Monday, March 28, 2016

14 Geeky Jewelry Finds To Threaten Your Bank Account: Calvin & Hobbes, Labyrinth Knockers, & MORE

You guys, I don't even have pierced ears.

So why do I keep finding the best geeky stud earrings?!

Exhibit A: Little toy Hobbes head from Calvin & Hobbes:


And who remembers the tiny floating whale from Steven Universe?

Don't get the reference? Have 7 seconds? Then here:


And heck, even if you're not a SU fan (SACRILEGE!!), it's a tiny pink whale.

Or how about these bitty Calcifers From Howl's Moving Castle?

Ok, let's move on to jewelry I can actually wear, like these clear resin pendants from The Gorgonist:

It was almost impossible to pick just 2 favorites, so go check out The Gorgonist shop for similar see-through styles of cakes-under-glass, gumball machines, and more.

I'm not sure if anyone's still as obsessed with BioShock: Infinite as I am, but LOOK HOW COOL:

A Glow-In-The-Dark Salts Bottle Necklace!! $15 from GeekOUTlet

Ok, this next one's *definitely* gonna cause some nerd squealage out there:

And at that price, I see some converting-to-clips crafting in my future.

[Update: Ooooh, she already offers clips! Perfect!]

Ooh, but wait, Guilia has more: where my Wonderland fans at?


(Some day I'm going to break down and buy a full-size one of these for my office door.)

For when you want to feel like a fairy queen:

Nymph Fairy Wing Necklace, $30 from FairyStitchFactory

Soooo preeeeettty.

There are more colors and matching earrings at the shop, too, so I highly recommend a click over.

I see a lot of fun octopus silhouette pendants, but I am TOTALLY digging the colors and wood-burned texture on these ones:

Octopus Necklace, $19.95 from UnpossibleCuts

I love the vintage illustration feel. So good.

Q: Can a geek ever have too much Harry Potter jewelry?


 Monster Book of Monsters necklace, $30 from WarmRainArt

Because some days you want sparkle, and some days you want a man-eating spider-monster-book, amirite?

Ohh, hang on, you want some serious nerd sparklies? Then check these out:

Star Trek pendant, $149 from PaulMichaelDesign

A lot pricier than my usual Etsy finds, but dang. That minimalist Enterprise design? STUNNING. (See what I did there?)

Plus, c'mon, BB-8.

And finally, fellow shoppers, allow me to leave you with a cute and cube-shaped flying pig:

Flying Pig Necklace, $12 from cbexpress

Because I think we all needed to see that today.


Happy shopping!


  1. You seriously find the best stuff; I adore all of these!! Is it just me miscounting, or do the wood-burned octopodes only have seven legs? (Also, spellcheck just tied to change 'octopodes' to 'octopuses.' I prefer the former, so I'm leaving it--so there, Spellcheck!)

    1. The last leg is behind him. ;) (Is it a leg or an arm?)

  2. I totally reckon you and John could make a B&B door handle. I'm amazed you've not tried.

  3. The door knockers actually are $14 for just one, double that for both of them, and you can choose to have clipons! (you can choose earrings, clipons, or pin/brooch. Adorable!

    1. Aha, thanks for pointing that out! Off to fix...

  4. So I feel like if I ever won a million dollars in the lottery, all I'd have to do is come to the nerdy finds links on your page and I'd be back to broke in a heartbeat. So many adorable and squee-worthy finds! :D

  5. That BB8 necklace....if I could afford that beauty, I'd snatch him up in a heartbeat!

  6. Is there a specific reason you don't have strategically placed puncture holes in your ear lobes?

    1. My parents never let me as a child, and when I was old enough I was too much of a wimp to have them pierced myself. ;)

    2. I know this reply is...two months late, but I had been in the same boat. I wasn't allowed to pierce them as a kid and for about ten years after growing up I was still too scared of the pain and infections.

      Then one day, on the last day of classes, I finally decided to do it and it...wasn't as bad as I had thought. I mean, I just about screamed when the gun went off and my ears still hurt for the rest of that day and they didn't quite heal properly on schedule so they still hurt like hell the first time I tried to swap earrings, but then it all just...went away and for the first time in my life I can have any kind of earrings I want. I generally go for sparklies and pearls.

  7. Love the octopus in a bottle. I just made a quilted octopus wall hanging and now I am seeing octopi everywhere! Keep finding the geeky/nerdy stuff for us to spend money on!

  8. Da piggy is sooooo cute! 😀

    I've also not got pierced ears - spotted (and just bought)
    this though:


  9. The fairy queen necklace makes me think she said "Off With Their WINGS!" Gorgeous, but Yikes!

    1. It is a pretty necklace but it says to me "I rip off the wings of fairies." So that one is a definite no for me.


    Also, I'm not sure if it's just because my computer hates me, but the link for the octopus necklaces is leading me to hobbes!

  11. In the words of Soos from Gravity Falls... Dood


    1. Right?? I've seen a couple of versions out there. Sooo good.

  12. Every time I see your posts, I feel the need to buy a lottery ticket because it's really the only way I'll be able to afford everything you post that I want.

  13. B-day presents for my sis and little girl FTW. You are,awesome. Thx.

  14. I saw the Gorgonist at Geek Girl Con in Seattle last October and I bought that octopus in a bottle necklace. I mentioned to her that I'd seen her stuff on Epbot before. She was flattered.

  15. I have adblocker turned off on Epbot but I've just had a floating ad chase me down the page and make it difficult to read this entry. I know you need ads but thought you might like to know about ones that make it difficult to navigate the site.

    Those resin pendants are lovely so now I've got rid of the ad I'll just be staring at those :)

  16. Speaking of Labyrinth knockers (heheh) have you seen these?

  17. For future round ups, I'd in particular be interested in any non-metal and non-acrylic items you find; I'm allergic to the metal in most earrings (basically just use glass/stone/titanium/wood plugs these days) and chains will usually irritate my skin too, unless they're silver.

  18. *GASP* My Gorgonist pickle jar necklace arrived the other day! I can't stop wearing it!

  19. Every so often, I wish I had pierced ears. This is one of those times :)

  20. Jen, Have you ever heard of the Fandom of the Month sub box? She does the most adorable geek jewelry. You should definitely check it out!

  21. Absolutely love the Octopus in a bottle! <3

  22. Unpossible Cuts came to the ComicCon near me a couple years ago! I bought a pair of acorn-shaped earrings and a clock shaped like the Millennium Falcon. Good quality stuff!

  23. I am so glad you finally found The Gorgonist. All her stuff is fantastic. I have so many of her prints it's getting ridiculous.

  24. It is an honor for me to see my products published on your blog! You made me very happy! Thank you Jen! Giulia from Giuliart

  25. Oh, those door knockers are seriously AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing them and the rest of these great pieces.


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