Anyway, I just saw this on @thinkgeek's Twitter feed:
Plus, it reminded me of these other cool things I saw not too long ago:

(Sadly I couldn't find a website for Suzanne)

As a kid I made flowers and butterflies and other rather boring whatnots, so realizing all the geeky possibilities is making me see the art in a whole new light. I mean, think about it: How perfect would a Mario-themed Tiffany lamp be? Or a Ghostbuster's sun-catcher?
Anyway, I'm still recovering from our two days of scavenger hunting at Disney World (can't....move...) and just thought I'd share. Assuming Blogger is working at the moment, of course. Heh. Stay tuned for a report on the hunt. (Again, assuming Blogger is working.)
Oh, and gimmie some more geeky ideas for stained glass, peeps: what symbols/characters would you want to see? Just, you know, for conversation's sake? ;)
Of course, the disney princesses and roses...not super geeky, but it would make for one heck of a view in the bedroom of a 5-year-old millionaire's kid. :D
ReplyDeletehow about a stained-glass TARDIS lamp? Or suncatcher--whichever.
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout a stained-glass Triforce? And I LOVE your Mario Tiffany lamp idea.
ReplyDeleteSome ideas from the Legend of Zelda:
ReplyDeleteLink, Princess Zelda, Ganon, etc.
Triforce/Royal family crest
Music notes
Love you blog!
Check out mine?
I don't know about anybody else, but I think that the little Epbot Robot would make a mighty adorable window!
ReplyDeleteOMG, the Doctor Who possibilities are endless! A stained glass TARDIS would be gorgeous, of course, and can you imagine a rendering of one of the red-headed Companions? For my money, though, the prize would go to whoever could produce an Ood.
ReplyDeleteTardis please! If you could make it 3D and put a nightlight sized lamp inside, that would be geektacular!
ReplyDeleteUmmm... the stained glass panels from the opening scene of Beauty and the Beast? Yes? Gorgeous. For a little girl's room, maybe.
ReplyDeleteummmm..... i think the answer is obvious...... wait for it.... wait for it......... and 3.... 2..... 1......
ReplyDeleteyeah so i am definitely trying to just make this out to be like totally waaaaay more exciting than it really probably is....
you totally need to make dalek christmas ornaments out of stained glass cause... well.... stained glass christms ornaments are cool...
like fezzes...
or stetsons....
or bowties.....
i'm done........
What I wouldn't pay for a stained glass ghost busters emblem!
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter for sure!
ReplyDeleteWell, when you say stained glass and geekiness, I immediately thought of Kingdom Hearts and those awesome stained glass images of snow white and such in the tutorial levels. What about a stained glass disney/ kingdom heart themed item? maybe lay it in a shadow box with a light behind it?
ReplyDeleteI'd love a stained glass TARDIS!
I would love to use those thick black lines to incorporate hidden messages or emoticons... on my dragon-themed tiffany lamp. :)
ReplyDeleteHow about the TARDIS? Or anything DW-related, really. I'm suddenly having visions of Dalek stained-glass windows... just a thought.
ReplyDeleteA stained glass version of the Van Gogh exploding TARDIS picture would be simply gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteTARDIS stained glass! Ooo! or a glowy sonic screwdriver! Or the new logo! or the old logo! or a fez! so many fun Doctor-y possibilities!
ReplyDeleteOh, please please please do the Mario lamp! I can see it in my head and it rawks.
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday!!
Hogwarts enshrined in stained glass would be amazing! So would the Dawn Treader, or dragons, or x-wings. I'm sure there a million and one awesome things you could come up with...looking forward to seeing the photos :)
ReplyDeletewhat about a stained-glass epbot robot?
ReplyDeleteAnything Doctor Who! The TARDIS would be awesome in stained glass and I would totally buy it!!
ReplyDeleteI want to see a Triforce :D
ReplyDeleteAlso a companion cube <3
A Disney Princess line of stained glass windows!!! EEEK! It'd be so cute!
