Today, in Geek Shopping Exploits*!
(*Accidentally typed "sexploits" at first - nearly left it in. [HEYO])
I found this awesome glass head at Ross for only $9, and the cashier's reaction alone was worth that much:
Her: [handling it like a dead skunk] "Aaa! What... what is..."
Me: "Cool, right? And they cost more than twice that at Pier 1!"
Her: "What... what do you do with a creepy glass head??"
Me: "Display even creepier stuff on it, of course."
'Course, I don't think my mask & headdress are creepy at all - but after my Doll Mobile & Death Eater posts I've been told I have a somewhat high tolerance in that department.
This is my original glass head from Pier 1. I think we'll use the new one for John's Dreamfinder beard & hat. (Which, granted, might get a LITTLE creepy...)
Just arrived today: jewelry accessories for my Death Eater costume!
The bird skull is like the one Bellatrix wore, except hers was gold. These cheap time-turner necklaces are everywhere on Etsy, and they're cheap in every sense of the word: the glass vial popped out in 2 seconds. I glued it back in, though, and I'll try to grunge it up a bit with some black paint.
Speaking of villainous accessories, it turns out Home Goods really does have something for everyone:

Ok, THIS I find unsettling. But also inspiring. Quick, someone name their Polka band "Tasteful Satanists!" (Because those t-shirts would be AMAZING, that's why.)
Also at HomeGoods: my very first Beyoncé sighting!
"KNOCK KNOCK, kind sir."
(I can't really pull off the Bloggess' sass.)
I can't remember if I posted this before, so here, pretty flower:
Anyone know what kind it is? It lasted like two weeks AFTER the rest of the bouquet died. It's like the Supergirl of flowers.
Obviously my cat Lily is the superior feline in our household, but someone was recently expressing disbelief that we actually DO have another cat, so here's Tonks, being unamused by my wand antics:
She is named Tonks because, as a kitten, she had an enormous schnoz. (Schnoz means "nose," right? PHEW.) Anyway, she grew into it. Then she KEPT growing, so now I call her Jabba-the-Tonks.
And finally, I was going to wait 'til this month's art roundup to show you guys this, but I'm too excited. John commissioned two pieces of art at SuperCon: the Toothless you all loved in my art haul photo, and a Catbus from Bianca Roman-Stumpff, which she just finished last week. Here's Bianca's initial sketch:
And here's the finished painting:
Bianca has prints available of it, too, if you want one. :)I'll leave you with Colbie Caillat's new video, because even though I'm a teensy bit cynical about people jumping on the no-Photoshop bandwagon in order to sell us things, it's still a great message, and darn it if that one part (YOU'LL KNOW WHICH PART) didn't make me all misty:
Plus the song is pretty. So there. :)
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
I believe the flower is called a dinner plate dahlia.
ReplyDeleteYup yup!
DeleteI have to agree with the dahlia. Quite a lovely one too.
DeleteThe flower definitely looks like some sort of large dahlia.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say dahlia as well!
ReplyDeleteI used to use one of those glass heads for training when I was teaching how to measure for EEG leads in the sleep laboratory.
ReplyDeleteHappy Wednesday to you too! Yes, a dahlia. The cut flowers are pretty hardy to start with but if you ever get them in a bouquet by re-trimming the ends and then searing them (flame or hot iron) you can make them last a long time. I love love love the catbus!
ReplyDeleteShoot, I wanted to get one of those time turners for my niece, but not if it's going to fall apart immediately. Poo.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the video too. Beautiful... and that part got me too. :-)
ReplyDeleteBeyoncé! My husband is very glad you had the sighting and not me. I would SO be owning one big metal chicken right about now. Holy poo! They have a HomeGoods just a few miles from me! How did I live here for 4 years and not know this?! AND a Ross. Guess what I'm doing tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThank you for that video.
ReplyDeleteAck! How did I miss that? Off to fix - thanks, Pam!
ReplyDeleteHa! I also have two of those glass heads, though I paid the Pier 1 price for both (boo). I use them to display my smaller steampunk hats. Sadly, hubby's head is huge so his laced leather top hat falls right down over the top of them. So did you bring Beyonce home?
