... my steampunk White Rabbit cosplay!
[trumpet fanfare]
[confetti drop]
[symbol crash]
Oh, and hi.
Been a while, huh? As nice as my first-ever Sabbatical was, I gotta say: it is GOOD to be back. Almost as good as being done with this monstrously complex cosplay, in fact. (Oooh, did you see that segue action there? DID YOU?)
I promise I DID try to remember to smile. And look at the camera. Most of the time I succeeded at at least one of those. (at-at? Yes. AT-AT.)
When I chose this cosplay last year my goal was to learn a little leather working. I've still only dipped my toes in the pool that is leather craft, but I'm happy to say I made my leather arm bracers entirely on my own. The mask you've already seen (though now it has a brighter gold and an enameled red heart), and the leather corset was mostly John's work, though I did the design, carving, and painting.
This costume represents a staggering amount of time and effort, with more stops and do-overs then I care to remember, so I won't bore you with a zillion process shots. I actually sewed nearly everything you see (I know! Me! SEWING!), from two $10 skirts that looked like this:
...and a massively too-big jacket I found at a thrift store for a few dollars. Here's the jacket once I finished it the first time:
At this point I'd disassembled the jacket and sewn it back together to fit me, changed the lapels, added buttons, and pieced together the extra length to form a ruffle around the waist. But it didn't look right; the waist was too high.
So I took a deep breath and hacked it in half:
What you see here is actually a cropped jacket and separate tie-on bustle; the corset just gives it the illusion of being one solid piece.
I made the neck ruff and wrist cuffs from the extra skirt's gauzy lining. There's not a straight seam anywhere, and I made everything up as I went along, but in the end I guess I'm a little less terrified of the sewing machine. (So. Many. Ruffles.)
My "wig" is actually three separate yarn falls, assembled mostly from a fun yarn that looks a bit like dreadlocks. I mixed in a bunch of white-and-gold braids and rope strands for texture, but those don't show much in the photos.
You're supposed to wear pony falls by wrapping them around your own hair twisted into buns, but I just couldn't get mine to work that way. (I think my hair may be too long/thick.) So instead, I attached the falls to large plastic hair clips, which work like a dream.
Oh, and I also made a wide cotton headband with more yarn attached to cover my hairline. It's all quite soft and comfy, if a bit warm:
Let's see, what else? The leather corset is an unusually boxy design which reminded me of a clock case - perfect for the clock face I'd been saving just for this costume. We made a pendulum out of a metal bar and a drawer pull, and John rigged it so it actually swings from side-to-side as I walk:
Because the corset is more of a box than a tube, you can't tighten it too much, lest the curved side panels pop out of shape. As a result it's snug enough to be comfortable, but not restricting. (John cut and hand-stitched that in a single night, btw. It took me longer to decorate it!) It laces up the back with a wide red satin ribbon.
Attached to the corset are my over-sized pocket watch, a chain of "Drink Me" potion bottles, and a small brass horn with a painted rose wound through it:
Let's see how many people at Dragon Con notice and "get" the painted rose. ;)
I had a lot of fun with my bottle chain. My favorite is the green one, an actual antique that I decorated with a vintage pin and brass wire loop:
Speaking of which, those brass charms have a slightly raised edge, so I was able to "enamel" them with red and black nail polish for my potion bracer and mask, like so:
Pretty, huh?
(The excess on the edges just scratches off after it dries.)
And here they are on my potion bracer:
I had to bend each charm to fit the curve of the leather; good thing nail polish is flexible! Oh, and I'm proud to say there's no glue holding the bottles in; the leather straps fit them that perfectly. (Now watch one fall out and break at DC, since I just bragged about it...)
And here are both bracers together:

The watch bracer was an insane amount of work, since each piece is attached with either a leather strap, riveted in place, or by brass wire threaded through the leather. (The four largest watches are new, but everything else is from my vintage stash.) I painted and aged the leather, so I would have a mix of whites - you can see they match my vintage leather gloves.
In my mind the White Rabbit is both the official Time Keeper and Potion Master of Wonderland, pressed reluctantly into service by the Queen. That's why there's a bracer for each, and why the corset and potion bracer represent all four card suites, not just hearts. I like to think the heart on the cheek and neck pin were later additions which the Queen forced Rabbit to wear.
Speaking of which:
Another fun piece that John berated me over because no one will ever notice but *I* know it's there: the shield pin was a vintage find, and everything else came from my "gift stash" from you readers and Sharyn, my friend and CW co-writer. The bottle is filled with gears and tiny copper shavings left over from my Lady Vadore cane. I can't explain it, but carrying that little bit of history over from my last cosplay just makes me happy. :)
Moving down to my legs, the tights are hand-painted cotton leggings (thanks for the tip, Sharyn; stripes DO look better!) and the boots are my oh-so-comfy favorites straight out of my closet.
I'm, uh, smiling on the inside.
I've breezed though it all here, but every piece of this costume was an uphill battle, and I'm over the moon to finally have it finished. I loved most of the process, but there were many times when I lost sight of the end of the cosplay tunnel!
If you'd like to see my White Rabbit in person, you'll have to be quick; I only plan to wear it for a few hours Sunday night at Dragon Con, during the Mechanical Masquerade. Look for me between roughly 7 and 11pm at and around the Westin, where the Masquerade is held, and the Marriott, where everyone goes to mingle. I'll be at the Masquerade promptly at 9:30pm, but beyond that, I'll probably be wandering. You can't miss me, though; I'll be in the group with a day-glo steampunk Cheshire Cat (John) and a monocle-sporting Queen of Hearts (my mom.) Hee!

