Monday, July 8, 2013

An Unexpected Sabbatical

I guess you've probably noticed my sudden absence online this past week or so. I'm sorry about that. I never meant to leave everything so abruptly, but I didn't know what to say. I still don't. All I know is that I woke up last Friday and suddenly couldn't face the thought of spending even one more day online. Nothing happened to provoke it; I just... stopped.

I assumed I would be back to normal within a few days. Instead, I found myself taking all the daily insults and complaints and trollish comments that come with running two websites too seriously, too much to heart. They used to be par for the course; now each one keeps knocking me flat, and makes it that much harder to keep trying.

I've always tried to create happy, positive places online. Places you can go for a smile or to be encouraged. I think most of you have found those things here and on CW, but I'm having a harder time finding them for myself online. I'm tired of people ripping each other to shreds. I'm tired of the negativity, and the faceless criticism, and the constant stream of "I AM OFFENDED" - not just on my sites, but everywhere.

Maybe it's stress, or five years without a break. Whatever it is, I know I'm not strong enough to exist in this world right now, and I need some time away. I need to remember what real life feels like for a while, and stop spending 14 hours a day glued to a laptop.

I can't quit my day job, though, so I'll still be writing for Cake Wrecks as I'm able. I have John and Sharyn to help me, so with luck you won't notice too many more disruptions over there. I don't expect I'll be tweeting or posting much on Facebook for a while, though, or answering any e-mails. In fact, please don't e-mail me; the numbers in my inbox are already overwhelming enough as it is. I promise I'm ok; I just need some time to unplug and recharge. In fact, I'm actually looking forward to reacquainting myself with sunshine again.

I hope it won't be too long before I can pick up again here, but 'til then, please just subscribe to Epbot in your RSS reader so you'll know when I'm back.

Thank you all for being patient and supportive and generally awesome. I'll see you on the flip side.

- Jen


  1. No worries love, you take care of you! We will patiently await your return. In the meantime big hugs from all of us and cute mini robot kisses

  2. Please don't get too discouraged. I used to have a daily political blog that because too much for me. I took the trolls too seriously and it used to keep me up at night. Reading what they wrote made me feel physically ill and I started dreading interacting with the blog. That was like 8 years ago and I still miss it.
    Maybe get John to moderate comments before you see them?
    Good luck!

  3. Take your time! You are a light in the darkness, so take as much time as you need to recharge and rejuvenate! We can all suffer from too much screen time. Check out the Sunshine, splash in some puddles, craft to your lovely heart's content. We love you and will be waiting for your triumphant return, when you are ready.

  4. Love and hugs, Jen. We'll be happy to see you whenever you're ready. in the meantime, take care of yourself. <3

  5. Hugs! I know a bit how you feel. I find that when someone gives me a thumbs down on my comments I start thinking "How in the world can you thumbs down that?!?!" But then I realize there are just some people in the world who have to say and do mean things.

    We aren't made to have skin that thick.

    You do what you need to. You'll still have all our love no matter what happens.

  6. It sounds like you could do with a proper break. Enjoy the summer and we'll see you if/whenever you want to come back ((hugs))

  7. The internet is an overwhelming place even on its best days. You are OUR happy place. Maybe you should go back and read your own postings and comment sections to see the good that does exist out there in the world. Or...get off the computer completely for a while. Never a bad idea, but we do await your wonderful return.

  8. you take care of yourself, and I wish you a lot of sunshine and feeling better :). ty for making the internet a little better by writing epbot, and I'll (we'll, I'm sure) be right here when you feel up to it to come back! have a nice vacation :)

  9. Oh, the irony of posting this in the comments, but have you considered closing posts to comments for a time?

    As The Oatmeal says, there IS such a thing as destructive feedback.

    Do what's best for you, and we hope to see you back soon!

  10. Everyone needs to take time to recharge and refuel - creativity (which you have in spades my friend) is a high octane vehicle! We really have to keep up the maintenance!

    Your blogs are full of whimsy (and as Sheldon Cooper says "what is life without whimsy?) and I hope that you can get some of that back.

    If, however, it has run it's course, as all good things inevitably come to an end - let me say thank you for all the enjoyment that you have given me (and countless others, I'm sure).

    Take a break and have some fun!
    All the best!

  11. I think I know how you feel - I'm part of a wonderful, close and friendly facebook community. Yet I haven't signed into facebook for over a year. And I still can't bring myself to do it, although I miss my friends in that community.

    Take a break, however long you need it to be. I'll be happy IF you drop the occasional "I'm still ok" one-liner, if not that's fine as well. Have fun in the sun, breathe some fresh air, talk to your neighbors (not the ones with the snake though, they sound shady) and your real life friends, be happy!

    And remember: we here, your readers and fans, we love and support you just the way you are (((hugs)))

  12. This is a bit odd, Jen, because I went to bed last night with just utter dread in my body (only way I can describe it). I do work to help end an illegal practice called "soring" of a breed of horse called the Tennessee Walking Horse. I'm "famous" online in some horse circles, and many, MANY people want me offline (or worse) because I expose the abuse. So I also run into the same oppression and horrible backlash that I'm sure you run into as well. It also continues to amaze me when it comes to the lack of compassion and respect for animals in general, the need to torture them for fame and money.

    I woke up this morning after on a few hours of sleep feeling slightly better and I did go online, but mostly stayed off of sites I usually go on. Honestly, I'm glad I saw your letter today because it tells ME I'm allowed to take a break too. So know that I understand, as do so many others. No worries, THANK YOU for all you do to make the Internet a happy place, and much love and prospering and journeying forth. I look forward to your return!

  13. Awwww, Jen. This made me so sad, but I completely understand how it could all become too overwhelming.

    Thanks for all the joy and laughter you've brought so many. Now, it's time to just take care of yourself. Rest and relax. Put up a hammock in the backyard and go read a good book outside (In the shade, of course. We don't want you to spontaneoulsy combust). John, she's going to need some homemade lemonade and a foot rub and some forehead kisses. But, we all know you're taking great care of her already.

    Jen, please come back to Epbot when you're ready and not a second before. I'll be looking forward to it.

    Sunshine, peace, and happiness,

  14. We totally understand Jen. Thank you for all that you do...breathe, and remember you have an army behind you :-) you rock!

  15. You will be missed! Enjoy the time away! Look forward to your return and the craftness that it will bring. Just remembet that you are loved and amazing in what you do! If i ever make it to any conventions you are at I look forward to meeting you! Enjoy the SUN!!!

  16. To quote Ron Weasley, "Don't let the muggles get you down..." :) That said, have a wonderful relaxing time rebuilding your vitamin-D stores!

  17. I miss you already! But I really hope you can find some peace, and are able to relax for as long as it takes. I often feel those days when I'd like to run-away but am lucky to have a husband who affords me some time by myself if needed - as I'm sure John does for you! Enjoy your surroundings, take in a Disney day or two ;) and come back to us when you're up to it!
    Virtual Hugs from PA,

  18. I think we've all had moments like this. Sometimes they're short, others last longer. While sad (cos I love this blog), the important part is to take care of yourself. We'll all still be here for you :)
    ~erin kristine

  19. Hugs, hon. I guess we were all worried it was something really bad. But I can understand that. Happens to me every so often. Just take your time and come back when you can deal with it.

    Just know for every idiot troll out there, there are at least 5 of us that support you.

    If you need a good place, try That helps for me.

