Actually, this week John discovered a site where you can play classic Mario Brothers online, using your keyboard. Yeah. That's been greeeeat for his productivity. Although I must admit there are worse things to listen to while you're working. Classic Mario soundtrack = instant nostalgia. Ahh, memories. Of uncomfortable square-edged controllers. Being thrown across the room.
What was your favorite video game growing up, guys? (Keeping in mind that your answers will *totally* tell the rest of us how old you are. Hehehe.)
What was your favorite video game growing up, guys? (Keeping in mind that your answers will *totally* tell the rest of us how old you are. Hehehe.)
Definitely Aladdin, for the SNES. Pretty much because it was the only game I could ever beat all by myself with no cheat codes!!!
ReplyDeleteGoldminer on the Commodore PET! And M.U.L.E. on the C64. "Your M.U.L.E. has won a beauty contest!"
ReplyDeleteMy favourite video games as a kid were "Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy" and "Commander Keen: Goodbye Galaxy!"...well, the fourth one anyway. I can't quite remember the full title ^^ .
ReplyDeleteOf the Mario series, the best one was Super Mario World 3.
You should totally check out the bands NESkimos and the Minibosses...they make these cool rock versions of the old NES soundtracks, including songs from Mario. I have the "Mappy" one as my ringtone, but I'm not quite sure if either of them made it :$ .
The classic super mario of course, and Duck Hunt!
ReplyDeleteMy best friend and I used to play it on the weekends and my parents used to joke that if we got any closer to the screen, you'd be seeing one of us running around in there instead of that dog ;)
Q-bert. Definitely Q-bert.
ReplyDeleteThe original "Legend of Zelda." Also my cat's favorite; he would sit under the TV and bat at Link. He never even gave a second glance at Mario.
ReplyDeleteI am a total Zelda nerd through and through. I have played each game for some measure of time, and only four remain unbeaten by me. I adore the series -despite aspects of some of the games in particular not having jived well with me - and always will. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite classic video games are Super Mario Brothers, Final Fantasy (the first one), and Zelda (also the first one) for the NES. It was the only game system we had growing up. My parents weren't the technologically savvy type and so didn't buy us video games. Excite Bike for the NES was a lot of fun too. And the one where you actually had a game pad to use and did summer camp games like jumping over a log and doing the crabwalk and other stuff in a race. Haha, we were running on it one time and my dad thought we were having an earthquake. Good times...
ReplyDeleteMy favorite game growing up was Mario Kart for N64. Actually, our little secret: that's STILL my favorite game.
ReplyDeleteTetris! I only had two games for my Game Boy, and the other one was Home Alone.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have a console system until after college, so all my friends and relatives enjoyed kicking my butt at every Nintendo game ever made, and later every Sega and PlayStation game ever made. I could do Duck Hunt and the track game, but after that I was lost. :)
Terranigma for the SNES - it's still my favorite RPG. But I also loved Super Mario World, the Donkey Kong Games, Lufia, Breath of Fire II... And Zelda - OoT for the N64.
ReplyDeleteThe original Pac-Man for Atari. I remember him getting stuck in the corners and you'd have to jam on that damn joystick to get him out.
ReplyDeleteI also loved Super Mario Bros when the original NES came out. My brother and I knew all the secret passages and where to get all the extra coins.
But by far, our favorite game was the original Goonies 2 for NES. That one was rocking. We also had that one figured out backwards and forwards. It was called Goonies 2 because the movie was Goonies 1. Get it?
Oh, and I almost forgot Contra. Yeah, another great game. Up up down down left right left right B A start. (For those In The Know.)
I think anytime you have the music for the different levels memorized and can make up words to them then you are officially a nerd.
Honestly, I have to say I SO miss the original NES controllers. They were so simple and easy to use. I cannot figure out the new controllers. I bought Little Big Planet for PS3 because it looks like a cute little game for me to play, and I can't hardly get my guy to walk. Just like the troubles you had with Bioshock, Jen. I bought a PS3 and we never play games on it because we can't figure out the controller. So I used it for watcing movies instantly through Netflix and for my Blu-Rays (of which I have 5). Overall, the damn thing has become a $300 dust catcher.
You will LOVE This: Super Mario Bros on Violin
Oh, cloudblues just reminded me...
ReplyDeleteOregon Trail on the Apple II.
"You have died of dysentery."
Okay this is going to age telling LOL......Space Invaders LOL. I don't have really good coordination and this didn't need alot LOL
ReplyDeleteI wasn't a big video game player, but I loved playing Rogue on our university mainframe.
ReplyDeleteI might be slightly younger than the rest here, Jill of the Jungle was my favourite game when I was young (also about the only computer game)
ReplyDeleteHarvest Moon!!
ReplyDeleteOh! And Dr. Mario! And the one with the dinosaurs and you shoot them with lasers (can't remember the name)! And Paper Boy! Awww man, they were all so fun.
ReplyDeleteI had ET memorized
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the youngest here buuuut hey! who cares?
ReplyDeleteMine was pokemon red... And I've been a pokemon nerd ever since. ^^'
Sonice the Hedgehog for Sega Genesis. I never got past level 3 :( I also loved super mario bros. but I didn't own a Nintendo.
ReplyDeleteHi! my favourite game was probably The smurfs for the Nes, since I coul actually play it. Otherwise I liked being my lil sister's copilot when she played Zelda (secret passages and so on)...
ReplyDeleteI know it's kind of lame, but Dr. Mario was one of my favorites. I love those fast-paced puzzle games. Plus whenever you beat certain levels, pigs, witches, and ufo's would fly across the screen. The really annoying part was that if you beat the top level all you would get for your hard work was another level after that! I wanted to scream when I finally "won" the game for the first time.
ReplyDeleteMy older sisters' copy of Monkey Island 1 and 2. Or most things by LucasArts actually =D
ReplyDeleteSuper Mario World, Wario Woods(SNES) and there was this Tetris/Dr. Mario combo pack game. You could play the two together in a challenge. My family and I would have days where we would sit there and play endlessly.
ReplyDeleteAlso Turtles in Time lol. I had so many I loved.
My favorite video game was Burger Time. I don't think it was that popular but I loved it. I'm definitely old, that was on Atari 2600. :)
ReplyDeleteI know this tells my age. I played Pong.
