wine, and I'm a good listener.
ReplyDeleteThat other networking I'll need to do to find a job? Ugh.
Are you trading us in?
ReplyDeleteI'll playdate with you guys anywhere.
BRS and TG
Me: Interested in EVERYTHING. Really, my curiosity knows no bounds. If you know things I don't know, and you want to share, you're my friend!
ReplyDeleteWas very sad the day I found out it would be impossible to read every book in the world. This is literally (and by literally, I mean literally) true.
My card would be something like: Will talk your ear-off about Harry Potter, Spain/Spanish, and math. She also likes to talk about Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, and other geeky stuff. Ask about her dogs and parrots! To pay bills, she teaches and so does her (also geeky) husband. She's Christian but not the kind that is going to slap you with a Bible if you aren't.
ReplyDeleteMine would be based on my Twitter bio: "Artist. Writer. World traveler. Animal wrangler. Maker of Stuff. One-note musician. Reader of Books. Wearer of costumes. Geek girl extraordinaire."
ReplyDeleteMy fard would have something like:
ReplyDeleteFluent in "Geek" and "Nerd". Lover of all things fantasy/sci-fi related. Listener more than talker (until I get to know you better). Board games, D&D, video games, and 80's music are a must. Reader of anything I can get my hands on.
I have an MBA which is very laughable to me now because ha! I did learn one great piece of networking advice while I was in business school though, so naturally it came from someone I was dating and not someone I paid to teach me. He told me to forget about trying to hand out cards to an entire room and just focus on really getting to know one, maybe two people that seem crazy cool to you. If you can't even find one person that you want to talk to, the event sucks, not you, you should leave and do something better. Thanks to this piece of advice I met at least three awesome people at otherwise boring events that I am still in touch with. Also, when you make an actual connection with an actual person and not just come home with 50 cards and a headache, you are more likely to be able to hook them up with a job, hook yourself up with a job, etc etc etc.
ReplyDelete"Texpenguin--Fluent in most geek languages. Muggle translation services, fandom theme party planning, cosplay accessory fabrication, and crafting consultations provided. Also, will work for penguins."
ReplyDeleteOur adult playdates are either board gaming nights or craft nights. Very casual get togethers to play/chat/eat with good friends. If we lived in Florida, we'd totally invite you both! In fact, expect an invite the next time we visit!
Also, you and John need to develop a script for dealing with stuff, especially as you should not always have to endure people's nonsense. Like if you run your hand through your hair, it means, "This is so boring, come rescue me!" You are also totally allowed to tell people, "Oh wow, that sounds AMAZING and I can't wait to hear about it, but I just realized I have to go talk to that person before they leave!" and run off (works great in crowded rooms). If you can't leave and have to listen to the person to be polite, i.e., they are your boss or pay you in some capacity, you never go wrong asking people to talk about themselves more. Almost everyone likes talking about themselves. Try, "What made you decide to go into this line of work?" Or just ask a nonsense question that you really want to know, like, "I'm writing an article about fan fiction, if you were going to write yourself into a storyline, what show would you pick?" Sometimes you can end up having a conversation that actually doesn't suck. Other times you find out you really need to run, "Uh, the Bachelor?"
ReplyDeleteI don't even know what an SEO is so I couldn't talk about it anyway
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I think my card would say, "Has social anxiety, but wants friends. Loves geeky things, ghost towns, and wants to try new things and go to new places."
If I lived near Orlando I would love to hang out.
Based on my Couchsurfing bio. I used to write serious stuff hoping to attract serious people (as in, not kinky people). And then at some point I had a moment. Maybe actually writing about my true self would fend off kinky people too!
ReplyDelete"I'm into all sorts of nerdy things, Sherlock, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Benedict Cumberbatch riding a unicorn, you name it".
And I met the most hilarious couch-host this way. That was totally a nerdy playdate in my book.
