Disney has been making forays into steampunk for a while now with their Mechanical Kingdom pins and Vinylmation toys, but I think this batch of goodies is the best yet:
Now, before you get TOO excited: these are small resin ornaments, not actual ear hats. (I can almost hear your cries of disappointment from here. Ha!) Still, aren't they fabulous? I love how the back of the purple one looks like the grate on an old fashioned stove, and the attached goggles on the gold one. According to the official park blog there will be seven of these in the set, and some will even light up! Sadly they won't be out until 2013, though, so my steampunk Christmas tree will have to wait one more year. (CURSES.)
You can grab these two new steamy pins this November, though:
There are also new Vinylmations, but to be honest, I'm not a big VM fan. Hit the link up there if you want to see 'em, though, and many thanks to all of you who sent me the link!
MechaniCards are hand-operated kinetic sculptures that can be mailed like a large greeting card. I remember seeing some of these that Shelli sent over about two years ago, but since then they've added a few more designs:
I like the colorful versions best, and the new "Mandala" is particularly gorgeous:
The center iris opens and closes - you can see it in action here. The assembled cards range in price from $75 to $95, or you can buy DIY kits for a few dollars less. Pricey, I know, but they're each handmade and signed by the artist, so it's more like an art piece than a fancy greeting card.
Say, ever seen a steampunk quilt?
Well, now you have!
This is Epbot reader Kelly (who lives in New Zealand, so you know she has an awesome accent) with her award-winning "Steamy Dreams" quilt. Isn't it fabulous? I love the circle of keys with the padlock in the middle - and the soft teal is so pretty with those browns and coppers!
I missed funding the Kickstarter for this amazing steampunk card deck, but I'm hoping they'll be available on the creator's website soon:

You can see more of the cards on the Kickstarter video here, and then watch the BentCastle website for purchasing news in the future. (If it ends up priced like their other card decks, it should only be about $10.)(And thanks to Mandy S. for the link!)
And finally, gather round, because I have a fun little story to share. :D
Remember Steampunk Boba Fett? You know, this guy?
Well, back in my Star Wars Celebration post you might recall that I said John Strangeway (aka Steampunk Boba) was "practically the patron saint of steampunk."
Boba has gotten a LOT of mileage out of that quip, to the point that complete strangers were identifying me at Dragon*Con as "the one who called John the patron saint of steampunk." Heh. And then artist Alexa Black went and made this fabulous stained-glass art print of "St. Fett", thereby ensuring Boba's head will never shrink back to regular size:
But wait, there's more!
Boba insisted on sending me a print as thanks, so I told him that he had to A) sign it, B) bless it, and C) kiss the print while wearing metallic gold lipstick. (OH YES I DID.)
So yesterday, John brings home this gigantic art tube from the post office. (Seriously, the thing was three feet long!) Then we extract a tiny 10X16 print from it, which gives us the giggles. Next we unroll the print, stare for a moment, and then burst out laughing:
Awww yeeeeeah.
Thanks, Boba.
Oh, and the artist Alexa is only selling a total of 10 of these prints - and for only $12! - so if you want to grab one of the remaining nine head over to her etsy store.
I hope that made you smile - and as always, if you see something steamy this week, be sure to hit me up on Facebook or Twitter!
I'm getting married in about 9 hours, can't sleep (too excited), and this little steamy bunch of goodness is just what I need to distract me! Those steampunk Mickey Ears?! : : swoon : : I was so excited because I am leaving for my WDW honeymoon tomorrow and thought I would be bringing those little buggers home with me. BUMMER! Oh well. Guess I'll just have to make another trip next year. Thanks for keeping this insomniac bride company and keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me ridiculously happy. So much to love, and topped off with Steampunk Boba being awesome again.
ReplyDeleteAt World Steam Expo this year, someone did an ice carving of Boba Fett's helmet. John then proceeded to walk around the con with it on his head for about a half hour or so! (And I have pics to prove it!)
ReplyDeleteI'm one of your long-time "stalkers", and have never been brave enough to post. After a rather rough day yesterday (tears, snot, general depressive nastiness), this story, and that St. Boba print, have uplifted my spirits. I just snagged a print (perhaps the single speediest of all impulse purchases of my life!), and feel 1000% better than I did 10 minutes ago.
ReplyDeleteNone of this is eloquent enough so I'll just summarize it like this:
Thank you.
Oh yes, I wish those Disney hats were bigger! Love the quilt too, thanks for sharing such wonderful items
ReplyDeleteI literally squeeed out loud when I saw the Mickey ornaments...hee hee
ReplyDeleteWhere do I even begin with today's post? I haven't had the "I wants" this bad in a long time.
ReplyDeleteI was ready to whip out my credit card to order some steampunk Mickey ears until I read they are ornaments for 2013. Then I was ready to get my dad a cool mechanical birthday card until I read it was $75. I may still do that.
Kelly's quilt is awesome, and I'm sure I would have whipped out the plastic for that if you put a link for a sale. Beautiful work--I still want it.
Obviously, I should stay home today and get off the internet since the urge to buy is so strong today. The Boba Fett enticing me...well, good thing there were only 9 left and I'm late to the table. However, I may just have to go get myself some gold lipstick. Where ever did you find such a thing? That SWAK Steampunk Boba Fett is extra steamy with metalic gold.
That print totally made my morning. I'm already rearranging things in my brain about where it will go on my Star Wars wall.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see those ornaments re-created life size by talented fans! You know someone is going to do it. Heck, that someone might even be me.
ReplyDeleteThose little resin Mickey ears are just screaming to be made into a cake!!
ReplyDelete*Does a little dance* Something I made is cool enough to make it onto Epbot. I'm having a not very quiet little fan girl moment. Thanks Jen for all the inspiration. And I want me some Mickey ears too - pity the postage down here would be expensive!
ReplyDeleteTiny disembodied legs on half a bicycle!
ReplyDeleteSaw this commercial and thought of you:
(Don't cross the streams! ... I tried to think of something nice - something I loved as a kid)
There's also a Star Wars one:
Wouldn't make me eat that sweet yucky stuff though...
And now for something vaguely steampunk-related:
Oh, and did you see those:
Why? Why must you tease me with this steamy Disney goodness, that I can't even attempt to track down when I'm at WDW next week!
ReplyDeleteCurses is right!
Now you have seen three steampunk quilts! I made these two last year. I keep meaning to make more, but it seems that most folks prefer quilts without glow in the dark Octopi...
That print is amazing! I didn't even know they MADE metallic lipstick!