ReplyDeleteThis happens with my head too. (That sounds weirder than I meant it!) I grabbed a black knit cap, put that on the head first, then tugged the hat down snugly over the cap. I had to do a bit of tucking, but the result is a steampunk hat fit nicely to the too-small head. My head isn't see-through, though, I so I hope this will work for you!
DeleteHaha, no, no giant metal chicken for us! And with the head, we've found that with John's Dreamfinder wig the hat fits ok on it, since you're right about it being a bit small.
DeleteDahlia. Like the others said. They come in all sorts of gorgeous shapes, colours and sizes. You can even get black ones (that are really just a really really wonderful dark red)
ReplyDeleteMy mother had some of those glass heads which she used to display her knitted hats. She even paper machéd some hands/mittens and feet/socks, then took a picture of them all placed nicely in her garden to form a garden-body. I loved it!
ReplyDeleteThe flower is a Dahlia - if you have a dahlia plant in the garden the slugs and snails will strip it bare faster than you can say 'slug pellets'. Beautiful plants though.
ReplyDeleteAlso re: Glass head: WOW. I don't think it's creepy at all. It is perfectly obvious to me that it is intended as a hat display. I want one! Sadly I live in the UK and even if I COULD find one in a UK shop (which I doubt - not a high street one anyway) it would cost considerably more than $9 (which is about £7!!)
I have a Tonks, too, but ours is a dog that had to grow into her big ol' nose! For some reason vets and pretty much anyone we tell her name (outside of our friends) has the hardest time with this name...they want to call her Tonka or Donks or some other awful variation on what I thought was a really easy name. Do you go through this as well?
ReplyDeleteSince most of the people I interact with are online and are big ol' geeks like me, they tend to get the reference immediately. One of the perks of living such a geek-centric life!
DeleteMy husband and I have a cat named Remus and NO ONE gets the Harry Potter reference. :(
DeleteIt was our first pet together after we met and we met because of our HP interests, so Remus seemed fitting. :)
It's a little late now, but Michaels sells hourglass pendants that work really well as time turners. It's part of their more steamy, industrial chic jewelry making supplies, so it's even a bit aged. They're not screen accurate, but they work in a pinch (Michaels is the only craft store by me, so I spend way too much time there, lol).
ReplyDeleteI think the glass head is only creepy because of its expression, rather than the fact that it's a glass head. It looks hungry...
That was a lovely tune, with lovelier lyrics (so unusual and so welcome) but I didn't get at what point anyone would have started to mist up. Am I cruel and heartless, or possibly just have a lower empathy level? -- Betty G.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the video, but I don't get "the part" either. I came here to comments to see if anyone actually says.
DeleteOops, really? I noticed on the Youtube comments everyone was commenting on "the part" - for me it was when the lady removed her wig. And John, too. Such a powerful moment.
DeleteI just watched again and, to me, the expression on her face as she removes the wig is a bit "Psych! Gotcha." So, is this a woman who is thin and decides to shave or is this someone with a serious illness? Either way, she appears to be someone with self confidence. She doesn't seem bothered by her appearance as a couple of others do. I agree that it is a powerful moment -- Betty G
DeleteGood to see Tonks! Yep, a dahlia, a very fussy plant to grow. One neighbor collect umbrellas to shield his from the sun so they don't fade. And I would LOVE to shop with you, snarky comments and all. My step-dad and I got tossed out of a Marshall's for cracking up and making comments about the "tasteful" products for sale. Have you thought about lighting the glass skull up with christmas or LED lights? Now THAT would be creepy.
ReplyDeleteIs *that* why my dahlias all look so... well, faded?! Thanks!