ReplyDeleteBut once the wonderful color Atari came out, I played Pac-man and Journey. They played Journey music and you just moved your guy back and forth to catch the music. Ahhhh. Loved that game!
Shelley in So. Illinois
I played so much civilization 1, that when I closed my eyes, I still saw little squares with pictures on it moving! And I also liked The Incredible Machine 2, and Theme Park.
ReplyDeleteOh my, I better leave my comment now *before* I check out that site. lol Loved playing that game, and lately I have been feeling so much like playing it (and many others) again!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite video game (and I can't say "growing up", because there weren't any video games when I was growing up) is Final Fantasy 3, with Mario 3 close behind! Wait, then there's Zelda (1, 2, AND 3). You really wanted me to pick ONE??
Super Mario Bros. 2 (or the version that came out in America, anyway). I loved it because you got to play as the Princess if you wanted to, and she could float. And that was awesome. :D
ReplyDeletemario was and always will be #1 in my heart!
ReplyDeleteI still think that my favorite classic game is the original Pinball for the NES. I could play that game for hours!
ReplyDeleteA while ago, my fiance even downloaded an emulator onto our PC-DVR (that he built), just so I could play Pinball. I love my geek!
I played Pac-Man, Pong & Tanks on Atari, but Mario was my first love (Mario ringtone ftw). Then there was Sonic on Sega; the sound of him running through all of those rings still plays in my head. Platform games are my joy.
ReplyDeleteMy mom didn't let us get a video game system (the whole "rots your brain" argument), so my dad got us computer games (much more educational, right?). We loved the King's Quest games, but my favorite was the Colonel's Bequest (where the main character was -gasp!- a girl!).
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm old. the original Atari - PONG!!! My brother and I spent hours..... bleep...bleep..bleep...bleep.
ReplyDeleteMy ex-hus played the original Legends of Zelda til I wanted to put my foot thru the t.v.
WV: poulk - Put down that stick, before you poulk someone in the eye!
Definitely Super Mario Bros 3! Or Tiny Toon Adventures (what? It was fun!)
ReplyDeleteSince you mentioned finding the old Mario games online I thought I would ask if you (or John) have discovered virtualNES? You can use your keyboard to play and they have hundreds of old NES games online. All the classics (Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong etc.) and a lot of stuff I had never heard of.
Its a really, really good timewaster.
Amy from Canada
Galaga! I played it for hours at the store near my house when I was a teenager, and then on the Nintendo, and even now on one of those small game systems that you plug into the TV, and it has three or four games on it, with a joystick. Which I'm explaining badly, but still - the game is still there for me to play. :)
ReplyDeleteMy fav was Mario Bros 2. And my husband just told me that it was lie! The REAL Mario Bros 2 was only released in Japan, they thought it would be too hard for Americans, so they took this other game they already had (forget what it was called) and changed the main characters to look like Mario characters, and they made those little turnip things a different color and that was it. Certainly explains a lot about why the villains were so different, and the game in general just seemed to not fit with the rest of the Mario games. I can't believe my favorite game was a sham :(
ReplyDeleteSigh... this will really age me... Q*bert, on Colecovision, no less. Pitfall is a close second.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say Sonic the Hedgehog but then I saw someone post about Commander Keen and OMG I just had a little moment of nostalgia right there.... definitely hours of fun were had with both.
ReplyDeleteI LOVED Space Invaders as a kid. My friend & I would play for hours (or until our moms told us to stop). We both had classic Atari Game system, and each of us saved up until we could buy Space Invaders.
ReplyDeleteSuper Mario 3 for NES (the one with the raccoon tail!)
ReplyDeleteAladdin, Toe Jam and Earl, Mortal Kombat 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 2--all for Sega.
I played with my younger brother who was way better than me.
Growing up my favorite game was Quest for Glory (remake) and I only ever got to play it when I visited family in a different state (it was a computer game and my parents didn't see the sense in having a computer).
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, I just remember playing some games. My cousin and I would play Contra a lot, and got so good at the beginning levels we even wrote into Nintendo Power with our accomplishment hoping to get a kudos in the magazine. LOL!
I remember playing Super Mario and the whole whipping the controller around trying to get him to jump. Ha! It made my mom so irritated. Confession time, though - I never saw the end of that until after I was married and my husband found the games to play online (which was probably about 2-3 years ago).
Pit Fall for Atari. I played it again a few years ago and was frustrated realizing that you never really get anywhere.
ReplyDeleteFrogger & Space Invaders on Atari 2600 was a big favorite. We played the covers off the joysticks. In the first week.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I love many video games, my heart will always belong to Super Mario World for the SNES. It has YOSHI! Playing that game is like comfort food for my brain, I will never stop enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteKatphoti, when I saw you mentioned Goonies 2, I was sure that you were going to say how much you hated it! My brother and I tortured ourselves with that game for years, and we NEVER figured out what the heck we were supposed to be doing, it's my number one, most despised NES game! Oh well, I guess I'm glad someone out there enjoyed it!
I absolutely loved Duck Hunt,all of the Mario games,and Paperboy!I remember blowing on the cartridges to "clean" them. This was before we had internet,and somehow EVERYONE knew to do it.Kids today are soft and have it easy! :)
ReplyDeleteMy first game love was the first Spyro, the only reason I got a PS1 was for that purple dragon. Funny that because of choosing that one game when I was a kid I'm now a Playstation fangirl almost a decade later.
ReplyDeleteOh man, nothing is going to get done at work today. I just played my first life and didn't get out of the first level. Not so good with the keyboard.
ReplyDeleteMy fave arcade game ever is Time Crisis. So. Fun.
Hmm Just One? Nope can't do - How about 1 per old school system!
ReplyDeleteAtari - Centipede, Galaxian, Pole Position!
NES - Duck Hunt no questions asked but Mario Bros and Punch Out where up there too1
Super NES - Mario Cart!
N64 - Goldeneye!
And you can't forget Tetris on the Gameboy!
So couldn't even do 1 per system! Haha - Looking at my list I guess I'm old.
Gyrus. It was a Commodore 64 game and I loved it! As well as Cops and Robbers. I was 11 when I got that beauty.
ReplyDeleteI played pacman a little bit on the old arcade machines as a small kiddie but was never that fussed.