  20. I try to only post when I feel I have something to contribute and I have no idea if this'll be useful or not, but here goes:

    1. Thank you (something I don't say nearly enough). As I said above, I don't post often, but CakeWrecks makes me laugh on a regular basis and I seriously have half a dozen EPBOT-inspired projects going right now.

    2. Good on ya for realizing you need a break. I only comment on a few sites/blogs/forums and that's exhausting enough. I feel like going online is the equivalent of having to be "on" at an overcrowded party where you're trying to be the right mix of thick-skinned but sensitive, politically correct yet appropriately snarky, thoughtful, helpful, eloquent, and the list goes on. It just gets tiring, and no one can be "on" all the time. Unplugging is the best break you can have.

    In short: No worries. There's a great big world out there, and we'll wait patiently until you decide to come back.

  21. Sorry to hear that, Jen. I don't comment much (on anything, anywhere really. I'm a great lurker.) but I wanted you to know that Epbot is my happy place on the internet. I know I'm in for great book reviews (Thanks!), lovely crafty stuff (that I can't even aspire to, but love looking at), and awesome geekery in general. I hope things start going better for you soon. For every troll, there's a lot more nice-ish people like me that love what you do and appreciate you drawing us all together into an awesome on-line community.

  22. You will be missed,but we love you lots and want you happy and healthy. So yeah.. we'll see you on the flip side ; )

  23. We understand Jen - feel better! It's great that you're doing what's best for you! Even when you take a break, you're still inspiring :)

  24. *hug*
    I just can't understand how someone who is loved by so many all over the world can be bothered by the nonsense of a few people who don't deserve to breathe your air. Seeing you react to bullying this way has made me sympathize for the people in my life who wonder how I can be depressed when I am so lucky.
    You are ~so~ loved, Jen. We love the way you write, the jokes you tell, the photos you take. You have thousands of fans who would dish out nuclear wedgies to anyone who doesn't appreciate you.
    Feel better, and come back soon.

  25. We are going to miss you so much! You do what you need to and come back to us refreshed, and happy, and just a thought, but maybe you should let someone else moderate the comments when you get back, and don't read comments on other sites. Here you are loved. And we hope you can bask in that knowledge.

  26. We love you Jen. Breathe and know we'll miss you.

  27. I'll miss that bit of joy you bring me when you post, but I really do understand. You need to put yourself first. Go... rest, read, be inspired. But most of all, enjoy your life with that wonderful hubby of yours and all your family and friends. Take care. xx

  28. We'll still be here when you get back. Take care of yourself, and know that we support you.

  29. renita / thatgirlrenitaJuly 8, 2013 at 3:47 PM

    I don't know if you'll even see this, but selfishly I hope you are at least checking your e-mail in two months, because I'm hoping we can meet up with you and John when we visit WDW in late Sept.

    But either way, be well, get some sun, I hope that you can find some peace and recharge and take good care of yourself. :)

  30. I've always appreciated your openness and honesty about the things you discuss here on Epbot, from crafting challenges, dealing with panic attacks, and more. So I appreciate your openness and honesty about needing to unplug for a while.

    You have really been an inspiration to me and although I'll miss seeing your posts regularly and sharing them with my friends, I'm glad to know that you are taking time to recharge. Have fun!

    --Josh B.

    Years ago, it was your Sunday Sweets post featuring Bakerella that got my wife and I into making cake pops. Now we have a successful side business making them, and it's all thanks to you!

  31. I struggled for months with an injury, thinking that it would somehow just heal eventually. Finally, a very compassionate yoga instructor took me aside and essentially forbade me from returning until this overuse injury healed. Just in time, too, because I started to dread my practice instead of rejoice in it. Now, after weeks away, the healing is well on its way, and I can remember why I loved it to begin.
    Funny how we feel like we need someone else's permission to take care of ourselves.
    Take all the time that you truly need, even if that means you never come back to Epbot. I would rather know that you're happy and healthy than maybe coming to loathe something that was such a source of joy. You're awesome and we all love you and we want only the best for you.

  32. Jen, we all love you and want you to take care of yourself. Please take all the time that you need, and know that we'll be here when you get back! Hugs and prayers! :)

  33. Thinking about you here, and understand completely. Like so many others, I will be watching for your return, if that is what you choose to do. And if you don't? Well, I completely understand. Much love and compassion to you, Jen. You have been an inspiration to me and so many others. *hugs*

  34. So understandable, I'm glad that you are able to take a sabbath rest from this crazy internet! I hope you are able to be recharged.

    I never comment on anything- but I feel like I want to tell you that you provide a lot of light in my day. It's really hard for me to come to work, to a job I don't love when I really want to be home with my family. Everyday when I come into work, before I even open up my email, I clock the Epbot tab in my favorites bar and say a quick prayer that you will have posted something, it's one thing I can look forward to a few times a week.

    You do such a good job taking care of me, that I'm glad that you are getting some time to take care of you for a change.

  35. Sometimes the things we love most are also the things that become the hardest to handle. If stepping away from here and taking a breather for a while is what allows you to love life, then more power to you. You will be missed, for sure, but those of us who truly care about you and your blogs will be waiting for you when you get back. Until then, enjoy your break and find lots of good books to tell us about!

  36. We'll miss you... oh so much. But then again... we're selfish that way. :-D Take care of yourself... and thank you... oh so much...for the smiles and the ideas and (yes, Sheldon) the whimsy. In the words of Scarlett...after all, tomorrow IS another day... and don't forget Annie's wisdom either: the sun WILL come out tomorrow. Enjoy the sun on your face and the love we send you (and share it with Jon and the cats).

  37. Awww, Jen. I feel terrible for you. I'll miss your presence, even though I'm mostly a Wreckie. I come here at least a few times a week to get inspired, see what you are up to and drool over all your finds/completed projects.

    I'll miss you immensely and hope you return soon, but you have to do what is best for you. I can't imagine actually writing a blog. I'm an introvert at heart, so being around people, even online, takes energy. Recharging means unplugging, being by myself and/or hanging out with family and really close friends where I don't have to worry about what I say or do; I can be a complete dork and no one judges me. ; D

    Thank you for what you've created, both here and at CW. These blogs are both amazing. How could they not be? You are the creator and overseer and you are an amazing person.

    Thanks to John(thoJ), too, for your support of Jen, your input on the blogs, and basic awesomeness.

    Much love and admiration from your stalker-but-not-in-a-creepy-way,

    Just Andrea

  38. All the best Jen. Enjoy your much deserved break. Kudos to you for knowing when/how to take care of yourself. Thanks for being a source of laughs, smiles, and encouragement. <3

  39. You always put a smile in my day, and I hope you'll find something to bring back yours! Even if it isn't on the web. Enjoy life!

  40. I soooooo get it. I cannot read the comments on the "vine" anymore...doesn't matter WHAT the news article is about, people turn it into nastiness. I used to play a little game to see how many posts in it would take for someone to be downright offensive, and I never got very far. :/ People have lost their filter overall, and think that the virtual world gives them leave to say whatever pops into their head that they would NEVER EVER say to a person face to face, or via phone. Heck, probably not even by text.

    Step away. Relax. Read Glass Books of the Dream Eaters if you haven't already. :)

  41. I don't read the comments often but when I do I dont see any negative ones, fortunately, though I don't moderate the site. I am so sorry this is bringing you down, this is THE ONLY blog I follow anymore and I am so thankful that yours and Johns physical health is ok. Though emotional can affect the physical so its good you are taking a time out.