ReplyDeleteRebel symbol of course. Horde symbol from WoW. Tri-force. Serenity would be pretty, but I imagine difficult to do.
ReplyDeleteYou're gone for two days and blogger was down for two days. Coincidence?
ReplyDeleteWell, probably, but I had to type this in with one eyebrow raised.
First thought was a TARDIS, but upon further reflection, a Dalek lampshade would be AWESOME! Not too sure how you'd make the appendages, but a glowing eyestalk would be so cool!
ReplyDeleteI honestly think you can't go wrong with ANY of the suggestions! But, for me, I think the first should be a stainglass EPBOT - then let your imagination take over (you will never run out of ideas).
ReplyDeleteNow I need to take a class in stained galss. My husband will be so mad!
ReplyDeleteYou should do a set of Japan-inspired Disney characters. You'd love them. Just make them small, but leave the bottom open so you can put them over little electric tealight candles.
ReplyDeleteJen, your parents are SO cool! You lucky duck. I guess now I see where you get your mile-wide creative streak.
ReplyDeleteI second the idea of a stained-glass TARDIS! Or a Dalek. How 'bout the Enterprise? Oooh, or Harry Potter!
-runs to learn how to make stained glass-
My fiancee and I created a fantasy universe where instead of engagement rings, people gave each other tiny stained glass necklaces.
ReplyDeleteAnd it would probably only be that geeky to me, but I would love to see a stained glass phoenix. The reds and yellows and oranges would be amazing.
I don't know about anyone else but I think a stained glass Eye of Sauron would be EPIC.
ReplyDeleteSome more wonderful possibilities:
Zelda (sooo many Zelda possibilities)
Space Invaders
Snow White with the poison apple
Okami (ANYTHING from that game would be beautiful)
Gir from Invader Zim
Spiderman (but it would have to be huge so it looked like he was climbing up your wall)
Some of the X-men characters
Anything from the Mario characters like maybe Rosalina and the stars from Super Mario Galaxy
The list could go on.
I would become deliriously happy if I ever saw a stained glass Cylon Centurion. Imagine if you could even make the eye slit glow red? I may have to learn to this stained glass stuff.
ReplyDeletehow about a stained glass portal companion cube lamp?
ReplyDeleteI'm definately loving all the 3D tardis ideas - perfect! But id also want a stained glass flying snitch sun catcher! Or a 3D K-9...or an image of ravenclaws diadem or a a box with the top having the hogwarts crest and then each side having one of the house crests......
ReplyDeleteNow I really want to make all of these!! Post a tutorial someday?
I think something from LOST like a DHARMA logo or something with the numbers would be pretty cool. :)
ReplyDeleteOriginal Enterprise ... NCC 1701 all the way.
ReplyDeleteWeeping Angels!! That would be awesome! Like one with the face covered, and one scary face.
The One Ring, huge sized, so you could do the Elvish script.
I'm thinking of a triptych of some of my faves:
ReplyDeleteThe Tardis, next to a Snitch, next to...what? Maybe the symbol of the Rebellion. Although, I guess we could go obvious and do a light saber...
I'd love to see a heartless symbol window. Oooh, or one of the Nobody sigil using that glass that looks black, but has a ton of colors when the light hits it.
ReplyDeleteMy Kingdom Hearts geek is showing, isn't it.
Bwhaha! I took a stained glass course last year, but unfortunately, haven't convinced myself to do anything like this yet. What would be really awesome would be to combine it with the old painted glass style of cathedrals, art nuveau, and geek.
ReplyDeleteOh, I was going to say the Serenity logo, until someone mentioned Harry Potter. Where is that Platform 9 3/4 stained glass sign? I need to buy it!
ReplyDeleteDragonNight is right...Zelda seems perfect for stained glass.
ReplyDeleteTo continue the stained glass in Star Wars that you started, the iconic crossed sabers of Luke and Darth Vadar under the stairs would be pretty cool!
