Yes, really.
And yes, only in Japan.
[Edit: Or raves. Assuming they even have those anymore. Heh.]
However, as I watched the girls marching silently and rather creepily toward the camera in the video below (especially around 0:45), all I could see was a new breed of villain for the good Doctor.
Take a look and see if you agree:
via LikeCool
Now we just need one of you video geniuses to splice these shots in with a Doctor Who chase scene. I'll even let you choose which Doctor. :D Then I will post it and giggle uproariously. Mostly because I like the word "uproariously."
Oh, and also: synchronized mouth lights as fashion? Really? And here I thought the LED eyelashes were out there. At least the lashes draw attention to the eyes, and could be a fun costume accessory:
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want my teeth getting that much attention. Ladies? Gentlemen? Geeks? What say you all?
Oh, and also: synchronized mouth lights as fashion? Really? And here I thought the LED eyelashes were out there. At least the lashes draw attention to the eyes, and could be a fun costume accessory:
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want my teeth getting that much attention. Ladies? Gentlemen? Geeks? What say you all?
Thanks to Rebecca R. for rocking out with her mad video-editing skillz. ;)
This actually isn't that new; I've seen them at costume emporiums and from a couple of my raver friends. However, this *is* the first that I've seen of a whole BUNCH of people wearing flashing mouth... things. <_< In synchronicity, no less!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't wear one unless it was to a black light party, and even that isn't a promise. :/
By the way, this is the first time I've ever worked up the courage to actually comment on either of your blogs. ^_^; Yay, milestones! :D
Oh, that's right! I remember something about lighted mouth pieces for raves. It sure stands out on the street, though!
ReplyDeleteAnd double yay for milestones! :D
Somehow if I saw them coming at me I would run shrieking thinking they were some sort of rabid zombies or something lol.
ReplyDeleteI wonder tooth lights would look better in person. I think the eyelash thing would look a lot less cool in dim light, where the lights would appear blurry and details of the face would be lost.
ReplyDeleteI do think they synchronicity is pretty slick, though!
Up where I live you can buy them at the dollar store. Raves are big here.
ReplyDeleteIn the infamous words of the Cybermen, "You will be upgraded!"
ReplyDeleteNot much of an upgrade if you ask me. The only evil those may do is blind someone. Of course maybe it is a whole different kind of upgrade...making Cybermen look like human girls!!!! The tooth lights are really their mouth-speaking things. (Don't you love my vocab.) More lovely ideas coming soon!
DeleteAlso, I just had to do some stuff and to publish this I had to prove I was not a robot....robot...robot...robot...you...will...be...UPGRADED!
DeleteThat is a little creepy. I'll have a chat with my editing whizz/Doctor Who megafan of a friend and see what we can come up with :D (<-- non glowing teeth)
ReplyDeleteWV: Allychi - Those LED lashes look allychi.
Like some of the others I have seen the light up mouth thing before.
ReplyDeleteFound the eyelash lights rather interesting, but looking at the video they turn on and off as you tilt/move your head... how distracting would that be?!
Reminded me of some other eye jewelry that I saw a while back. They are crystals hanging from a CONTACT LENSE. The idea of wearing it makes my skin crawl!
I think the LED eyelashes look pretty cool, like an alien princess would wear. I wish I had those, I could be a new Doctor Who alien princess for Halloween.
Deleteoh my they are terrifying!! Like a whole new breed of Autons *weeps* the creepiest villains are the ones that can hide in plain sight. Someone should mail these to Mr Moffat and see if he can write them in! :)
ReplyDeleteI want lights inside my head so they'll shine through my nostrils and ears. And of course highlight my shapely braincase.
ReplyDeleteThis is so funny to me!!!! My 7 year old daughter just came home from her school skating party with a blinking/flashing led mouth light! She thought it was the coolest thing ever. And, to a 7 year old, rollerskating in a dimly lit rink with a blinking rainbow led mouth probably was pretty stinkin' cool. :)
ReplyDeleteReally? Really? I mean really? I guess I just don't get it.
ReplyDeleteCan you even TALK with crazy flashing lights in your mouth?!
ReplyDeleteOkay, the mouth lights = creepy, but the eyelash lights = the new Audi headlights, no?
ReplyDeleteMildly creepy, that.
ReplyDeleteBTW - I blame you for my current obsession. You kept mentioning Doctor Who and Daleks and such and so I started watching on Netflix... two seasons in less than a week. I don't have time for this! Argh!
It's all your fault.
Thank you. :)
your welcome i started the same way with my brother making me watch and episode... you should see my room now. it is whovian heaven!!!!
