John and I have spent this week making miniature polymer clay carrots and gluing plastic naked babies to them.
Ah, the glamorous life.
Anyway, to keep ourselves from going insane, we set up our work table in front of the TV and have been watching marathon sessions of Stargate: Atlantis while we work each night.
Now. Some revelations:
Guess who I spied in the background of the episode "The Storm"?

When I went online to verify it was him, I found out he was also on SG-1's "200" playing young Mitchell:
Ah, but here's another goodie: do you know who THIS is?
Well, would you believe...

Anyway, just had to share. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more of this business to attend to:
Super Cool, thanks for sharing. I recently watched the whole series when I was layed up Pregnant. I wish I had noticed them. I love looking for celebs like that. My husband is better at finding them than I am.
ReplyDeleteThanks Again, and enjoy!
High-five for Stargate marathons!!
ReplyDeleteMy camp name is as you can guess I've done my fair share. Every episode in the franchise. And every ep of SG-1 with commentary!
And every time I do one such marathon...I end up spotting dozens of actors I recognize from something else, IMDB-ing them ('cause my memory sucks) and going "AHHHHH!!!!"
It's how I spend most of my time. :)
I love crafting and working to SGA! I don't know how I would have survived college otherwise! Another fun one to spot is Paul McGillion (who plays Carson) in the new Star Trek. I loved seeing that!
ReplyDeleteI actually really dislike Glee with a burning passion, but respect for Cory Monteith = raised. :)
ReplyDeleteIf you watch the movie The Fugitive with Harrison Ford (who wouldn't!) you will find that the lab tech he goes to see is none other than Glee's own Jane Lynch!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for making more carrot jockey necklaces! I didn't get one last time you had them, so hopefully I'll be quick enough to get one this time!
ReplyDeleteI look for people I recognize from other shows all the time. I recently got seasons 3 and 4 of Bones on DVD and there are several people who've been on Buffy/Angel and/or Burn Notice.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry the carrot jockeys are so time consuming to make. And I'm thrilled that you are making them! Christmas will be extra special for my family who are big fans: your books with a couple of carrot jockeys to fight over; don't want to be a pig and buy one for each. Plus the bartering, whining, and possibly wrestling should be entertaining. It's a win/win.
ReplyDeleteDang, Jen! I bet your fingers feel like they are going to fall off - that's a lot of carrot jockeys!
ReplyDeleteThose are cool background spots you found!
I don't know if you remember a show called So Weird (it was on the Disney channel) but the Jewel Staite was also in an episode of that as a siren.
ReplyDeleteOk, that's just crazy! My husband and I are rewatching all of Stargate Atlantis in then evenings right now while we work and put deal with the nocturnal toddler we have. We're only on Season1, but should be through them all rather quickly. I'm going to have to watch for the female wraith, I missed that the last time we watched it! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI love finding actors in the older shows! I always feel so smart! My other favorite hobby is recognizing the narrators for Travel Channel shows or car commercials. Not so sure my husband enjoys this hobby as much as I do...
ReplyDeleteOh, and by the way...carrot jockeys rock!
Shelley in So. Illinois
I love SG-1 and SG:A. Now I want to go have my own marathon! Your carrot jockeys are awesome. Its no wonder you have so many fans, you guys rock!
ReplyDeleteI actually knew about "Kayley" being in SG:A, but I've never actually gotten into the show. I keep wanting to check it out, but I feel like I have to watch the other SG series or movie to understand. If I hadn't of known from IMDB, I'm not sure I would have known it was her, so kudos to you for recognizing. I'm usually only good with faces, not voices.
ReplyDeleteWow, You guys know how much your fans love you and clearly everyone can see how much you love your fans. Group Hug!
ReplyDeleteAnd wow, good eyes there Jen!
Um, please tell me those little jockies will be available for purchase. Hopefully in the form of a pendant. Please say yes.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get a cottage food law passed here and that would be the PERFECT accessory for when I meet with legislators and the like. Dontcha think?
I also spotted Cory in a throwaway part in the Supernatural episode 'Wendigo.' I laughed at that. I would recommend that show for you as well.
ReplyDeleteThis made me laugh because I am always doing that. I'll completely wreck a movie for other people because I keep shouting out "You know who that is? It's *insert name here* from *insert movie/TV show here*!"
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched SG:A (I know, that's terrible, but I plan to have the problem resolved this Christmas.)but your second "do you know who this is?" just made me think "Steve Tyler?"
Yay! It's like a carrot jockey nursery in that picture. Or maybe they're racing. OH MY GOSH if I had multiple (honestly, I wish I could get my hands on just ONE,) I could have a carrot jockey race...
ReplyDeleteSorry. Thanks for making these!
You know what would look great on your green toes? Carrot jockeys painted on the big toes! :-) BTW, I've had mine toes painted various shades of green and a flower most of the summer. In the winter it's various shades of blue. I love crafting in front of the tv in the winter since it's so cold and wet in the Pac Northwest.