As for the rest of Dragon Con, look for my tweets to help you hunt us down, or you can find me and John at the Star Trek and/or Two Doctors panel, or around the art whenever I have down time. I'll have my usual stash of bribery pins, too, in case just saying hi isn't enough incentive for you. :)
Thanks for being so patient during my time away, everyone, and for the massive amount of support for my return. Stay tuned for pics of John's costume, then my marathon posts of Dragon Con coverage. Then - THEN - I can start catching you up on all the fun stuff that happened during my sabbatical. (CANNOT. WAIT.)
Hope to see some of you soon!
It's almost worth going to DragonCon just to see that amazing costume in person. Too bad I can't; I'll have to do with these pix.
Your costume is gorgeous (and so marvelously crafted in so many ways)! I almost wish I were going to DragonCon just to see your costume (although I'm sure it'd be fun regardless).
ReplyDeleteReally really REALLY amazing costume!! More of a lurker than a commenter on here, but glad to have you back:).
ReplyDeleteOMG, Jen, it looks AMAZING!! My eyes can't decide where to look because I keep seeing new things, lol. Everything is gorgeous; I wish I could get the chance to see it in person. The months of hard work you and John put in on it definitely paid off. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteHoly frikkin' crap, that is AWESOME!!!!!! I am speechless. Jaw on the floor. Dang. So, let me just applaude for about an hour. *clapclapclapclapclap* etc....
ReplyDeleteAs a long time reader I am SO SO SO happy to see you return! I have never commented before but I am just so excited to have you back...I have checked back on your site like 20x over the last 24hrs awaiting your new post...
ReplyDeleteI love your costume and really wish I could be at Dragon Con to see your beautiful work in person. Thank you for showing your amazing work! Can't wait to read more about your adventures and future projects!
That. Is. AMAZING! I cannot wrap my tiny brain around the amount of detail in that costume, and the very cool ways you pulled it off. (Black and red nail polish as enamel? Genius!) And soooo happy to see a new post. I wish I could go see you at DragonCon, but since I can't, will you please post pictures with the Cheshire Cat and Queen of Hearts?
ReplyDeleteYour Mom too!!? So. Awesome. We won't make it to Oshkosh to see the Lady Vador costume before the exhibit closes, but thank you so much for sharing it with us here in Wisconsin. Welcome back!!!
ReplyDeleteRidiculously happy you're back...and in time for DragonCon. Thanks for making the effort to share all this with us!
ReplyDeletei love to see you back in blog bussiness <3 and i can not tell how much i love your new costume. it is awwwwwsome! i love all the details even if no one else will notice they make it an awsome costume all together.
This post makes me ridiculously happy!
ReplyDelete**BIG HUGS**
Your costume is absolutely wonderful! You make me want to try my hand at putting together a steampunk costume one day. Of course, it would be no where near as intricate as this one or Lady Vadore, probably closer to your first steampunk outfit, but we all have to start somewhere, right?
JENJENJENJENJEN IT'S BEAUTIFUL! As in jaw-droppingly so! The tiny details, the colors, EVERYTHIN', man! Wish I could see it in person but not gonna happen. I'm ecstatic to see you back and doing well! :D
ReplyDeleteI am happy you are back, and think your costume is stunning. Hope DragonCon is all you wish it to be.
ReplyDeleteW O W !!!!! This is incredible! Welcome back!!
ReplyDeleteThat is so ridiculously creative I have no words!!! And WELCOME BACK:^D
ReplyDeleteThat cosplay is AMAZING! I cannot even begin to fathom the amount of time that went into that. You're definitely inspiring though. My daughter's been on me to give cosplaying a go, and I've been thinking about doing a steampunk Fluttershy. This post is really giving me inspiration to create something for next year's cons.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! You've been missed so much, I cannot even begin to tell you. :) <3
ReplyDeleteMy reaction when the page opened. This is incredible, and now I'm trying to decide if I actually put something together for Utah ComiCon (1st one ever) this post is adding inspiration to come up with something by next weekend.
Welcome back, and I LOVE this! I am crazy about details, and your mask is gorgeous. Wish I was going to Dragon Con. I'll just have to wait for your pics.
ReplyDelete*Kneeling and bowing a la Wayne's World* We're not worthy! We're not worthy! You are an amazingly talented, creative, wondrous artist. I am ashamed to refer to myself as a craftsperson after seeing all you do. Congratulations on the completion of another stunning cosplay!
ReplyDeleteWow - your costume is amazing!
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely look for you during the mechanical masquerade - I'd love to say hi!
SOOOO jealous. I wanted to meet Peter Davison at NYCC last year, but I got sick at the last moment, and then had to go to a wedding upstate. And I even had vintage Doctor Who magazines for signage.
ReplyDeleteI'm also super jealous of your mad cosplay skills. I can't sew for my life, and it's been hindering me from the more elaborate cosplays that I drool over. This is such a work of art! I could ogle all the tiny details for hours. So it's probably a good thing I won't be there, since that could get awkward... :D
Stunning. And welcome back!
ReplyDeleteOk, that was definitely worth the wait! Amazing costume!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Jen.
