Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Robots:
$80 for the set, by the bots
This shop has tons of cartoon and pop-culture characters (The Katy Perry one is especially hilarious) all recreated as tiny, one-inch-high robots. They average a little over $20 each, which could be seriously detrimental to my wallet.
Retro Cereal Necklaces:
Pac-Man Cereal Necklace $22.50 by TheMenu
Anyone remember PacMan cereal? The shop also offers Frankenberries and Fruit Loops, and I seriously can't get over how real that "milk" looks. (Tinted resin - who knew?)
My fellow Etsy shoppers know you can't toss a tiny plate of sushi over there without hitting another amazing tiny food shop, and mini cupcake charms are *everywhere.* That said, these are some of the best I've seen:
Cupcakes with Vanilla Frosting, $35 by Roscata
And believe me, I see a LOT of mini-cake charms.
There is a way you can make a cupcake charm better, though:
Salvador the Batty Cupcake, $31 by MonsterKookies
Make it a vampire cupcake!
I'm in awe of sculptors who can make the clay look glass-smooth and like a cartoon character come to life. Which is why I am so, so tempted by these adorable wedding topper sets:
Love Angels, Raccoon & Fox $120 by Kikuike Studio
Love Angels Dinosaurs, $140
She makes every kind of animal pairing imaginable, from corgis to bumblebees to sharks, and they are all SO STINKING CUTE. Expensive, but cute! And who needs the cake anyway, right? Right?
Here's one for those of us with just a few bucks to burn:
Rainbow Lolly $5.75 by KooKee Jewellery
I bought a rainbow lolly charm much like this on Etsy years ago, and it's still one of my all-time favorite necklaces. It goes with everything! Mine's getting a little grungy, though, so I've combed all of Etsy looking for a replacement. It's between that one, or this one:
Rainbow Lollipop, $10 by SugarCubeCorner
I like the extra white swirl in with all the other colors. But I may just have to get both. :D
I'm also itching to snag this bitty jar of lollipop sticks:
Tutti Frutti Pendant, $21 by MonsterKookies
Ok, let's bring the sugar high down a notch with this gorgeously macabre, Labyrinth-inspired necklace:
Masquerade, $20 by Purplerhino's Place
Can you believe that mask is sculpted clay? Those iridescent baubles really seal the deal, too; I can't think of a single way to make this necklace fit the masquerade scene more perfectly. And only $20?! If this thing isn't gone in two seconds, then I don't even KNOW you people anymore.
I've seen these Mario piranha plant earrings a lot lately, and I think I know why:
By LizGlizz Shop
'Cuz they are FREAKING AWESOME, that's why.
(I don't miss having pierced ears often, but when I do, I'm looking at earrings like this.)
Liz will be accepting more orders starting tomorrow, so prime your engines, shoppers: these things keep selling out!
And finally, while searching for the perfect Companion Cube I stumbled across this delightful set:
The Cake is a Lie Gift Set, $40 by Kelly's Keychains
That's the best clay Portal Cube I've seen, and the custom cake gift box really raises it to "stellar gift" territory. (You can also purchase the cube and the box separately, if you don't have $40 to spare.)
This shop has tons of cartoon and pop-culture characters (The Katy Perry one is especially hilarious) all recreated as tiny, one-inch-high robots. They average a little over $20 each, which could be seriously detrimental to my wallet.
Retro Cereal Necklaces:

Anyone remember PacMan cereal? The shop also offers Frankenberries and Fruit Loops, and I seriously can't get over how real that "milk" looks. (Tinted resin - who knew?)
My fellow Etsy shoppers know you can't toss a tiny plate of sushi over there without hitting another amazing tiny food shop, and mini cupcake charms are *everywhere.* That said, these are some of the best I've seen:

And believe me, I see a LOT of mini-cake charms.
There is a way you can make a cupcake charm better, though:

Make it a vampire cupcake!
I'm in awe of sculptors who can make the clay look glass-smooth and like a cartoon character come to life. Which is why I am so, so tempted by these adorable wedding topper sets:

She makes every kind of animal pairing imaginable, from corgis to bumblebees to sharks, and they are all SO STINKING CUTE. Expensive, but cute! And who needs the cake anyway, right? Right?
Here's one for those of us with just a few bucks to burn:

I bought a rainbow lolly charm much like this on Etsy years ago, and it's still one of my all-time favorite necklaces. It goes with everything! Mine's getting a little grungy, though, so I've combed all of Etsy looking for a replacement. It's between that one, or this one:

I like the extra white swirl in with all the other colors. But I may just have to get both. :D
I'm also itching to snag this bitty jar of lollipop sticks:

Ok, let's bring the sugar high down a notch with this gorgeously macabre, Labyrinth-inspired necklace:

Can you believe that mask is sculpted clay? Those iridescent baubles really seal the deal, too; I can't think of a single way to make this necklace fit the masquerade scene more perfectly. And only $20?! If this thing isn't gone in two seconds, then I don't even KNOW you people anymore.
I've seen these Mario piranha plant earrings a lot lately, and I think I know why:

'Cuz they are FREAKING AWESOME, that's why.
(I don't miss having pierced ears often, but when I do, I'm looking at earrings like this.)
Liz will be accepting more orders starting tomorrow, so prime your engines, shoppers: these things keep selling out!
And finally, while searching for the perfect Companion Cube I stumbled across this delightful set:

That's the best clay Portal Cube I've seen, and the custom cake gift box really raises it to "stellar gift" territory. (You can also purchase the cube and the box separately, if you don't have $40 to spare.)
Well, that's my Clay Day round-up, peeps! As always, share your links (embedded, if you please!) to anything I missed in the comments!