Anyway, I have a plain white Macbook, so I really like the idea of jazzing it up. Once I started shopping around, though, I realized there are tons of great, geeky options! Here are my favs so far:

So, what do you think? From what I've read, these are all removable (some are even reusable) and many come in your choice of colors. So maybe I should get several. :D And if you don't have a Mac, you've got even more options.

openandclose, which appears to be the only seller on the whole internet offering keyboard decals.
(Designers? Business opportunity? Eh?) They have a few other patterns, too, but the Legos are best.
[UPDATE: That Etsy store is a scam, guys; they got tons of free press from all us geek blogs, took people's money, and disappeared. Which makes my blood boil like you would not believe. Grrrr. Anyway, I'm so sorry for inadvertently contributing to their filthy rotten scumballishness. I'll be more careful about what I link to in the future.]
Still, the award for 'best use of decals on a laptop EVER' definitely goes to Mary Robinette Kowal. Check out her custom handiwork from a few years ago:

The best part are the keys - behold the awesomeness!

I think I'm in love.
And yes, those are stickers! Mary even tells us how she did it on her blog, so if you're feeling adventurous you might be able to pull off a similar mod yourself.
Personally, I'm waiting for her to make a kit like the Legos. Now THAT I would pay fifteen bucks for.
Oh, and while I'm making requests: I'd also like skins/decals of Labyrinth (Jareth holding the apple?), Hitchhiker's Guide, Fraggles, Muppets, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, and Pinky & the Brain.
Did I miss any? Give me your suggestions (or links to other cool designs) in the comments!
Did I miss any? Give me your suggestions (or links to other cool designs) in the comments!
If I had a mac.. i'd be sold on those!!
ReplyDeleteSaw this this morning Jenn, thought you might enjoy! It's an EBook of Grover's "Monster at the end of this book" and it's 'read' by him too :) KNow there are a buttload of Muppet heads around these parts :D
Hey Jen I love this new blog! And I'm with you on the decals. I wish I had a laptop to put one on, There's not a real need for decals on my iMac. *g*
ReplyDeleteHave you seen this? It's a really cute Steampunk netbook.
Did you steal all of those requests out of my brain? LOL I seriously want that Lego one. :)
ReplyDeleteThe typewriter keys are just too much..still trying to get my jaw off the floor!
ReplyDeleteFirst I wanted the Giving Tree skin, and now I want to steampunk my laptop. AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteHey if I can't get a real typewriter, I might as well fake it.
Oh.My.God. I had no idea this kind of stuff existed! Thanks for opening my eyes! I gotta check these out!
ReplyDeleteWell, if you're requesting them, why not get your little robot on one?
ReplyDeleteI think you should get Snow White or not-Pac-Man. Those are my personal favorites. I however use a Dell, so these are a no-go for me. :(
ReplyDeleteOooo! I love the legos and the typewriter decals. Too hard to just choose one, I agree.
ReplyDeleteAlso, have to agree with John on the whole Giving Tree thing. I always get so mad at the boy for taking and taking and taking from the tree until she's just a stump. The design is pretty, though.
That is awesome! I need laptop just so I can put a cool decal on it! =)
ReplyDeleteJen...we share a name, so I knew you'd be awesome (and a genius)! Love CW and this new blog...thanks for the laughs, and allowing me a happy break during work! =)
The typewrite one is so coooolll.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! I HAVE A MACBOOK!! These are totally awesome!!! I'm browsing those etsy sites now!! Going to talk my hubs into letting me get one! I've been looking for something totally awesome to snaz up my Mac!
ReplyDeleteI like Mary Kowal's the best, but how about something Gir?
ReplyDeleteI don't know about Labyrinth ones with Jareth holding the apple buuut... at this site:
You can create your own skins. You would have to take the Jareth photo into photoshop and crop out the background and the crystal ball or apple or whatever he's holding first but it would work and then you don't have to wait for someone else to do it.
What about Iron Man/Tony Stark?
ReplyDeleteJust fyi, it's Mary Robinette Kowal (Robinette is not her middle name, she has a two-name unhyphenated first name).
ReplyDeleteOnce I saw Hello Kitty keyboard stickers. Oh yeah, here they are.