    Have you ever looked into Reiki? It works the same way as meditation and yoga and is VERY healing and helpful in creating a balanced environment. Truest me on this, 4 kids and a broken tailbone (for 8 more weeks) and Im happy as a lark, getting some art done.

    Find your peace, go cloud gazing, have a bonfire, connect with nature and yourself.

    Maybe down the road you can hire someone to moderate comments so that you dont have to deal with it, because everything I see here is amazing and I would hate for you to be gone forever. :)

    Chin up, after the rains comes the RAINBOWS :)

    Love you!

  42. Take the time you need. Sometimes a break, be it a day, a week or much more is sometimes what it needed. I love your sites and glad that you touched base to let us know you are okay. Enjoy the sunshine, enjoy creating and crafting. We'll be here for you when you get back and look forward to it.

  43. Epbot is one of those positive, happy places and is easily my favorite blog. Thank you for creating such a wonderful website. Enjoy your time off and take care of yourself!

  44. Jen, I'm mostly a lurker, but I wanted to say thank you for creating a happy place on the internet that I like to go to for a smile. If you need a vacation or a retirement, please take it with my thanks for everything you've given. Here's my other favorite happy place, I hope it helps:

  45. I TOTALLY get it. I used to be involved in a club, and I did all the work, took all the blame, and didn't get much credit. I just snapped one day. I took some time to breath. By doing so, I was able to re-charge, re-think things, and make some decisions. I'm okay now, and I've learned to read into my emotions. I can now pinpoint when I need to step back.

    Take as long as you need. I hope and pray you find some rest. You and John mean a lot to me. I've been reading Cake Wrecks/Epbot for nearly three years now. You were there for me during some very dark times. I almost feel as if I know you personally.

    However long you're gone- two weeks or two months- I'll be here waiting, ready to support you in any way you need. After all, you were there for me when I needed a laugh.

    River Psalm

  46. I hope that your time away brings back all your enthusiasm and love for this place again! Epbot is one of my few happy places and all your posts make me smile. I'd hate to think they're not making you smile too!

  47. I generally end my daily CW/Epbot check in with "I Love that girl".

    Your experience and input (about this time last year) helped me and my daughter Jenna Immensely. We took a major chance doing home school. We received a greatly improved relationship and it built a level of trust in both of us. Your geek girl posts give her (and me) an added boost. It also built enough courage in her to fly away on her own and spend 3 weeks as a nanny for some cousins. As a reward for her courage and as a distraction to help me not miss her so much, I am decorating her room to a Wonder Woman theme. She will be so surprised.

    I am so thankful I have found you. You are officially on my prayer list. I wish you could just block all the trolls that can't sit back, Smile, Laugh and enjoy. Thats what I do. And I thank you every day for it. Thank you so much.

    Melanie Lloyd

  48. I'm so glad you posted, Jen - I was actually kind of worried about you. I appreciate you and all you do. It's sad that the mean people ruin things for the nice among us, and taking a break sounds like the very best thing you can do.

    Just know that you have folks who love you & what you do, and who want you to take care of yourself.

    A blog I read recently tackled the difference between criticism and cruelty...
    It's Momastery:

    It takes such courage to write and make yourself vulnerable. I'm sorry for the crap that comes with it. You do a good thing, and I hope some sunshine and time away from the computer is healing. xo

  49. Awww Jen, that's so sad that the meanies have taken away the fun for you. I've never commented before, shame on me for not saying thank you once in a while for all the great stuff you share. You make this such a happy place to come visit, always something fun going on. Please be kind to yourself. Smart of you to know when you need to step back and refresh. Wishing you happy days and time to enjoy being you. Thanks, John, for taking good care of Jen!

  50. Where else but the internet can you create something as magical as your White Rabbit mask and wind up getting so much negativity it forces you offline? I absolutely hate that you feel the need to do so, but I can certainly understand. Take however much time you need, Jen, and DO take care of you.

  51. I'm sending all my best wishes your way. Thank you for teaching me to embrace my geek-side. And thank you for creating a soft place for geek girls to land. It takes immense strength of character to be such a positive force in such a negative place and no doubt takes a toll. I have a theory though. Of all the negative people and positive people out there on the 'interwebs', I suspect that we see and hear 90% of the negative ones and we never see or hear 90% of the positive ones. But rest assured, we are here, encouraging you.

  52. Love you Jen! Take care of YOU!!!! While I'll miss you, I totally understand the need to get away. Take as long as you need...we'll be here waiting patiently, I promise! (((Hugs)))

  53. I understand why you're taking a break. I hate that people can be so cruel. I will miss your posts - I love CakeWrecks, but I like Epbot even more because it makes me feel like I know you in some ways. It is pretty inspiring to see everything you do! Take care, and I hope to see you back on here as soon as you are ready.

  54. Jen, hugs, and take whatever time you need to feel better. Epbot and CW are regular checks for me, you have turned many a "bad" day around, and I appreciate all you do.

  55. This is my favorite blog (in addition to CW) in the whole wide web and I thank you for the time you put in to it. Take all the time you need, and we'll be here when/if you get back. In the mean time, I'll just re-read the entire blog for the 3rd time or so, because it's so awesome! :D I wish you all the best and hope all the meanies gets a wake up call and just keeps their mouth shut! Take care both of you, because you're very special and we love you very much! <3

    1. I re-read the blog when I have downtime, too! :D Glad I'm not the only one. :D

  56. Love your wit and writing, and I understand. We will be here when you return.

  57. I totally understand. Sometimes the internet is just overwhelming. Enjoy your recharge period. Hugs!

  58. I completely understand and empathize with your decision. I have been feeling that way more and more lately. Rest and recharge, and return if and when you're ready!

  59. I have walked away from some online places that were filled with really smart, good people because of the few who made it a crazy place to be. I understand. I think we all do. Take care! Know that you are missed!

  60. I suggest that, at least, on one of your days off, that you head to the nearest beach or shore and just veg while watching the water. That is what I do when life gets a little too overwhelming. Then you find a GOOD fish restaurant and enjoy a nice meal. Just don't do it on a weekend. It can get really crowded.
    Best wishes from the West Coast!

  61. Love you Jen! If you need time, take your time! We all have times like that. I will miss you and your lovely nonsense, but you need to do what is best for you. Hope you start feeling better!

  62. Oh, you'll be most sadly missed. Epbot, even more than CakeWrecks, has been my happy place for quite a while. I loved ALL your posts! Take care of yourself, and come back to us:^)

    Also remember how exhausted those trollish people must be, offended at everything and its dog...

  63. You will be missed, but you totally got to take some time off if those trolls are getting under your skin. (I also love Epbot more than Cake wrecks...which is really saying something.)

    Much love to you!!!!!

  64. Don't let the bastards get'cha down, ladypants. You're awesome, and you've cultivated a positive, uplifting community that I'm always happy to visit just by being you, and by that I mean, generally wonderful. You take the time you need, we'll be here when you get back. Everyone needs a break from ->this<- world now and then.

  65. Take good care of yourself, Jen. You have done a fantastic job of creating happy places on the internet. But it's hard to create happy when you don't feel it. Wishing you all the rest and relaxation you need.

