So first, Christy and Michael had a Calvin & Hobbes-inspired engagement shoot, which was genius:

GENIUS, I say.
Then, for their actual wedding, they included these fabulous geeky details:

(Mark my words: The second I get my own Deloreon time machine, I am going back in time and wearing knee socks and Chucks with my wedding dress. Pinky swear.)

Perhaps most unique of all were the comic book action figures the men wore in place of boutonnieres. Just look how snazzy Christy's dad is sporting Captain America on his lapel:
And one more geeky detail you're going to love: after their traditional vows were complete, Michael and Christy had the officiant include a special "in the event of the Zombie Apocalypse..." set of vows. Yes, really.
Hey, Christy? Michael? I just want you to know: I make a mean batch of chocolate chip cupcakes. And we own the really *nice* DDR mats. Plus we make excellent Disney tour guides. So, our friends? Please?
All photos courtesy of Root Photography (hit the link to see more!), and a big thanks to Diane C. for this fabulous find.
Fantastic! Can I use the time machine next so I can do the light saber thing at my wedding? I knew so little of cool weddings before I got married... I really feel like we're going to have to reaffirm our vows one of these anniversaries down the road: invite all our friends and just do the fun things!
ReplyDeleteI love it!
ReplyDeleteIf I ever find me a man, he'd better be up for a geek wedding :-D
I want to get married now so I can have such great fun! Now, *looks around at all of the potential males* which one of you can handle me?
ReplyDelete*sound of crickets*
I'll so do this at my wedding and invite you. now I have to find a groom...
ReplyDeleteYou play DDR?! Is there any way that you could get cooler?
ReplyDelete(Move to Seattle! All that sun is bad for you anyway... Probably... Maybe... ._.)
We too had lightsabers at our the ceremony, as we walked back down the aisle and also in the photoshoot. Everyone was arguing over which one belonged to which person! Here's some pics (on my blog)
ReplyDeleteI want them to be my friends too!
ReplyDeletei would like to say, i have had lunch numerous times in the building/club where this wedding was held (my grandmother is a member). i feel like that makes me a much cooler person that i was before i knew about this. and somehow, it makes my grandmother cooler as well.
ReplyDeleteThings like this make me want to get married again. We did have matching chucks, but that was it!
ReplyDeleteOn my wedding day, I actually said my vows twice: once in English, and once in Ishuan (a language I developed for one of my hope-to-be-published-novels). I actually got more choked up during the Ishuan set!
Also, since my wedding was outside, my bridesmaids and I went hobbit: we were barefoot! (How awesome not to worry about shoes!)
I absolutely love love LOVE all the elements of this wedding and this couple!!
ReplyDeleteMy cousin did the light-saber entrance for their reception, her son walked her down the aisle (he's 4) and he carried a storm trooper doll! It was amazing :D
I'd really like to borrow your time machine when you're done with it, Jen!
I want to borrow that time machine too, m'kay? Now, we did have "A New Hope" engraved inside our rings, and played StarWars theme music for our processional, but light sabers never crossed my mind, *sigh*. Plus, I would TOTALLY geek out my cake. Maybe with my second husband that my current hubby keeps talking about.... (loooong story, heh)
ReplyDeleteThat's just plain awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy fiancee and I are getting married in June with a Lord of the Rings theme. All of the costumes for the wedding party are handmade by my incredibly talented mother. The only problem is that she won't let me use multiple themes, or Wolverine would be there (I sent him an invitation out of courtesy but I don't think her will make it, what with him being fictional and all)
Her brother in law is planning on going dressed as a monk until we walk back down the aisle and he reveals his jedi costume and lightsaber. Brilliant.
I even talked her into letting me turn the wedding into a DnD campaign. There may be some trouble if I don't hit my Cakecutting Roll.
Sidenote: I read the comments on here fairly often and I must wonder... am I the only male who reads Jen's brilliant blog?
As much as I love the geeky wedding details, especially the Calvin & Hobbes inspired pics, I'm more curious about these chocolate chip cupcakes. I made some with pioneer woman's flour-made frosting, and while the combo was delicious, the cupcakes were just alright. Recipe to come?