I've never played Mario, but my first video game experience? Pong, and--get this!-- I PLAYED ONE OF THE TWO TEST UNITS THAT THEY BUILT AND STUCK IN FRONT OF GROCERY STORES IN SAN JOSE, CA. I bet there's no one else who visits this blog who can say that. They were only up for a day or three, and when we went back to play, they were so full of money that you couldn't play.
ReplyDeleteMario Party! I loved how almost every game ended with all of us on the floor laughing. But that was in college... so I'm not that old.
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot The Oregon Trail! What a flashback! I must confess, Jumpman on the Commodore 64. I played a lot of others too like Frogger and Pitfall! I have just pretty much admitted publically that I am old! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteI have fond memories of playing Mario with the one friend who was lucky enough to own a Nintendo. I would die 3 times on World 1-1, then watch him play all the way to the end of the game. :P
ReplyDeleteBut Mario 2 (via Mario All-Stars on the SNES) was the first game I ever beat all on my own. TRIUMPH! :D
I had hand-held tiger games for a bunch of the major disney movies at the time. I think Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, 101 Dalmations, and Little Mermaid. There were about 4 levels. I played them a lot. That was about it until I saved my pennies in middle school to buy a purple gameboy color so I could become addicted to pokemon -.- I think i have about 7 pokemon flavored games including pokemon pinball.
ReplyDeletePitfall. The music that played when the alligators ate you was awesome.
ReplyDeleteI played E.T. with my cousins and then my next favorite was Space Invaders in the arcade while my parents bowled in their Saturday morning league.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I have to agree with Oregon Trail on the IIE, and Mario and Zelda on the NES. Of course, when I was REALLY little, a 5" floppy disk containing the Sticky Bears and Richard Scary's World were also a favorite.
ReplyDeleteI hope PC games count, because mine was Warcraft II.
ReplyDeleteDr. Mario for the NES. I played that for hours on end, even when I was a teenager and everyone else had moved onto newer systems.
ReplyDeleteI loved playing Gauntlet at the arcade or skating rink. You got to be a girl that kicked butt.
ReplyDeletePac-Man for Atari.
ReplyDeleteI used to LOVE "Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego" .. with that giant book of facts. If I could find it today, I would so be playing it with my daughters right now!
ReplyDeleteOh - and a text based game called "Enchanter" that I played with my dad. :)
We had an atari and I loved playing Pitfall Harry!
ReplyDeleteWumpus. And Snake. Of course, that's all I could play on the computer at work, besides the Star Trek game that at that time, took up most of the computer usage by educational and government users! Back then, though, those are the only people who were using computers! I've had the same email address for 30+ years...
ReplyDeleteClassic Mario and Duck hunt for NES! - but i also played a lot of frogger because my grandparents had an old atari - that now resides in my attic minus controllers so i can't even use it :(
ReplyDeleteMy favorite video game of all time? PONG! Oh, yes. Pong. And, yes. I am OLD!
ReplyDeleteOh dear... we had the Odyssey system instead of Atari, so I played KC Munchkin a lot (their version of PacMan). I also loved Jupiter Landing (which I believe was for Commodore 64).
ReplyDeleteText adventures were my thing. I believe I had one called "Earthquake." No graphics. No sounds. Just a line of text and you had to type in commands and directions. For example, "A massive earthquake hit the mall. You can hear the cries of people. You are uninjured. You need to try to get everyone out safely. In the distance, you see a bucket." Then you'd have to type in something like "get bucket." To which the evil computer monster would say, "You can't get the bucket. There is a rabid chihuahua guarding it." Then you'd have to find out how to get rid of the rabid chihuahua. You could die a hundred times from things like noxious gas, building collapse, etc... all because you typed in the wrong verb... man, I miss those games. :)
Super Mario Brothers, Sonic on the the sega my babysitter had, and Spyro and Starwars Battlefront for playstation 1. Oh and Oregon Trail! Every time we got to go to the computer lab in elementary school that is what we all played.
ReplyDeleteAny of the NES Mario games (Other than the 2nd one. That one was weird.)! My older brother would never let me be Mario though. We also liked playing Pacman, YoNoid, American Gladiators, and some game from McDonald's that was surprisingly amazing. The NES is still my favorite system.
ReplyDeleteI'm also a fan of Crash Bandicoot 2, which reminds me that I need to get myself a new system because my brother's PS1 stopped reading discs.
Breakout. Loved that game. And Donkey Kong, which we played on the old TRS-80 and it was stored on a tape casette. Crazy! My kids have discovered the Mario games online and downloaded the files to their computer. They also found Metroid and Kirby, and they play all the time. They have a retro-NES system that plays the old NES and SNES cartridges, but they were outraged that they couldn't save progress in the original Mario game. Hah!
ReplyDeleteSuper Mario Bros. and the Jungle Book for NES, then Diddy Kong Racing for N64! Those were the ones I could beat my brother at. :-D
ReplyDeleteWell, my parents were a little old-school and didn't really like us to watch tv after school, much less play (or own) video games. We finally caught up with the times and had color tv when I was in 8th grade (1992, btw). My (younger) brothers didn't get their first video game until 1994-1995, and even then they bought a used Sega Master System with their allowance (Alex Kidd rocks!), and then graduated to a Sega Genesis. With only a little help from my little brothers, I sucessfully defeated Sonic my senior year in high school.
ReplyDeleteI loved Oregon Trail (the original), Math Talk Fractions (yes, I am that much of a geek), and Masterpieces (a jigsaw game that only had 3 different pictures: a gorilla, a couple of cars, and Boy George) for the computer. My sister loved the original Castlevania, but I was pretty young and rather confused/frustrated by it.
ReplyDeleteConsole-wise, I loved The Legend of Kane (first game I won), Tetris (the Tengen version), and Dragon Quest. Arcade...pretty much anything I could get my quarters into was good with me. I was pretty fond Pole Position since if you unplugged it then plugged it back in you got a free game.
My mother was obsessed with Bubble Bobble, and today when I hear the music it makes me want to run away and hide.
Let's start out with this: I'm a hardcore video gamer girl and a retro game collector still.
ReplyDeleteGiven that, my favorite games growing up were/are:
- Jumpman Junior for the ColecoVision
- Bubble Bobble for the NES
- Earthbound for the SNES
- Harvest Moon for the SNES
- SimCity 2000 for PC
And I'll stop at five or you won't have room for other comments. But I will offer my services as video game historian, anything that you need to know about games, let me know!