ReplyDeleteI never would've guessed that wraith was Kaylee, aka Jewel Staite. Are those necklaces for your tour? I'm hoping to come to the near Charlotte tour.:-)
ReplyDeleteWatch all the episodes of MASH. You would not BElIEVE who has made their way through that show (hint: Patrick Swayze).
ReplyDeleteI love seeing who's cameo-ing in sci-fi shows. There's so much more crossover than you might think. I don't know if you watch Sanctuary, but the actor who plays Henry had a minor recurring role as a Genii soldier on SGA. And Connor Trineer who plays Michael on SGA played Trip Tucker on ST:Enterprise. :) So much fun!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of recognizing celebrities (and Firefly), guess who played Young Simon in the episode with the flashback? Zac Efron. It's his earliest appearance listed on IMDB, so there's a chance that Joss Whedon gets the credit (or blame) for discovering him...
ReplyDeleteWell, if we are letting our love for SGA explode all over, I guess i can add to the party:
Mr. Woolsey="Please state the nature of the medical emergency"
General Cowen of the Genii = Chief Miles O'brien /ST:TNG
Dr Rodney McKay = John Lithgow's Bad Neighbor (Hunsiker) in Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Col John Sheppard = Brian (the hot young boyfriend) in Sisters
Major Evan Lorne = Deputy Andy on Eureka
Todd the Wraith = Marcus in the Twilight movies
Micheal the Wraith = Commander Trip Tucker of ST:Ent
Ladon Radim of the Genii = Henry Foss - Sanctuary
Oberoth = Major Charles Winchester -Mash
Jeannie Miller (Dr McKay's sister) = David Hewlett's (actor who plays Dr Mckay) real life sister
Finn! I love him!
ReplyDeleteI'm currently watching Dollhouse (also by Joss Wheldon) and am having fun spotting actors/actresses I know. Especially at the end of the first series, when the big villain finally makes his appearance... and it's Wash! Creepy evil psychotic Wash! Who is still charmingly quirky and could probably do the toy dinosaur scene in this show too! And it'd make sense! I think we should call it YOUR GRAVE!!! Muahahaha!!!!
ReplyDeleteAhem. Sorry. Got carried away there. There's also Evil River in that show too, and she is equally charming and scary at the same time. And Felicia Day makes an appearance. It's good fun.
The hubs & I have been having Star Trek marathons at night. I admit I've never seen Stargate. The hubs goes "WHAHAAAWHOOOEEEE????? Shouldn't you have disclosed this before we got married?" If those jockeys are for sale I hope I can react fast enough! Thanks for all the smiles!
ReplyDeleteWow. Now you just need a crazy Youtube music video with flying carrot jockeys!
ReplyDeleteOooh... or a screensaver.
Er, forget I said that. We want your sanity to remain intact.
Cory Monteith was also in the hilariously bad "Kraken: Tentacles from the Deep", which they play on SyFy all the time. (Also starring Sarge from Cleopatra 2525 and Jerry O'Connell's brother... heh.)
ReplyDeleteHe's obviously NOT a teenager.
That army of carrot jockeys is somewhat intimidating. Good work.
ReplyDeleteLove love love SG:A. My daughter and I just started Supernatural and she found many of our favorite TV folks listed as guests for upcoming seasons. We've pretty much decided that if Mark Sheppard (Badger from Firefly and many others), Ryan Robbins (Ladon in SG:A/Henry in Sanctuary) or Christopher Heyerdahl (Todd in SG:A, Druitt in Sanctuary) are anywhere in a series, we'll probably love it... LOL
ReplyDeleteI actually just found this yesterday. I love recognizing an actor from somewhere completely unexpected. You should have seen me when I figured out that Wash was Steve the Pirate, even though that's not nearly as mind-blowing as what you found.
ReplyDeleteGood job on the carrot jockey army! By the time you are done watching the series, you should have enough to take over the world. :)
ReplyDeleteIlove the SG series and yes I recognized kaylee from her voice as well. That and her mannerisms - I did go to the Internet Movie Database to verify but I was pretty sure that was who it was.
ReplyDeleteMy kids are all hooked on Sg as well - we even bought the original moview so they could watch it - now how did that escape their attention earlier in life I don't know since they grew up on "That old space movie" (Star Wars) as my oldest used to call it!
Made my morning. Now I'm going to have to get into the Stargate franchise. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYes! We've been watching all of Stargate since last July and are now on the last season of SG-1 and 3rd of SG:A. I did recognize Finn, but Ben totally didn't get what I was talking about (he just can't seem to get into Glee). Oh, Coach Tanaka (Patrick Gallagher) shows up later as well!
ReplyDeleteI totally missed that Jewel Staite was that Wraith girl! Good catch.
Have you seen the season premiere of Castle? Michael Dorn is in it as, of all things, a therapist!