Blogger was down when I tried to wish you a happy birthday, so here's a belated happy day to ya! You share the day with Edward Lear, Florence Nightengale, Katharine Hepburn, Bruce Boxleitner, and Tony Hawk. Good company.:-)
The one and only thing I have just realized I cannot live without is a Boo (from Mario) made of glass. I can't even buy a plushie or any merch of him because although he's MY favorite there's never any Boo merch when I go looking :(
ReplyDeleteI've always liked the idea of stained glass images of one's pets.
ReplyDeleteI also like the idea of simple images that symbolize something. So here are my geeky ideas in that vein...
Cheshire Cat smile and eyes
Steampunk top hat with goggles
T-Rex mouth with teeth (Like this: Click here)
Dr. Who's tie
ST:TNG communicator logo (I can see this with three split panes behind it, one yellow, one red, one blue)
Lightsaber (one each of all colors, of course, including purple)
The Snitch
Harry's glasses and scar
Captain Jack's compass and ring
WV: battorty. Dr. Ignatius Battorty has completed his world domination machine using Tesla coils and lightning rods.
ReplyDeleteEPBOT ROBOT PLEASE!!! Please?
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a TARDIS too, but once you're done with that, maybe a Smaug or anything else Hobbit-ey OOO or maybe just Spock live long and prosper?
ReplyDeleteI would most definitely go after a TARDIS suncatcher! Or maybe a Death Star globe lampshade :D! Actually, I would probably pay money for that.
ReplyDeleteA tardis...definitely a tardis...preferably a stained glass bedside lamp.
ReplyDeleteFlying Spaghetti Monster.
ReplyDeleteooh ooh ooh!the watchers emblem from highlander!!
ReplyDeleteStained glass looks like it would be a lot of fun to get into. :)
ReplyDeleteHow about a Muppet suncatcher? Kermit would look fabulous! Or the balloons from Up!
My first thought was a TARDIS, which everyone else thought, too... lol
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout the Federation symbol?
Ooh ooh - a Death Star! Or a stormtrooper.
The Sorting Hat... or the sword of Gryffindor...
I, for one, would get a big kick out of Master Chief, too.
Mark Stine made some amazing Disney stained glass:
ReplyDeleteTinkerbell --
Eeyore --
His glass work is extraordinary.
Great A'Tuin!
ReplyDeleteOh and yes, the 3d TARDIS night light would be nice too!
How about these for geeky stained glass?
My first thought was companion cube. Then, my second - and possibly cooler - thought was portal holes. It would just be fun and geeky to have them and be able to move them around. Put the entrance one on your front door, and the exit... where ever your guests deserve to be... lol.
ReplyDeleteI would want an R2D2 window, or an AT-AT, set in some beautiful light blue Hoth background. Drool!
ReplyDeleteAnd that Boba Tiffany lamp... too awesome for words!
Does anyone remember the movie Young Sherlock Holmes? It was a Spielberg venture and I loved it. Also happened to contain one of the earliest CGI effects ever in a big film. It was a stained glass window of a knight in a church that came to life and (sadly) caused a priest to run into the street in front of a carriage. I would LOVE to have a reproduction of that window in my house. (It doesn't exist in real life because it was CGI, right?) I would definitely give bonus points to any friend of mine that would recognise it. And the creepy factor would be delicious.
ReplyDeleteThe levels of debauchery I would sink to for that lamp... they know no bounds.
ReplyDeleteI work in stained glass and am finishing up christmas presents. My next project is for our nursery though. We are doing it subtly steam-punk.
ReplyDeleteI am making 3-d hot air balloons and flying machines to hang from the ceiling. They can be wired with little 4 watt bulbs to act as night lights in the evenings.
The mario lamp sounds like an amazing idea!
You could totally do the EPBOT bot! That would be so cute! And the Harry Potter ideas are endless!
ReplyDeleteHow about some Pokemon?? Oh wait, then I'd HAVE to learn to make them because my kids would want to catch 'em all...
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a Labyrinth piece. Maybe something with the doorknockers and the worm? The worm guy gets no love.