ReplyDeleteThat looks absolutely amazing! I wish I had the time and energy to put into something fun like that.
Dearest! Welcome Back! You HAVE BEEN MISSED! And the amount of work in that is just staggering. You look Glorious! :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome Home!
This looks amazing, I'll bet it is even better in person! Too bad I'm not going to make it to Atlanta :( Hope you have an amazing Con experience!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, Jen! Your costume is absolutely AH-mazing! I bow before your geeky craftiness!
ReplyDeleteWOW. Simply stunning. Great job. I hope you have fun at DragonCon!
ReplyDeleteno words! So amazing!
ReplyDeleteI'm SO glad you're back! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the costume!!! Sad to miss DC again (Maybe next year?) but will experience it vicariously once again.
ReplyDeleteSo glad your hiatus was as wonderful as you needed it to be and I can't wait to see John's costume!
Hooray! Welcome back and what an entrance! Absolutely love it all! Ok, too many exclamation points, but what can I say. Very much looking forward to being able to see new stuff here regularly again :D
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see you back Jen!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back in all your glorious steampunky, wonderlandy, cosplaying awesomeness! Amazing job on your latest creation! I'd be wearing every chance I could. LOL
ReplyDeleteWow, just wow.
ReplyDeleteThat is an amazing costume to get your posts restarted with! Such detail and whimsy!! I hope to run into you at DC again this year. Last year, I got a pin and a friendly hello, but I was so dazed from a mild case of food poisoning that I'm afraid I was less than coherent. Excellent work on the costume! :D
ReplyDeleteI for one am so glad you are back! I LOVE your costume! My daughter and I just oh and ah over the pictures of your costume, and my daughter kept saying, "That is so cool!" it was great! Welcome back Jen, the wife of John!
ReplyDeleteI'm sooo glad to see your sabbatical helped. And I am absolutely amazed at this costume! All of the details are amazing! I wish I was going to dragon con to see it in person.
ReplyDeleteO.M.F.G!! That costume is SO amazingly off the chain, I'm totally speachless! (long silent pause). I'm so glad you're back and you did an A.May.Zing. job on this. I'm inspired to try my Steampunk Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd...
ReplyDeleteI have no freaking words for this. It's just walking art... and a hella better than anything that awful Hero's of Cosplay produces.
ReplyDeleteI would watch an episode of you creating your Lady Vador and this dreamy White Rabbit than that overwrought manufactured mess......
Brava, me dear.. BRAVA!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing! And I can't wait to see the Cheshire Cat costume! He's my favorite character!
ReplyDeleteYay! Jen is back! :D
ReplyDeleteJen, it looks GREAT! Welcome back!!!
ReplyDeleteWOWWW!!! Your attention to detail floors me every time you create something. And I totally love that you have included items with special meaning that YOU know is there and others may not notice. I sometimes do that with crafty things too. Can't wait to see John's cosplay costume!
ReplyDeleteWow, that's incredible! And welcome back!
ReplyDeleteAnd it goes without saying that we're all going to beg for pictures of John's costume, and your mom's, until we get them, right? :)
Oh my god, Jen, this is incredible! So many kudos to you on all the little details, I can't wait to see pictures of it in action.
ReplyDeleteAnd welcome back, I'm glad your break did you good <3
YEA!!! I gotta say the fact that you ended your blogging sabbatical on MY BIRTHDAY is probably the best birthday present as of yet!! :-)
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog and reading about your adventures! truthfully i live a little vicariously through your blog so needless to say I have missed you!!!
OH MY GARSH!! I would love to use some expletives, but not sure how you'd feel about my foul mouth. This is THE MOST astonishing costume I have ever seen. Wow. Well, wow doesn't really do it, but Wow. Wish I didn't live 2400km away!
ReplyDeleteFirst things first.... WELCOME BACK!!!! HUMUNGOUS HUGS AND AIR KISSES!! Wowee so much detail!! I too am a big fan of details lol. Costume looks ahhhhhhhhhh mazing!!! So happy to see you and so excited to see your costume! Wish I could travel to Atlanta to see it in person. I'm working on my own costume, which is not even in the same universe as yours, but its a first for myself so I'm not gonna be to hard on me. lol Welcome back :)
ReplyDeleteYeah!! You're back.
ReplyDeleteAn amazing job on your coesplay. No wonder you needed time off. :-) It's wonderful to be able to read you again and see your amazing creations.
Wow. That is so amazing! I LOVE all the little details.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's good to have you back :)
WOW! Just.. WOW!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful and amazing, Beaumazing!
I would give my left arm to have just a smidgen of your crafty talent.
Have a wonderful time at DC.
Not only amazing outfit, but gurl, you look HOT! Ultrafeminine AND tough! Goooo, Jen!
ReplyDeleteWOW. Just...WOW.
ReplyDeleteIf this is what taking a sabbatical means, maybe you should just schedule yourself one, say, once a quarter. And then come back and blow us AWAY. As usual!
Welcome back! Your costume is insane and I love all the details - especially the bracers. You look amazing. I just wanted to share my about-to-be-4 son's guess as to what your costume was. I didn't give him a context and he said, "Cat astronaut?" So either way, you are doing something right! Have a great time at Dragon Con!
ReplyDeleteUtterly amazing! You've outdone yourself again. I look forward to catching a glimpse at dragoncon!