My favorite game (and first one I ever beat, I might add) is Super Mario Bros. 2. We recently put it on our Virtual Console on the Wii and I can't believe I ever got through ONE LEVEL!!! It's sooooo hard!!!
ReplyDeleteOn the bright side, the original Mario music is my phone's ring tone....one up for texts. It's a little bit of awesome every time my phone rings!
Oregon Trail was the shiz!
ReplyDeleteMy faves in the arcade were always Pac-Man and Q-Bert.
We didn't have gaming systems growing up, by my Aunt and Uncle had an Atari.
I LOVED Pitfall. We played that until the skin between my thumb and forefinger were blistered from pushing on the joystick too hard.
The other two favorites of ours were Kaboom and Pinball.
Classic Super Mario! Played it at daycare. Looking back, my daycare was totaly awesome!
ReplyDeleteI played Duck Hunt a lot at a friends house. That dog used to piss me off! I don't know why you weren't ever allowed to shoot that thing.
When I was a little older, we got a Playstation 1. Right when they first came out. I was the envy of my friends!!
I played Crash Bandicoot and Gran Turismo to my heart's content. I was good. I blew my brother out of the water. :)
I never played Zelda, but I married a gamer and am slowing getting the education of which I apparently robbed.
As a very small child, Adventure on the Atari.
ReplyDeleteAfter that Castlevania, all of them. New one just came out...what am I doing here? Off to kill creatures of the night with my whip!
The game I could turn over (for you young 'uns, that meant the score was so high it turned back to all zeroes) was MegaMania. "Mega- MegaMania. Got to shoot to survive, got to run to stay alive!" I hated the irons. They always caused trouble.
ReplyDeleteI should note that I was not the only gamer in our house. Mom could turn over Ms. Pacman, and Grandma (yes, my Grandma!) could turn over Space Invaders. Pa, mysteriously, did not get into the whole video game craze, although he enjoyed watching me play River Raid and ET. ET mainly because I kept falling into the holes and couldn't get out.
I tried to save my old Atari console from Grandma's house after she died, but I wasn't able to resurrect it. Thank goodness Activision put out a "Greatest Hits" for PS2 a few years ago- I can still play MegaMania (not as well, I might add) and River Raid while listening to the great hits of the 80s. W00t!
Pitfall on Atari. I even got a high enough score on it to get a pitfall patch. If you scored above a certain point, you could mail in a picture of hte TV screen with your score and they'd send you a patch....
ReplyDeleteAlso loved asteroids and space invaders...but SI would stress me out as they got closer to the bottom of the screen...something about the ominous marching sounds speeding up.
I'm with Vicky!! Space Invaders was great for those of us with no hand/eye coordination. We had Colecovision with the Atari adapter to play both game systems!!!
ReplyDeleteI also loved Circus Atari. There were balloons floating in the sky and you controlled a seesaw under little guys jumping up and hitting the balloons with their heads. Great fun!! Yes, I'm over 40
ReplyDeleteI saw these and thought of you!
Oh. I came here to hope against all hope that there were more people in my age group, and so far, I see only one. Sigh. Well, I guess I must out myself: I was a complete sucker for Pitfall and Circus Atari on the Atari 2600.
ReplyDeleteMario was totally my favorite. That, along with Spy vs Spy. But keep in mind i was still playing the family Nintendo while my brother was playing on his SNES.
ReplyDeleteThe first video game I ever played was Zork, and I still reel from nostalgia when I think about that game. Plus it taught me how to type and enhanced my six-year-old vocabulary. Then, later, Final Fantasy III and Earthbound, which had much better soundtracks. Oh, if only they made games like they used to....
ReplyDeletePong. As a young adult. Which apparently makes me a very OLD adult compared to everyone else here!
ReplyDeleteMonkey Island (1 and 2) and Dungeon Keeper! I had other games that I loved but these I confess I still play..
ReplyDeleteMario Brothers and Zelda were the top of our list at home. It was the best Christmas EVER when we got the gold version of Zelda. Played it all day. I'm not sure we even opened the rest of the presents!
ReplyDeletei didn't play video games, but i did play computer games growing up - the updated space invaders was a favourite, as was the old tetris game that had different country themes for the various levels. my favourite was a Mac game called Space Station Pheta. sooooo awesome! very simple, but endlessly absorbing.
ReplyDeletesonic 2 for sega genesis!!! The best with the sonic and knuckles adapter so you could play sonic 2 levels with knuckles as your character. But before that was "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?" for Sega Mastersystem. They would always give clues like "Carmen was seen leaving in a car with this flag..." and give you a picture of a flag to try and figure out where it came from. Which always ended up in us going to the "F" encyclopedia book and trying to figure it out. It was probably the only time we ever used those books. Then we got the internet.
ReplyDeleteOoo how about Excitebike for NES when I was REALLY little and couldn't understand that moving my controller around wouldn't move my person more effectively (although now with the Wii it does! I was just ahead of my time..) and then Donkey Kong Country on SNES! :D
ReplyDeleteFrogger, been playing it since i was 4 lol :D
ReplyDeleteWe only had four Nintendo games my entire childhood: Mario, Excitebike, Duck Hunt, and Wheel of Fortune. Sadly, I was probably most successful at Wheel of Fortune. My husband loves to watch game shows with me because I get so into it. Maybe that's why?
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid I loved to play Burger Time on my...Intellivision!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was really little- Space Jockey on the 2600. I liked that there were things I could shoot at that didn't shoot back. Plus once I got old enough to shoot at things shooting back at me, I would pretend I was flying the space ship and wreaking havoc on Earth. So much fun!
ReplyDeleteLater on I fell in love with Final Fantasy on the SNES. Still love them!
Sadly my mom didn't let us play video games much after our Atari broke down. Yes, that was A-t-a-r-i, you heard it right. Tanks was my favorite on that one. But when I was at other peoples' houses and could play on their system, I have to admit that Duck Hunt was my favorite. I did love watching everyone else play Mario but I couldn't coordinate the buttons well enough to fight the bosses without just randomly mashing them until something happened.