I like this koi fish one: http://www.scribbleoneverything.com/macbook/koi-painted-macbook-decal/prod_33.html
ReplyDeleteWhich I saw here (there are 50 to look at): http://blogof.francescomugnai.com/2009/12/50-amazing-macbook-decals-that-you-can-buy-online/
And the Etsy seller BlackGlass has an aweomse Joker and a Goth Snow White for the iPad...
Can we get some old school, day-time cartoon designs like Ducktails, Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, etc? That would be awesome! :)
ReplyDeleteLove the Snow White and Stormtrooper decals *and* the keys are awesome!
ReplyDeleteWhen I bought a new laptop recently I splurged on an OPI color/pattern LOL. These almost make me wish I'd gone for a plain color.
Though I'd love to see Serenity (from Firefly) flying along...
Cool, pimping out the laptop. Never thought of that. Hope you find just the right design(s) for your interests. Nice new blog, btw. I like random intelligent chatter.
ReplyDeleteI'd consider getting a macbook just to get a jareth holding an apple decal OMG! <3 him!
ReplyDeleteohmigod I SO want that lego keyboard!! am now obsessed. must have it. *swoon*
ReplyDeleteI may need to get some of these for my husband (He's the mac, I'm the PC), especially the pacman and Mario and yoshi ones!
Girls Are Geeks
I don't know if it's quite what you wanted but I did see a "DON'T PANIC" decal on Etsy... In big, friendly letters :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE the dalek decal!
ReplyDeleteCheck out decalgirl.com they've got some great stuff!
ReplyDeleteto those who say they don't have a mac so can't get any of these...I have a dell, it has logo in the middle..why couldn't i use a decal on my dell? (or hp, or anything else with the logo in the center??)
ReplyDeleteThese make me want to run out and buy a laptop lol. I love the Storm Trooper one but of course I would since we love Star Wars here.
ReplyDeleteI've seen keyboard decals at stores. But they're lame (especially compared to the Lego one!), zebra skins, pink hearts, flames and such.
ReplyDeleteI've been planning on getting a skin for my laptop for at least three years now, just can't seem to make up my mind!
Awe the giving tree one melts my heart! I love that book - one of my favs!
ReplyDeleteI just ran across this and LOVED it!
okay, so i just covered my mac with stickers, which means no one will ever mistake my macbook pro with anybody elses, but i suddenly think it would be totally cool if there was a decal that had ironman on it with the apple glowing in the ceter of his chest instead of the circle/triangle (depending on which core he's using ;) ) anywho..... i think the giving tree one was adorable. best childhood book ever :D
ReplyDeleteI adore the pac-man one, and the star wars one! My mom just sighs and wonders why she "bred a bunch of star wars geeks." Hey, I have no issue with star wars, and pac-man = life! Oh and the yoshi one is adorable as well. Love the new blog.
ReplyDeleteKeyboard decals: http://www.funkeyboards.com/index.html
ReplyDeleteTo those who requested an Iron Man decal, you're welcome.
Jobby Roger!!
Pirate crossbones for underneath the apple. Super fun
Adam and Eve is a given.
ReplyDeletePerhaps a little Isaac Newton action?
I'm sure there's some way to incorporate Invader Zim into that design.
As for me, my Dell is a little at a loss. The Dell logo isn't exactly the most...flexible. In fact, I'm pretty sure Lappy is suffering from some insecurity issues at this point.
I want something steampunk/Dr Who please... or princess bride.... hmmm so many possibilities.... Top Gear maybe LOL
ReplyDeleteEXTERMINATE! Gotta love a Dalek decal. And thank you to Laurel for the Grover link - that just made my whole week.
ReplyDeleteNow I want a Mac just so I can get the Dalek one. Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteI find great decals at DecalGirl.com. They have them for almost every electronic device, including cell phones. While they don't have some of these cute styles here, you could get one for everything you own and match them all up! I got two there for my daughters DS Lites and they work great!
ReplyDeleteThis is the one I currently have:
Gir (from invader zim) eating the apple? *Squee!*
Love your new blog, Jen. I HAVE to have those LEGO stickers!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the steam punk one! I wonder if you could do an steam with an apple.... Hmmm
ReplyDeleteNo one mentioned Stargate, or Serenity, or The Mummy...
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so happy no one mentioned that over-rated Vampire/ Werewolf book! I like the idea of the apple being the event horizon.
