Here's an update on my office make-over. We're almost done! Woot woot!
(To see where we started, click here.)

It's a good think one of my favorite crafty past-times is framing new art. :)
And I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating: a shadowbox frame + pretty scrapbook paper + a scrap of foam board = the best
DIY framing
EVAH. Just look how cute:

The frame was $5 at
JoAnn's, and I already had the fun stripey paper.
(The art is by Katie Cook.) Add a square of foam board to lift the art card up about half an inch, and voila! No custom mat needed!
[Update: thanks to Kim, the "print geek" for this reminder: always use acid-free materials if you want your art to last!]
For the prints that
do need mats, I sometimes cheat and use black poster board instead:

It's impossible to tell the difference from a distance, really, and
soo much easier than going out and ordering a custom mat. Plus, instant gratification: I likes it.
And just to complete the Star Wars theme going on here, check out this bit of hilarious kitschy awesomeness:

This is a record sleeve from 1977. See how "Star Wars" is in huge type? Now see the tiny white squiggle above it? That squiggle says, "Music inspired by."
When reader Isabelle-George e-mailed me this picture, I was compelled to seek one out for my very own. A quick
ebay auction later, I was the proud owner of a mint condition Star Wars disco album.
Hey, your art should make you smile, right?
Oh, and speaking of which, check out this oh-so-adorable pairing:

The Gonzo card was my favorite of the
ACEOs I purchased from Katie Cook at the Star Wars Celebration, so I was crestfallen when I realized she'd forgotten to sign it! Fortunately, though, these two look so much like a set that I think it works with just the signature on Sam's card. (If you can't read it,
Gonzo's card reads, "Weird love," and Sam's says, "You are all weirdos!" Perfect, right?)
Ok, more progress shots:

routered (is that a word?) & painted cabinet doors, with big new porcelain knobs.
I'm still working on the wall of cubbies and worktop directly behind my desk. This is the current arrangement, but I have a feeling things will get moved around a lot.
Remember my Labyrinth door knockers? Well, they're finally up!

loooove them. The doorknobs are antiques that John re-finished and mounted as door pulls. (That was hard.) I'll have better detail shots in my final "After" post.
And finally, here's the (extremely colorful) right side of my desk:

Recognize the little guy between the two Stay-
Pufts?!? Yep, I had to order him from
Australia (man, I'm such a geek) but thanks to you readers I found the
WeenIcon Ghostbuster! And yes, the shipping cost more than he did. Really, you guys are bad for my budget. But I love you for it.
Ok, the
next post on my office should be the last, and of the finished product. I still managed to keep a few surprises tucked away, so I'm excited to get to the final reveal! Not to mention show you the
AMAZING desktop that John and I have been slaving away on. Fingers crossed we'll be done in another week or two, so wish us luck!
Ok, I'm almost afraid to ask, but...what kind of wall art makes you smile? Have any favorites? Share and link in the comments!
Gonzo and Sam...definately!
ReplyDeleteI am so pathetic for waiting all day for this since your last post where you mentioned it.... and I don't care because it's awesome!
ReplyDeleteLove the room! I'm dying for those labyrinth door knockers, but it doesn't seem like I'll be able to get those, ever. Very jealous! And, the door knobs in that picture remind me of the talking door knob from Disney's Alice in Wonderland. Just an extra little bit of unexpected awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so incredibly jealous of your beautiful office!!
ReplyDeleteI sort of reminds me of how I want my room to look when I finally have time to make more major progress.
Your blog just inspires me that way. Ive even started getting a few steampunk books whenever I get books.
Steampunk is definitely one of the awesome things in my life that I majorly attribute to you.
that and my absolute love of cake :D
Keep rockin :)
I just finished a project much like your framing project(s). I had some beautiful pics of individual wildflowers that I wanted to frame. So I went to the dollar store and scored 4 1$ black frames, and then rooted through my scrapbooking paper. They turned out to be absolutely beautiful - the hardest part was hanging all four frames evenly on the wall. (Levels are for little people, right??)
