I'm a little late for Pi Day, but how adorable are these Pi/e earrings?!?

And only $7.50?? Dudes. I may have to think about someday possibly getting my ears pierced. Seriously. (Hit the link for more pie choices.)
The same seller also has some fabulous punctuation earrings:

Grammar geeks, rejoice!
Bet you never thought hanging a DVD motor around your neck could look this good:

Copper and Chartreuse Computer Motor Statement Necklace $50, Clone Hardware
Also, I've decided I'm a fan of copper and chartreuse. Don't they look snazzy together?
For you Lovecraft fans:

She uses semi-translucent clay, so the tentacle almost looks real. Creepy and awesome, all at the same time.
I've never had a school ring before, but after seeing this, I'm thinking that needs to change:

Accio Hogwarts ring!!
[tapping toe]
[checking watch]
Well, drat.
Guess I'll just have to buy it.
Oh, and this seller also has some sweet Superman, Star Wars, and even Stargate designs. (Yes, really: Stargate.) Hit the link to check 'em out.
Over in the Classic Gamer Goodies section, we have:

Geeky bling! Yes!
This seller also has sterling Mario and Link pendants - hit the link to see 'em.
And speaking of Mario...

This is adorable.
Or, for something really old-school:

Love this SO MUCH.
Curse my tiny wrists and their inability to wear bangles! CURSE THEM.
Um, are sloths geeky?
Can we just say they are?
'Cuz just looking at this makes this geek happy.
And I would post the über adorable spork and duck-billed platypus necklaces, too, but then your brain would explode from cuteness. So you'll just have to hit the link to check 'em out.Ok, that's enough shopping for today. Well, unless *you* have something awesome to share, in which case: put your links in the comments!
I can't remember if you've posted something like this before, but I saw this (after looking at the Pi/Pie earrings...LOVE that shop!!!) and thought you'd like it: Vintage Typewriter Bracelet
ReplyDeleteOMGosh- I LOVE sloths! They must have the best life lazing around all day long!! That pendant is too funny! And you can't Accio the Hogwarts ring because I already did it first, and In hanging on tight!! ;)
ReplyDelete-Slytherin Mags aka Magius Malfoy
ReplyDeleteYou featured my earrings! (I'm Nerd Goddess). Thank you soooooo much, I so appreciate it! I've loved your blogs forever and think you're all kinds of awesome, so this is incredibly cool!
I love the sloth! I don't know if hedgehogs are any more/less geeky than sloths, but it reminds me a bit of this that I received for my birthday last year. He may just need a slothful friend.
ReplyDeleteThere's a great video about pi here. Of course it's more fun to celebrate and make things with pi, but with Tau you get double pi(e)! :)
ReplyDeleteHa! I know what Jen has been doing...don't you just love etsy? I love this Alice in Wonderland steampunky necklace!
ReplyDeleteHogwarts ring person has Battlestar rings, too! Present for the boyfriend! Last year he got me BSG dogtags, so it's time to return the favor.
ReplyDeleteActually, it's easy to switch an earring from a french hook to a magnetic or clip earring - no need to poke holes in your head :)
ReplyDeleteI'm 28 weeks pregnant with our second baby, and I'm pretty sure he'll be born deprived if I don't buy him a Yoda hat like this.
ReplyDeleteOoh, ooh - you should check out my favorite etsy seller, BeatBlack! In addition to making tentacles and other sea creatures out of clay, she has cute and creepy cupcakes, bodyparts, and candy jewelry for sale.
ReplyDeleteI have tiny wrists that don't allow me to wear bangles as well! I always felt like I was the only one. It's too bad, that Pac-Man bangle really is adorable. :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband's nickname is Sloth. He enjoys sci-fi movies and books, and video games, as well as math and science. Based on this, I can say that Sloths (or at least this one!) are geeky!
ReplyDeleteGAH! Must have sloth! That is so friggin cute!
ReplyDeleteI NEED that sloth! my son wrote a little poem about sloths when he was only in 3rd grade, and ever since, sloths have had a soft spot in my heart.
ReplyDeleteWell, this has nothing to do with jewelry, but it made me think of you. Picture 10.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking how my son would grow up one day (he's 5) and I could buy him stuff like this. Then I flashed back to high school and the time I wore my Star Trek pin on my black blazer, cause I thought it was cool. All I can say is the phrase, Social Suicide" from Mean Girls comes to mind, as my friends both made fun of me and made me take it off. I am so glad to be out of High School and that other geek girls exist.
ReplyDelete*surprised he doesn't have a Drive Shaft ring, that would be cool too.
I'm really liking these spoon bracelets on Etsy. The store makes a lot of other cool things with silverware-its a really neat concept.
ReplyDelete...I was sure that in that last link you promised me a Spock necklace instead of a spork necklace. And while that spork was adorable (And that Platypus! D'aww!), I was slightly disappointed not to encounter a chibi vulan-saluting Spock silhouette at the other end of the link. On the other hand, I now have that image in my head, will be sketching it out for the good of mankind.
ReplyDeletePosts like this almost make me wish I wore jewelry... XP
Over at teefury they have a Stargate tee that I absolutely had to get.
ReplyDelete$10 today only.
Hope the link worked.
From my shadowcasting group for Repo! the Genetic Opera you can combine your fandom love with Disney!!
ReplyDeleteCheck out Pavi's actually removable face mask!
This isn't exactly jewelry, but this I thought of you.
ReplyDeleteI love that Sloth!! All of these items are really fun. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI tried to summon the Hogwarts ring too. Oh well!
ReplyDeleteI love the typewriter jewelry like Allison does, but I haven't yet chosen what keys I need. I just bought this locket for my city.
