I got so many great photos at MegaCon on Saturday that I had to split the day's post in two. Here's the second half:
I don't know the character, but I love this costume! Let's call her Samurai Fish. With piglet.

The Joker & Harley Quinn get married?
These guys are ready to believe you:

This is the first time I've seen
The Real Ghostbusters - aka the animated version - cosplay! Love the red glasses on Spengler.
(The guy on the right just happened to be standing there; he's from GB2.)
These three were amaaazing:

Again, I don't know the characters - assuming they *are* characters, and didn't just invent cool costumes.The guy had small birds all over his costume, which you can see better here:

The feather headpieces on the girl in red were just gorgeous, too.
Anyone else play Kingdom Hearts?

That's one creepy looking Halloween Town Sora.
This lady had a neat concept costume: "Sarah, Queen of the Goblins."

Hey, any reference to
The Labyrinth is good with me!
When I pointed this next girl out to John, I'm pretty sure he blushed:

While I took her picture John stared studiously at the floor. Ha! (He was convinced she was 16. I'm pretty sure she was older than that, though.) She's from World of Warcraft, btw.
Time for a Bender!

Saturday evening was the costume contest. We photographed most of the best entries before or after the show, but the only shot I got of this Super Family was onstage:

They entered their newborn baby as baby Superman, and then dressed as his parents Jor-El & Lara! Talk about starting your geeky parenting off on the right foot - this kid is going to have a
super childhood, I just know it.
(Sorry. Couldn't resist.)
Here's a handmade Zazu puppet, ala The Lion King:

And now those Bioshock photos I promised:

YES! They even found a willing Splicer to play dead for them.

Look out! There's another one behind you! *giggle*
(Actually, to be more accurate that Splicer should be ambushing me in the bathroom. Eh? Am I right, or am I right?)
Hey, Jokers, why so serious?
Captain America:
This next guy
made his entire Iron Man costume. As often as I've seen great Iron Man costumes, I still can't wrap my brain around that.


I got a chance to chat with the builder of that great Time Machine, Thomas Galvin, and also to take a few detail shots:

The large disk/saucer in the back actually rotated, and the whole thing is built on a medical scooter, so Thomas can drive it! It took 15 months to build, and took first place in the 'Technical Achievements" category of the costume contest.
Here's a shot of the console, which was set to the day's date:

You can see a few progress pictures, plus get links to Thomas' video series,
And finally, here's the stuff a geek's dreams are made of:

Two time machines! Can I get a "Awwww, yeeeaaah!?"
Just one more post of MegaCon costumes coming up, and then we'll get back to some crafty tuts and general geekery. Thanks for bearing with my cosplay craziness, all. :)