The less-than-good news?
Here's a progress pic:

And let me tell you: until you've tried getting a Stay-Puft marshmallow man, a pastel fairy watercolor, and a red, orange, and blue Mickey Mouse painting to all "blend" together, you just don't realize how crazy my taste in art is. :D
Not that the art is the only thing left, though; John & I are actually only about 3/4 of the way finished with everything. He still has the doors for the desk cabinets to finish and re-hang, the closet doors to re-paint, and I have some vintage doorknobs to refinish and hang on the bookcase doors.
Which reminds me: Looky what I got!!

And then we also still have the smaller desktop to finish:

The cubbies on either side of it are slowly coming along: I'm changing out all the prints in the frames, and then streamlining some of the clutter.

So, for your consideration, here's my first needs-a-new-home piece:

(I only ask that you not sell this, as it's not my original design; it's a copy of a cell I saw at a Warner Brother's store way back when. Since I abhor the thought of copied art being sold, please, don't.)
So...want it? Then leave me a comment, telling me why. I'll pick a winner at 7pm EST tonight, and will announce it here, in this post. So, either include a way for me to contact you in your comment, or check back at 7 EST, or watch Facebook for the announcement.
The give-away has ended; the winner is listed below!
UPDATE: Goodness, you guys do NOT make it easy to choose a winner! Srsly, I've been getting all misty-eyed over your stories and memories: so, so sweet. I only wish I had a dozen of these to give away!
Anyway, since this print does have a big "love potion" bottle in it, I decided to go with a couple who already loves Pepé & Penelope so much that they were on their wedding cake and champagne glasses. So, Tracy O., please e-mail me your address!
Also, Sonia with the WB-obsessed son? Please e-mail me, too. I may be able to cook something else up for your little guy. :D
I absolutely LOVE Pepe Le Pu !! this is an awesome painting and I would give it a great home !! Pick me !! Pick Me !! LOL I will display it proudly an will keep you updated on how it's doing =)
ReplyDeleteMy son (5 years old) will be getting his first big kid bed in a few weeks, and when it arrives, we will be rearranging/redecorating his room. Up until now, he's made do with pages from a Sierra Club calendar on his walls, but I think it's high time he had some more fun art. Which is why I would like Pepe pleasethankyou.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I'm completely excited to see your Labyrinth knockers in situ - please post photos!
I watched Pepe LePue as a kid and loved him and all the Warner Bros. My grandkids still watch them today. Love both your blogs! Judie sd042401@yahoo
ReplyDeleteI don't particularly want the print, although it is adorable. What I would really like to know is where you got the banjo-playing Kermit figurine?? Ok, and the Labyrinth door knockers, too :) Henson nerds rock!!
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to have your Pepe Le Pu painting! It is awesome!! Pepe has always been my fave Looney Tune, just ahead of good ol' Tweety =).. And I think skunks are just plain adorable! So- why me huh? I don't know that I have a REALLY good reason- LoL.. I'm a cake maker (that has not been featured on cake wrecks =) even though I've been in grocery that past 2 1/2 years).. I'm moving to Chicago in 2 days! (From Nashville, family's in Florida) I'll be going to the French Pastry School- so maybe one day I'll be in Sunday Sweets!! =) I have 2 kids aged 7 and 2- they are sweeties! And my husband- a video game addict football fan- sigh- football season is coming.. lol.. Anyways- that's me.. I can be contacted of facebook or e-mail or Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to have it because I have a severe lacking of skunks, cats, and paintings on my wall. Also, Pepé and Penelope are my favorite Looney Toons. I think this would go very well with my Oswald the Lucky Rabbit canvas too.
ReplyDeleteI love Pepe LePew!! The reason I want this is my 7th wedding anniversary is this Halloween (yep!) and this would make a perfect anniversary gift to my husband. Every year I get him some kind of art object depicting a loving couple - and to top it off, he says I must have used a love potion on him when we met because he couldn't help himself and it hasn't worn off yet. This would be perfect for him on both levels - and it's great!! thanks for the chance to win :)
ReplyDeleteYou should gift me with Pepe because I want him for my newlywed friends. Pepe is sort of like the groom's cartoon counterpart and he has a LePu collage in his office given to him by the bride. So really, you would be giving a wedding present, which might make it easier for you to part with the print. Purpose, like cheddar, makes everything better.