ReplyDeleteOh, Jen. I feel ya on the small wrists thing. My brother once told me that if my wrists got any smaller, my hands would fall off. So no bangles for me. : (
ReplyDeleteStill, wicked cute jewelry!
(WTF, my WV is 'outie'. I don't even have to TRY. Booo.)
adorable cupcake earings! I just love these! Plus, she has wee jars of pixy dust, and some other lovely things.
ReplyDeleteI make
ReplyDeleteRecycled Circuit Rings ! That's geek chic right?
I own one of the sloth necklaces. I bought the baby sloth from this seller and I love it!! I have has it for almost a year now. i can vouch that it is good quality and it was a little bigger then i thought it would be. but it is awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteDiving helmet
ReplyDeleteDon't know if you've seen this but I want it bad!
OMG the manatee necklace! Surely being a Floridian you had to have been happy to see that one make a necklace. The baby sloth was so adorable as well. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletewv: jerty--A t-shirt that's designed to look like a jersey
Although the sloth necklace is freaking adorable, I checked out her stuff and there is a manatee necklace! (I'm a little obsessed with them, and my boyfriend even adopted me one as a birthday gift).
ReplyDeleteAs for nerd accessories, I happen to love the jewelry from this seller,very steampunk-y http://www.etsy.com/listing/67973675/egyptian-scarab-beetle-steampunk-watch
Even though it isn't wearable, I thought this was pretty awesome: http://www.etsy.com/listing/62396707/periodic-table-of-elements-soap-bar
I know you don't have kids, but for those who do...
ReplyDeleteHow geek-chic-cool is this as a way to preserve you child's artwork?!
K. So. Not jewelry...or sloths...but I HAVE A PANDA HAT and I am filled with geeky joy.
I just got it today from my mom, and a squeed like a little fangirl.
You are going to do a lot of damage to my wallet with this one VERY informative post. SHAME ON YOU!
ReplyDelete*off to Etsy*
For anyone who likes candy, a friend of mine is a glassblower who has a whole line of candy-inspired jewellery.
Oh, those pi/pie earrings are awesome! You should get your ears pierced, Jen. Honestly, it doesn't hurt as much as wearing clip-ons. Owowowowoww.
ReplyDeleteAlso, LOVE the 8-bit heart!
You've seen this shirt, right?
Airship pirates,*nerd moment*
the quotation earrings are AWESOME!!!! and only $7.50!! and i SO want that pacman bracelet! *sigh* thanks for showing me where to find all of these :)
ReplyDeleteOmigosh! Those pi/e earrings are awesome! So funny!
ReplyDeleteLove the Hogwarts ring, but wish it was a tad more delicate.
I love etsy.
Oh, I love the sloth necklace but I have to say that my son and I were both drawn to the manatee! When he was little we had probably the whole collection of Veggie Tales videos and one of the Silly Songs With Larry is about Barbara Manatee. We started singing and laughing so hard!
ReplyDeleteHey Jen! I know you love Disney stuff and I saw over on Hautelook.com they have graphic Disney art on sale if you wanna check it out for your office!
ReplyDeleteThank you: I bought the Pi(e) earrings for my 11 year old math geek who will get her ears pierced on her 12th birthday. Now we already have a headstart on making her birthday special. :)
ReplyDeleteI have the opposite bangle bungle. My hands are like giant mitts, meaning I rarely find bangles that will fit over them. Ah well.
ReplyDeleteWV: Cance: Plural of cannot. Julie was frustrated with all the cance, what can be done?
Oooooohhhh...I want one of those invincibility star bracelets!!
ReplyDeleteThis blog is soo bad for my budget!
but I love it. :D
Check this ENTIRE site for anything geeky/indie/gorgeous. Many of my favorite clothes items originate here.
Jewelry, crossbows, vampire slaying kits, PLUS great books?
Love the pie/pi earrings and the sloth necklace---along with half the other necklaces in that shop! I'm in love with these magnets at the moment...they are too adorable. :)
gee. thanks! now I have ordered a sloth!
ReplyDeleteokay. that sloth one? and the mario bracelet? and the Pi/Pie earrings? and the gamer heart? and the...and the.....let me just say I WANT them.
ReplyDeleteHi Jen.
ReplyDeleteLast Friday, at the tender age of 31 I had my ears pierced for the first time. Largely because I keep seeing all these totally cute earrings and to be honest - clip ons hurt. So I just took a deep breath and visited a piercing studio.
My pirecer (to placate me, because I was kind of freaking out) told me that we're constantly doing worse things to ourselves, like stubbing our toes.
And she was right, I survived. In just a few short weeks I'll be going nuts with earrings! Those punctuation ones are awesome!
Awesome! I saw the comment for "Stargate" and went running. That fellow is very talented.
ReplyDeleteCourse, then my mind went to Stargate and rings, and I pictured Jack getting a ring like that for Sam. Then I pictured the injuries he would receive until he bought her a set of Pi earrings to make up for it. And mayhaps a certain pendant...
wv: equit - "That's it! Equit this lousy job."
I think we need to officially name the sloth geeky. SO cute!!
ReplyDeleteDid you see today's Woot Shirt?
One of my favorite jewelry makers on Etsy is Surly Ramics. She has lots of geeky designs, for awhile some TARDIS necklaces were up (they sold out fast though). They're awesome ceramic necklaces.
I never bothered to get a class ring since I hated both high schools I attended and saw no reason to spend good money on a reminder of poor times.
ReplyDeleteHowever when I saw the Hogwarts ring, I knew I had to have it! Reading Harry Potter was how I got through most of my school years so what could be more fitting?
Also I second Allison's comment, and I can vouch for the quality of Surly's necklaces, I own a TARDIS one myself and it's lovely!
Since I know you love Portal, I thought these were right up your alley.
Laser cut acrylic Portal friendship necklace set