Saturday, May 16, 2015

New Geek Jewelry Finds: Kraken Attacks, Flying Monkeys, and Fairy Wings!

I still believe in a good session of retail therapy from time-to-time - and I just realized it's been far too long since I shared my favorite Etsy finds with you guys. So, hide your checkbooks, my friends, 'cuz it's about to get reeeeealllly tempting in here.

First up, a birthday gift from John, and the necklace I'm currently loving the most:

The glass is pillowy perfection, and I like that the fox isn't too small; about the length of my pinky. And seriously, $15?! This thing looks like it'd cost five times that in a pricey boutique. 

The little cord it comes with is pretty dinky, but I'm planning to make a braided leather cord for it soon - maybe in gray, white, and teal? Mmmm.

Also really loving the clean lines of this octopus pendant:

And while we're talking tentacles [grin], I've found a couple of artists designing some genius 2D "glass bottle" necklaces:

Kraken Attack Ship in a Bottle Necklace, $20 by TheGorgonist


And check this one out: goldfish in a baggie!

2D Goldfish on Acrylic, $29 by BakuForestStudios
Check both those shops for more options.

For my fairy lovers:

I don't even have pierced ears, but that's never stopped me from shopping sparklies. Besides, these wouldn't be hard to convert to clips.

Oh, and lots more iridescent colors in her shop, too!

I found two fun twists on the traditional "best friends" necklaces:


(I'm hoping she makes one with R2 and the new BB-8, now, too. Because blue and orange.)


They even lock together!

From the same shop:

Pacman & Ghosts, $15
(Also available as a bracelet)

It's reversible, so you can have Pac-Man chasing ghosts, or ghosts chasing Pac-Man. YES.

Where my Supernatural fans at?  'Cuz you Castiel cosplayers desperately - DESPERATELY - need this necklace:

Castiel's Grace, $25 by NeveEbrez

It's Castiel's stolen grace!!

The necklace is battery-powered, so you get a bright LED glow, and that's the Enochian symbol for the letter C. SO COOL. Hit the link to see more pics of it powered off.

Another of my favorite necklaces - which is actually sold as a cellphone charm:
Grey Kitty Wooden Charm, $10 by LittlePaperForest

It's nice and big - about an inch and a half across - and super easy to convert to a corded necklace. I get compliments every time I wear this one; people love them some nerdy kitty-cats!

And finally, FLYING MONKEY:

Flying Monkey Necklace, $18 by RudeAndReckless

Because flying monkeys. :D

K, I think I've done enough damage to your collective paychecks for now. Happy shopping, everyone!


  1. That kracken attacking the ship necklace is beyond awesome and adorable!

  2. That flying monkey is absolutely adorable!

  3. I was just thinking to myself the other day, 'I need a new geek necklace.' Pac-Man, you are mine!

  4. Great Etsy finds! I ordered a steampunk Pascal brooch on Etsy that I love! I think I'll have to check out the "glass bottle" necklaces now. Etsy can be addictive. :)

  5. Oh that fox is totes adorbz and I love the fairy wing earrings! You wouldn't mind if you and I had matching fox necklaces, right, Jen? :-)

    1. Heck no, let's unleash an adorable fox-necklace army. ;)

    2. I have that fox! It was a local flea market find. Love him so much.

  6. That goldfish necklace is so cute. I work at a pet store so it would be perfect.

  7. Those wing earrings! Amazing! I have some goldfish baggie earrings I got in Japan! I should get the matching necklace! Love the finds

  8. OMG Goldfish in a bag!! This fabric (check out the link) is by Heather Ross and all of her stuff is super collectable in the quilting community.

  9. I just got my third pair of those fairy wings last weekend at the New Hampshire Ren Faire! I love how the card says that they were harvested from shed fairy wings (so that no fairies were harmed in the making of this jewelry)

    1. Also; I just checked them out on etsy, and those pictures don't do them justice.

    2. Woohoo for it being a small world, I was just vending at the New Hampshire Renaissance Festival and also happened to pick up my third pair of fairy wings ;-)

  10. I just asked my husband for a pair of the fairy wing earrings - SO pretty!! AND they offer some as clip-on too, just for you!

  11. The kracken murdering that ship is ADORABLE!!! ( a not weird way...)

  12. Oh. My. Glob.... I am SO in need of that Castiel's grace necklace!! Thanks Jen!!!

  13. Hey, if I can make a plug for a friend, I also highly recommend Fairy Wings by Sihaya Designs,, which are in a similar yet distinct style, and include a design-your-own option. Her work is fabulous, she's a dedicated and talented artist, and I highly recommend her. Check out her other work as well.

  14. That fox and her tail totally reminds me of you and your ponytail. Excellent choice, John!

  15. I wanted to share you two of my newest favorite stores for fandom-inspired jewelery - Nerdtastic ( and Nerdy Robots ( They're both really great ladies that I've met at local cons and also make things like plushies, keychains, pillow covers, coasters, and lip balms. Nerdtastic will do small giveaways on her Facebook page, and both will do mystery bag auctions from time to time. Give a look at their stores, and I'm sure you'll find something you like!

  16. did you see the stay puft fridge decal?!?!!!

  17. Hi Jen,
    Thanks for showing us these fun Etsy finds!
    I've been slowly going through your DIY archives since discovering your blog. Your entry on resin trials and tribulations was probably the first resin how-to I've read, and it was super helpful. I'm really into resin now.
    Just wanted to say hi and thank you for sharing your experiments!


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