Anyway, I thought this recent chat really captured the true "essence" of our relationship:

(I answered him out loud the first time, thus the "Can't hear you" remark.)
Of course, the best part was hearing his belly laughs from across the house.
Of course, the best part was hearing his belly laughs from across the house.
ahahahahahha. Hubby and I do the same thing. I hate YELLING across the house too!
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend and I do that, too. Worst part about it? He is usually across the hall from me. >_<
ReplyDeleteBWAHAHAHA! My husband and I do the same... just on facebook... to the horror of all our mutual friends... while we are sitting next to each other... we might need help. Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteI would call my house phone from my bedroom and it drove my parents nuts. But my brother thought it was funny. Of course, if I yelled from my bedroom, that bothered them too. :D
ReplyDeleteSo frickin' adorable.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome!! I did belly laughs too when I read it!
ReplyDeletemy kids will txt me from the same room, on the other couch, lol .... but it has added something to our 'goodnight' ritual (less than 3)
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I facebook each other all the time. I also hack his account and facebook myself from him. Confuses the snot out of people.
ReplyDeleteCouples that simultaneously curse at and show affection for each other are in it to win it.
ReplyDeletelol. My hubby and I do that as well....but ours are usually quite a bit dirtier than yours and inappropriate for the little ears that live in our house. Hence, why we IM or text our dirty conversations. lol.
ReplyDeleteLove it. My hubby and I do the same thing. We just downloaded Skype apps for our phones, so the other day we skyped from the same room. Just because we can.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, guys, every time you do more personal posts like this it makes me wish we could be friends. I mean, like, in real life. Does that make me creepy? Sorry.
ReplyDeleteMy brother and I have similar electronic exchanges. Por ejemplo, we were talking about a date I went on last week:
ReplyDeleteNick: i hear you went on a date with a male human. that you met on the grid.
Me: indeed. unfortunately i was forced to derezz him.
Nick: that was actually the second part of my joke
Me: you're welcome. we're the same person.
Nick: our parents informed me. and i said "and hes not a serial killer!"
Me: not yet, at least
Nick: and they said that. to which i said "but we arent giving steph enough credit. maybe she's the serial killer"
My family is awesome.
Love it.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I do that too. Sometimes we're in the same room, even. And we do it on Facebook a lot, our friends think it's hysterical.
ReplyDeletehysterical!! my husband and i do the same thing. it's really fun to chat even when you're right next to eachother on the couch :)
ReplyDeleteI love you two!!! (But not in a creepy way.) Also, I agree with Magaidh!
ReplyDeleteThat is seriously way too cute! I love the chemistry!
ReplyDeleteSelection bias, anyone? I love how many of your commenters do the same. My husband and I also text each other when in the same room. It's otherwise difficult to communicate when he's playing StarCraft =)
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me happy <3
You guys are so cute together, I'm really happy to see such a shining example of what a good relationship should be. Congrats to you both for finding, and recognizing it!
ReplyDeleteAw, too cute. I hope you know about COL. Cat On Lap. If you have COL in our house, you're allowed to ask/text/IM any one around to do stuff for you. "I have COL. Could you get me a drink of water, please?" "Can you get the phone? I have COL" "Sorry, can't start dinner, got COL". That one doesn't go over so well. Fortunately (or not), we only have one cat, so there's no duel COL-ing going on...
ReplyDeleteThese posts are why we love you. You remind us of us, but funnier!
ReplyDeleteMy husband first told me "I love you" over IM. I think it still counts :)
ReplyDeleteHubby & I do that all the time. Actually, most of our relationship happened over IM. He was a janitor when I was in college, so he would IM me after he got home from work & I was usually just finishing up my homework. Made for some late nights, but it was totally worth it.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to know we're not alone. :D
i have the im chat when i told my husband i was expecting our first child..i know some might think it class-less to tell my husband he is going to be a father over im- but if ya knew us.. and the extent of our web'ed out geekdom- you would see how very cute it is indeed.