DeleteI may have your glass head beat for creepiest decor. I bought a plastic skull from Target last Halloween and it sits out all year round in my bedroom. I enjoy macabre stuff like that. It goes quite well with my Headless Horseman artwork and other Haunted Mansion/Funerary/Ghostly items. :)
Jen, although I do agree that you have a bit of creepy in you, glass heads rate slightly lower than my realistic life-sized human skull beside the couch in my living room that I like to dress up in wigs/doilies/santa hats etc and call Harold. He was a halloween decoration I bought one year and could never bring myself to put away. He sits there through every holiday, smiling his skelly-smile and creeping out my guests. I think my mother is finally getting used to him though. As a child I had a stuffed raccoon in my room that I played with as a pet, I kept an eyeball and brains from a pig we slaughtered (lived on a farm) in a jar of vinegar by my bed and it is all juxtaposed with cutsey little cartoon animals and a collection of littlest pet shop toys. I think that is what creeps people out more than the blatant stuff - that someone can be just as thrilled with MLP / LPS / Cute Overload as with Adam's Family Horror.
ReplyDeleteBwahaha! I was with you until the eyeballs part. I bow before your superior creep tolerance! ;)
DeleteSpeaking as someone who found a fabulous blue glass head in a thrift store on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh when I was about 14, have now transported it across the world (moved from Scotland to Canada) without a crack, and whose husband really doesn't get it - yay for awesome glass heads!
ReplyDeleteThis will sound weird... but your post made me homesick! Moved to Boston from WV- they don't have Ross around here and my dahlias can't live in this cold. Thanks for the reminder of how pretty they really are! If you need some new phone wallpaper, googling pictures of dahlias can bring all sorts of pretty things around. Just beware the link to the Black Dahlia homicide case- now that's creepy!
ReplyDeletePS- Loooooooove love love that Catbus!!!
Tonks must have had a huge honker when she was a kitten because the first though I had on seeing the pic (and before I'd read the post) was "Wow, that cat's nose is giant!" It does give her a very cute expression, though.
ReplyDeleteI, too, have a bit of a creep-tolerance, I've been told. I have an old hairdresser's mannequin-head that has been modge-podged with brown paper bags and rubbed with shoe polish. I think it looks awesome (it's where I keep my steampunk hat) but I've gotten comments that it looks like a scary patchwork-skinned lady.
HA! It delights me to no end that you still see a big nose on Tonks; I was kind of disappointed when she grew into it, since now it seems all small and normal to me. (BOO NORMAL.)
DeleteAnd I bet that mannequin head looks awesome, like worn leather! Which, uh, WOULD look like patchwork skin, I guess... o.0
Another body confidence, super-fun song! Meghan Trainor-All about that bass.
YES! Love all the dancing, too.
DeleteAnd another, in not quite the same vein, but I still love it. "She's just the way she is, but no one's told her that's okay."
DeleteJohn McLaughlin - Beautiful Disaster
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ReplyDeleteThe flower is some type of dahlia. Pretty too!
ReplyDeleteThat metal big-horned sheep skull lamp (wow, that's a mouthful!) is pretty creepy. I think I'd like it better if it were glossy white, or looked like actual bone. I recently bought a Smilodon (sabor-tooth cat) replica skull from Home Goods. It's pretty awesome, and large - probably about the size of a small African lion's skull. I have a love for cats, and have two little Gray fur-balls myself. Our 4-yr old male Cobalt (a reference to the band Coheed & Cambria) and our ten-month old male Banksy (named after the infamous graffiti artist, because Banks is a little trouble maker, but we love him dearly.)
Tonks is super cute and still has an adorably large nose!
Here's a pic of the awesome Smilodon skull I got at Home Goods on clearance:
DeleteIt makes me smile. ;)
And here's a pic of my boys just for kicks:
And another, because who doesn't like looking at adorable pictures of snuggly cats?
I love everything you post Jen, and I can't wait to see you and John's finished Death Eater cosplays!
Ooh, some friends of mine had a glass head like that. They put a string of clear lights in it, very cool.
ReplyDeleteOh Jen, thank you for sharing that song...
ReplyDeleteI too have a glass head. My grandmother gave it to me as a graduation gift because I 'used my head' and graduated early. My dad was going to put a couple strings of Christmas lights in it to make a lamp, but alas, hasn't got to it yet.
ReplyDeleteHi Miss Tonks! Nice to see you. Be nice to Lily, okay? I think the glass head is really neat. I don't make wigs or masks or anything like that but I would love to have one. Maybe put battery operated LED lights in it and use it as a lamp. Purple and orange for Halloween, blue and white for Hannukah, or whatever.