ReplyDeleteI don't have a lot of wall art, unfortunately. I'm an extremely impoverished member of the higher-learning community (see: college student who subsists on Ramen), but I've begun a wall of art that my family members created. My aunt drew a beautiful brass boot in pencil and my mother did a needle point of a lady's vanity. Both are extremely feminine and old-fashioned, so they fit in well with the rest of my Good Will decor. Because my mommy and aunt made them, they make me smile. :)
My daughter's original artwork. I wish she did more so we could fill our walls.
ReplyDeleteI think you need to come over and decorate my place! I like your style, and I am just not creative enough to set anything up to look as good as what you've done :) So how about it?
ReplyDeleteAt Fan Expo this year I picked up my favourite from
ReplyDeleteLaurie B
Geeklicous! All of her drawings are ADORABLE! It was SO hard to choose but eventually I picked Green Arrow and Black Canary conquers all right?
I would jut like to mention that I legitimately own the StarWars disco album on cd... is that scary?
ReplyDeleteUm... I have three swords and a crossbow hanging on my wall, and they never fail to make me smile. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, my grandma was a painter, and her art is some of my favorite (but of course, I'm biased). No pictures at the moment, sorry. I'll try to remember to take some.
Ok, this is my first time posting here, but I feel I must. I am what you would call a print geek. I am passionate about prints/art and frames etc.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are framing a piece and it is a collectible item that you want to last vibrantly for the rest of your life and possibly the lives of the loved ones who live beyond you, you MUST frame things archivally.
This means ACID FREE backboard, ACID FREE mat, ACID FREE backboards etc. It is also highly recommended to use glass that protects the pieces from UV rays. Personally, I use UV plexi so it won't break and scratch my prints. (I once moved and the glass did that to a framed print I had and I was very sad about it and changed my ways.)
If you use something gooey to attach your piece it may accidentally destroy it and it's observed value from other collectors.
Now, I'm not saying the pieces you have here aren't cute, because they are! :D
But I want everyone to know who views this site about these things before they potentially destroy their prints/collectibles. Once it's too late it's too late!
There is a lot of information about it listed on many great websites, here is one I recommend:
Now, you can still frame stuff at a serious discount. But, Please! For the love of all art everywhere take good care of it!! ;D
And NEVER, EVER let a framer Dry Mount anything - EVER!
Have fun!! :D
Your office looks fantastic! So colorful and lots to look at!
ReplyDeleteI have wall art EVERYWHERE because I can't stand bare walls. The art that makes me smile most is handmade by myself or my siblings. My sister did this one: Belle!
And here's one of mine that I made myself: Fire and Ice Stitch
I love crafty art!
Did you see that Tink got her star on the Walk of Fame today? It's about time!
OMGosh, I love it! Can't wait to see the final product.
ReplyDeleteI grew up with the disco "Star Wars" album; it was a Saturday morning favorite! I pulled it out again when I was back home over Christmas to introduce my boyfriend to it. He was less than impressed. At least he loves the "authentic" Star Wars!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite wall art I currently have is a Penny Arcade print ( this one). It always makes me laugh.
ReplyDeleteAlso, your study is gorgeous. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Love the room, Jen!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little, I had a truckload of little fairy tale books published by Ladybird (is this just a UK thing?). They were mostly older editions, and the illustrations on the front were very sixties-styled (Sleeping Beauty with a tiny waist and pointy boobs!). Well, I can't have been the only one to love them, as the covers were recently reproduced on greetings cards. I was so excited when I saw them! A cheap frame from Ikea later, and my wall now has a trio of retro princesses to indulge my nostalgia.
Love your room!
ReplyDeleteBest framing company ever -
They sand you free samples, you can upload your artwork and play different frames, the mat is free, and they send you all of the mat board, so you can reuse it on other art!
Tip - save the box the frame came in and use it as the mounting board.
Your office looks GREAT! I've taken your shadow box idea for my Thomas Canty art cards. Had those things for years just in a box. Now my favorites are framed and steampunked out. I want to ask what you used for the shelf in your shadow box with the Tara McPherson Gamma Mutant Friends. I made a Domo shadow box with my tiny Domo toys and I cut an acrylic picture frame and glued it it. Just wondering if there was something easier I missed. Keep up the crafting and home improvement and keep posting pics. :D
ReplyDeleteJames Hance's art makes me verry happy! I am currently working on getting all the "wookie the Chew" art to redo my boy's bedroom with!