They're a bunch of neat apple decals on Etsy. I've seen all of those, and I WANT all of those. I have a plain white Macbook too. Love the new blog, Jen!
ReplyDeleteI love the decals. You didn't mention Totoro, which is also available on etsy. In fact you've never mentioned Miyasaki's films (that I know of), which occurs to me is a shame. I highly recommend Totoro, Spirited Away, and the newest, Ponyo. If you haven't seen these Japanese animated film, you must! I really think and your other fans would love 'em as much as I do.
Love the new blog!
I love them all but the Dalek is my fave..as long as he doesn't exterminate your computer...or you of course.
ReplyDeletei'm not sure... Are you my sister?
ReplyDeleteI'll buy pretty much anything that has a Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme. Would love to have Tom and Crow on my laptop.
ReplyDeleteHow about an uber cute bot? http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/ProductDetails.aspx?group=601
ReplyDeleteIt's an adhesive vinyl element that can be applied to solid surfaces. There is one specifically for laptops, but it's all flowery ;)
If I had a laptop I would go with the Batman Decal. Love It!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! That Dalek one makes me want to get a Mac. That and the typewriter buttons. I think my 'learned to type on a typewriter' heart is about to explode with happy geekiness.
ReplyDeleteI just got myself a macbook. Really. I'll have to look into these mods.
ReplyDeleteAnd having one with the Doctor holding the apple, preferably one from New Who, would be fantastic. Admittedly, it's no banana, but still...
Jen please please please post pics of your laptop after you pick and fully geek it out!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know there were so many. But I did find http://laptopdecals.com/ which lets you make custom decals. I don't know if they let your mac logo remain visible, or if you'd have to print the logo on your decal.
ReplyDeleteUs Iron Man fanatics have the moviemagicman's shop to thank for some awesome laptop decals. Personally, I want the white Stark Industries logo.
ReplyDeleteFull Color Iron Man
Black & White Iron Man
Stark Industries Logo
Then, of course, the old Magritte joke that never gets old to us artists:
Son Of Man
ReplyDeleteOh my. That is seriously the best steampunk laptop I've ever seen. Never mind that it's the ONLY one I've ever seen. It's gorgeous. And I want it. D:
LOVE the lego keyboard!! my fave of the ones you showed was the pac man or the yoshi. although the intial snow white one was pretty cool too.
ReplyDeleteLOVE the first one!
ReplyDelete*sigh* and I thought I was happy with my laptop. I find myself wanting lego, steampunk and HITCHHIKERS!!! (gotta give your thanks for all the fish after all!)
Excuse me but the OBVIOUS choice would be the Dalek, I mean, come on. Can't get any cooler than that. :)xx
ReplyDeleteThe whole John giving tree comment had me in complete stitches this morning. I must say, it never crossed my mind.
ReplyDeleteHow about flame decals for a Kitchen-Aid stand mixer?
I found these while looking on the web for stand mixer accessories. These are blue, but they also come in red/orange. As soon as I saw them they went on my wish list!!!
Not sure you've seen this one:
Some are nice, but the sistine chapel interpretation is my fave. Who knew a iPhone could be a replacement for a fig leaf.
Much cooler than the "Devotimational" skins my hubby just bought for our two Mac notebooks. Srsly, I don't want my macbook to have a huge "Clueless" picture on it. *grump*
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the Dalek!
I wish I had a Mac...sigh Those are so neat! Most likely I would get Snow White unless I spied a Labyrinth one...hehehe ;) I have a dark Plum Dell....so no-go for me. :(
I love my mac and someone may have already posted this, but just in case......http://twelvesouth.com/products/bookbook/
ReplyDeleteHi. I don't comment often here or cakewrecks, but I read you every morning while I rev my brain up for work. But I feel I must comment on this post because these decals are amazing! I'd totally be a junkie if I had a mac.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for the morning amusement (today and everyday, really).
*slinking back to lurkdom*
Oh I LOVE the snow white one!!! My husband got me one of the full size ones, but I'm DIGGING Snow White...
ReplyDeleteOoooh, I must have that Lego one for my husband and son!
ReplyDeleteHeh, i would heave had a Bioshock one. Seeing as i'm a HUGE fan of it, also i would have to an ironman one aswell... It would be awesome
ReplyDeleteThis makes me really miss my macbook that my old job just *had* to take back when they laid me off. :( Stupid HP laptop. You're no mac. Even with your windows 7. I might have to get some mods just to make it feel better to not have my mac anymore!