  66. Jen, your websites have been a source of so much positivity, joy, and fun that I have often wondered how you do it! I agree with all the comments so far that we want you to take whatever time you need and not feel at all obligated to post here or anywhere, now or ever - but that every time you do, we are all a little better for it! I have been missing your upbeat writing since you started taking a break, hoping to see a post during the past few crazy days of my own life, but I understand that you are not immune from the craziness either. Take heart, we will all still be here when/if you get back, and maybe in the meantime we can try to send some positive thoughts your way!

  67. Take Care and have a nice break! everyone needs one.

  68. Hugs. Do what it takes to get you back to feeling good. I admire both your websites and am also disheartened by how much anonymous hate gets flung around. "May you be safe and protected. May you be peaceful and happy. May you be healthy and strong. May you have ease of well-being." -- molly

  69. Much love to you, Jen! Rest, heal and breathe! Looking forward to being inspired by you when you are ready again :)

  70. Jen--much love to you.
    It's all good. You've tipped the "good-positive-loving-full of LOLs-happy place to be" Karma scales so far to your credit that you could take years off and we'd still be indebted to you.
    That being said--and like Sting said--If you love somebody, set them free.
    Not that it matters a hill o'beans what I say...but...consider yourself free.

    Play with the cats. Go hunt a Jaberwockey. Have some Cosplay time without having to report your various amazing doings, if that's what you feel like. Veg out and play video games with the wonder-hubby. Enjoy as many Citrus Swirls as you can at the happiest place on earth. Get yourself well in whatever way feels best.
    We'll be here if/when you come back, and in the meanwhile, Just know that you carry a lot of gratitude and love with you--with no debts or expectation of new stuff and no strings attached.

  71. Jen, first off, big hugs. (from afar so they don't freak you out)
    Second, I swear something is going around, the depression, anxiety attacks, etc... have been bad for so many people recently. I can't even begin to count how many people (myself definitely included) have been battling this recently.
    You are not alone.
    Hang in there, it will get better, I promise. I just don't know how long it will take.

  72. Kind of hoping that you're true to your word of taking a break, and you don't read this for a while. As a longtime reader of both blogs, I've been concerned for you.

    You absolutely deserve this break, and you deserve it for as long as you want (not need - want.) Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your life for a while, and for pushing the internet to be a more positive place. I think I can speak for all your readers - we think you're amazing. You have done more than your share.

    I hope to hear from you in the blogosphere again sometime, but I understand if it doesn't happen. You are more than allowed to have a life just for yourself and the people who care about you IRL. I'm glad to know John and your family will take good care of you for all of us. Thanks for pouring so much heart into this little corner of awesome for so long!

  73. Rest, relax, recoup, and COME BACK! As has been said many times already we all will be waiting for you...I don't make any promises about being patient though!

    Have some fun reacquainting yourself with a world without square boxes with pictures in them!

  74. take care Jen, and know that we will still be here when you decide to return. I think all of us have to step away every so often to just clear our heads of the crap we have to deal with in our world. <3 you and John. Go play some video games or read some really good books... see you later!

  75. hugs, love and general good vibes sent your way! we'll be here when you get back!

  76. Be well Jenn and enjoy your well deserved break!!

  77. Thank you for saying something. I love visiting this blog because it is such a fun and positive space and I was a little worried that you hadn't posted for a while. Take a break, enjoy it, we all need a break occasionally. Feel Better!!

  78. There's a saying that commonly comes up when you play lots of online games, as I do. "RL is more important." Nothing that goes on in a game, or on a blog, or on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or whatever, is as important as you and your life. It may seem that way, but it isn't.

    Take care of Jen first. Everyone else can, and will, wait. If they don't, they weren't worth worrying about in the first place.


  79. Enjoy your time away! We'll all be here waiting for you to come back and brighten our day.

  80. I already miss you, but you deserve a break. A long break, with sunshine and silliness and maybe some chocolate. :)

  81. Hey Lady, Take all the time you need. As much as I love Cake Wrecks; Epbot is by far my favorite of the two and the simple reason is because it is a personal space. Each post is interesting, funny, or informative; or all three. It always feels like I am catching up with a friend. A friend I wouldn't recognize if we ran into each other on the street, but a friend none the less. If that friend needs to recharge, I totally understand. I'd rather have complete silence then have you post anything that isn't true to you.

    I don't blog or comment much because I have a really hard time conveying my thoughts in writing. I'm severely ADHD and Dyslexic, and those two things combined throttle my language abilities. Thus the fear of people catching one of my many mistakes and ripping me to shreds keeps me from interacting much online. But I really wanted you to know that the vast majority of us understand and will be here when you get back. Whenever that is. =)

  82. We love you Jen! We'll be here when you're ready to come back.

  83. I understand. The internet is full of horrible people. People seem to think that just because it's not face to face, they can say whatever they want.

    That being said, I teared up a little when I read your post. I don't comment much (or at all), but your blogs are my favorite on the internet. I will sorely miss Epbot while you're gone, but you deserve a break.

    Enjoy your break!

  84. Go enjoy the Florida sunshine, relax. Do what you want to do. Come back refreshed.

  85. I will miss your online sunshine, but I'm so glad you're taking care of yourself. Hope you can feel the virtual hugs!

  86. Take all the time you need, you have given us all so much over the years and I for one am thankful for it.
    Will see you when your refreshed and ready.

  87. You'll be missed, but you should absolutely take time for yourself. We'll wait for you ;)

  88. Thank you for letting us know - so enjoyed meeting you at the Ottawa book signing & am hoping you feel better and want to spend more time with us sometime! Take care!

  89. We love Jen. Do anything and whatever you need. Sleep. Eat ice cream. Pet a cat.

  90. You do what you've gotta do for yourself. I can only speak for myself but to say Thank you and I love the corner of the internet that you've made.

    Thanks also for the heads up. I'm glad to know that while you're not 100% OK, you're still OK! So many times bloggers just stop and you've got no idea what happened.. Get out, enjoy the ridiculous humidity in Florida.. or at least sit in the sunshine from the wonderfully air conditioned confines of your house (That's my preference) Do what you need to do to be you... visit Disney if you wanna.. I'll be there in September, as the crowds decrease, and if you wanna come by, I'll buy you a Dole Whip or Citrus Swirl.. or both.. whatevs.. Just be you.. Live your life.. Stay healthy.. The rest will sort itself out. We'll still be around, waiting, patiently, for when and if you decide to return. However long it takes.

    PS to John.. Take good care of her, I know you will.

  91. I hope that writing comments on here is okay, if not, I promise not to write anymore.

    I completely understand about not wanting to write Jen, I'll be waiting for your return, and I don't care how long it takes. As long as you're ready. :-) See you later!

  92. We love you, Jen! Thanks for creating something that'smade me even more proud to be a geeky girl. Take care of yourself, we'll be waiting when you're ready.

  93. Hi Jen, looong time lurker, finally commenting to reiterate all the lovely sentiments in the above comments. I just wanted to let you know that you are so loved and I know that Epbot is a ray of sunshine of its own on the internet and a little safe haven for people who need it. I know it's hard to see past the negativity sometimes so take all the time you need, get outside and recharge, remember why you loved the internet, and we hope to see you back when you're ready. Lots of (not weird) stranger love xxx

  94. Sorry to hear the haters are keeping you down. Take a break if you need it...we will miss you! And I'm sorry if you've felt that I've ever been a hater on your blog. I try to speak my truth and give support when I can. XOXO!!