ReplyDeletehere is the link to his art
WV: dicrung... Yeah not going there!!
I am all about Feed Your Soul: The free art project!!! I just printed out about 14 different pictures and am currently creating pop out frames for them with Balsa wood and cardboard! Love it!! I also enjoy charcoals and chalk drawings left on walls painted with chalk board paint!
ReplyDeleteI recently went to the Norman Rockwell exhibit at the American Art Museum in D.C. and fell in love with his work. I always liked it but after seeing literally a hundred or so of his drawings and paintings I just fell in love. I can't remember the titles of my favorites and don't want to open their frames up, but my abosulte favorite is one of Jo March from Little Women sitting on a couch reading. I have tried googling it but can't seem to find it anywhere online. I'm glad I bought a post card of it though! That's my friend and my little secret; instead of shelling out money us college students don't have on prints at the museum, we buy the postcards and frame them.
ReplyDeleteIt is so funny that you talk about using scrapbooking paper as a background for framing art. I just did this two weekends ago! I had to carp that I had painted on scrap paper for chuckles that my husband really liked and wanted framed. Got two $1 frames from the clearance shelf at Walmart and used two pieces of scrapbook paper in the same stripe pattern but in different colors to match each painting. I was going to paint the frames as they are bland white but hubby liked them the way they are. Maybe I can take a photo for you.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite wall art is my own photography. I like to take pictures of interesting places or pretty scenery. I want to have large prints made to frame. Unfortunately, my budget isn't allowing for too much of this at the moment. I have several pictures I still need to frame. But I love your idea of using black poster board instead of custom mats. That may be a cheaper route for me so I can re-use some frames I already have. Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteJen, I saw this picture just now on my facebook feed and immediately thought of you and your steampunk love. I live in Grand Rapids, MI and there is a huge art competition going on for the next two weeks. This is one of the entries.
ReplyDeleteSteam pig
Also check out for more info about the contest - it's super fun for those of us who love art. :) cheat sheet for coding links is at work!
ReplyDeleteI love buying prints and framing them myself. Here is one I just bought at a horror convention.
The other thing i absolutely LOVE to do is frame the art projects that my son brings home from school. I buy cheaper frames and then make my own 'mats' using contruction paper or scrapbook paper that I buy at the dolla store!
What knockers!
ReplyDeleteAnd James Hance's "Wookie the Pooh" art...made me smile just typing it!
I love what you are doing in the room! It is so fun but also a little girly. I can't wait until we have a place I feel is worth painting. We move every two years or so and so it just doesn't make sense. Someday though...
ReplyDeleteMy weakness is local artists. We move so much I get to find wonderful little treasures every place we go. I still get excited when my company has a sales meeting in Kansas. We lived there for two years and I found this wonderful painter, every time I go back I pick up another of his paintings. The best thing is that all my art reminds me of a different time in our lives.
I just moved to Phoenix, so if any of you know any great artists or galleries in the area- let me know!
dilbert comic strips (dogbert, catbert, pointy headed boss, alice, wally, ratbert, ashok)
ReplyDeleteprinted in black and white, or cut from the dilbert desk planner.
i have been a fan for 12 years!
i hope to some day own the dlbert figurines and im going to steal your awsome idea and put them in a shadow box, but with shipping and tax, it just not in the budget this year 8-(
I love the idea of the scrapbook paper as arty background material! I was wondering though, what do you use to actually stick the art card to the foam board? I've always wanted to frame my small things like cards and whatnot, but I'm so paranoid I'll ruin them by gluing them or whatever to a piece of matting.
ReplyDeleteI love Katie Cook, too!
ReplyDeleteI love your office, for real. I love the gonzo and sam art cards, they're incredibly cute.
ReplyDeleteI love album covers as wall art, and I've given consideration to framing some comics.