ReplyDeleteooohhhh ... Commodore 64 ... some jungle game where you jumped over logs and snakes (Indiana Jones-knock off probably) and a winter Olympics game that would always freeze up when you went of the ski jump. Not that that stopped us from playing :)
ReplyDeleteOk, just the thought of Oregon Trail made me smile. Mario is classic, Mario 3 was another fav. Defina+ely Tetris and Bump-n-jump. And for good measure and to show my age, does anyone else remember Snafu? I thought it was the best!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely Legend of Zelda! Classic.
ReplyDeletePok'emon Snap on the 64! Oo and Paper Mario on the 64! I love the 64! Wonder if I can still find one?
ReplyDelete@ Lisa S - I loved Commander Keen!!!
ReplyDeleteI never played on classic video games, it was always on a PC. I loved Jill of the Jungle, Duke Nukem, Lemmings, and way back on a Commodore 64 (which was probably older than me) I played Ninja and Scate or Die - I rocked at the pool joust.
If you haven't tried it yet, check out Exploding Rabbit's Super Mario Bros. Crossover
ReplyDelete. Play Super Mario as Link or Samus or Simon Belmont or Mega Man or one of the Contra Guys or that ninja that is from Ninja Gaiden (I think that was the game). Their moves have been translated, and it is tight. An even bigger timewaster. It's awesome.
Oh man, great timing with this post -- I just finished a degree, so what am I doing? Going through all the video games I played when I was a child, of course! I just got a gameboy emulator and Tetris. Mind you, the gameboy in the house was owned by my older brother, so I never played it *that* much as a child. I waited until I was old enough to have my own computer, then downloaded a computer version and only then became an expert. Sadly it seems you have to start when you're 2 or so to ever become
ReplyDeleteworld record holder or something (If it's "boring," just skip to about 4 minutes....)
There was also a game we played as a (nerdy) family, which evidently still exists: You don't know Jack!
I have to mention Dig Dug as well -- ahh, many happy memories!
I also liked the Duck Tales game for gameboy. It seems there is a new game called cave story that reminds me a lot of it.
Btw, I really enjoyed Continuity!
Has anyone played Portal? Does anyone recommend it?
I went through phases. There was Tetris and then Ducktales on Nintendo. In college my roommates cheered me on with the Zelda games on N64.
ReplyDeleteI used to play Sonic The Hedgehog when I was a child! (Well. When I could get at the Genesis. When my brothers weren't looking.) I have emulators for all the games on my computer, and have bought every re-released pack for every game system they've come out for! SO NOSTALGIC! But the awesome thing, the truly marvelous, wonderful thing, is the Nintendo has released SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 FOR THE WII!! It's been 16 years since the last new Sonic game! My little brother and I have turned into 9 year olds again over this. We squabble over who plays. We scream at the game. We're in our mid-twenties. It's all very mature. x3
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking the question, I had no idea I liked or had access to so many games.
I supposed I logged the most hours on the original Mario Bros and Tetris. But Q-bert was adorable, I loved helping him get away from the snake!
My all time favorite though, would have to be Trog! for the NES. Nowhere else can an adorable, egg-collecting baby dino eat a single pineapple that morphs him into a T`Rex that can stomp evil cave men? Long live Bloop, Rex, Spike and Gwen! Meet you in the warp zone!
Harvest Moon and SimAnt! Heck, I still love them!
ReplyDeleteOn my Atari, Frogger! Frogger ruled. In arcades I was the goddess of Centipede.
ReplyDeleteThen I branched out to my Commodore 64, and it was all about Q-Bert and Dig Doug.
After that, I kind of lost interest.
Space Invaders on the Atari 2600, but Phoenix and Death Race at the arcade! :)
ReplyDeleteUm, Video games when I was growing up? Well, there were pinball games at arcades and some pizza places, does that count? I was already working when Pong came out. Oops, my age is showing.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up? Wait...does that imply considering myself grown???
ReplyDeleteI was (and still am) a big Zelda and Mario fan... Favorite game that we never owned: Duck Hunt. But at least I had it on my calculator.
Ok, going to hide in geeky shame under my giant eyebrows now.
Jurassic Park for the Amiga 1200. I happily played it for hours as a kid - took me years to realise I'd never even made it past level 1...
ReplyDeleteVery first favorite was Frogger on Atari!!!
ReplyDeleteBut on the original Nintendo, SMB 3, then 1, then 2 :)
I must be older than most of the other commenter - my favorite video game growing up was Pac-Man, in the arcade.
ReplyDeleteAs for console systems, when my son got an NES, I got hooked on Dragon Warrior and Mendel's Palace (love those dancing dolls).
I loved my Atari! Especially Boulder Dash :)
ReplyDeleteI actually have Rockford, the PC verison of Boulder Dash, on Floppy Discs.
Wow, the memories! I had almost forgotten about Aladdin and Duck Hunt! Although, my first video game was playing Frogger on my friend's Atari.
ReplyDeleteMy all time favs were Super Mario Bros. 3 and Mega Man 3. :D
ReplyDeleteBurger Time. On the Intellivision.
ReplyDeletePong. Only kidding. I did love it's 2nd Gen. Atari cousin Breakout though. I think maybe Donkey Kong was my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI maintain that I could still kick anybody's butt at Demon Attack on the original Atari system! But my Atari system was used, a hand-me-down, really old when I got it. I couldn't possibly be old enough to have had an orignal Atari system any other way. Yeah, um, like that...
ReplyDeleteUndoubtably the most fun I ever had was playing Frogger on my Atari, but I had this one horrible E.T. video game, couldn't ever get E.T. to go home :(...
ReplyDeleteI still love me some Frogger. Of course, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Asteroids, Space Invaders, and Pong can keep me spellbound for hours even now
Oh good, I'm not the only one here who grew up with the Oregon Trail computer game!
ReplyDeleteI really want one of those 'You have died of dysentery' t-shirts.
Super Mario Bros, Yoshi's Island, Mario Paint and Some space shooter for the NES (which I can never remember the name of). When I was a kid we didn't have video games, but my Grandpa did so when we would go to visit the grandparents we would spend the whole time in the bedroom playing the nintendo.
ReplyDeleteTempest. Best game ever.
ReplyDeleteTetris was my first love on gaming consoles with Arkanoid (brick breaker to the younger set) and Paperboy coming in second and third.
ReplyDeleteAs the only girl in the house, I played a ton of Hockey and Baseball on NES and then SNES with my brothers.