ReplyDeleteYour White Rabbit is absolutely awesome. I'm so impressed with both the level of detail, and how well the full-picture comes together. Hope you enjoy rocking it at DragonCon!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! :D And what a way to come back ... You are going to be an AMAZING Steampunk White Rabbit!! It looks so super professional - I'm in awe! I need to pick your brain on leather working - the tiny bit that I recently started with will probably not join my husband's costume for DragonCon. :( I'll be watching your tweets, looking to try and catch up sometime this weekend at the con!! Hope you have a blast!
ReplyDeleteFirst, welcome back!
ReplyDeleteSecond, amazing costume. You've captured the Lewis Carrol aspect brilliantly, while infusing enough steampunk to give it just enough flavor without taking over.
Looking forward to all the other impossible things you thought up before breakfast! :)
Oh. My. Stars. I can't decide which part I love best! So amazing! I love, love, love the tights and the corset. Beautiful work - it must be so fun to wear!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're back, so very glad you're doing well - welcome back to the interwebs! xo
Well done! Both the dramatic return and the costume
ReplyDeleteAmaizing job. The leather work is great. I think the hair is a prefect match with the rest of the costume and ruffles.
ReplyDeleteGlad your back. You were missed.
Welcome back! And WOW, that is one amazing costume! You and John really outdid yourselves. Have fun at Dragon*Con! :)
ReplyDeleteJen, welcome back! What an amazing return to Epbot! I'm glad your sabbatical worked to recharge your batteries, though I don't know how much recharging you could have done working on that incredible costume ;) .
ReplyDeleteJust yesterday I saw Lady Vadore, and she is awesome, but your White Rabbit? Off. The. Hook. So many spectacular details! You, John, and your mom are going to ROCK DragonCon. I'm way too far from Atlanta to be able to fan-stalk you, so I'll have to live vicariously through your upcoming posts.
I continue to be blown away by your and John's incredible talents. So envious - I'm not in the least bit creative, but I enjoy your tutorials and the wonderful fruits of your labor. Thanks for sharing Lady Vadore and a thousand thumbs-up for your new cosplay!!!! Brava!
Oh, and I'm really, REALLY glad you're well and back in the blogosphere.
This is one of the most amazing costumes ever! I'm sad to hear you will only be wearing it a short time though!
ReplyDeleteHave fun! :)
Simply amazing!! Welcome back. Can't wait to see pics of John's costume as well. :)
ReplyDeleteSo awesome! I can't wait to see John's costume (the Cheshire Cat is a personal favorite) and your mom's, too!! I wish I lived close enough to come see you in person! I'm sure you'll look even more amazing up close! I can't wait to see more posts from you; I've been checking back every day to see your return! Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteI have been waiting for you to post and you finally did in time for my birthday. Best birthday present of the day!
ReplyDeleteThat is just as amazing as I knew it would be!! Can't wait to see John's costume and the rest of the pics from your adventures this weekend! SOOOOOOOOO happy you're back :)
ReplyDeleteIt's breathtaking!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! And you look ah-mazing! Can't wait to show my daughter. She'll love the costume!
ReplyDeleteStunning!!!! Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're back!!! It's like catching up with an old friend that you lost touch with for a little bit (and was a little bit worried about) but is now back and better than ever! I've missed you!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNothin' like coming back with Ruffles and Flourishes! Your costume is beyond awesome, as I knew it would be. Can't wait to see Cheshire John! Welcome back!! :)
ReplyDeleteomg so much DETAIL! i love it :)
ReplyDeleteHoly cow, that is SO. FREAKING. AWESOME! That had to be sooo much fun to work on and finally have it all done! It's seriously spectacular, and I wish so bad that I could see it in person!
ReplyDeleteYay, Jen's back! And she's back with a flourish! Wow, stunning costume! I love all the details, even though, like John said, most people probably won't notice. But that is an AMAZING costume! I wish I lived in the South so I could go to DragonCon and see it in person (and you of course!). I'm looking forward to all your coverage of the con. And yeah, I'm really glad you're back. :) ♥♦♣♠
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, Day-Glo Cheshire Cat John. I'm SO looking forward to that!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite pieces of your costume: all the watches. And the Drink Me potions. And the rose on your trumpet. But mostly the watches. ::melt:: I love me some beautiful time pieces! I am SUPER impressed with how much time went into each little detail. Wow!
{And as a heads up, in your intro, you want it to be a "CYMBAL crash"--I'm just a music nerd and you can remove this part of my comment, if you'd like. (Although "symbol crash" does have it's hilarious overtones!)}
Fan-freaking-tastic! I love this and bow to your skill! It's great to have you back and I'm looking forward to your posts again!
ReplyDeleteVERY well done! Glad to have you back :)
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great time up here in Atlanta at Dragon Con!!
That is so amazing! And I can't wait to see what John's Cheshire Cat costume looks like.
ReplyDeleteGAH I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK! I am going to my first con this weekend (not dragon con :<) and looking at your costume my initial reaction is to quickly run and find a way to improve my cosplay. This is absolutely beautiful Jen, there is such a crazy beautiful amount of detail have fun!
ReplyDeleteI can't even say adequately how much I love this costume!! It looks fantastic! You are a master. :-) Welcome back!I hope I can see you at Con this year!