Everyone fancy has piles of letters after their names, so I'd just put S.P.E.W. after my name. People would get it and we'd be friends, or they wouldn't get it and they'd walk away quickly. Either way, I'd win.
ReplyDeleteIf it helps, if I met you I'd probably really want to impress you, but in a sort of desperate 8th grade way, so that you'd please please please like me and invite me to your table at lunch. So maybe some of the people trying to impress you are just stuck at the middle school level of socialization and they are trying to sound cool so that maybe you'll like them.
Yay S.P.E.W.!
DeleteSee, adult playdates don't even sound kinky to me because I'm used to saying to my other mom friends, "We need to get together for a playdate. Uh, for the kids. Yeah. Totally for them."
ReplyDeleteBut if I were to have a child-free playdates, I would include, "Loves sci-fi, fantasy, and dystopia. Also enjoys mysteries. Huge fan of all things Jane Austen. Loves to crochet and write. Plays clarinet, learning autoharp. Kind of specific about foods so probably better if we each provide our own." I might need a bigger business card.....
Mine would say...I'm Adrienne. Loves: Doctor Who. Naps. Chocolate. French Fries. Pasta. Books. Fuzzy animals. Likes: Star Trek (Although for now it's making me sad. RIP Anton Yelchin). Harry Potter. GoT. The Walking Dead. HATE: Marzipan (it's the devil). Root beer. Bananas. Peaches. Things that can fly at my face, esp. if they can potentially peck my eyes out.
ReplyDeleteOMG I forgot Sherlock. Under loves, obviously.
DeleteOh! I forgot part of what my card would say! "Someday I am going to build a Hobbit house."
ReplyDeleteI have been having adult play-dates for years with a coven of crafty ladies. We don't get together super-often, it's rarely all of us at once, but we try to arrange at least two times a year that most of us can gather and knit or bead or whatever while eating, drinking, and gossiping.
ReplyDeleteDon't believe it has had any career helpfulness whatsoever, but for me at least, it's been good for ye olde sanity. The business card would have to say something like "I play with beads and you can too." But I wouldn't give many of them out. ;-)
Professional networking (for my day job which pays the bills) gives me the shivers and makes me nauseated. I always wonder why in the heck I am there and look for a way out as quick as possible - can we say social anxiety? Oh yes we can! I think my real card should read: South Floridian, loves to sew, craft, quilt, make costumes, listen to musicals & opera, read, cook, watch non-scary movies, sci-fi. Love to people watch, not fond of crowds, slightly sarcastic (ok snarky at times) and dry sense of humor, willing to let people be themselves. Hate to be embarrassed in public. A bit much to put onto a card....... Heck, I'm so non-networky (is that a word?) that I looked up SEO and got completely lost.
ReplyDeleteMine would take the form of hashtags of my life...
I wish i was acceptable to have adult playdates...or maybe meet-ups? Although that gives the air of mystery & kink, too...
I'm Karen. I love me some Harry Potter, Marvel Movies and Star Wars. I also love watching the WWE and my favorite wrestler is Dean Ambrose. I know too much about celebrity gossip and more than most girls do about sports. I am a graphic designer who never wears her hair the same way twice. I'm from Dallas, so I hate snow and love summer. And I would totally be up for a playdate doing something crafty or watching movies or going to Wrestlemania (because reasons). And I think you're doing a great job navigating this crazy world and you inspire me to go bigger, bolder and louder everyday.
ReplyDeletehow about "Social Interaction Opportunities" instead of play dates?
