Monday, June 3, 2013


This may be the best cure for Monday yet: a hilarious, mesmerizing, toe-tapping tribute that you'll tell yourself you'll just watch for a minute or two, but then you'll end up watching two or three times on repeat. :D

(John tells me we should watch this every morning before work, just to start the day off right. I think he's on to something there.)

It's fun trying to ID all the different movies - and I bet you can already tell which ones are my favorites. (I shrieked a little at the Back to the Future clip.) Plus, that ending! YES!

In fact, the only way that video could POSSIBLY be better is if it had a snippet of the Labyrinth ballroom scene and then some of this action:

via GB Fans, which you should totally follow on Facebook for daily 'bustin' goodness.

Yep, Egon dancing may just be my new favorite thing.
(Closely followed by Venkman dancing, of course.)

And while I'm sharing happy things, it's time to announce last month's art give-away winner! So, the randomly selected winner IS.... Shelly Dorris! Congrats, Shelly, and please e-mail me your mailing address, along with your choice of prize from my Pinterest give-away board!

Happy Monday, everyone! Now,  put on your red shoes, and let's DANCE THE BLUES.


  1. That was a great way to start a Monday! :) I have to agree with Jon - and if not every morning, than at least every Monday.

  2. Congratulations Shelly!

    Thanks for posting that video, it really got rid of the Monday blues.

  3. Another one that might amuse you (although not really any dancing - but the song is awesome and danceable):

    Toe Jam by the BPA

    So, so NSFW, despite the censor bars. Which are actually the primary source of amusement (censor bar art!).

  4. SInce you have more free time (and computer skills) than I do, won't you pleeeease figure out ALL the movies for your devoted fans? I've looked on line but haven't found a list.

  5. I want to know the movies in this - in order! I recognize many of them, but there's lots that I don't know. I found a site which lists the movies used, but not in order, so I'm still left guessing.

    Heather M.

  6. Okay, I may have danced in my chair a little bit while I watched that.

  7. that ending made the video. That Scrubs clip was already one of my favorite and as soon as I realized what song they were using I hoped it would get wedged in there somewhere. awesome!

  8. Great vid, took about 30 seconds to take effect. :D But, yah, Labyrinth snippet would have made it even better. <3

  9. LOVE THIS! It is now in my favorites along with the Bob Ross remix for when I'm feeling blue!

  10. Carla, you know you can't do that! Remember when you told Turk the Kommissar was coming to town?

  11. So I brought home Rock of Ages to watch (again) tonight while my husband is gone (He loves '80s rock, but not so much musicals) but after watching that, I think I'll have to go out again and find some old Travolta movies, 500 Days of Summer, and find my Ferris Bueller DVD!
    And yeah, the ending is PERFECT!

  12. "(John tells me we should watch this every morning before work, just to start the day off right. I think he's on to something there.)"

    Please. We all know y'all don't work in the mornings.

    1. True. In this context our "morning" is more like "the first few hours we're awake." Heh. Hey, it's 9am SOMEWHERE, right?

    2. i work 3rd shift. my morning begins about 10pm. so what. time is a silly construct...jen's comment, the first few hours we're awake is much more sensible.

    3. Jen does lots of work in the morning 2am counts as morning!!! :)

  13. I love dance videos like this! Thanks for the link. One of my favorites is Dance of Joy.

    1. That was an awesome pick-me-up for today!! I had never seen that video before. Thanks to YOU for the "Dance Of Joy" clip!! (which I secretly hoped had included the Perfect Strangers dance of Larry & Balki that goes by the same name, but alas, it was not to be in this link :( I still do the dance on my own though! )

      --Stacey A.

  14. Oh...mah...GAWD!

    That makes me wildly happy today. Thank you. :)

  15. This is so well done! And it definitely put a smile on my face. :)

  16. So fun - thanks for posting! I will definitely watch that one again(and again).

  17. Love it! I was so happy to see some of my favorites in there too. As far as dancing in Labyrinth, I think I would prefer a scene from the "Dance Magic Dance" part of it. Oh, and a scene from 'Empire Records' wouldn't have hurt one bit either! :)
    Thanks for sharing the smile.

  18. Bless you! I had a grade A manure day and that made me laugh!!! I also love The Egon dancing and wish that had been in the video. Okay, off to watch the Ghostbusters themes on YouTube and then see if Netflix streams Saturday Night Fever (only for the dancing scenes!).

    -Barbara Anne

  19. Storm the KlingonJune 4, 2013 at 3:10 AM

    Nice Bowie ref there at the end, youngling; may The Thin White Duke smile upon you (with his original teeth ;)

    OK, so this is sorta OT, except that it made me do an I'm SO VERY Clever! Dance a few minutes ago. The Vulcan is asleep, as are all my friends with lives, and I have no one to share this awesomeness with but you lot and I'm fair to BURSTING, so here it is:

    Earlier today, while out thrifting, I came across an exact duplicate of the rainbowy umbrella the Sixth Doctor used to carry, thinking "Hmm, maybe I know someone that'll want to do Sixth for Comic Con or some junk...?" Anyway, the Thrifting Muses were screaming in my head, "It's SIX dollars for a SIXTH Doctor umbrella, it's Divine Nerdthrifting Providence! BUY THIS HIDEOUS THING, WOMAN!" So, I did.