ReplyDeleteJen! Every bit of this costume is absolutely incredible! I am simply awed by the amount of work you put into it, especially all the details. Clocks! Ruffles! Neck pin! Pendulum! Not to mention all the gorgeous leather craft. My jaw literally dropped when I zoomed in on the pics--I applaud your and john's craftsmanship on the whole ensemble. I especially loved how this design stays true to the colors of Disney's White Rabbit; it's an awesome translation of the animated original to steampunk.But most of all, I am SO excited that YOU ARE BACK! *high fives & hugs* Looking forward to your upcoming posts :D
ReplyDeleteWOW! So great!
That is AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteThat cosplay is PURE. AWESOME! I am going to try my best to get to see it in person (and meet you!) at Dragon Con. My husband has recently taken a shine to the idea of steampunk, so we were planning on going to the mechanical masquerade. Hope to see you there!
ReplyDeleteHoly moly, this is incredible!! Totally worth all the work. I can't wait to see you at the Mechanical Mascarade!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW with the AWESOME. Great job, well done.
ReplyDeleteStunning!!! Welcome Back Jen, We Have Missed You And Your Posts! :D
ReplyDeleteThat is heartbreakingly beautiful! I love how the corset looks tough, yet very shape flattering.
ReplyDeleteAlso - welcome back!
Oh that looks absolutely fantastic!!! I'm in awe of your powers. Sucks you're so close and yet so far away :-(, would've LOVED to have seen this is person and take like a bajillion pics!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back BTW! Didn't realize how much I missed you and Epbot until it was "gone". :-)
Yay :D
ReplyDeleteWelcome back!
That is a seriously insane amount of detail and work put into that - I *love* it.
~erin kristine
I was really looking forward to Dragon*Con being my first con and trying to hunt you and John down to say hi. Alas a major home remodel means I can't go this year. We're ripping out a bathroom down to the studs this weekend instead. Yay?
ReplyDeleteI love love love this costume. The leather work is simply amazing. I was going to try to make some bracers for my costume that isn't happening this year either but once again you've given me the courage and inspiration to still try it down the road. I think the watch bracer is my favorite part of the entire outfit, I just love the concept and how it turned out.
Welcome back Jen! I look forward to your Dragon*Con updates and pictures.
Blown away by the detail here; you continue to amaze me. I can't wait to see John's costume. Also, welcome back--we've missed you so much!
ReplyDeleteThis is just stunning. The many hours of work and attention to detail shows!! Wish I could see you in person. And so glad you're back!!
ReplyDeleteJen you should TOTALLY enter the costume contest. You would WIN! The contest or Masquerade, either one, enter! I hope to see you and John at some point this weekend. Oh and John, you totally rock too with all the work you put in! Awesome job y'all!!!
ReplyDeleteAMAZING! I so hope I get to see this in person at DCon!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd welcome back! :)
Hooray! Glad you're back, Jen! I am stunned by the costume. I had to just stare at it for a while to try and take in all the detail. It's incredible.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, welcome back! Glad you're posting again after your much deserved break. Secondly, holy wow. The costume is gorgeous and amazingly detailed. It shows that you put a ton of work into it.
ReplyDeletespectacular. truly worth every effort you put into it!
ReplyDeleteMy internet experience was quite sad and lonely while you were "resting". So very happy to have you back!
ReplyDeleteDetails are what set a great costume apart from the good ones. Makes people stop and look closer, as they pick out all the references, and makes up for all manner of sewing sins! This is a great costume--realky well done! And glad you're back online-we've missed you!
ReplyDeleteWow...just WOW! Welcome home.
ReplyDeleteSOOOOO glad you're back and your White Rabbit is Beautiful!!! I'm in love with all the little details you put in.
ReplyDeleteSo amazing! You should compete with it at dragon con! I know that might not be your cup of tea (heh), but your amazing work deserves to be recognized. Love it, welcome back :)
ReplyDeleteWow! Again you have impressed and amazed me! I love the details you gave us close-up peeks of with the backstory. Have you had time to watch the new Heroes of Cosplay on Syfy? I think you are outdoing even those creative minds! Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
ReplyDeleteWow! Beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteHo.ly.crap.ol.a!!!! That is amazing! You inspire me in so many ways, but this one. Wow. Just wow.
ReplyDeleteWhat a day in your crafty little brain would be like!
Beautiful! And I'm glad you're back. Have a great time at Dragon Con.
ReplyDeleteWELL DONE!!!! Impressive work, my friend. I can see the work involved, and I'm blown away. Great job!
BellaLise Designs
This is really fabulous. And I'm sure the detail will be more than appreciated by those lucky enough to see it in person.
ReplyDeleteOk, at the risk of sounding unappreciative, I would suggest that, if there's time, that you line the bustle/peplum with fabric so it will have more weight and hang better. You could do it in the same color, or even in an alternate color so in the gathers it will show the alternate color (gold? Teal?)
Maybe this is totally presumptuous of me so I'll stop typing now.
I am speechless. So much work and such a wonderful cosplay. Welcome back, I enjoy Epbot so much. You were missed.
ReplyDeleteI love all the little details. If I was ever somewhere that I might see you all dressed up I would definitely notice at least some of them! I love how you put the waist details on the opposite sides of the bracer details.
ReplyDeleteSo excited to see you back!! My days have been so much more boring without your posts to look forward to! And seriously, that costume could not be cooler! I just want to be able to see it in person and touch all the little bottles! (I know, weird!)