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine got The Giving Tree laser etched on his Aluminum MacBook Pro. It looks awesome! As an aside, etsy.com has a ton of super cool vinyl graphics. I've been looking at them for months and still haven't been able to choose one!
ReplyDeleteDammit! Now I have to go BUY an Apple just to get the Dahlek decal! Love it!!
ReplyDeleteI was lovin' Batman (and I am not even a huge Batman freak but whoa, he was working the abs!) until you mentioned Jareth. So right there with you babe. I might even be tempted to buy a Mac for Jareth. Oh yeah.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, I love those! Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac. But they're still cool.
ReplyDeleteAny idea if there are PC ones of the keyboard?
ReplyDeleteyou can upload your own photos of Jareth :)
I like all the different incorporations of the apple logo. Here's a cool steampunk laptop with instructions on how to do it: http://www.instructables.com/id/Steampunk-Wood-Veneer-Laptop-Mod/step9/Finishing-Touches-Troubleshooting/
ReplyDeleteJen, you are my hero. I love your sense of humor and all the cool nerdy stuff on your blog and the hilarious cake wrecks too. :D
ReplyDeleteI wonder... would that lego keyboard decal be the same for the new iMac wireless keyboard? Cause just by looks, they are identical...
ReplyDeleteAnyone know for a fact?
I want the nintendo one, only in color. Although, then I'd have to remove my green hard shell which I am pretty much in love with. Decisions, decisions.
ReplyDeleteEnter "muppets" in the search box. Try not to drool on your keyboard.
I ordered a dragon decal for my cell. Over a year later and it looks just as good. And I'm not nice to my cell!
Ok the idea of Jareth holding the apple is just so darn awesome to me.
ReplyDeleteI also like the deal that says I heart apple pie... but uses the symbols like this:
I ♥ (apple) Ï€
(boy I hope that worked!)
The same Etsy seller who made the Dalek decal makes a HGTTG one. It is from the new movie, which may not be what you're looking for... And that decal would really be best on an iPad, which is the closest thing to The Guide we currently have!
ReplyDeleteMy husband's uncle was deployed to Bahrain and Qatar last year, and brought back a bunch of random things for our kids, including a truly bizarre Burqa Barbie giant wall decal. Okay...
ReplyDeleteBut he also bought keyboard decals for them. One is Spongebob and one is Hello Kitty. They're super cute, but some of the button decals are confusing. The Hello Kitty keyboard set has one button that just says "Oh God". hahaha! I can't figure out what it's for, but it always makes me laugh!
I didn't see anyone post this one:
It's the Star Trek one.
Love the dalek one! "This mac is helping the doc-tor! It must be exterminated!" (imagine that in a dalek voice)
ReplyDeleteI miss my mac :(. When I get another one I'll have to get decals for it. My favorite are the Iron Man ones (by the same people with the lego keyboard [also very cool]).
ReplyDeleteI'm lovin' your new blog, btw
Omigod, Labyrinth decal! ~flails~
ReplyDeleteI love your bunny.
And now it's awkward, isn't it?
I think I need a Swedish Chef decal...he can hold the apple in one hand, and some implement of destruction in the other...
ReplyDeleteCurse you, Jen, for making me want things I never even knew existed!
ReplyDeleteSo, far the wicked witch (Snow White) skin is my fave.
Sadly, someone is probably going to make a Twilight decal for the Mac apple.. And you know there'd be a market for it, too. (Boo hiss!)
ReplyDeleteThere are absolutely beautiful steampunky computers and laptops here
Not really something you can mod yourself and very expensive but if I had the cash I would definitely get one!
so i ordered a iron man decal the end of may, in hopes it'd come for my husband's birthday the first week. i'm still waiting for it. I guess they're a good idea, but the practical purchasing/shipping part sucks!
ReplyDeleteI had the idea to make an adam and eve laptop cover for ages!
ReplyDeleteI finally did it a few weeks ago and here it is!
Let me know what you guys think!
Oooh...... If I had a MacBook and there were a Labyrinth way of decorating it, that would very much be my choice! Wonder if there are cool ways to spiffy up an iMac.........
ReplyDeleteMy friend's space bar has a sticker on it reading, "The final frontier"