Diana W. tells me her dad made her this Doctor Who-inspired weeping angel tree topper:
I can't decide if it's the most awesome thing ever or the most disturbing. I'm also totally jealous I didn't think of it first.
And here's another menacing tree topper for you: Robot Santa from Futurama!
Tracey M. crocheted this little guy herself, and I love that she even included the spikes in his hat pompom:

Check out Tracey's post at Mostly Nerdy Crochet for more pics and instructions.
Timey wimey fun.
Plus they include all the templates, so you can make your own! Just hit the link above.
(And thanks to Lindsey for the link!)
These retro space stockings are really - REALLY - making me want to learn how to sew:

Those of you already blessed with that ability can grab the templates - for free! - over on tried & true. There are also lots more pictures and close-ups.
(Found via craft:)
Speaking of sewing, last year Melanie W. hand stitched the most amazing set of Lord of the Rings ornaments:
Look at all that detail! And so tiny!
Not only that, Melanie also did a Mega Man set:
Confession: I know nothing about Mega Man. Are all the characters this cute? Should I be watching? 'Cuz I'll totally watch for cuteness.
[Edit: Ohh, it's a video game! Sorry. Ok, change that to "I'll *play* for cuteness."]
And finally, here's a little more paper craft for you, although this one's not quite so geeky:
I made this a few nights ago from a free template by Scout Creative. They designed an awesome pattern like this every month this year, which you can see and download at the link. (Plus I think most - if not all - include a cutout you can glue over the calendar portion, so you can display them year-round.)
I'll be making January's and November's next; just look how fun:

So, what holiday geekery are you working on, guys? Share your links and pics in the comments - I wanna see!
And here's another menacing tree topper for you: Robot Santa from Futurama!

Check out Tracey's post at Mostly Nerdy Crochet for more pics and instructions.
Remember the Star Wars snowflakes from last year? Well, Buzzfeed has compiled a new list of "nerdflakes," including an Enterprise design, a few Doctor Whos, more Star Wars, and even a Cylon pattern. I'm still deciding if I like the Enterprise best or this one:

Plus they include all the templates, so you can make your own! Just hit the link above.
(And thanks to Lindsey for the link!)
These retro space stockings are really - REALLY - making me want to learn how to sew:

Those of you already blessed with that ability can grab the templates - for free! - over on tried & true. There are also lots more pictures and close-ups.
(Found via craft:)
Speaking of sewing, last year Melanie W. hand stitched the most amazing set of Lord of the Rings ornaments:

[Edit: Ohh, it's a video game! Sorry. Ok, change that to "I'll *play* for cuteness."]
And finally, here's a little more paper craft for you, although this one's not quite so geeky:

I'll be making January's and November's next; just look how fun:

So, what holiday geekery are you working on, guys? Share your links and pics in the comments - I wanna see!
Our Christmas tree this year: https://plus.google.com/photos/101920976533523447227/albums/5685717936753340113?authkey=CIizxuLal4jZ6gE
ReplyDeleteAlthough I just noticed he's missing his banjo. ;_; I need to stitch that thing on!
Here are some of the retro felt ornaments I made for gifts and for myself a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteThose geeky snowflakes are really cool! I might have to make some. =)
I made this tardis snowflake pattern last year.
Those are totally cool! I just found an awesome video of the crew from Doctor Who when it was David Tennants last episode. It's pretty cool, and I know that the song will be stuck in my head for a while. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s4Czla6tXc&feature=related
ReplyDeleteCreepy and the coolest tree topper ever ever! I need one. Love the Whoflakes too.
ReplyDeleteThe only Mega Man I know of, is the Nintendo video game. I know there are a few incarnations, for the various systems, but he is cute in all the depictions I have seen. I played the original, and it was wicked fun. :D
ReplyDeleteChances are this is already reaching Epcot proportions, even though right now it shows no comments, but just so you know, Mega Man is a video game, not a show. I played it on our old Super Nintendo when I was a kid. But, yes, they're all that cute :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, those snowflakes will be perfect for me to do with my three geeky daughters next week when they're out of school and bored to death! Thanks for the link! And I wish I had time to make new stockings this year, because those are awesome.
I'm crocheting a miniature TARDIS ornament, with some snow on top! You can google it and you'll be able to find a picture and a pattern, I don't have one yet because it's not done, but it's really fun! (Oh, that rhymed!)
ReplyDeletePlease forgive a shameless bit of self-promotion, but I did this quick experiment for a steampunk snowflake that I thought you might appreciate:
I have a few more ideas in mind. It's way more fun to do crazy snowflakes like that than the plain old geometric ones.
I can't even find the words to explain how awesome that tree topper is! Coolest! Tree topper! Ever!
ReplyDeleteI'm currently in the middle of constructing a 3D AT-AT leg for my husband's new stocking. It will also have a snow speeder, and so far it looks AWESOME. I'll tweet you a pic when it's all done!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the love for the Weeping Angel! My dad got the instructions here: http://crafty-tardis.livejournal.com/298201.html
ReplyDeleteBut I think he did an awesome job in the execution of it! I benefit from my dad's retirement!
I'm afraid my Christmas preparations aren't very geeky . . . mostly. But this year I continued my tradition of, instead of an angel, putting a GI Joe (specifically, Dusty) on top of the tree. We've been doing it every year since 9/11 and it never fails to comfort: if King Herod tries anything with baby Jesus THIS year, he's going to get lead right between the eyes.
ReplyDeleteI share your uncertainty over whether the weeping angel is terrifying or fabulous. The original episode where they showed up (not the incredibly dull and nonsensical return) still gives me the creeps when I think about it!
ReplyDeleteThe Robot Santa topper is cool, too, but is there a matching Hannukah Zombie or KwanzaaBot? Or the Ice-Crapping Snow Honkey also mentioned in that episode?
I never had anything to top my tree and now I NEED a weeping angel. Oh, it's so too late to make my tree Dr. Who themed. Looks like I'll be having a year long project on my hands. My tree is white and having Tardis blue and silver Cybermen and gold/copper Daleks would look so AWESOME! Thanks for this inspiration!
ReplyDeleteWeeping angel tree topper is going to give me nightmares. Ugh, those things are SO CREEPY!
ReplyDeleteLove the rest, though!
(wv: prooton...What you get when a subatomic particle takes a potty break?)
I can just see it now...a child staring up at the Christmas tree, his/her mother enters the room and says "staring at the tree won't make Santa come any faster" at which point the child sobs "can't blink, angel will get me."
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the crafty ideas, I know what I'm going to be doing the next two weeks!
Thanks for the mention with Robot Santa! I thought you would like him!
ReplyDeleteI'm still kicking myself for not buying this translucent weeping angel when I saw it to use as a tree-topper.
ReplyDeleteWeeping angel tree topper - very disturbing. What's next, Cybermen in the manger?
ReplyDeleteThanks for including my stockings! I'm doing an entire geek tree this year so I felt right at home on your blog. :) Gotta go and finish my Dr. Who scarf and Firefly hat ornaments!
ReplyDeleteI just finished my Weeping Angel last week.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter wants me to make a scary-face one now!
+My Angel pics on Google+
I followed the tutorial on The Creative Crossing and I'm really happy with how she turned out!
Oh my I love that Futurama robot tree topper!!
ReplyDeleteI made some robot ornaments waiting for you under the mistletoe: Clicky!
And I've made a bazillion zombies with freshwater pearl eyes: ClickyClicky!
Thanks for featuring my LoTR and Megaman ornaments- so surprised/ thrilled to see them on EPBOT! I did some Super Mario and Sims-based ones too. ^_^
ReplyDeleteActually, they did make a Mega Man cartoon based on the game, but the game was much better! ^_^
ReplyDeleteCruising ETSY tonight, I found these Steampunk/gear ornaments and thought of you!
Myself, I made these stained glass Christmas Pickle ornaments, complete with a jar to store it in. Fun!
Thank you for the link to that snow monster paper calendar! My 3-year-old son loves the snow monster in the claymation Rudolph show, so when I saw this on your blog, I had to drop everything and make this snow monster for him immediately. Here's my blog about it and photo of how it turned out: http://www.muddymamas.net/2011/12/snow-monster-paper-craft.html He LOVES it!
ReplyDeleteI really, REALLY want a Don't Blink tree topper. Rather desperately, in fact.
ReplyDeleteok- weeping angel tree topper would totally creep me right the eff out
ReplyDeleteMy dad and I just finished a Sterling Silver and Brass Captain Hammer pendant. =) He then made me a leather Doctor Who fez. I'm now working on Victorian Carpet bags, and attempting to fathom Timelord technology so its bigger on the inside... =p
ReplyDeleteHere's my Castiel (Misha Collins from Supernatural) tree topper angel that I crocheted to watch over my tree this year!
I'm hosting a Geeky Christmas party - we're talking star wars, harry potter, star trek, doctor who, lord of the rings, anything and everything geek! :) We're doing a geeky ornament exchange so some of the stuff you posted was perfect for ideas! We're going to have cookie men with red star trek uniforms and watch the old rotoscoped Lord of the Rings (if you've never seen it, here's a clip http://youtu.be/6WcJbPlAknw) Here's some ideas for other geeky ornaments I've found http://www.instructables.com/id/Jacks-Paper-Spider-Snowflake/ and http://punkprojects.blogspot.com/2010/11/cute-ornament-diy-trekking-halls.html and http://www.etsy.com/listing/58149826/comic-book-hanging-room-ornaments
ReplyDeleteAnd to get you in the geeky holiday spirit, you should definitely check out this lovely Darth Vader Christmas video
This was the inspiration for my geeky christmas party by the way http://www.foxtrot.com/2010/12/12192010/
ReplyDeleteI love those stockings! I've just finished all four for my family. And Jen, have hope! You can do them with very little sewing (email me for more details of how I constructed mine).
ReplyDeleteI wish I could send you a picture of how mine came out (I used green, red and pink! The pink is so bright it needs an exclamation mark).
ReplyDeleteSomeone may have already posted this but---!!!
I just wanna say, thanks for this awesome post! That weeping angel topper is what finally convinced me to start watching Doctor Who, and now I've finally plowed through all the NuWho episodes and started watching the classic ones. I'm having a blast with it, thank you! :)