ReplyDeleteYou should give me the print because not only is this one of my favorite characters, but the colors match in my room!
ReplyDeleteOh man, I LOVE Pepe. So does my mother. Should I win it, I would actually give it to her to hang in her new home as a belated birthday present. She and my dad raised me on Looney Toons. Being an underpaid nanny for a living, I couldn't afford some of the more exorbitant prices of WB art, even when I lived near a WB store. So sad. Your piece is absolutely lovely!
ReplyDelete--Amanda K.
i'm dying to know where can i get the labyrinth doorknockers????
ReplyDeleteHi, cool room. Look fwd to the end result of the small desk.
ReplyDeleteIm not familiar with the charater so I'll sit out for this one.
I am a new huge fan to star trek the next generation....hint hint
oh and i forgot to mention that i think kermit the frog is HOT
ReplyDelete@ Jules - The Kermit statue is a "big fig" from the Disney Art Store. You can get them at any of the Disney parks, or I think I've also seen them online. Just google it. It should cost you around $150 or more. (Mine was an anniversary gift from John.)
ReplyDeleteOh, and he's also a music box (plays the Rainbow Connection) and the fireflies behind him light up. :)
The Labyrinth knockers are MUCH harder to find, since they were sold at Hot Topic years and years ago. I scoured ebay for months to get my first guy, and then luckily had a reader offer me hers to complete the pair. They don't cost much - originally sold for about $10, I think - but they're really rare these days.
I would really love this to give to my parents. My dad loves Pepe le Pew and has likened himself to Pepe, with my mother as the cat running away from his barrage of amorous embraces. They're adorable.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have your painting for my soon to be born neice or nephew!! My brother is a HUGE Pepe fan and they are decorating the nursery in pepe le pew and this would be an awesome final touch! Everything in the nursury is hand made because there is just no baby stuff with pepe on it and where your painting is hand made it would be just perfect!!
ReplyDeleteUmmm, there are many other deserving homes for that print, but . . . what better print for the wall of a lady physician with a sense of humor (talk about a geeky goofy girl! AND I follow both of your blogs religiously) than a bottle popping as a symbol of excitement from a protagonist (that is oblivious to stinky things) when they actually get some of the affection they so often want from their object of pursuit? I would really like that print, too.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh what a pretty thing. I know just the place for it...
ReplyDeleteAnd good work with the office!
Pick me! Pick me! I *love* it and purple is my very favorite color!
ReplyDeleteI love that print! School's fixing to start, as well as the season at the Theatre I work at so having something hanging in my room that can give me a smile would help me get through the stress.
ReplyDeletebellanottebelle {at} gmail {dot} com
aw, snap! i was all o.o when i saw it, and then 0.0 when i saw that you were giving it away! i adore looney tunes and had pepe's theme bounce as my ringtone for my husband for a long time. but i'm seeing lots of more-deserving people here, so i'm not entering. just telling you that i loff eet!!
ReplyDeleteI'm in desperate need of these piece! I've recently started graduate school and NONE of my artwork made it out here. :( All these wall and only 1) a small poster I snitched from my first day of graduate meetings, 2) a small clock, and 3) vintage cookie cutters, arranged by placing small nails into existing holes. Really, it's sad. And those are spread through an entire efficiency apartment. Help me, Jen, you're my only hope!
ReplyDeleteYour Pepe is SO cute. Quite talented, you are! (said in my best Yoda voice.) And because you obviously like him, I want to share with you something I've found. While I know this is NOT CakeWrecks, and the pictures are definitely NOT wrecks, I know you will love the result. I belong to a cake decorating community, CakeCentral, where one of our members created an amazing Pepe using rice cereal treats, modeling chocolate, and cake. The entire thread details the process/progress, but this link shows the final result photos.
ReplyDeleteOkay I am just going to go with plain old truth. My son has a diagnosis of ASD and his special interest is anything WB based. He has been after a Pepe Print to be hung in the living room for as long as he has know WB existed but I have never found a suitable print that will not clash with my own displays of LFG prints and (yeah I know sad) World of Warcraft prints and figurines. THAT will blend perfectly and make one small, animation obsessed child very happy!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to read this.