  95. Do what you gotta do, girlfriend. We love you, we support you, and we'll definitely still be here when you get back. There's so much I want to say, but I'm not sure how much it would help. So let me leave you with this: Epbot means family, and family means no one gets left behind. Or forgotten. Shalom, Jen.

  96. Both your sites make me nothing BUT happy! But I have run a site and I know exactly what you mean, so you take all the time and rest as you need! Enjoy the summer! We will wait happily and craft away while we do that :)

  97. I'm so sad to hear that you're feeling down. You need to take care of YOU! I'm sure I'm speaking for all of your fans when I say you are one of the most respectable people on the internet these days, and you will be missed while you're out, but you've been making other people happy for years, so you deserve a break. We're happy to wait.

  98. I was just telling a friend how I cannot understand why people feel they have to follow/troll people they don't agree with. Seems like such a cruel practice. I hope you feel better soon. {{{Jen}}}

  99. Jen

    EPBOT has always been for you - for you to share what you want to share and not be limited to cake! That also includes you not sharing what you don't want to share. EPBOT should always be what you want and need it to be. I feel incredibly lucky that you've shared as much as you have - I certainly don't have the courage to put myself out there the way you and John have.

    So if/when you decide to come back here, know we'll be happy to have you back, no matter when that might be, or how often that might be. (We'll take you once a month or once a year you know) And if this phase of your life is over, know that we'll always consider you a friend.

  100. You definitely deserve a break! Hopefully you feel better soon, but please don't rush back before you are ready.

    Take all the time you need. Your fans will still be here to support when you are able to return.

  101. We love you Jen! I hope the break helps and that you're back soon! But take all the time you need :)

    If you are looking for things online that are uplifting though, please check out the Vlogbrothers channel on Youtube. I'm sure you've heard of them, since you are such a geek/nerd also, but they do a lot of good things and the comments on each video are hilarious and intelligent. You'd like it there :)

  102. Epbot is my favorite website ever. You are funny, quirky, and loveable. Do whatever it takes to continue writing great posts. All I want to say is please come back.
    Thank you for the much appreciated hilarity,

  103. Take care, chickadee. And remember, there are more of us than them. You, chicky, are a harbinger of good.

  104. Clearly you won't see this for a while but I'm going to comment any way. Real life is important too so take your time and don't let this stress you out. I know how you feel, my own blog stopped being fun and started stressing me out so I took a little break (8 months) and one day it seemed fun again and I wanted to post something. Now don't get me wrong I love Epbot and would hate to see you go away for months or forever but you have to take care of yourself.

  105. Take all the time you need! you are awesome and deserve it!

  106. Take your time, and know that we will lovingly miss you.
    Be well.

  107. Just adding one more comment to the support pile. Seriously...take whatever time you need! We all need a break from time to time. :)

  108. You're awesome, Jen. I hope you find what you need. We'll miss you here and hope to see you back when the time is right. Thank you for both of your wonderful blogs. I do think they are some of the most positive and fun places on the web. :)

  109. Take some well-deserved r&r, you deserve it! Enjoy life and take all the time you need ^_^ From one geeky girl to another, I totally respect and admire your dedication to your craft. Enjoy your break!

  110. Cheezuz...did the king cake people show up again? I'm sorry, I don't mean to make light of your pain...and my humor tends to be a defense.
    Seriously, thank you for the update and go do something that makes you happy for you. Your readers are responsible for their own feelings. And your readers will muddle along...and find other methods of procrastination until your return. Keep breathing and know you are loved and lovable. Even without cake. :-)

  111. <3
    Take all the time you need. I'll be waiting for ya! Burnout sucks, but it happens. I understand.

  112. I will miss reading epbot, it has inspired many a craft project and uplifted my heart, not to mention helped with my bra size... but enjoy the break, you deserve it. I hope you come back to it, but if not, take care of yourself and perhaps I will run into you at Dragon*Con one day!

  113. Jen, I love Epbot. You do a fantastic job here and it is truly something to be proud of.

  114. Thanks for all the work you've put into Epbot. I always look forward to your posts and will wait patiently until I see a new post in my RSS feed :) Enjoy your break. You deserve it!

  115. love you lots, Jen; enjoy your time away!

  116. We love you, Jen. Take all the time you need. *hugs

  117. You've inspired and helped so many people, Jen, I hope that after a while the good/fun/insightful/thankful supporters will overshadow the snarky haters. I was getting worried, so I'm glad to know you're taking the time you need, and not in some dire situation or experiencing an illness.

    I've always admired your spirit and creativity, and if you come back to this blog, it will be a sunshiny day for us, your fans; but if this particular endeavor is over, all the better for you to look forward to a new chapter in your life and keep on moving forward. Like others have said, you're like a friend that I just happen to have not met in person yet! :) You and your husband John's bright personalities speak through your writing, and that's an incredible talent to share so publicly. When it becomes a burden, it is time for a change.

    Your distress at the thoughtlessness and outright cruelty of some people reinforces the basic rules that I'm trying to instill in my young daughter... Your words and actions are powerful, so be wise in what you say and do; Be kind and loving to one another; Treat others as you want to be treated. (Whether you're religious or not, those are ones for everyone to learn and live by!)

    *Big Hugs*! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!!

  118. Stay happy, kid. Your loyal fans appreciate you!

  119. Jen, If this is what you need right now, then I am happy that you realized it. I highly recommend kayaking (at least for me). The water in general always does wonders to help me equalize. Time to focus on you. Enjoy your time off.

  120. All my best wishes to you, Jen. Epbot and Cake Wrecks are two of my must-read blogs, so I really appreciate all the passion you bring to your posts. I hope you can come back refreshed and renewed.

  121. We love you, Jen! We'll be here when you're ready to come back... until then, enjoy the break! *hugs*

  122. We'll be here waiting when you come back. Everyone needs and deserves a break once in awhile. You work hard and it shows, not only in the posts you make but also in the comments where so many people are touched by what you create. Personally, your blog has been very inspiring to me. Take some time away, destress and hopefully let the trolls and negative nancys wander off somewhere else. :)

  123. We love you Jen, and we'll miss you, but we'll all be much happier if you look after yourself. Stay awesome.

  124. All love and good wishes to you, sweet girl.

  125. Can you please post your white rabbit when you're done with it (even if it's just pictures with comments off)? It already looks amazing!

    I saw cute robot fabric at the store the other day (there might have been orange on it, I can't remember now), and thought of you. I hope you feel better soon (with or without the internet)!

  126. I've never left a comment but wanted to let you know u are a ray of sunshine to my dreary day!! Thank you for all those smiles!! Hope to see u back soon!! Much love

  127. I feel so deeply for you Jen. I sincerely hope that more people will speak up, will rage against the ignorance, the ill will, and the mindless venom that some people spew onto their keyboards. I think that social media has become this venue where some people feel that they can say whatever they want, without consequence, without comeuppance, without accountability, and often without the facts. It hurts me to see these vile exchanges and so I simply avoid it - I have that luxury. Many do not - especially those who make their living dealing with it. What I have found is that these people do not want the truth or the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue. They are cowards. They are the primordial ooze that was so dark and evil that it couldn't evolve, but instead sometimes still sticks to our shoes. I hope that you can find a strong doorsill on which to scrape this scum off. "Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam? Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.” You're definitely some of the good,Jen.