ReplyDeleteI'm Monica. I hang out with small children all day (for money!) and in my free time I read, craft, read, bake, watch Netflix and YouTube, and read. Favorite fandoms are Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Star Trek, and Star Wars. I'm much better at expressing myself online than IRL, so I have trouble making IRL friends (doesn't help that none of my co-workers are especially geeky). I would love to have a non-kinky playdate with you, so if you ever come to Chicago look me up! ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou could call them Meetups. There's a whole website. It's how I learned to play ukulele. Also, I use keywords in my online profiles. Literally, I wrote, "Words: witty nature nerd (Marvel Hufflepuff TNG Miyazaki and fun facts) crafty handy tinkerer Netflix garden books camping Bowie" If any of those spark interest, start the conversation there.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Day. I like Harry Potter, YA books, Star Trek, reruns of The Twilight Zone, TBBT, and most sci-fi especially if it includes humor. I have a wealth of useless knowledge like hippos poop to attract a mate but can't seem to complete an IKEA furniture assembly and use all the parts provided as instructed. I promise I will out knowledge you on 99% of most things Disney and can navigate WDW parks with my eyes closed. I prefer 1%, have an unhealthy need to have cheese on or in most things I eat, and will choose sweet over salty every time. I love oldies on the radio, 90's/00's on my iPod, and can not stop myself from forming a Soul Train line when I hear disco music. I'm pretty sure I'm still single because I put my childhood stuffed animal on my bed, get more excited over animated movies then the latest blockbuster, and dance in the car when a good song comes on. I am nerd... Hear me roar!
ReplyDeleteI would totally go for playdates! I have no idea what I'd put on my fards, though. Something about liking to talk about deep stuff one minute and wacky stuff the next. And Dr. Who. Always Dr. Who.
ReplyDeleteDorean (PS- I have no idea why the comment box thinks my name is addds!)
My playdate business card would say that I pretend to be an otter on the internet, adore jewelry and nail polish and make nail polish jewelry, love reading almost everything except rapey "romance" novels (am fine with other romances) but especially zombie books and steampunk, like to garden but hate weeding, listen to dinosaur rock and girl power music, hate myself for crying when I get mad, am a perfume snob (BPAL rules), will try to stop myself from correcting your grammar and usually succeed, will dissolve into a puddle over almost any dog, and will talk to almost anyone about almost anything.
ReplyDeleteOh, and btw, Jen? Don't sell yourself or Cakewrecks short--you do more than make poo jokes! You also make lots of peen jokes. ;-)
My card would read:
ReplyDelete"Madison Scott.
Super awkward. Will probably lose all your contact information (it's happened before!!!!). Make me your phone-a-friend on Millionaire, because I have a trove of useless info in my brain. I will spontaneously answer mundane questions with show tunes whose lyrics match the answer. Call me if you want to go hang out an an aquarium, or the beach, or a science museum. Bring Disney movies and snacks for later. Also, I like weird fruit. I don't react well to tequila or pineapple juice.
My Fard would read:
ReplyDeleteI'm Kim. I was nerd before it was a thing and wedgies happened. Star Wars is just Star Wars and not "A New Hope," I used to know how to write code in DOS, and the 4th Doctor (along with K9) is my Doctor. Monty Python isn't a person either. Care to discuss?
Ugh, "networking." About a year and a half ago, I was forced to attend a little meeting of our Professional Women's Network at work and this was discussed. I listened to the explanations and reasoning and the methods the high-level executive leading the meeting talked about. Then I raised my hand and, in the most polite and tactful way possible, pointed out that what they were describing was actually "using people". Seriously. I am not going to be friends with you because of what you can do for me. That is just so very icky. Give me the Adult Playdates that I set up with my actual friends any day of the week!
ReplyDelete(Coincidentally, I've been using the term Adult Playdates for years now to lighten the difficulty I have getting friends together as we get older and our lives get more full. No one can turn down a scheduled playdate!)
My card would read - Angie. Don't say Angela because I'll think I'm in trouble. Too many books have turned my head. Talks to cats and half expects them to answer back. Devourer of action movies, superheroes, and music to make you worry. Aficionado of cats, Pinterest, and really lamentable puns. I don't bite.