Right now my walls are covered in my paintings and some black and white photography that my grandfather did, way back in the day.
The room is looking awesome! I want those door knockers, heh.
ReplyDeleteYou asked for linkies to wall art, so I'm including this, showing one of my all-time fave pix currently hanging in my bedroom. I have two from this artist, and would love more. They struck me as very Tolkein-esque. Enjoy a peek at this, and then google him to see oodles more if you so desire. :-)
As a casual reader, I must say that you appear to live the most adorable life possible.
ReplyDeleteCan... can I have some of your powers of cuteness? Please?
My wallart consists mostly of my own sketches and watercolors, but not really for any purposes of decoration. More like as reference material, plus it gets them out of the way. *sigh* I wish my workspace could be as pretty as yours... although I do have an amazing antique schooldesk, so there's that :)
I love the first set of pictures... The arrangement made me squeak - love! You need to be my decorator... haha :-)
ReplyDeleteI really like the blue you chose.
ReplyDeletebut where can I buy Katie Cook's art work? I looked all over her site and much to my dismay couldn't find a place to buy my own! Help!
ReplyDeleteThe pictures are very cool!
ReplyDeleteWhat I like are Victorian "Audubon" style nature prints.
The above link shows several of this style.
My favourite piece of art so far is a poster of "Evil Dead: The Musical" done in the style of the "Les Miserables" poster art - LOVE IT! I just might have to steal your shadowbox + scrapbooking paper idea. Just be careful with regular posterboard - make sure it's acid-free or else it may wreck your treasures. I had to learn from experience :(
ReplyDeleteI LOVE those Labyrinth doorknockers! I was obsessed with that movie when I was a kid. I can't even imagine having memorabilia that you get to look at every day so you feel like you have a part of that magical world with you! But everything else is so much fun too. Your whole office just makes me smile. :) Can't wait to see the final product!
ReplyDeleteA poppet arrived yesterday in the mail and she sits on my bookcase watching me as I type.
ReplyDeleteI think you'd like one. Here's the link if you've never heard of poppets before.
I was just talking about my eclectic art/decor the other day. I am *finally* an empty-nester and have been putting things up on the wall that make me happy. They do not seem to have any one theme though, so I suppose it looks odd to anyone else. On my LR wall, I have artwork from a Ren Fest and antique tools from my great-grandfater (including homemade sheep shearers). BR has curios full of odd little things (toys, S&P shakers, even a giant rusty bolt that was found in the road), abstract oil paintings and vintage china from my family. DR has drawings from my children and random jewelry I like but will never wear. And books. Books are everywhere. Eclectic, but it all makes me happy.
ReplyDeletei know how much you love muppets, thought you might like this...i LOVE it! if the link doesnt work its the muppet bohemian rhapsody :D
btw about the wall art i have an incredibly geeky (and handmade) POTC college in my room (im 18 lol) XD
Very nice!! I love the framed art cards, but I have to say your Kermit is the best!!! I want one really bad, he is my most favorite Muppet of all. Grover is a close second though, thank you Sesame Street!
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of the wall art in my place is made of framed post cards, either in multi-photo frames or poster sized frames where I've created a theme (IE Europe or Beaches). I love that it's a fairly cheap way to keep the cards people have sent or I have purchased from travels!
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of Disney lithographs that you can get when you go to a Disney Store and pre-order one of the DVDs. I plan on putting them in frames when my husband and I finally move into a house (we're in a condo right now and space is a little tight). I'm a sucker for anything Disney or geeky.
ReplyDeleteI also absolutely love these Baby Star Wars. I really want to use them to make a Star Wars nursery eventually.
I absolutely LOVE asian art- wall scrolls and brush paintings. I even had a couple huge fans on my wall at one point! Chinese art tends to be fairly reasonable in price too, if you know where to shop.
ReplyDeleteOmg I love that Tinkerbell picture! Where is it from?
ReplyDeleteHow do you keep all of your stuff clean? Seems like dusting could take hours =(
ReplyDeleteMy most recent smiley art acquisitions are post-card-sized cross stitches from my friend. One is Totoro and the other is a piece of cake and The Cake Is a Lie. As soon as I get out and buy googly eyes, I hope to repay her with a crocheted totoro doll.