ReplyDeletePlease, please, please enter a cosplay contest!!! It is AH. MAY. ZING!!! Your attention to detail and craftiness to come up with solutions (ie. red hearts from finger nail polish to look enameled) is what makes a cosplay costume!! Jen, your white rabbit is such an over the top spectacular work of art... truly a work of art!!
ReplyDeleteWow. I can't even... just... wow. I am so amazed by all the tiny details. You could spend an hour just going over all the different bits and they all look like they have a history and stories behind them. This is truly a work of art and I am so impressed by your talent. I'm slow clapping at my desk in admiration.
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration. That costume is amazing! And I know how much you have avoiding sewing but finally took on the task. I'll be starting my first costume this coming weekend and I am nervous about the sewing but if you can face your challenges then I will too.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back - you were missed!
ReplyDeleteOMG OMG OMG The outfit is simply stunning What a fab job. You and John did a stellar job.
ReplyDeleteOh and glad you are back. We missed you.
Couple of Questions 1) what did john wear????!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso thank you for making me feel like i can sew! I want to start sewing simple things, and am completely daunted by the machine and a mother who was/is a fabulous seamstress. I just need to take a few lessons to get more comfortable.
You look amazing! I can't wait to see all your pictures from Dragon Con. Some day I shall get there...
ReplyDeleteWOWOWOWOWOWOW It doesn't even look like you I don't even know whats happening you broke my brain can I have a leather potion holster?!?!?! :D
ReplyDeleteSqueee! I was wandering around Pinterest and saw your white rabbit come along. OMG! She's back! I have been checking EPBOT every day (no pressure), but hadn't checked it today. Hooray! Love all the thoughtful details on your rabbit. It's full of awesome.
ReplyDeleteNo words!!! So amazing!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's simply breath-taking! I'm in awe.
ReplyDeleteThat costume is amazing! All of those details are just beyond awesome! Wow!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the craziness that is John's Cheshire.
OMG That is so awesome!!! I've wanted to cosplay forever. I think I might just have to get going on something cool and steampunky.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're back :)
Wow! That is just fantastic!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back!! Glad your break was so good for you!!
ReplyDeleteAnd beautiful work! That is truly amazing! Can't wait to see John's costume as well!!
Maybe we could see y'all's White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat costumes at MNSSHP? If we get a nice cold week? Pretty please? For this Orlando girl who won't be making it to D*Con? Side note, trying to figure out a Disney appropriate costume knowing I'll be 5+ months pregnant is hard!
ReplyDeleteWhat about something like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty's mom?
DeleteOne word: Amaze-balls.
ReplyDeleteAmazing work! Every piece is just beautiful. When do we get pics of the Cheshire Cat?!
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed your break and I'm looking forward to your regular posting again!
Welcome back! (btw, you're late. *grin*)
ReplyDeleteYour costume is fantastic! I love all the details and the amount of time you spent on everything! I'd say you're more than ready to make those special costume accessories I know you're working on - leather would be perfect!
(Hope this doesn't post twice - I got an error message the first try.)
This is seriously one of the coolest things I've ever seen!!!
ReplyDeleteHoly smokes! The attention to detail ah-may-ZING! So excited about you being at Dragon*Con. This will be my first year attending and meeting you is definitely on my to do list!
ReplyDeleteWOW THAT IS SO AMAZING. I am 100000% impressed.
ReplyDeleteAll that red and gold- I've gotta show my sister!
But most of all, it's good to have you back!
It's so wonderful to read a new post from you, and your costume is just stunning.
ReplyDeleteLove love love!! So many amazing details! I noticed the heart clasps right away on your potion chain, I have those EXACT clasps in silver and hematite finish in my jewelry making supplies =) Great minds think alike! I hope you and John and your parents have a blast at DragonCon, looking forward to seeing his costume photos and all your coverage at the convention. And your catch up afterwards. We've missed you, it's great to have you back!!
ReplyDeleteWow, Jen! That's AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're BACK!!!
You and John are so talented!!!! It's beautiful. I'm so glad you're back and feeling better. We've all missed you and have been thinking about you.
ReplyDeleteAiiiiiiiiiiii (That's my best *kermitflail* sound).
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see you back, and holy cannoli what a costume. It's really just a masterpiece.
What's not to love?!? Everything about it is awesome. Can't wait to see your account of Dragoncon. Have a wondermous time!!
ReplyDeleteHoly Shit. Can I say that here??? I hope so, because...Holy Shit!!!!
ReplyDeleteI suppose you can delete this if need be, but before you do, I just want to echo everyone's sentiments here and say how extremely happy I am that you're back. Seriously. I missed your posts a lot more than I realized, they liven my days so much when they pop up. Thank you for the grand re-entry, it's has made my whole week, you're amazing!!!
I have said it before, and I will say it again (and again, and again...) -- you are my flippin' HERO.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. We're friends, right? It's not creepy and stalker-ish if I say I love you, right?
~Elizabeth Glover
I must be totally honest...your rabbit mask gave me some flashbacks of "Donnie Darko"! But it is absolutely amazing and I am in awe of the amount of effort you put into your costuming.
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!!! So glad to see you back! Hope you're well-rested and re-invigorated from your self-imposed internet sabbatical. Love the costume, and can't wait to see John's and your Con pics! :) Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteHi Jen! I've been following your CW blog for about a year and I started following EPBOT only a few months ago. I just want to share how much I LOVE everything you posts. Your cosplay costumes are simply amazing. Lady Vadore absolutely belongs in a museum! And this one, wow, I think it tops even LV. I'm at a loss for words at how incredible this costume is!