OMG, I love Pepe Le Pew. He's been one of my favorite characters since I was a kid. When one of my cousin's sons was about 3, he sent me a Pepe Le Pew bib since he knew he was my fave. :) So sweet. I still have it, too.
ReplyDeleteThis would look so awesome in my 18 year old daughter's room! She has been in the process of remodeling her room - black and purple! What a perfect match! If it helps...she loves Epbot as much as I do! :)
ReplyDeleteMy taste in art is just like yours. I mainly have my own paintings up, but between those, my giant Alton Brown poster, and random pictures of Andy Samberg (don't judge me), this would fit perfectly. :)
ReplyDeleteWe have ZERO art hanging in our living room. Been meaning to find something but haven't gotten around to it. This would look great in it and definitely a push into decorating the space more.
ReplyDeleteHi Jen!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be a freshman in college this fall, and I move in in 4 days! I would absolutely love to have this hanging in my dorm room!
- Sara
Hm, see? This is what I always feared before I bought any artwork. I have such an ecclectic taste that I doubt I'd ever be able to coordinate what I bought. Or decide on a style.
ReplyDeleteIf only there were some way to have a wall devoted to each style. Or a corner.
And I was going to vie for the Pepe Le Pu artwork. He and Marvin were my absolute favorites of the Looney Tunes growing up. My favorite cartoon was when Penelope (or the cat of the episode) actually sought Pepe out and Pepe was the one running away.
But I've never been in love. And all of these people proposing to symbolize the painting as a bond between a couple are too cute. So while I'd love to have a hand painted homage to one of my favorite cartoon characters in my room I think I'd be okay if someone else got it.
Put me in the hat, sure. But I'd be alright if it went to one of the other posters.
PICK ME PICK ME because I bug you a lot and because I just started school and am already counting the days
ReplyDeleteHubby and I drank out of Pepe and Penelope flutes for our wedding toast and we had a Pepe and Penelope cake topper, too (tails coming together as a heart...) That would go great with those!!
ReplyDeleteTracy O
Omg!!! I neeeeed your beautiful painting!!! I was born in Canada and have just a smattering of French and Pepe was always one of my favorites!! We only got a couple of channels on out little 12" tv, but I didn't miss my Saturday morning cartoons.
ReplyDeleteThen when I went to college at Auburn, we would go to the free Movies and they almost always had a Pepe cartoon IN FRENCH! Many great memories with him.
And... I am one of your biggest fans, follower, commenter, obsessor from about the 3rd month of Cakewrecks. I saw you in Atlanta. I made a PooTurkey mini-CCC (patooie!) for the competition.
I would never sell such a treasure. :)
OH SO CUTE! He would look great in my craft room. I'm lucky ehough to have a craft room and a seperate office. But Pepe would look so dashing anywhere he goes!
ReplyDeleteI would love this simply because it's my 25 birthday today! This would be a great present to go over my craft table.
ReplyDeleteMy email is
I love the painting, and I think my kids would enjoy it too. Pick me! Pick me!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Pepe Le Pu! I watched him all the time when I was a kid. He was my favorite Looney Tunes character next to Tweety Bird, and his cartoons were on way more often than Tweety. I actually raise goats now, and they always make me think of Pepe Le Pu, because when they play, they often hop around just like Pepe Le Pu does! It's adorable!
My Mom absolutely adores Pepe Le Pew!!! She used to have this epic cookie jar with Pepe chaining himself to Penelope was hilarious. However, after many years and many cookies, it broke.
ReplyDeleteOne day, when I was feeling pretty low, I recieved a phone call. I answered it to hear "Ello, my leetle darrliiing, B'DOING, B'DOING!"
ReplyDeleteIt was my other half, completely out of the blue doing (if you hadn't guessed) a Pepe Le Pu impression to cheer me up.
It probably sounds a bit daft but it was totally out of the blue and it really made me giggle. Ever since, when ever Pepe Le Pu is on TV, we have a little giggle. He's not really the outwardly romantic sort so this is probably one of the best mushy memories I have.