I remember spending hours playing Blaster Master, and I don't think I ever came close to beating it, Uncle Fester's Quest, Deja Vu, and the Olympics game that used the Power Pad were a few others that stand out in my memory. But my best memory was in high school playing through Final Fantasy VII together with my little brother.
ReplyDeletethis is not video game related but i found this on the zooborns blog and it reminded me of your post earlier about sloths...
I remember watching my sis and cousins play Super Mario World at my grandma's house and Mario Paints (is that what it's called) at my aunt's house. We also played Duck Hunt on NES and cheating on it.
ReplyDeleteOh, where is the love for Atari? We had a 2600 and I loved Pitfall II and a little known game called Eggomania. We played Eggomania for hours and hours while listening to bad hair bands. Ah, the good old days...
ReplyDeleteTetris and any of the 3 Mario Brothers.
ReplyDeleteGeek Confession: I still have my NES from 1985 and still play it. I replaced the pin connector last year to stop the dreaded Nintendo disease. We have several games, 2 guns and a power pad.
Pretty much anything on the Atari 6400 . . . I had everything from Pac Man to Circus Atari to Air/Sea Battle to E.T. Good times. I still play classic Atari games on our Playstation console. Centipede anyone? Those games kicked ass, and didn't take weeks/months/years to complete.
ReplyDeleteAlso the original "Space Quest," which I played on my trusty Tandy 1000HX. What other game gave you points for trying to kiss an alien?
I would play and play and play and play and play and play (and, uh, play) the Original Zelda until the wee hours of the night on the weekends . . . or until my dad would come out of his bedroom, screaming, "If I have to hear you walk that {explicitive} elf up and down one more set of steps, I'm gonna break that {explicitive} Nintendo!"
ReplyDeleteTo which I would reply, "No, you won't. Because then you won't be able to play Duck Hunt any more."
Dad's response: "Go to bed. It's 2am and you're only 11." (story circa 1987)
Do computer games count? I didn't have a fancy console, but Commander Keen and Jones in the Fast Lane were awesome. And one with a dwarf that went up a mountain and used his butterfly catcher to collect items and gnomes or something? I miss that one! What the heck was it called?! ANYONE?? Bueller?
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the Legend of Zelda, but does anyone remember "Maniac Mansion"? that game was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteOh, it was totally the original Super Mario Brothers for me. We got the original NES for Christmas (along with the Duck Hunt gun and the Power Pad), and I played it so much I actually got blisters on my thumbs. No lie.
ReplyDeleteBut after reading the comments, I'm reminded that I also loved Zelda 2 (we never had the first one), Goonies 2, Maniac Mansion (which may or may not have been for the Super Nintendo, I can't remember), Metroid, and, of course, Contra. I could do that secret code faster than anyone else in the house.
I'm such a nerd.
Spyro was fun, and Super Mario Kart was DEFINETELY my absolute fave game to play, and the Super Mario Bros. games. We also had the Lyon King video game, and I never could finish it.
ReplyDeleteNow that I have a Nintendo Wii, I'm all about Sega Bass Fishing. That game is fun!
Definitely 'Pitfall' and 'Kaboom!' on Atari. Oh, and 'Adventure,' with the duck-like monster that chased you around and tried to eat you, unless you could poke it with the arrow-shaped sword or get the bat to carry it off first. LOVED those. Also played a lot of 'Lemonade' on our school's amber-screened Apple computers. ;)
ReplyDeletePitfall, the mad bomber one that I can't remember the actual name for, and the one where you search the castle for chalices. I'm awful with names, sorry. It must be my age, cuz it sure is showing naming all these Atari games! I loved those three games tho. :-)
ReplyDeleteGrowingup, most nights I stayed up last 3am playing Doctor Mario for NES. Though, the more I talk about it, I realize I might have been the only one! I don't know what it was. Perhaps the music, perhaps the creepy little dancing viruses. I don't know. :\
ReplyDeleteAfter the NES bit the dust, my next favorite was Aladdin. The only level I couldn't beat was the Flying Carpet level, so I had to use cheats. HAD TO! Without that one, the rest of the game was a cinch to beat! I loved it...
That's how nintendo got us as children... we were implanted with "must play mario" chips. I can vouch.
ReplyDeleteI was, and still am, a TETRIS fanatic.
ReplyDeleteHey I'm old enough to remember playing Pong. But favorite games were Bomber, Tetris and Super Mario Bros. Space Invaders and Centipede also took up a lot of my childhood.
ReplyDeleteAs a kid, I loved the Demo for OMF 2097 for DOS. It was a robot fighting game really not meant for kids, but I played it anyways.
ReplyDeleteMario has always been addicting, and the only Mario Game I owned before getting a GBC was Mario Teaches Typing. At least I have good typing skills thanks to that game :D
Donkey Kong Country!
ReplyDeleteI never had a video game console, so I had favorite computer games instead. I did like to play Sonic the Hedgehog on my cousins Sega, and my favorite computer game was probably Zoombinis. I also played wolfenstein and duke nukem, until my mom banned first person shooters.
ReplyDeleteI have terrible hand eye coordination so I didn't do very well with games but I did like Sonic the Hedgehog.
ReplyDeleteAfter I accidently killed all my Sims in a house fire, I sort of gave up gaming though.
My very first favorite game was Food Fight on the Atari. That game was awesome. And of course Sonic the Hedgehog (the first one). Ahhh I miss those games! And yes I know you can play some of the old games on the Wii, but I miss my Sega Genesis!
ReplyDeleteI totally loved Wonder Boy III the Dragon's Trap for Sega Master System. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, when I was younger I wasn't allowed to have a new game console but I loved my Pac-man on Atari! (I'm only 24) But I also loved going to my cousins house and playing MarioKart. On the Nintendo 64 I think?
ReplyDeleteduck hunt. by far the best game ever. especially with the fake gun the you could hold up to the tv and shoot at point blank range.
ReplyDeleteten blue stars
Growing up, I was all about my Zelda. The original one. My mom used to *rent* a NES for us to play, and then... one day.... we got our own. I can still hear the choir of angels. It would be years before we stopped renting a VCR to watch movies on (remember those days, kids? When it wasn't outlandish to
ReplyDeleterent a VCR from the local video store?) We were also pretty into T&C Surf Designs and Wrath of the Black Manta. OH!! Caveman Games!! Can't forget about that one!!