  128. I will miss your posts (and I had wondered...) but I'm glad you're physically okay, and that you know yourself well enough to set some new boundaries for yourself. Sending all kinds of good thoughts your way.
    I came here for fangirling, basically, from Cake Wrecks, and always thought this was the place you came to play. Hope you're finding some time for play, and rest, and I look forward to when you are able to come back. Be well.

  129. No worries, we'll be here when you get back!
    I know it seems a bit odd to put this in the comment section, but I never read the comment section of almost anything. Keeps the dredges of the internet a bit at bay and the focus in my head stays on the main article instead of reactions to it.

  130. You will be missed but as you can already tell you are so loved Jen. Take care of yourself and we can't wait to see you shining your beautiful light again.

  131. You come first.

    Take all the time you need to feel better, and then take more if you want. We'll be here when you get back. Someone as nice as you definitely deserves a break from whatever's stressing you out.

  132. Hi Jen.
    I've been reading Epbot for some time, and I sometimes wonder why I keep coming back, because my attentions to other lands of the internet are relatively fleeting, but I've been reading Epbot for several years now. I have come to assume that it is because you create an open, positive and non-overwhelming environment. I often find that when I am upset for a while and I don't know why, it may be because I have been spending too much time on the internet. It can be a wonderful place, but it's non-wonderfulness can creep up on you.
    I don't mind at all if you work on your costume, read a good book, go to Disney, have a picnic, go to a con without posting about it or just watch a new series for a while, as long as you're okay. (When you hadn't posted for a while in the past, that sometimes meant that something bad had happened, so thank you for letting us know that you are alright.)
    When you come back, I will be very happy, but until then, I don't want you to feel any pressure to post something or to be entertaining.
    We all need a break once in a while. I know that very well.
    Take care,

  133. Same as everyone else above me - so sorry to hear you've hit a rough patch but your health and happiness are most important. Thank you for the laughs, you've inspired and influenced so many people and that's more than enough for us. I wish you all the best and promise to be here if you ever decide to come back. Peace & happiness to you - Becky C.

  134. Sorry- one more comment to read...

    Thank you for this blog as it reminds everyone that there are other girly geeks (and guys!) out there to support one another. We will all be here when you return!

    Thanks for letting us know you're okay. If you ever aren't okay let us know too!

  135. Good for you.
    Take care of yourself.
    We'll wait for you.

  136. Just wanted to say that while I have really been missing your blog this last week, I will wait as long as you need to take before you come back to it. Lots of good geek wishes heading your way!

  137. Love you Jen! You take the time you need, and know that you have created a wonderful space on the net that brings me (to say the very least)smiles and hope and joy every day. We'll miss you while you're on a well deserved vacation from the internet and find your own sunshine again. Much love until we "meet" again.

  138. Do like the kitten tells us and Hang In There! We will all be there for you when you get back. I might have to go looking for Steampunk Goodies on my own. Or maybe I should take the cue from you and go enjoy some sunshine of my own.

  139. Sorry to hear the bastards are getting you down! I can't imagine having to deal with trolls all the time. The one thing I hate about the web is that folks can remain faceless, and those with bad manners and/or low self esteem get to anonymously be rude and try to tear others down. The web would be worse off without your sites, but I would rather you leave to rejuvenate your soul than remain and become a shell. That would be worse than crossing the streams!


  140. Just adding another *HUG* to the growing pile :)

    The internet is a grumpy place, no doubt about it. And dealing with grumpy people can be taxing. But rest assured, you and the CW/EB team have succeeded in cultivating not one, but TWO absolutely brilliant sites where positivity, community and general awesomeness thrive.

    We heart you, Jen. Enjoy your time away, just being Jen. Your fans will be patiently (but eagerly!) looking forward to your future “Steamy” finds and epic *Kermit Flails* :D


  141. When I'm feeling low, I like to give myself a princess day. Except my definition of being a princess involves excessively long showers with loud singing, eating copious mac and cheese, and painting my toes in some kind of glitter. Basically, do anything that makes me feel pampered and loved by myself. So I hope you'll take a few princess days, weeks, months, whatever you need. Spoil the crap out of yourself because you absolutely deserve it.

    Sending lots of love your direction!

  142. Dear Jen,
    Thank you for putting so much work into this very awesome corner of the internet. It has always been a happy place for me. Please take as much time as you need and find a happy place for you :)

  143. Prayers for your peace and strength. Be creative. Be you. And don't feel under pressure to take pictures and tell us all about it. Unless you decide you want to :)

  144. Sending more virtual hugs your way. We'll be waiting for you when/if you decide to return. And here's a quote from I don't remember where/who: "Sometimes its OK if all you did today was breathe."


  145. Hi Jen. I've been reading your blog forever, but have never left a comment. Now I wish I had saturated your posts with positivity to overwhelm the few trolls who hide behind the mask of the internet to spread their own sadness. Please know, the majority of the people who follow you probably don't leave comments--we come, we read, we marinate in our love for you, we click on links to other sites and patronize the people you introduce us too, we lust after your gorgeous pictures and costume pieces, and we wish we were your friend in real life. You may roll your eyes, but you bring us magic--just like Disney did! Coming to your website is exciting and safe, it makes us smile, laugh, teaches us, entertains do a lot of good for a lot of us anxious nerds (haha!). You know the feeling you get after a truly inspirational and moving film and you wish you had been even a tiny part of it, or you want to thank them for bringing it into your life? That's what my visits here feel like. It hurts me that you're hurting, but please imagine us all behind you, sending good vibes, happy thoughts, and lotsa love. Please take good care of our girl, and we'll be here when you get back. xoxo

    1. Such a perfect comment, sums up exactly how I feel!

  146. Jen, thanks for letting us know you're OK. After a ton of posts right in a row, I was concerned for you.
    As someone who also needs to take a break from things, I say good for you, rest up and enjoy!!! Just remember if your going to attempt that sunshine thing, then get yourself some sun screen, that Florida sun can be brutal to your cave dweller pale skin.
    Thank you for all the joy that you bring through this blog and through CW!!!
    Karen C

  147. Karmell from Royal RoadsJuly 9, 2013 at 1:26 AM

    Dr. Karmell prescribes a lost weekend in Vegas followed by 2 weeks of sun and floating in a resort pool in Puerto Vallarta. Keep well and strong, take care...see you when you come back online! xoxo

  148. Sometimes to be able to take care of others, you have to take care of yourself first! Love your sites and viewing your amazing craft and arting skills! I hope your most recent project is a huge success for you and that you are able to once again find what it is that made spending your time entertaining the masses enjoyable for your self again. Get out there and enjoy that burning ball of gas, billions of miles away with some new reads and your favorite frosty beverage :)

  149. I've been thinking and worrying about you for over a week. I'm grateful for the simple update and I really hope that you can start to find joy on the internet again. But real life is always better. :D Enjoy the sun, enjoy a book, have some fun dates with John, and enjoy a little me-time for yourself. Please take care. I'm excited for your next update, whether that's in two days, two weeks, or two months. Take all the time you need to be you again!

  150. You deserve a break, you don't deserve all the haters! Sending hugs!

  151. Dear Jen,
    (lurker here, delurking ^ (if that is a real word in english)
    thank you so much for your awesome sites and all of your work to make indeed happy places on the internet!
    Because of you I finally got the courage to go to a convention - Star Wars Celebration Europe! Cant wait!

    I really hope you have a great time enjoying the sun and "real life". But I also hope (very selfish, sorry) that one day you get your mojo back and find your way back here. Cause I just love every piece you write!

