"Freedom" and "Zelda" by Mark Santos, 11X17 prints, $20 each
Katrina Constantine of Kicking Cones makes the most adorable little Daleks:
Plus she draws the Doctors and various super heroes as penguins:
Head over to her Tumblr for lots more cuteness - much of it animated! - though sadly I don't see any way to purchase her work online. Drat. Sorry, guys; if I'd known I would have picked up few prints for the give-away board!
I did get one of these, though:
"Hope" by Margie Forestier - 8 inch square print (on 8.5X11 paper) $15
Margie has the rest of the Star Wars set at her site, plus these great Circus themed prints:
Next, the sublime half-portraits of Marta Wit:
I was delighted to learn that MegaCon was Marta's very first convention - she's just starting out! All of her 8X10 prints are $20, but I grabbed the Sherlock & Watson set in 4X6 - a size you can only get from her in person - for the give-away board. (Check her shop for a great Loki and Thor, too.)
Did you see the "Dogter" Who art that went viral a week back? This one?

"Dogter Who Group"11 X 7.5 print, $15
That's by our very own mermaid friend, Christie Cox, and she had HER first art table at MegaCon, too! Happily she opened an Etsy shop just this last week, so I'm waiting impatiently for her to list the pony ACEOs she had at the con:
(John bought the original Fluttershy, but I think she still has all the other originals, if you want one - or she has prints in two sizes!)
And this stunning - STUNNING! - Elsa:
I think Christie is painting an Anna to go with her, too. Fingers crossed!
Keep an eye on Christy's Etsy shop for those, or check out her Facebook page to see lots more of her work.
Epbot reader Shelley of Kawaii Designs surprised me with this AMAZING Lady Vadore Kokeshi doll:
I can't believe how detailed it is for something so tiny!
A few years ago Shelley also gave me a Kokeshi of my first steampunk outfit, so now I have a set!
It looks like her site's shop isn't fully up and running yet, but Shelley does take commissions, and you can see more of her work here on Facebook.
Kate Carleton is another local Orlando artist I've gotten to know and love - you may remember her Labyrinth Worm I featured ages ago. I bought this too-cute-for-words baby Roger Rabbit from her at the con:
Plus Kate insisted on donating this big Star Wars Doodlez print for the give-away - ain't she the sweetest?
Check out Kate's online store for lots more, or you can keep up with her art on Facebook.
Next up, I think I featured Kellee Riley's Steampunk girl & octopus a while ago, and I just learned she's the original illustrator for Mattel's Monster High. Her artwork really reaches out and grabs you, and her color choices are AMAZEBALLS:
Kellee has a softer - but equally beautiful - style in her traditional/non-digital art:
You can buy any of these 5X7 prints for $10 here at Kellee's Etsy store. Fingers crossed she'll be adding her digital prints there soon, too.
Whew! I still have quite a bit more, but I'm going to end with Mike Maihack's art, which is all impossibly good, but I'm especially partial to his superheros:
Plus a robot fairy, because why not.
(That Cat Woman print is on the board, if you want to try to win it!)
Mike's prints start at only $5 for an 8X10, so good luck controlling yourself over at his web store.
Oh, and you may have seen Mike's Batgirl & Supergirl comics around online, but just in case, here's my favorite from last Halloween:
"Quickly, Batgirl! TO THE CANDY!"
Well, hope you enjoyed the eye candy, everyone! Now, you know the drill: comment below to be entered in this month's drawing. The randomly selected winner will get his or her choice of art from my Pinterest art give-away board - and I'll ship anywhere, so bring it, internationals! I'll announce the winner by the end of the week, so stay tuned!