I was so surprised to see that Meco album in your post! a friend gave me that cover last year and it's the only decoration i have on my bedroom wall. i know she found it at a thrift store and appreciated it's retro weirdness.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment I am moderately obsessed with the minimalist film posters on Brickhut.
ReplyDeleteI love the wall by your desk! Especially that fantastic Kermit - where did you get him?
ReplyDeleteAnd I think we have pretty similar colorful, geeky tastes, but I also really like a lot of Japanese and Renaissance art. :)
I love your colorful corner. To me
ReplyDeleteMy favorite wall art is anything that grabs me and won't let go. For example Van Gogh's Starry Night is the color scheme for the master bedroom. That painting just haunts me. I have several custom pieces by friends who are artists, one who is the REAL LIFE Tinkerbell! (She was the model for Tinkerbell's legs--her father was the man who drew Tinkerbell for the original Peter Pan films).
My office is a large variety of different stuff. Disney Snowglobes combined with McFarlane's Dragons (I own all 7 series) combined with naturally raised butterflies and moths hung on the wall combined with my Tim Burton shrine combined with my Breyer Halloween Stablemates. Someday it will all get organized and gussied up once we buy this house (we're doing a rent to own) but for now I'm just happy that it's no longer in boxes and is on shelves!
Will you please come be my personal decorator?? I can't seem to get any decorating together like that.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh. From a distance I thought the antique doorknobs were actually copies of the doorknob from Disney's animated "Alice in Wonderland". That would have been so cool. Well, your office is already way past cool, but you know what I mean. :)
ReplyDeleteI like to have stuff from my travels, and stuff that is local... that way it all means something to me.
ReplyDeleteAlso a huge fan of my brothers work. He's just started up a photography company, his website is here.
Actually, he'll be starting his first solo art show in a couple of weeks in Glasgow. I think I may have to buy something at it (altho picking which one of my favourites to get may be difficult)
And btw, his website also has some tutorials, that are free, for anyone interested in photography.
My wall art consists mainly of horse and soccer posters from magazines (plus a giant horse poster that my parents got me for Christmas one year). In our old house and in my college dorm rooms I had photo collages, but they started to fade, so I took them down. I'm tempted to make more, or at least make some new drawings to hang up, but I never seem to get around to it. Bad me...
ReplyDeleteOne piece of wall art that I love seeing in people's homes is a ketubah. Since I will be getting married in just over a year, I will be able to acquire and display one of these truly personal and meaningful pieces of art. If you don't know what a ketubah is, click on the link above. For examples of what they can look like, click here.
ReplyDeleteOh my, I love your office! And framing is a past time I adore. {pssst- don't forget it should be acid free foam board!--not sure if they still sell the other stuff...but yeah, tis important}
ReplyDeleteThat record cover is hilarious!
Your blog is going to be bad for my budget....*nods* mmhmm.
I really love modern clean-lined things, but I've recently started to fall for steampunk too. Recently my favorites are those old fashioned botanical prints of flowers. I'm working on retouching a couple that are vegetables (from to frame and hang in my kitchen. Thanks for the shadowbox idea; maybe I'll use that for some old fashioned/modern fusion. :)
ReplyDeleteYour office is totally awesome! Have you ever considered interior design as a career (not that you are not busy enough - lol)
ReplyDeleteI love Kermit w/ his Banjo!
ReplyDeleteit's looking so great! I love the color and your choice of art makes me giggle with happiness.
ReplyDeleteI have lots of art by Laurie B and signed by her as well. All of my other art was done by my father. He draws me a geeky picture every year for Christmas!
I really want some Katie Cook art as well!
Some of my favorite wall art is coffee art that I bought when it was on display at a café back when I lived local to the artists. It has travelled 5000+ miles with me to grace my walls. I don't even drink coffee. I just love the art. The ones I got are all Nordic-inspired.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, most of it is stuff I made myself. I did some colored pencil cartoonish drawings of animals in the kitchen. I think my favorite of my own work, though, is in my daughter's room. A girl's gotta learn her alphabet in style.