    I wish you all the best and send lots of hugs from Germany to you!

  152. I am just so glad to "know" you, and John, as well as a perfect stranger can know another through a blog. : ) I am thankful for your tender and funny and positive and fun-loving and creative spirit. Take all the time you need, knowing you are appreciated for YOU, and those of us who like you just as you are will still be here. . . and maybe the trolls will have moved on. : ) I am really sorry about the trolls--how on earth someone can always be offended is beyond me. And I'm sorry your fun little "personal" blog has become a place that is no longer feeding your spirit. Go get some sunshine, play with your kitties, and take lots of deep breaths.

    If you don't mind, I'm praying for your spirit right now--that you find peace in your time back in the real world. : )

    much love from CA, Blessed

  153. *HUGS!*

    We'll wait as long as you need.

    As for the trolls and haters, know that they are small, snivelling weasels who will never accomplish anything, and so feel it necessary to belittle others, lest their failings become apparent.

    *gets out a good book to read while waiting*

  154. Storm the KlingonJuly 9, 2013 at 6:31 AM

    Girl, don't be a goofus. You've been online non-stop for over FIVE years, take a damn holiday. For real, just last week I felt like not being online for a few days, and I remember thinking "Jeez, what about folks like Jen, who pretty much HAVE to be online EVERY day? That must suck on ice after a while... no wonder April Winchell quit Regretsy..."

    I haven't been on Facebook in two years as of next week, because it had become a place of WAY too much negativity and bad news, from finding out about loved one's deaths, to people I'd always thought were cool actually being evil, to people I never wanted to talk to again constantly Friending me and being butthurt. I hope to Bowie you don't take two whole years off from here, because I swear by His Holy Crotch, for every one schmendrick that shits all over your good time, there are at least a hundred that love you and bless you. People that get off on being shitty like that will get what's coming to them, one way or another. But for now, that's not much comfort, I know. Be comforted that they are losers, and that they are FAR outnumbered by good people who wish you joy.

    I myself had a freak out recently, yet another case where my strange brain took the one or two negative (but not unfixable) things that were bothering me about a project and blew it up into "I suck at sewing, everything I make is a joke, get rid of all of it, because I'm DONE." It took some calmatives and a few weeks away from working and getting my head positive (looking at all the *good* work I've done) before I could start to face it again. You just need some time to concentrate on other things, and I do mean concentrate; us folks with The Weirdness often find it hard to concentrate on several things at a time, to the point of Angry And Frustrated Outbursts At Husbands Innocently Asking If The Dog Has Had Dinner. RELAXITATE.

    But if you don't come back to this blog with some pictures of you in that cute as hell Steamy White Rabbit costume, I'ma hurtcha. ;)

    Your Pal (And I mean that. You KNOW I do),


  155. Take it easy Jen. You've always got the Epbotians to come back to whenever you're ready and however long it takes. We won't even hate you a little bit if you do decide to pack it all in, we'll just have to be inspired and start our own blogs up ;)

    Ask for help, forgive yourself, and enjoy some time off x

  156. Take care of yourself.

    I've been reading you with great interest in the past years, and you definitely have a part to play in how i define myself now and how i see the future.

    Don't feel guilty, take all the time you need, don't minimize your feelings and please go talk to a professionnal if it may seem to you like a depression.


  157. Jen, This is only the second time I've commented in the years I've been a faithful reader of your blog, but I wanted to add my voice to all the others who are wishing you well, away from the Internet and its often overwhelming negativity. I've experienced it myself: even after all these years, I'm dismayed at how angry people are and how rude to each other. Don't worry about us -- please just take care of yourself.

  158. Ziggyrizz (not real name)July 9, 2013 at 7:12 AM

    Have fun discovering the real Jen, having a life online can be a very positive thing, it can provide an outlet for all the stuff going on in your head and as the future is online (as much as I would love to deny it the facts are heading that way) being part of it can provide you with the whole world, it can make you view the best and the worst of society but because of that, that overwhelmingness (not an actual word) it can also make you forget what you started it for in the first place. It can make you forget the outlet and the fun that it can be and maybe just maybe remembering that will become the key to you figuring out what you need for yourself.

    Learning to live with yourself and everything else that comes with it is more than just a learning process it’s a lifelong one. Trying to understand what it is that you really truly need and what you can provide to the world is often one of the hardest parts especially when you are dealing with insecurity and anxiety at every turn (I say this from own experience) and it can cloud what being you is all about. So go and enjoy all the wonderful things that you have shared with us over the last few years, spread your amazing creativity and the obvious skill you have – hell you could open a customisable cosplay designer service and I know that it would be well received – with people that you can see and talk to and then when and if you are ready come back….there will be people here when you do.

    Stay safe, inside and out.

  159. Hello- I've been a lurker on both of your pages for some time now, but I also wanted to chime as part of your extended internet family and say that I'm happy to hear that you are physically ok but sad that all of the anonymous internet haters are getting you down. Of course take all the time you need - you aren't an internet robot machine and you deserve a break - but I do hope that all of the positive comments here show you that a lot of us read your page because we like YOU and not just your content. To be honest, I'm not particularly into steam punk (although I am into many of the other nerdy things you post about), I just enjoy checking your blog because it feels comfortable, like tea with an old friend. So - go play in the sun shine and we will be here when you get back, waiting with a steaming cuppa!

  160. I have a brain full of things to say but words just don't want to cooperate with me today. So I will just say "ditto to all the above" and send you best wishes. enjoy the sun and the time to turn your brain onto other non-internetty things.

    we'll be here if and when you come back.

  161. You have been missed. I enjoy basically all you have to say nad no matter what you decide, I hope you find good fortune and happiness.

  162. Love you Jen! Take care of you!! Relax and unwind a bit, we miss you but understand that your happiness and well being is what is most important! We are not going anywhere!

  163. You will be missed. I want you to know both of your sites have provided a happy place for me. I'm sorry that some people forget that there is a person on the other end of the website and have carelessly dampened your spirit. You deserve a break, see the sun again :) No matter what you choose I hope it brings you much happiness. Thanks for all the laughs (CW) and all the honest discussions(EPBOT). I really appreciate all you do.
    God Bless!

  164. Awwww... *Sad Face**hugs* I've been popping in to your blog every day since it started. I will miss you for as long as you are gone, and I'll keep checking in. I don't have RSS feeds, though, So an occasional, "Yes, I'm still alive" post would definitely make me feel better. :) I hope you enjoy your recharge and have all sorts of fun craftiness and flowers, sunshine and rainbows to help you feel better. Go forth and enjoy Disney! We'll miss you Jen!

  165. I totally get what you are saying. So until you feel up to, relax, rejuvenate. You are already missed.

  166. I hope you feel better soon, Jen. We'll all miss you very much. A little sunshine can go a long way. So enjoy yourself already!

  167. I hope you feel better soon. EPBOT is pretty much my favorite site and you are a ray of sunshine in a pretty scary cyberworld.

  168. I can understand. {{hugs}} You need to recharge. I'd suggest getting the latest Humble ebook bundle, sitting outside (or in a sunbeam inside with a/c) with your Kindle, and immersing yourself. (The Last Unicorn. Really!) :) Pet your cats, pet your hubby, pet your carpet if you have any. Watch light patterns on your ceiling. Play with a laser pointer. Get a suction-cup dartgun and practice your aim. Pick up some new games: I suggest Fluxx and Gloom, if you like card games. Watch some movies, or an entire television series. Play hopscotch. Just do what interests you. We'll be here when you get back. :)

  169. Take care Jen, we'll all still be here when you come back to us and we'll love you all the more for your strength in recognizing when you need a break. Everybody needs a vacation once in a while.

