Friday, September 23, 2011

The Best D*C Video Yet

[running in]


You have to see this:

So fun!

I am insanely jealous of the mad skillz on display here, and I'm not just talking the costumes; the quality of the shots and all that video editing is amazing. Not to mention these guys saw a ton of fabulous cosplay that I didn't. [pouting]

Oh, and the Where's Waldo ending cracked. me. up.

Major props to Micah Moore, Blake Faucette, and Rick Burnett for capturing all the fun of Dragon*Con in under five minutes. I hope this becomes a yearly tradition, gentlemen!

(And thanks to reader AK Richards for the link!)


  1. This made my almost 17 year old sons day.

  2. I paused that video about 100 times trying to see everything for more than a second. WOW! Now I HAVE to go to DragonCon next year!

  3. Oh that was pretty flippin' sweet. Come hell or high water I must get to D*C next year... and I must do it in costume! :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. THIS is why I want to go to Dragon*Con. Everybody looks like they're having a blast. I only wish they'd stayed on the characters a little longer so I could figure out the ones that weren't immediately obvious.

  5. OMG!!! This is the BEST DCon video - you are right! Freakin' awesome! I'm sitting here with a big smile on my face - FAB!!

  6. Was that zombie Colonel Sanders with a bucket of chicken? Awesomeness!

  7. I'm glad they listed the name of the song at the end. I spent the whole five minutes going "but what does 'supinate your love' mean?"

    Also: those costumes are bloody insane.

  8. The "Where's Waldo" ending made me actually laugh out loud. Thanks for sharing the love and laughter!

  9. I agree with needed to pause to see the good stuff...they are re-editing it to 20 minutes but I hope maybe they make the transitions more to the music or something cause it IS beautiful but SO FAST it makes my eyes hurt :( I DO know that they have a picture of almost every shot on their FaceBook page so you can oogle to your hearts content :)

  10. Lindsey- the zombie Colonel Sanders and Wendy and Ronald McDonald had pieces of the creepy Burger King in their buckets. One of them had his head on a stick.

    My friends and I were marveling over the girl with the light-up spine and I finally just asked what her costume was and she said "I don't know, I just made it up". We were suitably impressed.

    Also there's another really cool video here. I'm in that one as part of the massive Harry Potter final battle photoshoot.

  11. Wow - you guys are so lucky to be able to go to D*C - it looks amazing, and what a fantastic video!

    My tip for taking great costume photos is always to travel with my trusty teddy bear - people just love posing with him, as you can see from his visit to this year's MCM Expo in London (you have to read it from the bottom up for the story to make sense...):

  12. Wow, that was amazing... I need to convince my parents to take me to D*C next year.

  13. Oh wow. Brings back great memories.
    I am thinking Dragon*Con next year is going to be impossible due to dwindling funds. But man I really want to find a way to get there.
    I don't really *need* two kidneys, right?

  14. WOW! I must go back! :D Btw, you must read: Ready Player One. It is geektacular.

  15. O.m.g. I'm trying to make my first costume ever and now I'm totally intimidated!! These are so fantastic it hurts.

  16. Bronies, Bat-tusi, FSM, Barfolomew. Damn I wish I didn't have such a crippling fear of crowds. Cons always look like so much fun.

  17. I'm just going to assume that you've seen the Steam punk Disney Princesses drawings and not post the link, but in case you haven't, you need to get on over to Deviant Art post haste and check them out!

  18. Whyyyy is it not Dragon*Con yet? That video was great.

    Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the heads up on Portal. I DLed it last weekend and beat it tonight. I am not a big video game player (hence why it took me so long to beat it) so this was a HUGE step for me. I AM OFFICIALLY OBSESSED. My blog this week has been all PORTAL PORTAL PORTAL and I keep listening to "Still Alive" and all I can do is think about cake. Which may or may not be a lie.

    The game was really a revelation. I know that video games are the new narrative media but I really had no idea how wonderful and subtle and clever they could be.

    Regardless, THANK YOU for showing me how to play Portal. I am forever changed.

  19. Great video...but where are the Goddess sized women? Can they possibly throw one or two of them in there instead of ONLY showing super skinny, big-boobed women?

  20. Wow. Just Wow. That D*C video was ..... just ...... WOW!!!

  21. *blushes* Just realized you already gave "Ready Player One," a shout out in the blog post about the author's amazing car. Yes, I do read your blog on a regular basis, I just have a very short mem...Ooooh! Something shiny!...What were we talking about?

  22. would be really cool if my son and daughter in law was on it.

  23. Is that Crowley of Good Omens at 2:10, putting the "fear of Crowley" into his houseplant? If so, that's awesome.

  24. Aw his was beautiful! It made me a little misty-eyed, to be perfectly honest.

  25. OMG! I so desperately want to go to D*C next year!!!!

  26. OHMIGOSH I just saw Soul Reaver's Raziel! i thought my brother and i were alone in loving that game and yet there's the most awesome cosplay of it in this vid.

    Awesome video thanks for linking, props to all the guys and gals involved.

  27. Thanks for the link - I went and watched the long version, too. It's so beautifully done and the editing is freaking amazing. I nearly got teary-eyed because it just makes me so proud of my hometown, Atlanta.

    Y'all, if you liked this video and you have never been to Dragon*Con, please consider attending next year. You get 4 very full days of events, panels, parties, costume balls and contests, live music, and so much more. And you don't have to be a die-hard nerd of any specific genre - trust me, you will love it!

  28. @katphoti - I must tell you that there were MANY goddess-sized women at D*C and even though they were not in this video, you can believe they were there. I personally took a lot of pictures of all kinds of people of all ages, races, sizes, and variations! Dragon*Con is truly for EVERYONE.

    Also wanted to mention, that if you have not been and were wondering about the crowds, I can honestly say that in spite of the number of people, everyone we encountered was polite, respectful, friendly, and displayed the best of manners! This just added to the overall enjoyment!

  29. Is it good or bad that I recognized almost every costume and could name the show/movie/series/cartoon that it came from?

    Amazing video!

  30. I had the biggest smile on my face during the entire vid. Thanks for posting it! I would LOVE to go...but would be seen as even more of a freak than I already am by my husband and family. heh

  31. <3 Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy! and FSM! So cool. My 12 year old had me go look up the Yip Yip Martians -- amazing!

  32. Was that a girl dressed as the Flying Spaghetti Monster?!?


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