I was a master at Tempest, I spent many many hours & quarters at the local pizza place/bowling ally playing this one! Yes, I'm THAT old! ;o)
ReplyDeleteSpace invaders. I could never win any of the games. My brothers were just too good at them. But I sure loved that Atari. :D
ReplyDeleteMy favorite game was Donkey Kong, but I never owned it. I just got my Atari and NES from my dad's house and they still work! Can't play Duck Hunt at the moment though, since it won't work on an LCD. Still have my old tube, so once I get my guest room set up, it will be retro-gaming central, with Atari, NES, PS2, and Wii (I also have a Game Boy Color somewhere).
ReplyDeleteI played the Sesame Street games on Atari (really loved picking up the cookies!) and Burgertime, Super Mario Bros all the freakin' time and Adventures in the Magic Kingdom even though Space Mountain always got me around Satr D, and Wolfenstein on the computer.
ReplyDeleteYup, that's dating myself.
Hunt the Wumpus on my TI-99/4A. Yes, I know, no one has any idea what I'm talking about. I swear, I'm not THAT old!! :)
ReplyDeleteIf I told you my favorite game growing up was Pitfall, would you be able to guess that I'm under the age of 30? (well, until the end of the month I am, anyway...)
ReplyDeleteAnd my old Atari is still alive and well! It lives at my Grandma's house. And she still even has that infamous E.T. game.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Sega Genesis! I loved that game! But I never beat it.
ReplyDeleteZelda will always be my favorite. Particularly the SNES one. I've logged many hours with that game, and also with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
ReplyDeleteI also love Mario in all his incarnations, and had many fun MarioKart competitions with my siblings. Mario RPG was a lot of fun and definitely a little different.
Unfortunately I don't own any console systems currently, but maybe as more are able to be played on the computer I'll have to make time to revisit them.
@Zia, it's called Treasure Mountain!
I used to play in elementary school in computer lab, along with Carmen SanDiego and Oregon Trail.. it was always a bummer when you couldn't ford the river, am I right?
I also had a super nintendo way after they became outdated, but my third grade self loved uniracers.. to this day I have never met another person who knows what this game is.
Cosmic Relief on the Commodore 64. We didn't have a real gaming console until the Sega Genesis and then it was Street Fighter. And now...now it's WoW :)
ReplyDeleteI did not discover the joys of video gaming until college, but my favorite game then was mariokart for super nintendo(Even though this was only a few years ago)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite was always Bubble Bobble. If you go to http://nintendo8.com/ you can pretty much play every single classic Nintendo game online!
ReplyDeleteSuper Mario Bros on Nintendo and Donkey Kong Country on Super Ninetndo!! AWESOME!!!! My sister and I played all the time.
ReplyDeleteThe 3-D adventures of World Runner. I think I started playing it before I started kindergarten, but I have many, many vivid memories of swearing profusely at the game for not getting me to the end of the level before time ran out and my World runner died.
ReplyDeleteAlso memorable for the fact that if you hit pause, the dude looked like he sat down and had a smoke.
We didn't own one, but I loved to play the Coleco hand-held football game in high school. I was a freshman in college when Pac-Man showed up on the first floor of the dorm. I was addicted to that. A few years later, I started spending too much time in the computer lab playing Rogue. (Never got very far, though. We also had instant messaging.) After that - Tetris. I still love Tetris.
ReplyDeleteHogan's Alley. But I remember playing Pong on one of my uncle's game systems too.
ReplyDeleteAt the arcade out the back of the oldest Fish and Chip shop in the world I used to play Galaxian - woo colour graphics! Then I remember a friend had an Atari console that we played Missile Command on for hours at a time.
ReplyDeleteNow I've just found out that you can get that on XBOX Live - I might have to go and spend $5!
Super Mario Bros 3 - old school NES, baby! But Jen, that link to play Mario online - I swear it's an evil ploy to make all of us non-ambidextrous folk feel incompetent. After many many years of left thumb arrow pad, right thumb A and B buttons, I just can't use a keyboard. That music sure brings back memories, though!
ReplyDeleteI have to go with good ol' Paperboy, I think. Or maybe Excitebike.
ReplyDeleteAlso, is it cool that I figured out what you were posting about just from the title when I saw it on my blog list? Took me a second of saying it out loud though, haha! You have a gift (among others) of turning sounds into text. :)
I can beat ALL of you. Sometime in the 70's (1975?) my Mom got us a video game system, by Motorola, IIRC. And it was about a dozen different variations of Pong. Plus, it had a mode where you could just move the white rectangle around the screen. This allowed you to play games by putting up a piece of plastic that showed some scene (stuck there by static electricity). Then you used cards (like Trivial Pursuit) where the answer had you guide your square to different parts of the screen. My favorite was a haunted house game where the plastic sheet showed all the rooms in the house and you moved through them. And then a few years later she bought us the first Atari game system. I loved Space Invaders.
ReplyDeletewe didn't have a video game system growing up, but we had an old Texas Instruments computer, and I loved playing Parsec on that. Also a fan of playing Oregon Trail on the Apple IIE computers at school!
ReplyDeleteMy sister eventually got a gameboy & we wore out Tetris.
We can't talk about video games growing up; but we did get the first tv on the block (b&w with 1 channel), because our Dad wanted to watch Hockey Night in Canada.
ReplyDeleteJ got to try out Pong when the local tv store got one in for display. L first played Space Invaders and the DOS system games. We were introduced to video games by our nephew and nieces; e.g. Maniac Mansion, Mario Bros, Mickey's Adventure(not sure of the title but it was with Mickey Mouse). They laughed at us because we were so slow to work the controllers. We got our own systems and favorites were Mario Bros3, Dr Mario, Frogger; and for J, Pipedreams.
Just a couple of old turkeys here.
"Gooble, gooble."
Space Invaders - Atari, yeah I am that old....the thing is, my mom played while I was at school so she was impossible to beat. My mom RULED Space Invaders. (the grandkids love this story, and she is now a great-grandmother)
ReplyDeleteZork definitely Zork. Nothing screams dorky outcast 17 year-old. Like playing zork and then boasting to my halo loving friends about it. :)
ReplyDeleteAhh, someone mentioned Circus Atari!!! That was my sister's favorite game - we'd purposely miss catching the clown, then run over it with the teeter-totter as many times as we could before it reset!! :P There was also something (maybe called Quickdraw?) where you were in a Western-style showdown & had to shoot the opponent before they shot you.