When you're done, can you back up to take some shots, so we can see the overall effect? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI love your Labyrinth doorknockers - I have to go and hunt on ebay for those now - but did you hunt for the doorknobs on that cupboard from Disney's Alice in Wonderland, or was that pure luck?! I just see them spitting keys out.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! I love how colorful it is! What a happy workspace! I can't wait for the day that we stop getting shipped around by the Coast Guard, so I can invest time and energy into decorating with all of the stuff I love so much!
ReplyDeleteI've been picking up mock movie posters from games here lately. Our living room has the posters from Left 4 Dead 1, we still have to get some frames for L4D2, and my office will soon have the ones from the third season of Sam & Max to go with the promotional one from the first season. They work great for the friends of mine that play the games, and my family just thinks they are crazy geek movies that they haven't seen. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteMy daughters would flipped over the Tinkerbell. Their room is the Disney Fairies and Winnie the Pooh.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had more wall art. I used to but it's all disappeared through the years.
It looks awesome! Loving those illustrations by Katie...might have to add them to my wish list. :) Right now I'm loving this print and this one on Etsy. That place is brilliant for finding great art on the cheap!
ReplyDeleteCan I please come work in your office? It looks so much more welcoming than mine!
ReplyDeleteSo have you listened to the Star Wars disco album yet? I wonder what the music is like...
ReplyDeleteLookin' good, Jen! I especially love Kermit playing banjo. Most of the art in my house was done by either me or my husband, and I have an old poster display stand that I bought from a Sam Goody that was going out of business with 10+ years of our bands' flyers in it. It's a great way to display a ton of art in one place!
ReplyDelete@ Viraj - there are snippets of the album on the iTunes store, so we listened to those. Mecca also has a Trek song, (!!) so I told John we have to synchronize our Christmas lights to it this year. :D
ReplyDeleteYour office looks awesome. :D I think Kermit is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI got these dudes (and dudettes) on my wall since about 5 months. I call them my shadow buddies and am still very much in love with them:
I cut them out of regular plotter foil. Easy peasy. Just remember to print the template mirror-inverted. ;)
omg im in love with the tinkerbell picture!!! where did you find that??
ReplyDelete@ sara - (and others who asked) - the Tinkerbell painting design is by Allison Lefcort, but I actually painted this one myself.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your room!!
ReplyDeleteI printed a bunch of 12X12 pictures of family and friends at the beach on our trip to Mexico, Then I put them in album frames (the kind for record albums) and made a cool patchwork mural that covers my whole living room wall. Right in the center is the white sombrero my Daddy got me on the trip. It was super cheap and reminds me of the time I was the happiest in my entire life :)
Thank you so much for the picture box info. I have a great family article (that I have to cut out from an old magazine) I wanted to frame for my fiancee for Christmas but wasn't sure how to go about it as it will be in several segments. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteME WANTZ! I love your office-wish I had my own to decorate...and maybe some funding...:D
ReplyDeleteAaahhh! We had that record growing up! I hadn't thought of it in years, of course. Thanks for a mini-flashback! :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE: 1. movie posters from other countries (especially if they're Pirates of the Caribbean movie posters. Or British posters of movies that have a different name there than in America- so cool!)
ReplyDelete2. Lithographs from old magazines/catalogues of fashion- like Goody's (sp?). Preferably circa 1920 or earlier.
On a side note- the room is awesome! But the Steampunk room is still my fave- techie/history/detail all rolled into one! :)
i am such a nerd!
ReplyDeletesomeone sent a url to me when i whined that i didn't know what they were talking about ( a movie) and couldn't be bothered to google it.
and so they sent me this url that does it for you. called 'let me google that for you".
i did cake wrecks.
I love all your Star Wars prints! My favorite artwork are the prints of SW episodes 4,5 & 6 done zombie style by Matt Busch. They're amazingly beautiful for being so gory. Unfortunately I can't hang them now since I live with my 4yr old niece.
ReplyDeleteStar Wars disco is awesome. I have the main title as my ringtone. xD
Oh. Em. Gee. Your door knockers are straight from THE LABYRINTH!!! I think I'm in lurrrve!