I jokingly wrote a dust jacket summary with blurbs of my not-forthcoming memoir for a co-worker today. A bit long for a card but similar:
ReplyDelete"Hali's life was primarily defined by her summers in the woods and her winters under the covers with her books. This memoir reveals the personally and culturally salient points that led Hali from the toe-headed ballerina to commuter bicyclist, the obstinate teenager to the more biddable adult, and most interestingly the journey from being a difficult High School student to earning Post-graduate degrees with top marks.”
“An interesting read for anyone wanting to know how someone can pull their s*it together.” -Everyone who has known Hali for 15 years or more
“That’s not how I remember it….” -Father, musher, former boilermaker
“A true genius has to have some knowledge of learning and such.” –Monica S., coworker, acclaimed and accredited reviewer of all books
YES!!!! JEN!!!! SQUEEEE!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut business cards have contact info...which is something all these wonderful, interesting, hilarious comments are lacking. I can't get in touch with most of these fine people this way. Very few have clickable names that take me anywhere or provide me with a way of making contact. :( I don't have Google Plus or Blogger or Facebook or any other "networking" social media accounts, because networking, as you already know, is...ugh. And socializing, for me anyway, is...grrrr...*shudder*
So, here is my card:
KW, 40, geeky wife to a nerdy hubby, "annoying" mom to a teenage son, vegan cook extraordinaire, DIY enthusiast, lives in a noisy city but much prefers the quiet country, low-maintenance, not religious, voted for Sanders, loves to write. Needs an interesting, funny, stable, drama-free, not-easily-offended, 40-ish penpal who LOVES and HAS TIME to write. Send an email to pacific40s at yahoo dot com, and tell me all about yourself! I WILL write back, and we can be introverted separate homebodies together.
I have old fashioned "Calling Cards" - One has just my name, mobile number and email address, another has my Pagan/Wiccan info on it. I'm going to have to create a geek one now Jen....thanks for that... *giggle* Hmmmm...what to put on it? I love Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, BSG, Supernatural, DC AND Marvel, Anime, Steampunk, crafting, silversmithing, crocheting... and that's just off the top of my head! Dang, I'm in for a long day. ;)
ReplyDeleteI go to a million conferences for work, and I've gotten in the habit of scribbling on the back of each card I get something that will remind me why I have the card (e.g., "wants to volunteer" or "email her the handouts" or whatever). Surely there must be an app or something that could do this, right??
ReplyDeleteAs far as my personal card, maybe: dot 5 y @<3
I agree with the commenter who said you are way too cool for meetups with people trying to take advantage of you. You have a legion of Epbot readers who already feel like your honorary besties and would LOVE to hang with you guys, but know that logistically it's just not possible. And then these people actually have the gall to squander your precious hang time on hidden agendas? Seriously Jen, screw those guys - come play with us!
ReplyDeleteYou've had so many comments, so I don't think you'll see this, but....I'm the ass that spilled her margirita on you at Ocala ComicCon. I need an adult date with shared nerdiness.
ReplyDeleteAndrea [Last Name]
ReplyDeleteWears comic book high heels to important staff meetings
Owns First Nations Star Wars Art
Loves the fandom life
(P.S. The First Nations artist who does Star Wars characters is Andy Everson - www.andyeverson.com - and this is what his artwork looks like: https://www.google.ca/search?q=andy+everson+star+wars&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwir4YK11brNAhUMzGMKHTAbBQoQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=_ I think it might be up your alley.)
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DeleteDarn it. I forgot to link my text. Let's try this again, shall we?
DeleteHis webpage
Google Image Search Result
My Adult Playdate Card would say: Will turn into a squeeing fangirl puddle over conversations about the following: Harry Potter, Mad Max: Fury Road, Supernatural, Lord of the Rings, various British actors. Likes to knit, likes wine, loves chocolate, loves coffee. May be wearing jammies at any time of the day.
ReplyDeleteMy fard would read:
ReplyDeletefront: I killed Asmodean.