ReplyDeleteSkwishee said...
ReplyDeleteI used to LOVE "Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego" .. with that giant book of facts. If I could find it today, I would so be playing it with my daughters right now!
I LOVED Carmen Sandiago. We had it on our Commodore 64, and I learned more geography from that game than I did in school. We also played Winter Games on C64, and this weird Alice & Wonderland game.
Our first console was a Super Nintendo, and my sister and I would play Mario Cart nonstop. It was the only game on SNES that I could play.
I also loved Hydro Thunder on Sony Dreamcast. I wish I had a Dreamcast just so I could play that game!
Great question, Jen. I've loved reading about everyone's favorite games!
I used to (and still do) loooove Mario 2. When I was in grade 2 we had to keep a journal, and I totally wrote about how exciting it was when my dad finally beat the game and killed Wart. I even drew pictures of the bees that you free at the end of the game.
ReplyDeleteAs a total nerd I can proudly say I loved the Dr. Brain series of games :)
ReplyDeleteI remember when I got my first NES and Micky Mousecapades...I used to get so mad at that game, but I loved it. On the plus side, hurling those controllers across the room wasn't so bad---you could retrieve them with the cord. Throwing the Wii remote, on the other hand....it's more gratifying, but not a great idea. ;)
ReplyDeleteI used to love to play Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego on an old PC. And I also used to like to play with Logo...(the turtle early drawing/programming software). lol.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add Star Ocean to my comment. All of them. And the Final Fantasy series, but only VII, VIII, and IX. I so miss the days of being holed up in my room playing RPG's...
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid we used to rent a NES for the weekend to play Mario. My mom loved to play video games. When I was in college, my mom bought me a Super NES for Christmas and my dad surprised my mom with one that Christmas too. I still have mine, but the controller won't work. I'd love to play this online version, but I can't seem to get the controls down since it's all backwards from a regular controller (left hand should be to move and right hand should be to jump). My brain won't work backward!
ReplyDeleteJen, if you like that, you should definitely check out Super Mario Crossover. It allows you to play Super Mario Bros as different nintendo characters (My fav is Link!)
Gah, I have to admit to an obsession with space invaders on the Atari as a child. Later, when we got the Commodore 64, it was Maniac Mansion and some game both DH and I cannot remember the name of....anyone want to help me out? Q-Nix? The crazy screen saver thing running around, sparks that would kill you, and you had to bok off more than 50% of the space.
ReplyDeleteHeck, I'm so old, I remember watching Electric Grandmother on a PROJECTOR...
Zelda. Ocarina of Time, specifically. Though we did still have the old Nintendo for awhile and I loved playing Mario. Zelda, though, was always my favorite. Until Kingdom Hearts came out...
ReplyDeleteOh, and Pokemon, of course. Yellow was my favorite of the originals, and when Crystal version came out I went gaga. Good times, good times... :D
Honestly, my favorite was the original Mario. I'm 17 and that was created before I was even born, but my best friend owned the system and the game and we'd spend our afternoons playing it. So many memories. :]
ReplyDeleteOh hooray! Some other people have mentioned Tempest, the only arcade game I could ever play without losing within milliseconds. I didn't get into those games much because I never had the money to waste at an arcade, frankly. Therefore I never got very good at any of them. Tempest, though, was fun and more rewarding because I could get through several levels before losing . . .
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that we did actually have a Pong game at one point --ages ago, of course--but I don't remember playing it much. My brothers and I used to enjoy setting the paddles to just hit the ball back and forth and then leave the room.
When we first got a Mac SE to play with, my husband and I spent an inordinate amount of time playing "Beyond the Dark Castle." Anyone remember that one?
The only game we ever really got into was the various Myst incarnations.
To be honest, the entire video game thing phenomenon has passed me by (other than Myst). After I left home for college in 1978 (by Conestoga wagon, obviously), I have never had a TV so I missed that whole console thing. Now I spend a gazillion hours at the computer for work-related things so I relish time NOT looking at a screen. I like to read about games, though! :)
I never got to play most of the "classics" until more recently... The only console we had pre-PS2 was an Intellivision, haha. For that I loved "Treasure of the Tarmin." On the computer my favorites were the original Lode Runner and Power Pete. When I got a bit older, I was all about Myst and Marathon 2.
ReplyDeleteMy first favorite video game was adventure for Atari. I still have dreams where a pixel bat comes and steals thing from me.... f*cking bat ... but then as I got older I developed an undying love (and crush) on Link and have been a Legend of Zelda fan for ages. Oh - any MANY hours of my childhood were spent playing shinning force for Sega over and over again ... god - I wish life was that simple again!
ReplyDeleteTetris and Legacy of the Wizard for the SNES. The second simply because we had no idea what it was about or what you had to do. I found out last year that it does, indeed, have story. And bosses! Amazing.
ReplyDeleteFavorite game was definately Altered Beast on Sega and of course Zelda.. :)
ReplyDeleteRemember BurgerTime, yeap not getting any younger. Still that was a fun game. I think it was on colecco intelavision. I think, memorie faling. God! I'm old...:-)
ReplyDeleteCurse you! for including that link to super mario bro.s online...I have absolutely no experience with the games out for the last two decades, but I spent a considerable amount of time in my youth playing on my nintendo. Now, oh no, now it is available for my ruination online...except it's even clunkier with a bad DSL connection. This shall drain much productivity from my otherwise (still non)productive day.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely Mario Bros or Mario Party for the N64! I am a sucker for that Luigi! and i am addicted to Galaga. What can i say, i love blowing up space invaders!
ReplyDeleteI still have my original Nintendo - and Super Nintendo - and they still work! :-) My family was really into any Mario game and the ORIGINAL Zelda (none of the others were ever as good.) If I'm pulling out the original Nintendo controllers, I also enjoy me some Bubble Bobble and Dr. Mario! :-D
ReplyDeleteI loved Ms. Pac-Man - even had a Ms. Pac-Man cake for my 19th birthday party.
ReplyDeleteBut I still prefer old-fashion pinball. Wish the pinball machines weren't so darn expensive - I would love to have one.
All about Abe's Mass Exodus, an Odd World game for Playstation. Although that came out when I was in middle school.