ReplyDeleteYou had to order him from Australia? Wow! haha :) I'm Australian and let me tell you, Americans get all the good stuff. I have to order everything online and if there are here they are REALLY expensive. Like $10 for a box of Pop Tarts and I know only one store that sells them. It's outrageous.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, that was my little rant :)
xx <3
Way to support the local artists, Jen, with the Jasmine Beckett-Griffith ACEO cards. DId you happen to go to the Celebration Art Stroll last weekend?
ReplyDeleteWOW...I bow down before thee. AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteSo awesome! I love it. Especially the muppet pictures and kermit!
ReplyDeleteYes, Anony, we were at the art stroll! Did you go? It was small, but a nice way to spend the evening. That, and eating ice cream from the local shop. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw this:
ReplyDeleteI immediately thought of you guys! (Steampunked computer, really awesome!)
i love prints. I just need to first know how i am going to decorate my house..then, its going to be a print shopping spree!
ReplyDeleteI know you wanted us to post site swith prints, but i was browsing today and found these geekie cuties...So cute, i hope that they release them for next year too!
I have that same record! Have you listened to it yet? It is so groovy. I think I found mine at a Goodwill and I was like, "Hello, Awesome!"
ReplyDeleteI love your office! My favorite is the "Labyrinth" door knockers. So Cute! I love that movie.
ReplyDeleteI have a post on my blog about what hangs on my wall. Go there and be jealous....or not, just check it out! Yes, I know you gave a tutorial about links, but I forgot how to do it. Sorry!
Here's the blog
You may have seen this already...but I found this today while troubleshooting a computer issue I am having. Thought they looked awesome!
ReplyDelete8-bit Wood
Oh my good Lord you have the Labyrinth door knockers! Have my babies? We can stalk Mr. Bowie together! Also, your door knobs look a lot like the talking door knob in Disney's Alice cartoon.
ReplyDeleteMy friend just entered an artprize compitition. His exhibt is called Detroit Forsaken -- it's all abandoned buildings and stuff. So cool! I thought you'd like it Jen. You can check out his work at and search for Ryan Spencer Reed. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteThis is so amazing! Great job you guys, seriously.
ReplyDeleteAs far as my favorite wall art, I have been printing off a bunch of stuff from, cleaning it up a bit in photoshop, and hanging in pretty frames. The trick is finding stuff that was scanned in a high enough resolution but one of my favs is this: I also just bought a (really pretty, really cheap) double glass paned frame from Kmart that I arranged previously pressed ferns and flowers pretty!
Just a reminder if you're using foamcore or posterboard--be sure you get acid-free or your art may deteriorate. I know the foamcore purchased from the framing department at craft stores is acid-free, but be sure to check the label on the sheets that are sold on the floor, and I'd bet money that the cheap posterboard sold most places is not acid-free. Just check the label, acid-free is a big selling point so if it's acid-free it will definitely be marked. An alternative to the black posterboard which is only a buck or two more expensive is the large art papers sold in the fine arts/painting aisle at the craft store. It comes in various textures and colors and is acid-free.
ReplyDeleteLove your office esp. all the Disney stuff! Here's bits of mine.. I need more shelves to show off all my dust-magnets, I mean, collectibles..
I love the way you framed the art! Definitely inspired me to do something similar! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWhere did you find the two Labyrinth door knockers? It may be hidden in your posts somewhere but please share! I'd love to track those down. PS: I <3 cakewrecks and your blog is awesome!
ReplyDelete@sheilagh - I found one of the knockers on ebay, and the other a reader sold to me. They're hard to find, so I'd recommend saving a search on Ebay that will e-mail you when one is listed.
ReplyDeleteAll of my wall art is Kurt Halsey, and it's taken over my entire home, never mind just an office. So I'd say you're doing well! It looks awesome, and I'm definitely jealous!
ReplyDeleteCheck out some amazing Portland art by Brin Levinson. I have a poster from a magazine of "The Homecoming" which is zeppelins over the picturesque Burnside Bridge.