Back: I don't want to talk about it* casually; I want an in-depth analysis of every moment, thought, and action, with a long-winded rant about how it emotionally affects the character(s). Fanfic and fanart are par for the course.
*"It" refers to absolutely everything
As for networking, well, I've been teaching for 7 years and there are still people in the building I haven't exchanged more than 20 words with because there's no easy way to explain how deeply Avatar: the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra (plus a healthy dose of Miraculous Ladybug and superheroes) are integrated into my classroom. At the few conferences I attend, I spend the whole time wondering when lunch will be served.
Hi, I'm Jolie from San Diego and I like to play co-op board games, read comics, and drink beer. I'm a really old school geek - I played AD&D first edition, gamed on my Atari 2600, watched anime when the only way to see it was on VHS taped off Japanese television (no subs or dubs), and went to my first Comic Con in 1981.
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Rachel. I live in NE Nevada with nobody like me. I like stargate, HP, marvel, superwholock, pinterest,cheese, church, cats, and sleep. I make papercraft wedding flowers on etsy, but mostly I do other stuff that makes less money :) I like to talk and drink coffee all night or to be alone with my husband and the cats. I pretend to garden but I'm horrible at it. I hate sewing but I wish I liked it, and I think scrapbooking is beautiful but doing it myself makes me want to build a bridge to jump off. I am unreasonably fond of mermaids, Terry pratchett, and dinosaurs. I bite my nails and I'm always sick but I'm trying to get better :) I have a fun tiny life full of love and I love epbot and cakewrecks because I connect with jen. I feel like she is really in my life with her wisdom, openness, readiness to care about others, and how she shares her feels. I feel like she supports me and I'm not alone, so I try to do the same. I'll probably never go.to comic con but if I do I'll wear my epbot pin and look for others like it :)
ReplyDeleteMine would read: Introvert; overly obsessed with bunnies; sci fi geek - Especially Dr Who (Don't complain it's spelled that way in Hartnell's day), Star Trek and Star Wars; Can be found buried under a mountain of craft supplies; all the Disney... of something like that. I know what you mean tho Jen, I moved to a new town six month ago and the only people I know are from work or live with me. Non kinky adult playdates seem like a great idea... how do normal people make friends anyway?
ReplyDeleteLeisure cards are a brilliant idea! Most of my in-person friendships these days either pre-date my current interests or are based on our kids' friendships, while more of my common-interest relationships are online - and I'd love to have a way to meet people nearby (any other Ottawans out there?) who share my geekery. My cards would probably read: Ravenclaw, Marvel movie fan, lover of adorable monsters, Muppet fangirl, amateur decorator of cakes, owner of an overflowing tickle trunk, attempter of sewing projects, proud geek girl.
ReplyDeleteMine would be: obsessive geek, crafter, mother, gamer, and reader.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard meeting people and making friends as you get older. Most of my close friends don't have kids and most of my kids' friends' parents don't share my interests. We did strike gold with my husband's gaming group as they have kids the same age and obviously similar interests.
Mine would say: Does not speak unless spoken to, but once spoken to will not shut up. If you *really* don't want me to shut up, bring up the following: Doctor Who, GoT, Dragon Age, any historical event/person, fantasy books, cosplay, or dinosaurs.
ReplyDeleteI recently got my first permanent full-time job, and I've realized that, while I knew "adulting" was hard, that it is in fact harder than I thought because no one in the administration office wants to talk about dinosaurs or EVA foam. I need an adult playdate like now.
I suppose mine would look something like this:
ReplyDeleteHobbies: baking, sewing, reading, video games, cosplay
Geek fandoms: Star Trek (especially TNG), Star Wars, Harry Potter, Dr. Who (I'm VERY behind), Ghostbusters, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, & more stuff like that
Other interests: board games, card games, dice games (especially Quarriors!), pinball, Skee-ball, chocolate
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ReplyDeleteMy card would have to more like a handout, its a bit long.