So, once upon a time I purchased an awesome Pepe Le Pu jelly jar glass from the WB store. At the time, I was living with two other girls, and one of them decided to use my glass (I should state for the record, I'm not selfish, but there are certain things that are ONLY for my personal use). So, she uses the glass, cracks it down the side, and then proceeds to place it on top of the fridge... like I'm never going to find it there. I didn't discover it until *after* the WB store closed, thus rendering me unable to replace it. I love him. It would look super bad ass in my house.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little I watched Loony Tunes every day!! I used to tell time by the mom would always say things like "Watch 5 more cartoons and it will be time to go." I always loved Pepe, and I always felt bad for him when his affections were turned down - not that it ever deterred him in any way! I also, in kind of a gruesome way, always wanted the coyote to finally catch the roadrunner, just because he always tried so hard and never succeeded, lol. I would love to have this painting for my house: I have a 3 year old and he loves the older cartoons like Loony Tunes and Tom and Jerry better than the newer ones. I think he would love it if we had this hanging in our house. Also we've lived here almost 2 years and I keep meaning to decorate the walls but just never get around to it...this would make a good start!
ReplyDeleteMy husband is a huge Pepe fan. He loves him in sevret, with all the longing of childhood, because we live in Indiana, and he thinks it's not masculine. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and with no such hang ups have decorated my whole home in my own collection. However, if this were to come into my possession, I would mat, and frame and hang this right next to our wedding portrait, so my husbands friends would think it was mine, and my sweet silly funny wonderful new husband would know once and for all that he will never be too silly--or too romantic--in my eyes.
ReplyDeleteSo funny to see a post about art work..
ReplyDeleteLast week my brother gave me some art work that didnt fit into his new place. My daughter (3 years old and VERY much Miss Bossy-Independant-Pants) fell in LOVE with one of the paintings. Its simple.. its a blue sky with a really pretty apple tree on a hill. Uncle Michael told her its all hers and she was sooo excited to hang it in her new big girl room (we just moved in with my boyfriend, so we're still making her new room *hers*). Well this weekend shes with her Daddy.. My boyfriend just came back from a business trip. He was in London for 2 weeks. He knew about the art work, but didnt know about Loralei's love for the apple tree painting. Anyway, I come home yesterday and the apple tree painting is hanging in the living room! NOOOOO! I told him the story and he started to take it down.. but I told him to hold off, that we'd see how Loralei reacted to it and to see if she wanted to share its beauty with everyone who visits. If I have another painting to offer her, maybe she wont have a melt down over her apple tree painting!
I'm sure you'll find a new home for it!
My daughter is an retro kid, everything from 80's music to ghostbusters, teenage mutant ninja turtles to her "bestest" looney tunes & old donald duck cartoons. We discovered this during her threapy, she memorizes the cartoon & tells it word for word scene by scene. She has autism & is in love with looney tunes. She has a collection of 20 videos & dvds. This would be in her words "the bestest of my collection." please please choose her.
ReplyDeleteYour painting of Pepe Le Pu is so fun! I remember those cartoons from when I was a kid. I would watch them for hours on end with my sister. Good times! Anyway, I would proudly display your painting in our movie/TV room. It would give it a fun and happy flair! Also your Labyrinth doorknockers are so cool! I hadn't seen those before! :)
LOVE Pepe!! My hubby imitates him all the time, and I do a pretty decent impression of the cat trying to escape!
ReplyDeleteI am so completely in love with pepe!....
ReplyDeleteJe suis le coeur cassé de l'amour, si je n'obtiens pas la copie
Because I need it in my office to give me a smile on really hard days.
ReplyDeleteI love to hang art and I especially love art of old cartoon characters. I would be thrilled to get the Pepe Le Pu picture. It would go great in my room! I'd send you a picture when I got it hung! please and thankyou :)
ReplyDeleteI love your taste in art!! Kinda reminds me of ... oh who was that... oh ya, ME!! LMAO
ReplyDeleteJust want to say it's an awesome painting and your office renovations are super inspiring to the wanna-be artist as well as the (lazy) DIY in me. I wouldn't be able to hang this picture because my little brain just can't wrap itself around Pepe getting willing kisses from his kitty lady friend! But it is super cute =)
ReplyDeleteAh I've read many, many more deserving commenters, but I will throw my hat into the ring anyway... my excuse for why you should pick me? ---
ReplyDeleteWhen your book tour came to San Diego, I was the first person in line to NOT get your book for signing. They ran out right before me. I think that I should be rewarded for a) not throwing a temper tantrum; b) for not snatching the last book away from the very nice pregnant lady holding the last book; and c) because I managed to keep just barely enough poise to continue to wait in line to meet you both, 'cuz I truly love your blogs and really admire your talent and humor, and L-O-V-E how you are making over your home. I'm smitten with your creative ventures. I've started collecting the squished pennies for making jewelry, and covet the jewelry you have made. I am on the verge of being your online stalker ;) the nicest possible way.