ReplyDeleteYour blogs are my go-to for a quick cheer up when I've had a bad day. I almost never post things online other than facebook (I don't follow comment chains or chat rooms) but I simply had to express how much joy your blogs bring to me. I even found my first cake wreck worth submitting, so I'll be sending that in soon. You are just adorable and I want to share my appreciation for all that you do. Thank you, and keep the awesomeness coming! :-) Cheers from Abby in Boston.
I am utterly speechless. You've brought two of my favorite things together, Alice and Steampunk,and with such care and detail. It's absolutely stunning. Also, Welcome Back times a million!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're back and even gladder that you are happy about it.
ReplyDeleteThe rabbit is absolutely stunning.
I agree with the comment I just zipped by -- WOW just WOW!
ReplyDelete*GASP* I have zero interest in cosplay but you just took my breath away. That is sublime!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. This cosplay is amazing! I'm so glad you're back :)
ReplyDeleteJeezus H, Jen and John! Who the hell do you think you are, being all awesome like that? People like you make me...want to Cosplay. Holy crap! That is positively breathtaking. I can't wait to see John's! Baited breath...
guess who's back, back again! jen is back, tell your friends!
ReplyDeletehuzzah! let the bells ring and the doves fly!
welcome back jen!
love your white rabbit, and can't wait to see john and your mom's costumes.
what's your dad going as, or is he not going this time?
Just wanted to say welcome back - I've missed you! And your cosplay looks AH-MA-ZING!
Welcome back and just Wow! You and your creations are always stellar but this one is just amazing! Thanks for sharing as always.
ReplyDeleteSo wonderful to have you back. And way to come back with a bang! That outfit has me staring and staring. I can only imagine the insane amounts of work and thought put into it; you're amazingly creative and talented. I hope you really enjoy your time at the con!
ReplyDeleteI'm so ecstatic to see you back and doing well, Jen! Your costume is BEYOND amazing! If I went to a Con and saw you before seeing this post, I'd probably just freeze and be completely speechless. By the way, where did you get those boots? I've been looking for something similar, and just can't find any outside of Doc Martins but those are far too stiff for me.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely gorgeous! I love every component, especially your own secret touches and how special and personal it makes your costume :)
ReplyDeleteI just thought I might share this mask I've made with you, as you were part of the inspiration for it.
You've played a huge part in me discovering Steampunk. Before Cake Wrecks and Epbot I didn't have a clue what this thing was that I liked, it was just "old looking stuff that looks awesome"... or something, I don't know. It didn't have a name, and I didn't really know that there was a huge community behind it. I've found a place I fit in and people who I fit in with, which hasn't necessarily been the case much of the time. Even though I'm still growing my steampunkiness, I'm not sure I would have discovered it at all had it not been for Cake Wrecks and Epbot, so thank you. :)
All the best, Marama.
Your mask is beautiful.
DeleteAn amazing costume. Well worth all the work!
ReplyDeleteGlad to have you back :)
Girl. GIRL. Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl! You are serving rabbity REALNESS, Mama! The bracer full of watches is SICKening (That's good, trust me; it's a Drag Thing), you are WERKing that hair, and I am LIVING FOR that corset! I'm sorry that you had to un-do all that work on your jacket (Girl, I've been there, got the T-shirt AND keychain), but it actually turned out better the second time; a waist-length "bolero style" jacket is not only very period, it's very hip in the Steamworld. And now you have two different pieces you can wear separately as well, so double bonus score! Seeing you put this much effort into something you plan to wear for only a few hours means you, my dear, are The Real Deal. You are what my drag queens call "unclockable" (no pun intended. Seriously, puns are a lower form of humour than a fart joke); you live for your art and it shows. In drag, we often say "it gives me LIFE to dress this way, to make heads turn when I enter, to work this hard to WERK this hard!" That's you, but in Nerdgirl Style. You be you, girl; the hell with the haters, it's not your fault you're so fierce. Don't hide your light under a bushel just because some people can't handle how fabulous you are.
ReplyDeleteFor seriously, though... this post actually restored the brain cells that were brutally murdered by my watching the atrocity that is "Heroes of Cosplay". That show angries up my blood. What a perfect portrayal of everything con costuming should NOT BE ABOUT; being an attention whore that just wants to win prizes. Yeesh.
Still gathering/working on my Eleven Doctors costume; I can't wait til October to wear it! Also starting in September; my "drag daughter" and I will be teaching gay and transgender youth costuming, hair/wigs, and make-up in a "Drag 101" class at our Gay Youth Center. (shrug) I wanted to work with gay youth, give back to my community, and all I have to offer is my sewing/costuming skills, I LIVE for drag, so....! I'm not a bio-mother, but I'm a Drag Mother, and that's good enough for me. ;)
Get your strut on, WERK that costume, and let those steambitches HAVE IT, girl! Welcome back. :)
Your Super Duper Bestest Pal That You've Never Met But Who Just Adores You,
Wow, just wow - that is amazing! You are awesome! So glad to see you back, and in such colourful steampunk form to boot!
ReplyDeleteWOW! that is gorgeous! love all the details...you have poured so much into it. worth the wait!