ReplyDeleteI am an extreme introvert, but my friends often compare me to a Muppet. My goofy personality lies in wait like a tiger in the brush and when someone speaks to me… I POUNCE, and I will not stop. Laughing and being silly are my MO. My ADHD makes for unusual conversations that will switch topics unexpectedly. My ADHD has a downside, which is that my “will this insult someone” filter is a bit wonky, so sometimes I say well-meaning things the wrong way.
Hobbies: baking, sewing, knitting, crochet, reading, video games, cosplay
Geek fandoms: Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons. Futurama, Bob’s Burgers, Harvey Birdman, Sealab 2021, and more. I also like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Dr. Who Yellow Submarine, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, & more stuff like that.
Other interests: My offspring, Terry Pratchett, The Beatles, The Monkees, my cats, Cassic cars, supercars, politics, and science.
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DeleteI almost forgot! If you ever visit Philly, let me know! I will be more than happy show you all the stuff they don't tell you about in the tour books.
DeleteI love this concept and occasionally see versions of it on some of my parents' friends' cards (who are retired). It's so hard to narrow it down but mine would have to include:
ReplyDeletecreator of many things (with alcohol, food, fabric, paper, wood, paint, yarn, etc), sailor, voracious reader, cat-lover, coastal geologist, lover of other worlds and times (Firefly, Outlander, Harry Potter, Redwall, etc), letter writer
I'm quite an introvert, so if you'd like to do any of those things in companionable silence with occasional bursts of conversation as I get to know you, count me in!
There have been so many awesome responses, anybody in/near Williamsburg, VA? I'd love to have Epbot fans unite!
Yes! My husband often tells me I act like I'm 80. I, too, love to can jam/jelly and pickles, just learning how to quilt, but I'm a big fan of crochet. I get cranky if I don't get 8 hours of sleep and left to my own devises will happily go to bed at 8:30.
ReplyDeleteFan of all things Potterish and Outlandish. Really does like the sound of bagpipes. Can't do small talk to save my life.
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm Heather! I love comic books, Harry Potter Game of Thrones, and I spend too much time playing RPG style video games. For some reason I don't like Star Wars (don't hate). I like stage theatre and indie film making and trying to build things I'm not sure I'm skilled enough to build, and generally surprising myself.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, this is not easy, fitting all this stuff on a teeny little card. I guess I'd have to include collecting (bookmarks, Zuni fetishes, Terry Pratchett and Andre Norton paperbacks, accidental badgers, horse and dog figurines, other action figures like Axe Cop and Wexter, The Tick, Godzilla, etc.), beads and beadwork, (bad) sewing and fabrics, rocks, fossils, dinosaurs, and painting. I'm an introvert who is famous for saying ridiculously embarrassing things at my husband's professional get-togethers. I love reading, all genres, anything and everything. I'll listen to almost anything musically; my MP3 player has stuff from Rammstein to Bonnie Raitt to Lyle Lovett to Acoustic Alchemy. I love Jaws, Star Trek, Ghost Busters, Firefly and old '50's science fiction movies and can be occasionally persuaded to graciously tolerate Star Wars. Not fond of cats, but I do have two dogs and a tarantula named Trillian. I share my geekdom with my husband, and sometimes our son (who will deploy to Kuwait in August) makes an appearance, always a cause for great rejoicing and celebration. I'm also a frustrated cosplayer, in that The Hubs doesn't want to and I want to go as a dwarf so I can have a beard.