OH! And I have my ticket to the D23 Expo 2011, so don't you want to butter me up so I'll grab some swag for you? ;)
Honestly, I love the painting... Pepé rocks, but Penelope really holds my heart. The fact that it was painted by someone I admire is the proverbial icing on the cake... but really, you HAVE to give it to one of the people with a poignant story to their plea. Just let me believe that you hesitated for just a moment about choosing me instead. :D I mean srsly! Halloween anniversaries, wedding cake toppers, birthdays and Autism? You need to make prints of this baby!
Thanks for being such a generous and entertaining blogger. You make my day on a regular basis.
Good choice, Jen. :). How are you so awesome?
ReplyDeleteCan I get the Kermit playing his banjo? I LOVE Kermit. In fact our guest bathroom is Muppet themed (despite all my kids being grown). Seriously, if you ever need to find him a new home- let me know. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Jen -
ReplyDeleteIf you end up being unable to decide, you could make an art wall like mine. Easy to swap things out from time to time.
I just stuck photos up to show people, but have more prints I'll be putting up soon.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was cute when I found Cake Wrecks and realized your sense of humor was right up my alley. I thought it was weird but fun when you launched Epbot and I realized your sense of style and love of steampunk was eerily similar to my own. But now that I see you have the exact same Golden Press 1960s hardcopy version of Disney's StoryLand that I do I am way creeped out and can't tell if you're stalking me or I'm stalking you!!
ReplyDeleteWoah! You painted that *yourself!?* Your critiques on CW just got that much funnier, now that we know you're an actual artist! Awesomeness!
ReplyDeleteAbout the art, Jen....I say, hang them all and don't worry about the mishmashing!
ReplyDeleteI've got Edward Blair Leighton hanging next to a silver string-art zebra and an Asain-style wall plaque, as well as Captain Jack Sparrow standing next to an ATAT and a unicorn, so I would guess my tastes run somewhere along the lines of yours. :P
Where did Laura get those door knockers from??
ReplyDeleteI WANT!!
I love the Kermit! Kermit the Frog is my absolute favorite. I want your kermit. lol.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw (and bought, actually, haha) this the other day, I couldn't help thinking that it was just bizzar/cute enought to be something you would enjoy as well :). Besides, I had to share the sqee-able-ness :P.
ReplyDeleteUh, can I ask what paint color you used in your office? I love that light aqua color. Also, what is on the ceiling? Way cool!
I have the Disney Storybook AND the Fantasia book. although they are not stacked neatly with a cute daisy on top. :)
ReplyDeleteThought this might spike your interests.
ReplyDeleteSeahorse Decor
The colors and overall style made me think of your blog ^.^
p.s. thanks for showing us how to do the links properly!
Dem knockers is bad ass! {best Boston accent I can muster}
ReplyDeleteMy mom took us to see Labyrinth in the theaters at least 7 times. Most of those were when it went to the dollar show. I had the biggest crush on Jareth.
I love the rest of your geekery too. Your statue of Kermit singing The Rainbow Connection... LOVE! It has me wondering where I can get my own.
What knockers!
ReplyDeleteI do have the same set! I love them! I did get them at Hot Topic only a couple years ago. I've been waiting to find the perfect spot to hang them. I do have a set of double doors going into the den that they would be perfect on, but the doors are kinda crapped out so I'd wait til I can get good doors.
OMG the Labyrinth door knockers. I NEED TO HAVE THEM!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!!! Where did you get the first door knocker?! I must have one...
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone happen to have a set of the Labyrinth doorknockers or even just one of them that they would be interested in selling? I love these guys and can't believe I missed out on them when they came out!
ReplyDeleteI WANT those door knockers!!!!!!