Since I'm still working on my next post (it's kind of long), let's take a quick Muppet break.
I love the Muppets, and Sam Eagle never fails to crack me out. Fortunately, the Muppet Studio just released another great music video for Memorial Day, featuring Sam. Check it out:
Reminds me a bit of William Shatner's "singing." Hah! Even so, I'm not sure they managed to top their last tribute, "Stars & Stripes Forever."
Yep. That's tough to beat.
Happy Friday, everyone!
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plus...Lady Liberty is French.
ReplyDelete^.^ teehee
hehehe I Loved that stars and stripes! I can't believe I have never seen it before!
ReplyDeleteI don't know why, but the Muppets creeped me out. Most of the characters on Sesame Street were ok, but the Muppets scared me. So, sorry Jen, but I can't bring myself to watch your clips. I'm 29 years old and still afraid of puppets on my screen. Where's my blankie??
ReplyDeletewv: afties - we'll be back afties messages....
The Muppets rock! Thanks for posting this.
ReplyDelete:-) I love Muppet breaks.
ReplyDeleteYou upped your awesomeness. I didn't think it was possible, but you did.
Too too perfect. I have passed it on. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLove the muppets! Beeker and the Swedish chef are the best! Just watching Beeker sing cracks me up!
ReplyDeleteYes I much prefer the stars and stripes! I do love the Muppets...but I miss the original voices. When Jim died, Kermit and Ernie, and Sam just weren't the same. But this is good Muppet fun!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you can't watch the Muppets. Maybe you could start small with some Sesame Street pieces on YouTube and work your way up?
Keep the Muppet breaks coming! I particularly love the part where the music "lyrics" are, "Be kind to your web footed friends, for a duck maybe somebody's mother..." and then the buffalo starting stampeding by!
As someone who was raised on Muppets, I have to say, that Stars and Stripes was AWESOME! Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for the new blog, I love it!
ReplyDeleteThose clips were awesome! I adore the Muppets; their show at WDW makes me crack up no matter how many times I've heard the jokes.
ReplyDeleteI love this blog! Where else can I indulge in all my quirky, geeky interests that no one understands: Muppets, Star Wars, Disney, etc. Thanks, Jen!
Anyone else think Sam is EXACTLY like Taylor Hicks? (won American Idol a few years ago) -- The eyebrows, the beak...the awful singing.....definite resemblance
ReplyDeleteLol I love Sam. Cranky as he is I always laughed watching the Muppet Show.
ReplyDeleteLove those muppets. Joyous.
ReplyDeleteFirst time I saw this particular one. Thanks Jen.
I agree with Virginia, more please.
@ Heidi,
That's ok, we are all different.
LOVE The Stars and Stripes. Don't get a whole lot of good old fashioned Americana here in Australia, sure is nice to get some giggles out of it.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, am I the only one, or was everyone totally transported to School House Rocks when Sam started to say the Preamble?
"We the peo-ple, in order to form a more per-fect un-ion, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquilit-y-y-y, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and ensure the blessings of lib-er-ty for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and estaaaablish this constitutioooooon fo-or the United States o-o-of Americaaa!"
I swear, the only reason I know that is because of the song. :)
ari from australia
(formerly of the USA!)
*chortle* "...a good, old-fashioned American pastime like karaoke..." *snort*
ReplyDeleteLove it! XP
But, yeah, the "Stars and Stripes Forever" one is better, ne? ^_^
I love the Muppets version of the Stars and Stripes Forever - classic stuff. :) Though nothing compares to this one guy I knew who did an absolutely hilarious one-man-band version of that. I wish I could have recorded it...
ReplyDeleteWow, I haven't seen the Muppets since I was teeny tiny. You made my day, Jen!
ReplyDeleteTruly awesome!
ReplyDeleteI love the Muppets so much, always have. Especially the old men, though I can never remember their names. I must say that one of my favorite Muppet related things is the Muppet show at Disney World
ReplyDeleteAwesome. Just awesome.
ReplyDeleteWV: partroti (how patroti -ck!)
@Marney: Statler and Waldorf.
ReplyDeleteFYI, Sam the Eagle now plays Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds.
Weird, the other night, I came here to show my kids Baby Fett which led into a tour of youtube...and we watched the stars ans stripes vid. It's like they were ment to be together.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, I'm the coolest geek mom there is. I share all kinds of great geekiness with them. As preschoolers, when asked "What does a knight say?" They answered "Ni!"
Heidi B, I am totally with you on the creepy Muppets thing. However, they are not as creepy as the characters in the claymation version of "Wind in the Willows" that I watched in a hotel room in Winnipeg when I was 9 years old. I had nightmares for years.
ReplyDeleteLove these! But the Cookie Monster/Kermit mystery box clip is still my favorite clip. Muppets FTW :)
ReplyDeleteHey, Jenn! I found a steam-punk Darth Vader helmet on Google! idk if u can buy it, tho... I just thought u would find it amusing. And cool.
Steam-punk Darth Vader helmet:
Made my day- Thanks!!! I love that the Sweedish Chef was in the stars and stripes... he's my fav!
ReplyDeleteStars and Stripes forever was better.
ReplyDeleteIn the American Woman Sam looked quite disheveled. Maybe he was supposed to be that guy who goes to karaoke, has too much to drink, then decides to get up and do a song he's never heard. What, that guy doesn't show up wherever y'all do karaoke?
Absolutely great. Thanks! Love the new blog! Never seen the S&SF Muppet Version, and now I have a new entry in my blog, set to drop on July 4.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine who checks my blog is serving in Afghanistan, and he'll love it.
Lol. Blogger needs a "like" button. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the smile!
LOVED the Stars and Stripes one from last year...was it you who posted it?
ReplyDeleteBut I took particular joy in the American Woman spot...I was recently dating a Canadian man and we had some conversations that I swear he stole from this clip.
Sam the Eagle used to scare the snot out of me as a little kid. I think he's a hoot,now though. :) Thanks for posting these! I love me a little muppet fix at the end of the work day.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...I may need to go home and pop in a Fraggle Rock dvd.
OMg !!!
ReplyDeleteI just posted A BUNCH of these this past THURSDAY !!! Too funny ! I was searching for Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem videos on YouTube when I found them.
Welcome to my head. There's plenty of room, but it's a scary SCARY place. :p
Do you watch "The IT crowd"? You can get it on netflix... so good.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid, I thought Sam the Eagle was the most boring Muppet ever. As an adult, rewatching old Muppet Shows and the various videos they've released online like these, I realize that he is actually one of the funniest straight men in comedy, ever.