    I was looking at it just now, kinda mulling it over, and that's when it hit me-- What would be the ULTIMATE Doctor Who costume to do for the 50th anniversary this year?

    Answer: DOCTOR WHO COSTUME MASH-UP! Yes, O My Sisters, I am gonna put together a costume with elements from ALL ELEVEN Doctors! Some piece of each Doctor's iconic look will be included, from the rainbowy umbrella, to the superlong scarf wrapped loosely around a bowtie (bowties ARE cool), to a celery stalk on the lapel of his black leather trench! Question marks embroidered on the collar of his frilly shirt, a floppy fedora on his head, and Chucks on his feet (for all the running)! Still mulling it over, but... WOO HOO! [I'm So Very Clever Dance--ENGAGE!]

    Ah. Thanks for letting me vent my costuming genius. :)

    Your Pal,


    PS: My VW was "xesform", which sounds like it should be from Doctor Who; I'm telling you, the Muses are SCREAMING!

    1. Storm, you rock.

      That is all.

    2. freakin' awesome, Storm!!

      -Barbara Anne

    3. Storm the KlingonJune 6, 2013 at 6:17 AM

      Thanks, ladies!

      UPDATE: I'm trying to figure out something else iconic about Seventh's look, so that instead of a floppy fedora, I can wear a fez (fezzes ARE cool!), and wear First's big white satin bowtie (which goes much better with Third's ruffly shirt), instead of Eleventh's little plaid one. Baggy pleated pants for Second, and a waistcoat for Eighth.

      I was trying to figure out what to do about my hair (trust me on this; wearing a wig AND a hat sucks the big wazoo), when I realized; I have Catherine's Tate's hairstyle and colour, as well as her mighty cans, so I'm gonna work them and represent Doctordonna as well! (Meta)Crisis averted!

      Now I just need to get knitting; twelve feet of scarf is gonna take a while!

      Cheers, and GERONIMO!


  20. I love this video I posted it to my face book this morning.
    But this is my go to make me happy video:
    always makes me smile!!!! and maybe car a little too but I'm a crier....

  21. Thanks Jen! That was Awesome!!!!

  22. Was having a bad day until I saw this :) THANKS!!!!!


  24. Squeeeeeee!!!!

    I am sooooo excited! Thank you so much. I shall email you my selection and address soon! Thanks so much.

  25. This is way super awesome!!! Have you seen the latest from Walk off the Earth?? It's way too cool!! oh, and this is one of their original songs with the best video! I get really addicted to you tube while on my lunch breaks at work.

  26. Any movies that involve dancing is plus for me! I have to agree with someone who said "Dance Magic Dance." I silently giggle with happiness every time I watch that movie, and scene!

  27. you were right: didn't mean to but ended up watching it all the way to the end :)

  28. Love this video. Surprised there is no Cameron Diaz/Charlie's Angels cut in, to be honest. Not that I particularly like her, but it stuck out in my head.

  29. Okay that video was amazing! So perfectly timed, it must've taken them forever to put together. Thanks for the pick-me-up! :)

  30. Just in case anyone still cares, here are the films I figured out. Googling, reading the YouTube comments and a misspent youth.

    Austin Powers, Night at the Roxbury, Saturday Night Fever, Napoleon Dynamite, Step Up - Revolution, Pulp Fiction, Puss in Boots, Silver Linings, Singing in the Rain, Elvis - Jailhouse Rock, Airplane, A Clockwork Orange, Dirty Dancing, Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal, Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Back to the Future, Step Up 2 - The Streets, Its a Wonderful Life, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, The Mask, Reservoir Dogs, Knocked Up, Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Slum Dog Millionare, Little Miss Sunshine, Something borrowed, Grease, Mean Girls, Flashdance, The Jerk, Shaun of the Dead, Office Space, Titanic, American Beauty, The Cable Guy, Social Network, West Side Story, Black Swan, Love Actually, Gold Rush, 500 days of summer, Mrs Doubtfire, Zoolander, Beetlejuice, Wizard of Oz, Bridesmaids, Big Lebowski, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Scrubs

    (BTW I'm not sure if the clip for the Rocky Horror Picture Show is original. They are doing the Time Warp but the set looks wrong.)

    There are over 180 cuts in the video and I still missed about 20 other clips. (And yes I didn't have anything BETTER to do this evening. :-)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who tried to pin them all down.

      I also saw The Inbetweeners Movie, High School Musical, Tropic Thunder, Road Trip, Footloose, Ted, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Americano, Enchanted, Clerks 2, Old School, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, The Artist, Disaster Movie, and The Blues Brothers.


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