ReplyDeleteI love the converse! And the Zombie vows sound awesome.
ReplyDeleteThe awesomeness of these weddings prove that we need a geek dating site like eHarmony (GeekHarmony?).
After all, most of us prefer web chatting than actual conversation, right? Right? No? Just me?
Awesome! I would attend that weeding in a heatbeat!
ReplyDelete@Blake Cates, nope you're not the only male that reads Jen's blog... Just one of the few brave enough to post... :-)
ReplyDeleteGod, my wedding was so BORING compared to all the awesome geek weddings I've seen.
ReplyDeleteOf course, when a geek (me) marries a jock (Huz), I'm guarenteed to NOT have anything geeky at the wedding.
Except for my dragon wedding goblets. I refused to get married without them. Huz made roaring sounds with his everytime he took a sip.
My wedding was supposed to be outside, but it rained. And an elk pooped on the altar. But it fit with the redneck wedding cake (tiers of twinkies and Suzy-Qs).
ReplyDelete@ Blake - I can also assure you you're not the only guy here; I get e-mail from quite a few. Maybe Lissy's right, and they're just too shy to post a comment? ;)
ReplyDeleteMy fiance is DYING to know where they got the Batman in sitting here going "I want a Batman right...I want a Batman ring!...I want a Batman ring toooooo"
ReplyDeletei read about a geek dating site awhile back. can't remember what it was called. hmm.. i would totally go barefoot, that sounds AMAZING!!!
ReplyDeleteI know it's not much, but at our wedding, our exit music was the Throne Room music from the end of Star Wars (I refuse to call it A New Hope).
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, and our wedding cake had a topper designed by my wife. Instead of a bride and groom, we had two computers whose screens had our AOL screen names. We met on AOL back in the days that that sort of thing was less common.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this! It gives me more ideas for my own wedding!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what is written on her Chucks? There's another picture of them on the link that Jen included, but I can't tell what the last word is.
"I <3 My _______"
Squeeeee! So glad you enjoyed this!
ReplyDeleteDiane C.
i thought this was totally cute!!!!
I didn't even know Chucks were geeky. I was ahead of everyone. Now I can't wait to get married to have a geeky wedding.
ReplyDeleteThis actually made my boyfriend get excited about weddings... He's insane over the groom's ring.
ReplyDeleteThat shake you felt? That was the very fabric of space/time wobbling.
Yay geek weddings! ;)
ReplyDeleteJen!! John!!! I thought of you both when I saw ths...
I am not skilled enough today to do this, but you two are!
all geeky love :)
I SWEAR I'll invite you to my wedding. I promise nerdy delights shall abound!
ReplyDeleteIf I ever again get married, I swear, I'm doing Zombie Apocalypse vows.
ReplyDeleteScrew tradition.
OMG I LOVE the C&H pics! I am a huge C&H fan--I cried when the last comic was in the papers and I cut it out and kept it.
ReplyDelete"It's a wonderful day, Hobbes old buddy...
"...Let's go exploring!"
Those quotes they used in their shoot are some of my favorites! Although they missed: "Archeology is the most mind-numbing job on the planet."
And I agree--I totally should've worn fun shoes at my wedding. Oh well...
That Calvin and Hobbes cover was on the groom's cake at our wedding. 15 years last Wednesday <3
ReplyDeleteThat engagement photo made me think of the Allie Brosh (of Hyperbole and Half) photo.
ReplyDeleteallie is engaged
Velociraptors Rule!
Argh! How could you tease us with talk of zombie apocalypse vows and NOT TELL US WHAT THEY WERE!
ReplyDeleteWhen my fiance and I get married, we've already got a couple geeky things planned. Our cake is going to be Jurassic Park themed, with bride and groom T. Rexes on top.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I plan to submit this to Sunday Sweets. It better be a sweet and not a wreck. . .