ReplyDeleteI think you have hit upon something awesome Jen. Maybe we SHOULD all have our own playdate cards to hand out to people we meet. Only because it has happened way too many times where I think I am connecting with somebody, only to have me briefly mention something like "renaissance faires" and watch as their nose starts to wrinkle up, and then eyes cast a sideways glance at me, and something cutting-but-trying-to-be-kind remark comes out like how I must be a Dr. Who Fan and like random movie quotes (which I do). It would save us all alot of pain just to start with the hello, hand out the card, and see what happens next. As a matter of fact, I think I may go print myself up some playdate cards right now, and watch where it takes me :)
ReplyDeleteI totally feel you. When I give out business cards for my day job as a radio journalist and my side job as a photographer, most of the people who read out to me fall into three categories: 1. They want to pitch themselves or their event or product as a story (it's rarely newsworthy) 2. They want to gripe and moan about mainstream media and insist on why I'm not covering x, y, x (I'm a LOCAL NPR station; we're not sending someone to Iraq) or 3. They want free or super cheap photos (Because exposure pays my bills and my 10+ years as a multimedia journo and photog apparently aren't worth paying for.) It;s frustrating because I love to network and meet new people.
ReplyDeleteAs I am reading through the comments, I am struck by how many interesting people there are that come here to Epbot. I would love to hang out with everyone! Although a group that size would make me want to run away and hide, but still... wouldn't it be awesome? An Epbot con! Think of the conversations we could have!
ReplyDeleteI'd go to that!
DeleteI'm not sure if you'll see this or not, but I have to chime in here. I'm a faculty member at a fairly large university, and networking is basically my JOB at least 50% of the time.... and I react EXACTLY the same way. I have no idea what to do, I fall into geek-speak when I run out of things to say, and unless someone I've met is directly tied to one of my projects, I don't generally 'follow up' email once I'm back in the comfort and quiet of my office.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a weird thing. At all. Forced business bonding is UNCOMFORTABLE.
I'm lucky in that I'm able to easily talk to practically anyone but I'm also kind of an introvert when left to my own devices.
ReplyDeleteLove the idea of a leisure fard! My would read:
Loves people or being alone, can talk to you on the phone for hours. I'm a philatelist and geocacher who loves to read and watch non-violent movies. Going to the theater is my favorite activity (but hard to do in rural Wyoming). Would love to have a foofy drink with you, but hates being around drunk people. Too many allergies to own a pet but I love to come visit yours and I play patroness to the neighborhood squirrels, with feeders in my backyard. I like kind, funny, self-aware people. Mean people and free-legal-advice seekers need not apply.
Oh, and I love love love Weird Al! (And anyone else who is smart but can laugh at themself!)
Delete"I make art, you can too."
ReplyDeleteI like to get together and make a thing. Right now it's sketchbooks, but I like all the shiny things. My house is a mess, please don't judge. Bring your crayons or yarn of choice. I'm in Massachusetts
Mine would say something along the lines of, "I don't really want to play, but if you want to come over and read in my general vicinity, that would be OK. We can have popcorn or something."
ReplyDelete"I make art, you can too."
ReplyDeleteI like to get together and make a thing. Right now it's sketchbooks, but I like all the shiny things. My house is a mess, please don't judge. Bring your crayons or yarn of choice. I'm in Massachusetts
I think mine would be a picture of Ludo with the word "Friend" printed on it. :)
ReplyDeletei named my german shepherd ludo. somehow i think you and i would get along fabulously.
Leisure cards! Love the idea :) Mine would list: Loves photography, drawing, cooking, knitting, crocheting and dancing through the apartment; does most things while blasting rock & metal music at ear-ringing levels; has sometimes bouts of shyness at inopportune moments; usually gets along with people - but always remember that she is mad as a hatter and able to do things nobody else would consider doing!
ReplyDeleteJen, you should TOTALLY make a set of friendship cards. The best part is, you can just say you're being steampunk/old fashioned when you hand them out; the Victorians did it ALL THE TIME. Seriously, it's historical! Why shouldn't we bring it back? I'm certainly for it. Who's with me?
ReplyDeleteExpert introvert, unless you speak fluent geek (Though, I have been told I'm one of those quiet people you need to look out for because I may do something completely unexpected).