ReplyDeleteI'd also love to see something done with the following:
Legend of Zelda
Indiana Jones
Anything Steampunk
Anything Disney
Star Wars
Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
And I'm now going to shut-up before the list gets really, really long.
Isn't Pac Man the obvious answer?
ReplyDelete@Christina H the CGI knight from young Sherlock Holmes would be fantastic! Did you ever watch the Amazing Stories tv series in the 80's? Spielburg was producer and/or director for the 2 seasons it aired. It also had that knight (or a monochrome prototype of it)in the opening sequence. If you haven't seen it, check Netflix.
ReplyDeleteI loooved working with glass in art class. We did mosaics and melting. It was great fun. I've wanted to start it up again for years. I would like to learn how to do stained-glass.
ReplyDelete@DanaLynn - Must. Have. Pictures!! Please? When you're done?
ReplyDeleteDetailed blog on the scavenger hunt - WANT!!!
ReplyDeleteOoohhhh yeeeaahhh, the Epbot 'Bot! Seems to be a very popular choice. :)
ReplyDeleteI vote for Kingdom Hearts and Hogwarts crest :P even just the 4 colours would be really cool :)
ReplyDeleteA Stay Puft suncatcher! I'm surprised someone hasn't suggested that yet.
ReplyDeleteIf you could make a lamp of the Stay Puft that would be... beyond epic.
Maybe a Slimer suncatcher too and for that matter the Ghostbuster logo too.
The gates of Moria.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the others and say the Epbot robot is screaming for some stained glass treatment. :) It's funny that you brought this up because I used to do stained glass, too, and recently I've been itching to do it again. Expensive hobby, though.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me you've seen this:
It is immediately what I thought of when I saw this post.
The stained glass floors from the Kingdom Hearts intro levels!
ReplyDeleteI actually looked up tutorials on stained glass a while back with the Kingdom Hearts pieces in mind. It looked a little too complicated to teach myself, so I gave up on it for the time being.
Would LOVE some replicas, though.
The highlight of our Tokyo trip (aside from finding goodies for you) was the visit to the Studio Ghibli Museum. They have stained glass everywhere that captures images from the films. If you ever go, a trip to the museum is a MUST! Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Or Yen. Whatever.
ReplyDeleteI purchased a book that has pictures of all of them, but wasn't able to take any pics of them because you can't have cameras in the museum. I did, however, find some websites that have some pics.
Spirited Away window
Kiki's Delivery Service window
Totoro window
Another Totoro window
And those are just the beginning. Magical place.
For all of those posters who asked for a stained glass TARDIS...TARDIS how-to
ReplyDeleteSusanne Rosema is married to Scott Rosema, comic artist and fan, and if you type in, you'll pull up some of his stuff. I'm sure you can contact her through him.
ReplyDeleteI would so own that lamp.
ReplyDeleteAny of these would fill my soul with joy !
Disney ( Cinderella esp)
Kingdom Hearts
Zelda ( esp Wind Waker)
Personally, I would LOVE to see an 80s cartoon/video game themed project. Think HUGE and with all sorts of characters like Carebears, Popples, Rainbow Brite, TMNT, any Disney from that time (Little Mermaid, eh?), and of course, Mario and Zelda must make an appearance! It would be EPIC.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually just getting started in trying to make some of these! My stained glass tardis sold yesterday ( and I've got a triforce in my etsy shop ( There are some great ideas in the comments here!
ReplyDeleteokay, so I actually TOOK a stained glass class with Jen once, and I remember the instructor told us that it was impossible to cut concave shapes out of glass. So I'm looking at Spock's nose and thinking: "how?!"
ReplyDeleteLate to the posting party, but stained-glass MUPPETS - especially with the new movie coming out in November - come to mind,
ReplyDeleteOk, that's a completely amazing helmet.
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the list of people who think your Epbot robot would be super as stained glass.
Other things that came to mind:
auryn (Neverending Story)
Atari logo
a Lego brick
Hitchhiker's "don't panic" logo
Walked into work this morning with Star Trekkin' stuck in my head, and now it's Born Again Trek, so I thought I'd share. :p