DeleteAt first I was like, oh it must be part of one of those incomprehensible (to Western eyes) Japanese fashion subcultures. Like, gyaru or something. But no, they were all in perfect normal, toned-down work and street clothes. And then I thought, maybe a protest? But there are at most 20 of those girls, so that doesn't make sense either. I think maybe they're trying to disprove the human ability to reason and provide scientific explanation for phenomena, one gobsmackingly strange act at a time.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's all I got.
The singer for Rammstein was rocking a crazy mouth light on his recent show in Madison Square Garden. (Also seen in Ich Tu Der Weh I love that song.)
ReplyDeleteThey are pretty zombie-like, aren't they? That's crazy.
ReplyDeleteI'm in Nashville, and here the little kids wear them at the skating rink. And now I am cracking up because my "word verification" word is "conads." bahahaha!
ReplyDeleteI thought Cybermen too! More specifically the end scene of 'The Rise of the Cybermen' where they're all advancing towards the Doctor going, "Delete, delete, delete..."
*going off to watch some more DW*
It's extra scary because they are not talking as they walk. I have never seen a group of teenage girls this silent. The lights in their mouths are obviously aliens who hate the high pitched sound of teenaged human females. Plus they are walking all stiff and creepy! Not my cup of tea.
ReplyDeleteThose lights for her eyelashes cannot be good for her eyes! A light that close for an extended period of time, has to do some damage.
ReplyDeleteThere are some crazy fashions in Japan!
I, too, have seen them as such place as those that supply glow sticks and clip-on candy-colored dreadlock pigtails...but never used like this.
ReplyDeleteI, personally, like the eyelash lights much better...those are actually mighty pretty and I rather want some.
It also used to be beautiful and sexy to blacken the mouth and teeth. This reminds me of that.
ReplyDeleteWhoa. Uncanny Valley for sure. It reminds me a little bit of the Cybermen mouths.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for someone to cook up the Doctor Who video splice. Matt Smith, please??? (I'd say Tom Baker, but I think it would be funnier if the time period matched up.)
ReplyDeleteOk, that just freaks me out a little. Walking all in unison, the lights flashing in unison...I see villain.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have seen the mouth glow things, but not the blinking mouth piece. People are strange that is for sure.
And no, I wouldn't want to draw that kind of attention to my mouth. unless... oh nevermind. :)
@Scotland, OMG you could not PAY me to wear those contact lenses. I would never make it five seconds with one of those in.
ReplyDeleteI've seen the mouthpieces before myself, mostly in the dollar stores. But synchronized like that...well, that's just a new kind of weird.
@Kristi, I LOLed at your verification word! Sounds like a new catch word to be used on the Conan O'Brien show!
I'm giggling at the title of the video "Party in the Mouth!" ROFL
ReplyDeleteThe clicking of the heels and the blinking of the lights is a little creepy!
I'm a little suspicious of this video. Too much synchronicity, as Lily has already mentioned. Doesn't seem plausible, esp for a dollar store purchase.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely creepy. It's the girls' silence that makes it so very strange and Dr Who worthy. I hope someone comes up with a clip for you.
ReplyDeleteI dunno, I think they'd be kinda fun to wear on a Bike Party night.
I think it's pretty cool. We have the mouth pieces here in NJ but I haven't seen the eyelash lights yet.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I had a good idea for a Doctor Who (Matt Smith version) episode while we were at Disney World (wearing our Steampunk Mickey Ears). It goes a little something like this. The Doctor and Amy Pond land on some planet and there is a huge line - I mean huge - 100,000 people at least. And every ten seconds or so, they all take a step forward. And then there's screaming. And the Doctor can't figure out what's going on - and then Amy Pond figures out they're at an amusement park. But then, it turns out that the "ride" that everyone is in line for is to be fed to some horrible monster or put into a machine that makes you docile or a robot or something. And Doctor Who and Amy Pond have to save the day.
ReplyDeleteI had these little tiny glow sticks when I was around 10-12 that were meant to go in your mouth and stay there. They were recalled fairly fast though because they were only the size of a tic-tac and burst really easily. My mouth was green for a week!
ReplyDeletePerhaps if the lights blinked or changed colour in time to music or with your breathing.... nope, still creepy.
ReplyDeleteI wondered if the girls were so silent because they couldn't speak with all that.. stuff.. in their mouths. In that case it may be a blessing in disguise.
People are weird.
Not gonna lie, as creepy as the walking girls are, the mouth light looks fun!! (In the right situation of course) Also, as a contact wearer, I checked out the "jewelry contacts." I thought they looked like they'd be really uncomfortable... But they look like they'd be a fun thing to wear to like a formal dance or something :)
ReplyDeleteSlightly off the Smile/Who topic; but I just ran across this and thought - Jen must have her copy already right?
