Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Best Three Minutes Of My Day: Knock Down Dancer

This is why I love the internet:

A while back someone in the UK posted a video of a lady listening to headphones & dancing at her bus stop - and totally busting a move, I might add - and then, incredibly, someone else online identified the song the woman was dancing to just by her dance moves.

So now we have a new(ish) video of the woman dancing set to the actual song she's listening to, and the result is the best three minutes of my whole day.

I dare you to watch this and not fall in love with this woman:

Watch the whole thing. Trust me.

Even better, the woman who secretly filmed Miss Bust-A-Move later tracked her down and explained what an internet sensation she'd become. She doesn't get a chance to say much in this interview, but her reaction is adorable:


This concludes your daily recommended allowance of happiness. As you were. :)


  1. So wonderful! Thank you for that bright spot in my day.

  2. This woman is truly inspiring. I want to be that one person that brings a smile to someone's face as I dance shamelessly in my car to my favorite tunes :) Thank you for posting!

    1. I have been busted by someone at work for singing and dancing in my car - they asked if I drive in on a certain road, and then said said they'd seen me singing at a stoplight. I was like, yes, that was definitely me. I love my car singing.

  3. I'm torn: this is absolutely adorable, and she apparently was pleasantly surprised....and yet I'm amazingly creeped out by the thought of someone filming you without your knowledge just because you're doing something dorky-funny in public, and putting it on the internet.

    1. If the internet has taught us anything, it's that everything done outside our homes has the potential of ending up online for public ridicule. It's kind of terrifying, and makes me sympathize with celebs a bit more, though in this case I'm glad it was a force used for good.

    2. And sometimes what is done in the privacy of your home can end up online also

    3. Very true. And while i like the thought of celebrating an everyday moment of fun, i'm more deeply disturbed that someone decided to upload it without the subject's knowledge. The fact that someone *can* do that, and that it happens regularly, doesn't mean they should. I really wish people would ask permission before they blithely throw stuff up in the spotlight. *sighs*
      Then again, i recognize that i am as bothered by cameras as the lady jen is by monorails--i'm not even ok with being in the background, and resist the urge to hide every time i see a security camera--so i know some of this is just my personal freak out.

    4. Yeah, videos like this upset me. Some bored person/creeper took video of a woman who was minding her own business waiting for a bus and made her an entertainer without her permission. Someone else scrutinized the video so closely that they identified the song, and remixed the video. Again, without permission.

      This woman was not out there with speakers and a tip jar. Plus the fact that she has no real recourse for stopping the video or however many edits/remixes it gets makes it sadder for me. This is not a slap at you, Jen. This stuff just makes me sad and I bet there are plenty of people out there who no longer listen to music in public thanks to it.

  4. I've seen this over and over online and it just gets better each time. You can't help but groove with her as you watch, big smile all over your face. She's actually really good too!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Love her so much! I want to head to the club with her... she could teach me a move or two. :)

  7. I'm amazed at the power of the internet! And she is pretty fabulous!

  8. I kinda want that song my my iPod now so I can bust a move just like this lady, but I can't find that version on iTunes :(

  9. Love it!! It does make me happy and I want that song for my ipod!

  10. She is just so happy! We could all learn something from her. Be free and do what you want! Music is empowering.

  11. Oh, that's lovely! So cool!

  12. If your blog had a Like button, I would so click it. I would click that Like button so hard...

    Thanks for sharing the bright spot!

  13. This is too cute! I reminds me I should put my headphones on more often and listen to music. Lately I've been too busy reading e-books while in the bus.

  14. Thank you for posting this. You've reminded me that my enjoyment of life depends on me and me alone and if I want to groove / boogie or whatever then I am well and truly allowed to. I'm going to buy an ipod and download "The Sound of Music" and "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" soundtracks, and some Motown funk.

  15. I do that sort of thing when I am out running. One of my zumba songs comes on and I just have to stop and dance! Now, how do I get that song she is listening too? Amazon doesn't have it!

  16. My husband and I have been busted for singing/dancing in the grocery store during late evening shopping trips. We can't help it--they play the best big band jazz, and we just have to jitterbug! One elderly couple stopped us to tell us it was nice to see a young couple in love. I'm too self-conscious when I'm by myself though. I'm almost 40, and I've only just now gotten to the point where I don't stop singing in the car when at stoplights, but I do keep my eyes locked straight ahead, lest I see nearby drivers laughing at me...

  17. I'm a girl who repairs office machines, so to alleviate the boredom (and muffle the gawd awful country twang many places prefer) I learned the joy that is the play music function of my phone. I'd pop those earbuds in and zone out. I started breaking speed repair records and thought I was sneakily brilliant until my boss says, in s completely offhand manner, "I hear you can really bust a move".
    My response (not nearly as casual as I was striving for) "Wha... huh?"
    Boss: "The folks at UsAir really enjoyed your rendition of SOAD's Chop Suey"
    Me: Too mortified to speak as that moment comes back in technicolor breakdancing.
    Boss: "Yeah, you sang too."
    Me: Heart stops.. I I can't hold a tune if it handles.
    Boss: "They requested some Gart Brooks next time. "
    Needless to say, I no longer own earbuds.

  18. I'm a fan of Danny Choo, (yes, son of shoe designer Jimmy Choo) who is not only a media star in Japan, but the famous TOKYO DANCE TROOPER!
    He goes around Tokyo (and other places) in his Storm Trooper costume, and dances. In public.
    He's awesome. You must find him and watch him!

  19. If this is what she does at the bus stop, can you imagine what she does in the privacy of her own home?!!!!

  20. This sweet girl needs to be picked up by a TV host and have a whole makeover, clothes makeup and make her the star she was born to be!!!!

  21. Just getting caught up here and had a chance to watch this! I gotta admit, on the first watching it made me a little anxious, with the whole filming-without-her-knowledge, is-it-going-to-be-ok vibe, but once I watched it all the way through and then saw her reaction, now it totally makes me smile and want to dance myself! I don't have any moves that awesome, but I do sing along to songs that come on in the store when I'm shopping...

  22. That is fabulous. I absolutely love that she just lets go and dances on the street. The beginning bobbing is totally something I would do, but I love that she loosens up as the song progresses. And thanks for the video with the music!


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