ReplyDeleteOne minor suggestion, if it's possible. The whole body shots of the costume look a tad off balance. I think that's because the "pocket" watch and the goggle lens are on the same side of your body. It might look more balance overall if you could move the "pocket" watch to the other side.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I am in awe of the dedication and skills used to make this costume. Excellent job!
I agree with r-is-for-rose on this one. I think putting the giant watch on the other side would balance the costume out a bit. (Though depending on how the watch is attached, that might be easier said than done. :P )
DeleteBut that is just a minor nitpick. Overall, the costume is fantastic. I mean, the detail that "corset" alone is awe-inducing.
Welcome back! We've missed you!
ReplyDeleteWe've also missed your awe-inspiring work. Now I wish I could take some time off work and come visit at DragonCon. It would be a very important date.... :)
Glad you're back, and that you're refreshed and energized!
#1, Welcome back, we missed you!
ReplyDelete#2. THIS. IS. STUNNING!
Bravo! It looks great and you look great!
ReplyDeleteWOW. Just...wow. Jaw on floor.
ReplyDeleteThe details are INSANE! I love this! As soon as I saw you were back I actually raised my hand in the air and said, "YES." So happy to have you back!
ReplyDeleteOh, wow. This has got to be one of the most gorgeous, detail-oriented costumes I have ever seen. I mean that. Mad props to you for your hard work! Thanks for sharing the details of how it was all put together, as you are giving me ideas for my own costume!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see John's!
Jen, I love love LOVE it, and I am delighted that your sabbatical recharged your batteries. Selfishly, I'm even happier that you're back with us, but YOU are the important part of the equation. :D
ReplyDeleteYou look FANTASTIC!!! Great job!!!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely amazingly gorgeous and...and...and... I'm speechless!
ReplyDeleteYou look spectacular!!
Love the costume and so happy you're back! I am an avid crafter and DIYer and your projects are always inspiring and I've missed you!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be there on Saturday. I hope we run into you because we are big fans of yours.
ReplyDeleteThat is just AWESOME! Nice to see you back Jen!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! That white rabbit costume is totally awesome! I'd like to make some cool outfits like that one day, too. Maybe one of the kids would like steampunk... :-)
ReplyDeleteThat is too awesome for words I love love love the little details
ReplyDeleteI would maim people for that corset and mask
This is awesome so clearly a labor of love and it is just picture perfect
Sooooooo glad you are back!!!! I've missed you.
ReplyDeleteThe White Rabbit is so awesome! The detail is gorgeous and I am really jelly!!
Wish I lived near DragonCon.
Welcome back!! I love, love, love your costume! I wish I had half as much talent as you do! I was sad that you had stepped away from "the google machine", but I'm so glad you are back!!
ReplyDeleteI am absolutely floored. This is SO creative and so absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I assume the museum currently housing Lady Vadore has already called? ;-)
ReplyDeleteThis is.... compleletely amazing. I LOVE it. you are amazingly talented!! And, I'm SO glad you're back. I missed you!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! This costume is CRAZY AMAZING...CRAMAZING.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! Definitely missed your inspiring fun :) Beautiful costume, by the way. It makes me want to send you pictures of the alice in wonderland themed steampunk necklace I made some years back. This costume is remarkable, you can really tell it was a labor of love!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I noticed the brooch first thing when I saw those photos, and was certainly admiring it ;) so don't let him hassle you too much about the gorgeous details.
truly jaw-dropping, Jen. Wow! Holy attention to detail, Batman! So glad you are back and sharing this with us.
ReplyDeleteAmazing! As a mostly retired cosplayer myself, it's so great to see your attention to detail!! That was always my favorite part. Don't be afraid of the sewing machine! I loves you! Well, most of the time. The rest you just have to beat it into submission. I'm very sad that I can't make it to Dragoncon to see this amazing art!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! Gorgeous! Splendid! You have a true talent and the details are truly astounding. Welcome back. You were missed!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your costume! Seeing things like this makes me wish I was more crafty. I'm trying to do a costume myself for the upcoming Utah con but it's mostly going to be stuff I found at thrift stores. Way to go you for being so awesome!
ReplyDeletePretty freaking awesome!! Great job...
ReplyDeleteWonderful costume. so happy to have you back. Glad you had a good break
ReplyDeleteYou are an amazing inspiration! So glad you are back! :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! Good for you taking blogging time off and being good to yourself. Your costume is fantastic! So beautiful and especially all the incredible details are amazing. Truly a work of art! Have a wonderful time wearing it!
ReplyDeleteWOW! You just constantly amaze me, Jen. This costume is a piece of art. I wish I could see it in person just so I could gush over all the little details. Great job, and it's FANTASTIC to have you back!
ReplyDeleteSo, so cool Jen. Wish I was on that side of the world to see your amazing costume in person! Lots of photos of you in action please, and so happy to see you back and blogging. Lots of love from all your fans down here in Oz.
ReplyDeleteAaaahh! It's so good to have you back!!! :D Your costume is just amazing and gorgeous and I cannot believe this is only your third cosplay! It's so detailed, I keep finding new things to gawk over! Congratulations to you for being so awesome and creative! I hope you all had a great time at Dragon*Con, and I can't wait to see all your pictures!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, this brings me joy. All the little details...the little "in-jokes"...the finesse...oh, my. Lady Vadore was cool and all...but this? This RAWKS!