  170. It would be easy to say, "Don't let the trolls get you down," but I know it's hard to brush it off. So when you're feeling discouraged about the negativity, remember the good things. Remember Katie, and Wonder Woman (I can't remember her name, sorry), and your exemplars. Remember that there are cyber-friends who may never meet you, but think you're pretty darn cool, and husbands who get dragged along to get a picture of something because someone thinks Jen would enjoy seeing it. See you on the flip side. We can wait. Enjoy your break!

  171. Be well. Be blessed. Go play! (D-World awaits!) We love you whole heapy gobs!

  172. Take care *hugs* Sunshine fixes lots, as does ice cream and entire seasons of favorite shows on Netflix. See ya on the flip side!

  173. Likewise delurking (new favourite word, I think)
    So I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do- the crafts, the con photos, the art, the support for geeks-in-training - everything. Seeing that you've put something up really makes my day, and I think that yours is probably the most genuinely positive blog I've ever come across. So thank you. Thank you so much. It must be so hard sharing so much of your life online, and I could never do it.
    Now have an absolutely amazing holiday- forget all about the internet, forget about us lot- just go and have fun. :D

  174. My dearest Jen,

    Have a great break, Enjoy life and the sun. I will miss but I will wait for you. You are the wurth to wait. Sorry my english is still in progress, Like we say in french, Au revoir mon amie Bisoux (See ya my friend, kiss)

    Regards Nadia

  175. Jen, we're here for you. Even though we've never met,I feel like you're my friend. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you feel better soon!

  176. Take some time away to enjoy the world IRL, hope you get your batteries recharged. We'll be right here waiting for your amazing posts, photos and viewpoints. Take care of you and your family, get those kitties and John and go hang out in the yard for a while.

  177. I don't think I could take one negative comment, let alone many. Blessings to you and thank you for keeping up on Cakewrecks. My boys and I check everyday and laugh our asses off, its a bonding thing :)

  178. We'll be missing you for sure but I hope you find the break you need! I can't even imagine people posting negative comments on your sites, I always just find them so delightful. Go enjoy the sun and John and be sure to get some Disney in there too. We'll be ready to greet you with smiles and virtual hugs when you get back!

  179. I'm so glad you're making yourself a priority :) I think you are beyond awesome!!! Cakewrecks makes my day EVERY DAY and its on my list of "must check out" blogs daily (as is Epbot). However I'll happily and patiently wait until your zen is back in balance. I do need to let you know how much impact Epbot has had on me. Without you I'd probably still have no idea Doctor Who exists, Steampunk would just be another word I'd heard somewhere along with Cosplay, and last but not least you have led me to my new favorite reading/movie/tv genre... SciFi! I am a much happier little camper now that I have a place to mentally escape. It's also impacted my artwork and provides inspiration when I'm feeling a little "unplugged" myself. So thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU :D

  180. Best wishes, Jen! Yes, unfortunately the world is full of a lot of jerks with an Internet connection. :( Or they think the Internet connection entitles them to be trolls, because they don't have to do their trolling in person. Anyway, thank YOU for keeping both your sites havens away from the jerky portions of the Interwebz. Decompress, breathe, and enjoy your break! Take care of yourself.

  181. {{HUGS}}, and enjoy a break! I'll eat a piece of birthday cake for you tonight. Here, more {{HUGS}}. Jonh can deliver them for me. :-)

  182. Take your time & come back when you feel up to it. I know how you feel about people online: the negativity, the rudeness, the lack of patience... it all makes me so sad & angry. I have a social anxiety disorder and do the little socializing I do online. When people tell me to go out & meet new people, I can't help but think "why"? Why would I want to go out and be among people that are like this, even the ones that are only like that online. It makes it so much harder to want to take a chance on finding good people to be around.

    So, take a vacation from being online. Read lots of books, play lots of games, do lots crafts, and enjoy being unplugged. I've been trying to do the same myself lately and I think it's an awesome thing to do. :-D

  183. Like everyone else has already said (but it bears repeating), take a good, long break!! We'll miss you terribly, but it'll be that much more fun to come back if we all know you want to be here. Don't judge me, but I even get those kinds of days where I need a break from my own children...and then I feel like the absolute worst mother/person alive! What I'm trying to say is, don't feel bad taking a break from us; us true Jen-fans are patient nerds and geeks.

    We'll be waiting...not in the stalker way that that just sounded like, though. Kinda creeped me out for a second...

  184. Bless your heart!!

    I read CW and Epbot every day as part of my morning routine. My 24 year old daughter is into webcomics and cosplay so I always steer her here when you have posts about 'cons' and stuff.

    Take care of your self. We'll wait until you get back!


  185. First, get better. As someone in the middle of their own mental health issues, it helps to know you're not alone, so thank you for being willing to share your struggles.

    Second, if you do get on the internet, I recommend a strict diet of Zoo Borns ( and Emergency Puppy ( )

    And of course The Bloggess.

  186. Let's all do a big collective THBBBBBTT! to all the haters & trolls out there. Sunshine, fresh air,rest, relaxation, crafting, facetime with the hubby & kitties is exactly what you need. I don't have the internet at home (I live in a rural area with only satellite internet access) and I think that's a good thing. Keeps me from being drawn to the computer. My boss is kind enough to let me check emails, etc as long as it doesn't interfer with my work. Schedule time every day to get outside & get some vitamen d. Hugs to you, John, Tonks, & Lily. <3

  187. This made me a little teary. I wish I could just give you a big hug and say that it'll be okay. Sorry that the yuckies out there are getting you down. Just know that we love you and we'll be patiently awaiting your return, renewed and refreshed. If there was anything we could do to help, you know we would.

    Maybe a care package is in order....

  188. This is one of my favourite places on the entire internet because it is so nice and friendly and full of cool stuff that I love as well as deeper things that truly resonate with me: basically I'll miss you!
    Have a good break and I hope you feel better soon - you certainly deserve to!

  189. Get better. I'll miss you. Epbot is one of my favorite internet haunts.

  190. Feel better soon. Live, first, though, and soon enough you will find/do something awesome and want to share it. We'll be waiting to see your cool stuff, too!

  191. Feel better soon, my friend. You are awesome and get plenty of rest and time for yourself. We will all be here when you are ready to come back!

  192. Just do what you gotta do, Jen. See you when you get back, friend! <3

  193. {{{hugs!}}}}
    Been thinking about your absence alot lately, and was just about to tweet atcha. Glad I checked Epbot first. You're in all our thoughts, sweetie. We care about you!!!

    Carmiehead the Un-Stalker

  194. I just want to tell you this site is awesome and I find it funny, encouraging, hilarious and full of wonderful tips and ideas. Really. Rest and don't come near it if you don't want to, but you will be missed. Lots of love from sunny (and these days just plain scorching) Barcelona.

  195. Miss you already! I understand the need for a break, I hope you find it to be restful and rejuvenating. Your creative geekery, is inspiring, I look forward to seeing the next project you come up with. I've got plans for a nursery in my home, I'll be sure to share when it's ready!


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