ReplyDeleteGuess he spent too much time with Deanna in the last season… ;-)
- DB
Awesome. My OCDness loves that all the little carrots are perfectly lined up in nice even rows on your cookie sheet. Just thought I'd share that. :)
ReplyDeleteOh! Also, looks like you're using FIMO (love it!), but did you know that Sculpy colored modeling clay works pretty much the same way but with the addeded bonus of not being rock hard. Maybe FIMO has changed their formula since I switched to Sculpy years ago, so maybe it doesn't require biceps of steel to work it into a submissive lump of malleable clay anymore. If not, I guess you get the added bonus of "working out" while watching TV!
OK, so this is like a really long comment and I'm going to shut up now... bye!
Love the carrot-jocky sweat shop! Do the cats try to "help"? :) OMG I just had a flash back... we made clay palm trees for Christmas tree ornaments a few years ago and turned our coffee table into a similar looking crafting sweat-shop. Thank heavens for Sci-Fi's Stargate (SG-1) Monday nights... that got us through it. I'm still a little scarred from the smell of baking clay and super glue... and now I'm missing when "Sci-Fi" Channel really meant something. Snif.
ReplyDeleteDear Jen,
ReplyDeleteI'm in the midst of sewing three Steampunk Halloween costumes (me, my husband, a good friend) and making engagement party favors and centerpieces. My wrists and fingers tingle and burn! I'm watching The IT Crowd on Netflix. The things we put ourselves through to express love in crafts. I'm with ya, sister! Happy Crafting!
The best show to craft to is Mystery Science Theater 3000.
ReplyDeleteI'm just sayin'.
Does anyone else remember the old Disney show Flash Forward? It starred Jewel Staite and Ben Foster. I loved that show. And then she was on Nickelodeon's Space Cases. Guess she decided she liked sci fi. =)
ReplyDeleteI loved finding Julie Benz (Rita from Dexter) in the first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when I rewatched it. Love it when something like that happens....Little bits of awesome!
ReplyDeleteIf you watch pretty much anything made in Canada, you will find yourself seeing Canadian actors in places you wouldn't expect! I realized Jewel Staite was in one of my favourite kid's shows:
ReplyDeleteIf you are a True Blood fan, the guy that plays Alcide was in a guest spot on Scrubs once. Playing a football player that used to beat up JD in high school.
ReplyDeleteI feel for you, my friend. I had a friend who was Japanese in college. Her father turned 60, and the 60th birthday in Japan is supposed to be the rebirth birthday, that life is restarting and things are only just beginning. This is symbolized in their culture by a red crane. So usually at this time, 1000 red origami cranes are strung together to make chains that are hung from the ceiling during the big party. Instead, she decided to make 1000 origami cranes and put them in a giant jar to give to his dad. So we sat and folded origami cranes for something like eight hours one day. I did 400, she did 600. My hands were red for days afterwards. But her dad was SO happy, and after the party he set the jar on the hearth and would just sit and look at it, he loved it so much. It was so worth it to do this for him. So I hope your carrot jockey making is worth it too!
ReplyDeletestargate+finn from glee = mind. blown.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
It was sort of a trip to see Jewel Staite in the X-Files episode "Oubliette" when I watched the series over again. She looks so young!
ReplyDeleteSomebody beat me to the Cory Monteith on Supernatural punch. I keep thinking to myself, there's no way this guy can exist because he got killed by a Wendigo! It's amazing how many people have been on Supernatural, too.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you make every one of those by hand! I mean, I can, because you guys are that awesome. But now I want one even more!
ReplyDeleteI KNEW IT! I recognized Jewel's voice too, I just wasn't sure until I read this post. And I'm glad I'm not the only one on major SG:A kick! I bet it makes carrot-jockey making a little less tedious. They're cute!
ReplyDeleteI swear swear swear Tom Baker did a cameo on SGA!
ReplyDeleteIt's the 1st season ep The Defiant One, where Sheppard, McKay, the alien refugee Nylan from Stargate (who seems to have changed his name) and a young, tall, curly-headed red-shirt of a scientist find a crashed Wraith ship with a lone survivor.
Well, as all good red-shirts do, the young, tall, curley-headed scientist gets wraithed, and I swear swear swear the sucked-out corpse was played by Tom Baker!
I knew he'd gone all white-haired by then, so it wsn't hard for me to recognize him. Repeated watchings and perusings of screen caps haven't dissuaded me from my belief, but nowhere can I find any reference to it. I've even asked Hewlett himself a couple of times where I knew he was reading replies, and no response either way. :(
Am I seeing things?
Jewel Staite is also in Wonderfalls (a wonderful show that you should watch). It always throws me off because the character she plays is so different from Kaylee!
ReplyDeleteAlso, is it just me, or does David Blue (from Stargate Universe) make an uncredited appearance in the Guild at the end of season 2?
My husband is a chandler, and for the past couple of weeks while he's been making candles and I've been packaging them and trying to keep up with the books, we've been watching Stargate: SG1. It's even more awesome because we live in Colorado Springs and can see Cheyenne Mountain from our house. We keep having to pause to run check IMDB to see where we know guest stars from.