When I walk down the aisle, we're going to have the pretty piano theme (A Tree For My Bed is the official soundtrack track), and when we both walk back down after saying our vows we will have the main theme of the movie playing.
we had video games at our reception, we're not big dancers so we played guitar hero and carnival games on a couple of wiis. totally want to borrow that time machine though and have star wars music played during the recessional :)
ReplyDeleteso cute!! I think the sneakers are my favorite thing... I wish I could do that at my wedding... *wistful sigh*
ReplyDeleteLove it! My best friend got married in '08 and all the guys wore chucks---including my son who was ring bearer and who now has to have a new pair of chucks every time he outgrows his old ones. (I'm just biding my another year or two I'll be able to wear his cast offs!) They also had Lion-O and Castaspella as their cake topper, which was fabulous. :)
ReplyDeleteChanda---from a work computer that won't allow signing into gmail for some reason
Have you been to
ReplyDeleteThey feature lots of nerd-tastic weddings like this!! :D
Check this out from the the Disney Wedding Blog - Star Wars/Disney Mash-Up Wedding
I found this on Disney's wedding blog...
ReplyDeleteThe Pretty Pixie cake toppers and pendants
These are so squee-worthy!
The Burton Inspiration
Check out this wedding.
ReplyDeleteNot as geek chic, but still looks like it was a blast!
I adore the shoes and light saber entry. SO clever, fun, and original!
ReplyDeleteI felt so positively pedestrian reading the blog and comments today but then I remembered that I did sneak in a geeky detail at my own wedding - I walked down the aisle to "Storybook Love" - the theme song from "The Princess Bride". That's got to earn my SOME geek cred, right? Right? Just a wee bit? Pleeeeze?
ReplyDeleteOur wedding had subtle geek-bits... like the Throne Room music for our recessional, and our cake had video-game songs engraved into the frosting (Final Fantasy's "Victory" theme, and three Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time songs) around the tiers. Our wedding party also conspired to give us a light-saber arch into the reception. :D
ReplyDeleteI love them. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteAlso a single, somewhat geeky female. A search on MentalFloss yields SweetOnGeeks Hmmm...maybe I should check it out?
ReplyDeleteOMg ! This is FULL of the awesome !!! Because *I* didn't have a geeked-out wedding (and maybe ... just MAYbe ... because my ex just didn't "get" me), I'm thinking that's why we didn't make it.
ReplyDeleteYeah. I'm going with that.
The next one will be a hoot. Guaranteed.
Oh, and there MIGHT be a DeLorean with the 1930s Mickey and Minnie riding in style.
Just saying ...
Oh, and if all goes well ...
ReplyDeleteMickey and Minnie will be wearing Jedi robes and carrying light sabres.
Ok, Jen & John, if I get married you'll be, uhm, 234th on the guest list (after my family, friends, etc., etc.) On the bright side, it'll probably be in Hawaii.
ReplyDeleteI followed the link and read up on the other fun details. Like they had an old-timey gumball dispenser filled with M&Ms. And along with the cake, they served milk and cookies. How fun! Beats 12-course Chinese wedding feasts hands down.
I LOVE it! I'm getting married in mother would kill me...but I can dream, can't I?
ReplyDeleteIf you never saw it, you should swing by our facebook page and check out our Link and Zelda on the wedding cake. Ours was Hawaiian clothing for the bridal party, I played Final Fantasy and Chrono Cross music while we were eating, and we referenced the Simpsons and the X-files in both the ceremony and the vows. Oh, and he proposed with the One Ring (you know, to rule them all).
Girls Are Geeks
My husband loves the Tasmanian Devil so in our wedding, my future husband and the 4 little nephews that were in the wedding wore vests with the Tasmanian Devil on was great!
ReplyDeleteI love it! Thanks for featuring our work! :)
ReplyDeleteWhen my husband and I got married last year, we had Chucks custom made for our wedding and wore them. We wore them the entire evening. His were black, mine were white, but both had accents in our wedding colors. To top it all off, we had the wedding date embroidered on the back "spine" of the shoe. It was pretty easy (all on the Converse website) and for $60 bucks, not bad for wedding shoes! :) I wore mine for much our Disney honeymoon too (gotta have good walking shoes).