ReplyDelete"Ten feet tall & bullet proof. Smiling. Loving life, Pittsburgh, and yinz all. Cheers! xoxo"
ReplyDeleteoh wait. that's my twitter profile!
Back in my early twenties my friends thought I was crazy because I went out and got business cards printed with my personal info so that instead of scrambling to find a pen and paper to give some guy my number I could just whip out the card. You can get about 200 made up for less than $10 at any print shop (price increases quickly for added colours or graphics). I never used up all the cards and ended up throwing a bunch away, but you can get kits at Staples to print them yourself at home which would mean only printing up a dozen or so at a time.
ReplyDeleteBack then I just had name and phone number, now I'd put in a picture and my name/number on one side and a quote or snippet about me (maybe even different messages on each card, but that is advanced word processing mail-merge stuff unless you print them one at a time).
You could also get your friends on FB to describe you as they would to a potential blind date. Take those comments and add them to your card for an instant referral.
I would like a card that say "Tag, you're it!!"...
ReplyDeleteI would hand my card a take a run!
These are reading like classified/personal ads for best friends. Maybe you could call them Bestie Personals or Bestie Classifieds instead of Adult Playdates. You could still set up dates like with personals, but you can avoid using the word "adult," which almost invariably draws that "kinky" imagery out.
ReplyDeleteMy card: Consumer of trivial knowledge that is rarely useful. Dabbler in all things crafty. Geek out over a vast array of things. Raised on Star Trek TOS on Mondays and Jesus on Sundays- kept a love of both. I'm a talkative introvert who will mostly communicate via text. INFJ
ReplyDeleteAlso, I do a little graphic design and might just make this a real thing
One of these days, when I move to Orlando, I'm going to hit you guys up for a real adult non-kinky playdate. At Epcot. While Disneybounding (a true sign of friendship), but Steampunk...I dunno, we can work out the details later. For the record, you've got BFF's you never knew you had and I mean that in the least stalkery way possible. My friend and I are always texting each other with things like "Jen is just the best, isn't she? She really gets me." or "Isn't John such a card? He really is a keeper." So, my card...
ReplyDelete"Everything I learned, I learned from Google."
"Knows interesting facts about Narwhals."
"Enjoys TARDIS travel planning for future reference....or the past...."
"Has written the first paragraph of 7 great American novels, but writing things is hard, yo."
"R2D2 is my spirit animal."
"Just wishes we could all get along."
Oooh me! me! I'm Kelly - I'm a competitive archer (I even have medals to prove it haha) that loves Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Orphan Black, Outlander, The Walking Dead, Archer, The Big Bang Theory, cheesy movies, and video games. My quiver/belt for archery displays my nerdy love - it's a Doctor Who belt with Doctor Who charms, a Chewbacca toy, and Hermione's wand hanging from it. I love reading and will try pretty much any book because I read fast enough that if it's not my cuppa tea, it won't be long until I get to move on to the next one... I've always loved learning stupid facts, so I am a treasure trove of useless knowledge. I am super quiet when I first meet people because I have MAD stranger-danger, but I'm always willing to chat once I warm up. And my husband says he knew I was the one for him when we were dating when I immediately answered his question of "what kind of food do you like?" with "Whatever kind you like" complete with the hand motions and head bow... (there must be at least one of you that gets that....) Oh, and I love to bake, but hate to cook.
ReplyDeleteI have personal cards. They say "Leah Labrecque - librarian, explorer, enthusiast" and have my email address. If I see a likely friend, say, playing Professor Layton on her DS on the subway, or particularly enjoy a chat about Image Comics with a library patron, I think, maybe this could go to a friendship level. So I put the ball in their court, give them a card and say something like, "Hey, this was nice. If you want to hang out sometime, send me a note!" I can't say I've made any long-lasting friends this way, but that does not discourage me from continuing to try! I am unabashed in my love of people who love things and I want to meet and play with these people!