ReplyDeleteThe Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force [Vault Edition] http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/m2GLMRD6KSVT3H/ref=ent_fb_link
May the force be with you as you finish the latest Cake Wrecks book.
That was just creepy. As I watched their zombie-like walk and blinking mouths, all I could think was "resistance is futile."
ReplyDeleteI also kept expecting the girls to start saying "delete, delete, delete," except they probably can't talk with those lights in their mouths!
ReplyDeleteI love it! It is so Doctor Who!!! I can't wait to see what someone puts together I'm sure it will be brilliant! hahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteI've made a few pairs of LED eyelashes and they don't affect your vision at all because they're underneath your eyes and no light is reflected up. They're awesome fun to wear: http://www.flickr.com/photos/changelyng/5129513951/in/set-72157603914804213/
ReplyDeleteI made a mask with LEDs on the inside and that was more distracting because the light was reflected up into my eyes. Still fun though: http://www.flickr.com/photos/changelyng/5255711300/in/set-72157603914804213/
I think Japan culture is cool.
ReplyDeleteHey Jen! I was cruising a friend of mine's fashion blog and she posted a wishlist for a site called uncommongoods.com. A lot of the stuff I thought you would be interested in! You can check it out here!
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy!
Oh that is one of the dumbest things I've seen in a long time. What on earth makes those girls think there is anything remotely attractive about them? Never would you find one of those things in my mouth! I'd be curious, too, to know how that other girl sees over those lighted eyelashes. Oh, I can totally see some sort of villain in that video, too!
ReplyDeleteOMG Jen, have you seen THIS!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI need an adult sized Dalek.
It's like Fembots and Cybermen mated.
ReplyDeleteI just realized I gave you the wrong link...oops! This is what I get for blogging when I'm sleepy! Here's the uncommon goods link... oops!
ReplyDeleteAs a HUGE David Tennant Dr Who fan, I would love to see him trying to conquer the evil folks who make these poor girls into robots (ala Cybermen-esque).
ReplyDeleteI could see this in an old episode, with Rose. He would seem to start to fall for a gal (to the utter devestation of Rose, but being British she just soldiers on), and a little later in the show the "evil robot people" would kid-nap said gal and turn her into a robot. It would be up to the Dr and Rose to stop the evil-doers, all the while Rose thinking she has completely lost the Dr. to the new girl. Only after the battle had been won and the girls returned to their former selves would he make it clear he had no emotional attachment to her other than wanting to try to help her and the other girls. Rose's hope in the fact the Dr and she have a future builds up again... go to next epidsode. We could even get a little Captain Jack Harkness in there as well, to pretty it up even more!
I love the eyelash LED's they are freaking awesome! She looks great ;) I have seen the mouth lights before . . . H!
ReplyDeleteAll of these girls together were for an art installation.
ReplyDeleteYeah, no, that's terrifying. Twinkly-mouthed humanoid Cylon/Cybermen Japenese girl army. *shudder*
ReplyDeleteUmmm... they synchronized part? I dunno. I'm not 14 anymore. (But at 13 1/2 I would have LOVED this)
ReplyDeleteWow those are about the tackiest thing I've ever seen. And as a recovered Asiaphile (been clean for a few years) I can say I've seen some wildly tacky things.
ReplyDeleteI think that your face would start hurting from smiling constantly while wearing those.
ReplyDeleteThey creeped my out, for sure, though.
The mouth ones are creepy - but, in the right situation, I would totally go for the LED eyelashes.
ReplyDeleteI've seen them before too - but only around Halloween, when it actually might make sense as a creepy accessory to some weird costume. As a fashion statement though? I'm bewildered.
ReplyDeleteSteppin' to a rhythm by Kurtis Blow,
ReplyDeleteWho needs to think when your teeth just glow?
You can find plenty more wonderful Japanese weirdness at WTF Japan, Seriously!?
Ha ha! They should be wearing happy ghost t-shirts to complete the look... (Season 2, Army of Ghosts)
ReplyDeleteSomeone please please PLEASE make a mash-up using the Vampires of Venice episode. It matches it so well! I wish I could do it myself but I can't edit videos to save my life.
ReplyDeleteOk, maybe I could edit videos specificaly to save my life, but I digress. (And I'm sure the final result wouldn't be good anyway...)
Exterminate the Doctor!! Exterminate The Doctor!! I agree, I want to see it. :)
ReplyDeleteas a 13 year old doctor who fan... no OBSESSOR. this actually made my life.