ReplyDeleteI call or text my kids from downstairs. They don't hear me yell so I text or call. That annoys them, but so does tapping on the ceiling (their floor). Then develop super hearing and hear me! I know that you'd rather I don't speak to you...but you do need to eat.
ReplyDeletebran and i have been doing that for years using different modes of technology. when we had two computers the first time ever in the house we'd email each other (him in the basement, me in the dining room). when boy was able to spell words we'd send messages via yahoo or aim. then i stopped using instant msg programs and we went back to email. then we tweeted each other and texted via telephone. now that boy's an adult we just talk to each other. after all, now we sit about 6 feet from each other. though i still text him from time to time for old times sake.
ReplyDeleteI, too, completely agree with Magaidh. In a non-creepy way, of course. ;)
ReplyDeletelol we have similar chats too when we're both working from home - particularly when I'm on conference calls upstairs. That way I can keep a running peanut gallery going with him about my call without getting snarky to my co-workers. My goal is to get him to laugh loud enough that I can hear him upstairs. :) Oh, have you used the chat icons for "steaming poo" and a "pinchy crab"? My favs... ;)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely FABULOUS!! Fav IM from my Hubby - I told him "I love you :)" he replied with "I know" supah points to him for the geeky Star Wars reference!!! Boo-yah!
ReplyDeleteMy husband has taken up texting me whales! But we do text each other in the house all the time...of course there are often two floors between us, but its better than calling him on the phone!
ReplyDelete*snort* Love it! Sad thing is my sister and I do the same texting-from-close-quarters routine, but that's usually because we're making comments my nephews and nieces (or more frequently, our parents) shouldn't hear... :P
ReplyDeleteEx: She sent me a picture of a kid with their forehead up against a chalkboard with a huge mathematical equation on it that was 'demotivationed' to say "F--- This, I'll be a stripper." and added "This was half my class today." I responded "You have a class half-full of strippers? That's gotta make gym class awkward at best..." Her response "Yeah, but our track team is the bomb when it comes to the pole vault!"
I love my family...
You guys are goofy!
I <3 this! And I <3 you and John!
ReplyDeletePS, I'm not a stalker...
Ha! Yeah, my fiancee and I met online, so we spent a lot of time chatting on Facebook before we even met in person..I have a feeling that at some point we'll be IMing each other from across the house. xD
ReplyDeleteCommunication is the key to a relationship, no matter what form it takes. So, from a generation that thought phones were a miracle, text on.
ReplyDeleteHilarious! Thanks for sharing moments like these. :D
ReplyDeleteI gave you a blog award! Irresistably Sweet
You guys are so cute! <3 it!
ReplyDeletei just wanted to add.. that i love you in the creepiest way possible.
ReplyDeleteToo funny! My husband loves to IM me from the living room chair while I'm sitting on the couch approximately three feet away from him. It never fails to crack me up though, because after several years of this he still can't do it with a poker face. He's always peeking over his laptop at me to see what my reaction will be... Just one of the many, many geeky reasons I <3 him so!
ReplyDeleteAt least your texts don't get you looked at strangly at work....
ReplyDeleteI got off a lengthy confence call once to discover he had left this message with the secretary.:
"Tell her I found the the corpse she lost and moved it so she can find it."
of cource with out explaining he's talking about the on-line game EverQuest!!
He got 100+ faction points BTW for finding my lost corpse...not many husbands will do that you know!
Love it. It makes me happy to see two people who are clearly in love, and have great senses of humor. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is adorable. Really adorable. :)
ReplyDeleteLove this! DH and I have similarly delightfully warped conversations, via text, skype, out loud...You two are adorable! I love hearing about soulmates connected.
ReplyDeleteyou two are too cute for your own good!!!!!!! I wanna hug both of you
ReplyDeletemy boyfriend and i are about... 6 feet apart. you bet we sit and talk over aim.